you might not like it, but this is what perfect creatures look like
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go back to tg or vg you autistic cardboard crack addict
I've been loving trannying opponents with based mono blue. It's just so much fun. And it's a really cheap deck too!
Heh... Nothing personnel, kid.
based and estrogenpilled
>in any way based
*It was a hologram*
is slimefoot the most based golgari coloured card?
I just watch my stream dads play. I'm not grinding another month to try one deck
poison tipped archers seem to have more of a board thread and a similar mechanic, just can't make overcosted tokens like this one can.
Lets reset that board
Do you mean cheap as in cast to cost shit is relatively low? Or cheap to buy? I'm new to arena. Used to play casually with mates about 4-5 years ago, and loved my black blue mill. Is it feasible to have one in this?
>tfw playing the best online CCG
>Arc System
nah man game gonna be shit and dead in a week
looks like it's made to copy a MTG card but with a far more messy and confusing card design.
Both, actually! It's a really cheap deck that has 3 Blue cost as its maximum. The average spell is 1 blue mana.
And it's also cheap in terms of wildcards. It only needs one Mythic Wildcard and like 8 Rare Wildcards. Everything else is Common and Uncommons.
And it's really powerful. I'm like 35-6 with it.
yes, mill is completely viable to run in arena, might want to go WUB for more removal and boardclears to eternally BTFO greenlets, also you can run tyrone
control/mass removal/teferi is far too ridiculous in the current standard luckily at least in BO1 nexus was banned so Teferi players actually have to earn some of their wins.
Sounds cool. What do you usually play, ranked or unranked? I've been playing with that white black vampire life gain deck, but modified with a few cards, and doing quite well in unranked. I'm too scared to try ranked tho, got stomped with the standard blue deck.
>playing tranny games
taking multiple turns is the worst wincon in magic, i prefer tutoring a banfire with pic related and casting it with the one mountain i run in my main
MtG has such good concepts let down by a kike company and horrible community
not a big fan of that card either.
The standard blue deck isn't very good, if I recall correctly. The best deck you get for free is "Jungle Secrets", the Merfolk deck. It has the possibility of some really silly combos that destroy 95% of the decks in the game. If you feel like "grinding", you can probably go up to Gold with that deck in ranked, but no farther.
Right now I'm playing Ranked but it's honestly not worth it past a certain point. Gold offers great rewards but Platinum is just one more pack and you need like 30 wins to get to it. I'm almost there, but after I'm done, I'm just gonna start going to the Best of 3 Constructed Event. It gives a good gold payout if you have a good winrate.
Also, if you haven't yet, I suggest you give draft a try. I think it's the funnest way to play Magic. Right now you're forced to draft Ixalan, which sucks, but come the 15th, you can draft Ravnica Allegiance, which I think is the funnest set to draft from the ones in Arena.
I care about MTG for the story.
I hope Nicol Bolas dies in the War. For good, this time.
*pays 3*
I did too, until Lorwyn (circa 2007). Lovely plane though
only one dying is garruk
What's with the tranny memes lately?
>mono blue and tempo players
Tranny won the last tournament playing the most degenerate deck in the meta at the moment.
The last winner of the Magic Top Tournament is a tranny. But it's ok because they did it running the best deck (Mono blue). Control niggers, Nexus shitters, Redtards and /pol/tardetties eternally seething.
Should I put this thing in my Modern Humans sideboard?
am i cute user? i'm just like a real girl only better teehee~
After the tranny won, I netdecked his deck and my winrate went exponentially up. Based tranny.
opposite for me
Anything that doesn't graduate from MTG's resource system is automatically trash.
But why are we screeching about the cards with non-whites on them? Shouldn't we be talking about the tranny?
Unironically git gud. The only deck that is a bad match up for Tranny Blue is Izzet Drake and/or Phoenix.
Maybe as a one-of but I personally wouldn't
4cmc is pretty awkward in a vial centric deck full of 2 and 3 drops
Yep that's what's making me doubt
A tranny won the Mythic Championship because it was an invitational and they intentionally only invited meme players or people who play only one format so that the tranny would be the best player there
Have they fixed the predetermined winner?
