Why is this game given so much praise? How come no one else talks or mentions about other indie RPGS with the same treatment as Undertale?
You know what grinds my gears? Undertale's success
Is has some very nice Soundtracks
Because it's a good game, despite how much nu-Yea Forums cries about it.
Maybe you could try talking about said other indie RPGs instead of complainimg about Undertale
Babies first too deep for you plot hole riddled multiple end.
Because not only is it really good, but you can see all the effort and love that went into it. There's a heap of garbage indie games that use the same pixel stick characters they call "spriteswork" with lame music using presets found in music programs Frankenstein'd together.
same with Nier and Spic ops
it's good
name an indie game you think is as good as undertale and i'll tell you why
>btfos Yea Forums while causing mountain a of salt
Because the game didn't have fucking blatant agenda and was just trying to be a game for the sake of being a game.
inb4 people cry about gay side character stuff as an agenda
Shovel Knight
>this pixelshit is better than this other pixelshit
Toby had the good fortune of having crazed Homestuck fans to latch onto it and get the ball rolling.
You need to do the gay stuff to get the best ending
Dwarf Fortress
Because RPGs by definition are garbage, for a start. Undertale is kino despite being an indie RPG, not because of it.
it's a nice game, people like nice games
Just like real life, what's the big deal?
It was fun.
>pixelshit with effort is better than pixelshit without
Gee who would have guessed?
Some of the characters have good designs.
The story has some clever turns and elements.
The soundtracks is outstanding for an indie game.
What is Cave Story?
I was going to respond properly but now I'm just depressed that the Tsukihime remake or a real Tsukihime anime is never going to happen thanks.
>Dwarf Fortress
As someone who loves the concepts of Dwarf Fortress, and has played ASCI roguelikes since childhood, there are literally not enough autists on God's Good Green Earth to make Dwarf Fortress more than a niche gem.
But undertale looks like shit.
Sure, you can see that they out in more effort but it still looks like trash, if you can't bother to make real models or draw actual sprites, don't release games.
>best ending
>if you kill the monsters, then you become a monster
Kid, I'm a Witcher, I exist to slay the people-eating monsters but am nice enough to leave the harmless ones alive. Peasants call you a monster, but who do peasants call when they need a ghoul killed? A wraith? A slizard? That's right, bitch, sit there in your snuggie and proclaim how the people who kill the bad monsters are monsters themselves, meanwhile I'll be groping the busty farmgirl's fat tiddies in the barn and ploughing with that hoe.
>earns the respect of multiple beloved japanese game developers while being called a hack by seething anons on Yea Forums
How does this madlad do it?
It had "lore" that was intentionally left open which encourages engagement. That's just one reason for it though. The spastic, catchy 8-bit garbage music also played a role, so did the sheer luck of already having several established fanbases that might be interested. Fox is good at imitating others (and that's all he can do), you can tell Homestuck's influence on it.
I'm more saddened that people seem rather defensive of him, and the game, and not all that eager to criticize. And do not highlight it's flaws. Like the clearly cut corners out of laziness, which is not what makes a game of passion, I'd argue.
>The soundtracks is outstanding for an indie game.
Indie games have better soundtracks than retail games nowadays.
>still wanting a remake from nuNasu
Be happy with what you have, it can only get worse from this point.
But Earthbound received even more praise than Undertale. Hell, Undertale is heavily inspired by Earthbound
he was a refined shitposter back in the day so he has experience
Tilesets user.
They make it almost presentable.
Come on now, the soundtrack was pretty solid and there were some 'cute' moments. Other than that, I agree with you on the laziness. Shit like hard mode was clearly meant to be a full game, but Toby has enough and the community defends it as being 'meta'.
Same shit with Gaster. Let's leave in this obviously unfinished character and let people believe it to be a great conspiracy and masterwork of writing.
The main gameplay of this "turn-based" RPG is actually during the enemy turn, and it can be played non-lethally. Interesting concept, hard to understand why it's fun until you actually play it.
>another Toby thread
it's been 4 years, guys...
It's success on the west is minimal compared to how big of a sensation it is on Nipland.
There's a whole industry of Undertale doujins, merch, a steady daily stream of fanart and even yearly conventions just devoted to it that all were still going on strong three years later even before Deltarune rekindled it.
Lisa Painful RPG
Overrated shit with a vocal circle jerking fanbase and all the furry scum.
The visuals are the least of its concerns. The UI and intimidating complexity keep away everyone but a very specific crowd.
>Hisui's VA is dead
Feels bad.
Homestuck, that's the big difference, other indie devs start with no fanbase at all
also people being desperate for earthbound, i tried playing undertale but it's just not my thing, i hate how the enemies have feelings and talk you into having mercy but the other option is to be a fucking edgelord and kill everything
Because Undertale did something unique that no game did before with the ACT system, and it played with the meta in a fun and interesting way. Even if you didn't like the game it's not hard to see why it stood out.