Reflector Mage will work a lot better.
The Mythic Championship wasn't an invitational, you retard. The invitational is later this month. Quit seething lol
It'll always be mommy Jhoira for me.
No that title belongs to my Wife.
Holy shit
yeah, they don't make cards like that any more with all the SJW bullshit that ruined the game
I hope urza does it, then kills all the new walkers, then kills himself
By SJW you mean the non-white charactwrs right?
>those fucking teeth
British or just an Asian parent?
It's not even his deck, he also netdecked. MonoU has been around for months. The latest set made it even better than it already was. It got another lategame threat as a finisher and another counter.
>can't have fun with jank decks because literally everyone else runs meta
>half my deck has to have cards dedicated to countering meta and nothing else
Upside of hostage taker is that it hits artifacts but you may as well run deputy of detention for that niche, even if it's not a human
Thats not the original card art.
Yes it is, they reprinted it after a huge backlash from SJWs.
Give me the cards. All of them.
Wasn't Dominaria like, 6-9 months ago?
mana-in-deck is an outdated trash resource system
Didn't get your 3rd land by turn 3? Might as well scoop.
With geometric probability and average mana in deck = 23, this happens 27.7% of the time.
One fourth of your matches are decided because someone didn't draw his 3rd land by turn 3.
Trash game.
no this
>Cow edit
That gates nigger about to get TRANNIED
>play jank simic ramp deck in unranked free play that's nothing but commons, uncommons, and a few rares and 1x carnage tyrant
>no sweepers besides a 1-of river's rebuke so not a very good matchup against go wide weenie decks
>literally every match is against removal-less lifegain white weenie so they always have a fast start and the game refuses to give me land drops after turn 3
>just stop playing my fun deck and design a deck with similar rarity that's just Orzhov fun police removal tribal designed specifically to shit on retarded newfags playing weenie decks with 0 interaction in them
god I fucking hate magic
Unironically British
>Have jank deck
>Its performing sub-par
>Could make it better if I spend wildcards
>If I start spending wildcards, might as well do it on a meta deck
>Don't do anything and just stagnate
He modified the earlier Mono Blue builds, took out Heralds, put the new Pteramanders in them, went down on Chart a Course, more Tempo rather than aggro.
His specific build was the one he piloted to victory in the MC over dozens of other mono blue builds.
I get that you don't want to give the tranny credit, but that's life for you.
>make jank deck using mirror march, lumbering battlement, justicar's portal and a bunch of ETB creatures
>get through my quests and have a blast in the unranked queue every day
People were slotting in 4 pteramanders in monoblue tempo the instant it was legal in standard
Yeah, unranked is a good place to play jank since they match via deck strength. A good time is had there.
It's only a good time if you like LITERALLY never playing against any deck that isn't some variant of red/white/boros aggro.
Look, dude, I get it. It's a hard pill to swallow. But he won and you're gonna have to learn to live with it. This coping of yours isn't healthy.
No shit he won retard, and I'm not the guy you're responding to, but claiming he didn't netdeck because he did the thing that literally everyone was doing with the deck isn't an argument
the tranny won because in every game he drew 5 counterspells in a row with curious obsession in their opening hand in every game lol did it to reid and the gook
also the gook played his cards in the wrong order which cost him the championship
>But it's ok because they did it
Also, you have to go back.
None of that has to do with his win though, he won because monoblue tempo is overpowered if it gets curious obsession in its opener which s/he did every time
You can see for yourself the Top 8 decklists at the MC.
The tranny's deck is different from the other 2 mono blue decks. He's the one that took out the Heralds. He's the one that went all in on Dive Down. He's the one that maindecked 1 Negate. He's the one that sided all the Djinns out when he faced Esper. And because of that, he's the one who won. Superior deck building, piloting and luck.
Quit coping and learn to live with reality.
>play that free merfolk deck
>win 2 out of every 3 matches
>play anything else
>get absolutely destroyed
nice game
They want to be treated as they and I have no reason to object. The fact it makes you seethe is the cherry on top
He didn't come up with any of that. People were dling that on arena the hour the new set released, especially the Pteramanders.
In all honesty idgaf that a tranny won. My problem is that he won with a degenerate smoothbrain list that doesn't allow any interaction whatsoever after turn 3. And not only that, 3 out of the top 8 decks were mono blue. Standard is in a shit place right now until the next rotation.
I really wanted to try a deck like this but havent had the wildcards to make it really come to life
You're matched against other players based on how often the cards in your deck have been crafted with wildcards amongst all players
if you play a starter deck, then your deck has the lowest matchmaking "powerlevel" possible meaning you'll exclusively get matched against garbage decks or other starter decks
merfolk is the strongest starter deck
do the fucking math
Mono blue is legitimately a more skillful deck than the vast majority of Standard right now. Certainly more than the Sultai shit.
Also, see:
>pre-ravnica standard
>monored is the only deck in existence and everything else is completely unplayable
>post-ravnica standard
>same shit different color
What the fuck is WOTC doing
4x dive down has been a staple since before RNA
>save 200,000 gold for set launch
>rare draft until you have 200 packs saved up
>open them all at once for duplicate protection
>full set guaranteed
>never need wildcards
that's how you do it my dude, start saving now for War
>Mono blue is legitimately a more skillful deck than the vast majority of Standard right now
Yeah I know that and that's why it sucks. Why should I even bother making another deck when i can steamroll nearly everyone with that one free deck? Shit game design.
Yet it's not in the other 2 Mono Blue decks at the Top 8. I'm pretty sure all three dudes that made it to the Top 8 with that deck know more about it than you do.
Because maybe you want to play ranked??????????????????
You get better returns doing moderately well with that gold drafting.
>>rare draft
Why would I do that, do I get anything from that? Legitimate question, I'm still unlocking shit.
Because you don't get any rewards from unranked formats
>Is clearly Jerry
PT builds are ALWAYS different than GP builds by the top players. The consistently top players cater the deck specifically to what they think they will be run at the event, and with a PT its such a smaller field that they can afford to make those kind of changes. It even payed off, getting them to top 8 as you yourself noted, its just that singular they drew better in the top 8 matches. Netdecking isn't a bad thing, for the record, but the mono-blue variant they piloted wasn't anything noteworthy. The piloting and draws were.
What? I've been unlocking gold and packs every day playing unranked.
>rare draft
Placing well is far better than rare drafting, which is why i said that doing moderately well gives better returns.
The incremental daily rewards are all you can get from unranked, which starter decks are good at
You get a small amount of gold and a handful of packs for placing in ranked, and top 1000 mythic are qualified for an event down the line this season.
alright, I already know that, what I need to know is what do I get from playing ranked.
>20k gold saved up
>quick draft is still Ixalan garbage
I wish they would stop forcing this garbage fire format as the quick draft every fucking time
>tfw made a Izzet Land Destruction in Limited
So fucking fun bros
no, if the goal is to fill out a set, you want to blindly draft as many rares as possible for duplicate protection when opening packs which reroll rares you already have to rares you don't
the extra 50 gems from one more win means nothing in comparison
Gold and gems
Just wait until the 15th, my man. It's so close...
Spoken like someone that can't draft well enough to get higher returns.
maybe it's taken from kramer's perspective and he decides to name all of his pictures based off of the perspective of whoever took/saw them. you ever think of that, kid
Do I have to grind like a chinese sweatshop slave to get the rewards or is it something I can do in a couple of days?
What's on the 15th?
End of season rewards, it's generally not worth grinding further than gold
The reward breakdown is on the profile tab
>Just want to play basic R/W Timmy deck with cool big angel cards
>Arena missing out on the best Timmy creatures and the blocks are super R/B/G heavy
>Deck in real life constantly gets shit on by decks that are faster, even though I have a lot of the biggest stuff to throw out
Being a RW Timmy is suffering.