Go on just say it
Just let it out
No tiptoing around with "specific crowd"
Say that its made for autists and assburgers.
It's a satire of RPG conventions. Tired critics praise the game for being different without realizing that the game is sub-par in term of gameplay and story. The soundtrack however, stands out.
How is that bait?
>Why don't people talk about other indie RPGs
Maybe you should do that instead of bitching that people like a thing you don't
Aside from Lisa what other indie RPGs are worth playing?
You kiss your mother with that mouth?
Darkest Dungeon
I honestly don't understand the appeal of Undertale. The writing and humor is so painfully forced and tumblr-y (or whatever fandom this thing originated from). It somehow manages to be more obnoxious than a Borderlands game. I didn't laugh once during my entire playthrough of it, but I rolled my eyes countless times.
It will also age terribly because of alll the dated pop culture references. Like, there's one part of the game where that scientist interrupts you with messages/calls every few steps you take, which is obviously parodying Facebook message updates. Not only does this show a child's understanding of how comedy works, but that segment is excruciating to play through, because you get interrupted every few steps.
And the mechanics are completely disconnected from the narrative. In other rpgs, non-violent conflict resolution is handled through dedicated mechanics like stealth and diplomacy. Undertale just has this completely abstract bullet hell mini game. How does that even make sense?
The twist is supposed to be that monsters are actually peaceful and just afraid of you. But then why do they immediately try to murder you? Why don't they approach you peacefully first and see if they can reason with you? Or at least run away?
Why is there a village of monsters who don't attack you? This village is inhabited by monsters interact with you peacefully, so why can't the other monsters do that?
Why are you labeled as a genocidal maniac for fighting back in self-defense (and since the game has invisible random encounters, you can't avoid these enemies and you get assaulted by them just by walking around)?
The whole thing falls apart under the slightest scrutiny.
> get fucked by RNG and permadeath in a game with heavy progression themes: the game
no thanks, that's just a huge hassle
Even though it is extremely underutilized, the combat system is actually good. The biggest issue with JRPGs is that turn-based combat where you have to take the enemy's cock every turn sucks. You don't have agency over the damage you take. Mario & Luigi and Undertale offer solutions to that problem because your skill decides whether you take damage or not
>Even though it is extremely underutilized, the combat system is actually good. The biggest issue with JRPGs is that turn-based combat where you have to take the enemy's cock every turn sucks. You don't have agency over the damage you take. Mario & Luigi and Undertale offer solutions to that problem because your skill decides whether you take damage or not
>praising turn-based rpgs for adding quick-time events and other shitty real-time elements, thus defeating the whole point of making a turn-based RPG
How about simply GASP adding more tactical options?
The point in JRPGs is that battles are either puzzle based or dungeons are meant to wear down your resources. You're expected to take damage or expend resources to minimise damage taken.
In Mario & Luigi(especially Paper Jam) you tend to take a lot more damage from from getting hit than say Final Fantasy. If the devs don't strike the balance and can avoid every attack then all but the hardest battles will be trivial.
because undertale:
1. supports tolerance (the fallen human becomes accepted as the son of the goats)
2. supports furfaggotry (half the characters in the game are anthropomorphic animals)
3. supports regular faggotry (literally everywhere you look)
(((journos))) like these things
>this is what /pol/yps actually believe.
Nah, that's stupid. JRPGs are number games. You have to plan around taking damage because you know it's going to happen. It's part of the strategy. I don't even like JRPGs and turn-based combat, but that's just because they're boring.
to be fair undertale has some god awful spritework. the charm is in everything else
based as fuck
It was popular here before a single journo even discovered it.
It was a good game, with a good soundtrack. Even if they weren't executed great, it had good concepts. It was a true indie that actually finished production on time on its original kickstarter budget.
Can you name one single other fucking game with all those qualities?
Its good.
Not great, not this amazing life changing experience people made it out to be. Its meme game for lonely babies.
The "combat" and some decently music are the pluses.
Cave Story
it’s a very tranny friendly game and it’s what we need right now
Fuck you for saying that.
Jimmy and the pulsating mass was genuinely excellent and got like, zero attention last year.
Gaster isn't unfinished, it's just that he's a walking neon sign saying "BUY DELTARUNE".
And both were fucking lauded with praise. By these metrics, Undertale deserves the same.
> good concepts
it was doomed from the moment it included the word postmodern in its tagline
FTL is on the same level as Darkest Dungeon in terms of “Can’t consistently beat it due to shitty RNG unless you exploit certain builds, which then makes the game cakewalk.” I liked FTL to an extent, but it’s clear that the game still has massive issues and after planning the game a couple times you’ve already exhausted all the random events the game has to offer.
Stay salty af faggots
Eh I think FTL's only major problem is the end boss that breaks the rules of it's own game.
theres nothing gay about getting the genocide ending