What's all this talk about Trannies and MtG?
also, does it affect unranked matches like being matched with people of the rank? because I'd hate to get higher rank in ranked only to get fucked in unranked.
sure user, start projecting because you're too dumb to follow the math of filling out a set with duplicate protection :)
It's quick enough to get to gold, which nets you some packs and 1000 gold. Everything above gold increases +1 pack but no more gold.
Doing a ranked event has you doing 5 (BO3) or 7 (BO1) games in a row. If you win 4/6 of those you win more gold/gems than the buy-in price and at 3/5 wins you break even + get some free cards/packs depending on the event. Also you can draft which is objectively more fun than the dumpster fire that is the current Standard format.
Also if you just keep playing merfolk, you're just stomping newfags and not actually playing real magic
Read the thread.
>Why would I do anything besides shit on newbies with my cheese mode deck
Do you only get in fist fights with kindergartner
Oh, that's good since I need cards from it, but I was hoping for Dominaria since that's the best draft format
just did, lol this is hilarious. MtG literally got TRANNIED
>another trash ravnica block
doesn't help that control is braindead as hell currently
thanks, guess I'll play some ranked to unlock shit
I'm still unlocking shit, I need to win like 15 to 20 matches a day to get all the daily rewards, why would I make it harder for me by playing against meta decks when I can easily win matches with that one free deck?
Events aren't ranked user
There's no point bothering with daily rewards after the 4th win (whenever you stop getting gold from it), the incremental card rewards are worthless unless you're a leprechaun.
it's worth the gold to do all 15 wins
What kind of moron complains about net decking? Who is showing up at a competition with stakes with 100% original do not steal strategy? Luck and execution is always what makes the difference, whether in childrens’ card game or physcal sport competitions.
Tefari rotates in 6 months, doesn't he?
>(whenever you stop getting gold from it)
that's on your 14th win and you get an extra card at 15. Sometimes I need to play a shit deck to complete those "cast 40 red spells or whatever" challenges that I don't even bother winning because most of the time I can't because I don't have good cards yet and those free decks suck.
Only mono blue could get a turn 2 concession. Just went platinum thanks to this deck.
>play blue/black
>card draw, cycle and removal all around
>very few counters, just in case
>plan is to assemble 3 cards on the board and 1 card in either your hand or graveyard
>play Arcane Adaption
>choose Zombie
>now all my creature spells are also Zombies
>play Diligent Excavator
>now whenever I play a historic spell, I can mill my enemy for 2 cards
>play Liliana, Untouched by Death
>-3 Liliana
>now I can play Zombie creatues from my graveyard for the turn
>thanks to Arcane Adaption all my creatures are Zombies
>play Chamber Sentry for X=0
>it's a historic spell thus milling my opponent
>Chamber Sentry dies because its a 0/0
>goes to the graveyard
>it's a Zombie due to Arcane Adaption so I can replay it infinitely from my graveyard
>OTK mill my enemy
nobody ever knows what's up until it's to late
that could be 1 extra shock in your hand, what a waste
Now that's what I call jank
>Unga bunga me play Blue
>Me counterspell and bounce and mill
>What you mean you want play too? REEEEEEEE!
>Unga bunga me play Red
>Me cast 6 creatures by turn 4 and bolt face
>What you mean you heal damage? REEEEEEEEEEE!
>Unga buga me play Green
>Me put down two lands a turn then play 7/7 turn 4
>What you mean you has blockers? REEEEEEEEE
>Unga bunga me play Black
>Me play cards from Graveyard and pay HP to hit you face
>What you mean "Stop being a gayer Blue"? REEEEEEEEE!
Reminder that White is the only good and fair mono color and if you play any other mono colored deck you're a gibbering neanderthal brute who's trying to come across as someone better than you are. White is literally the mana of justice, divinity, charity, and righteousness.
Boros friends, Selesnya friends, and Azorious friends all know this. Orzhov fags can go back to suckling the teets of their new smelly lesbian overlords.
Do your dailies.
Superior Bant Nexus here. Simic Nexus just does way worse for me.
"Only do your first 4 daily wins" was my mentality too until I got trannied. Now I go for the full 15 cause it's fast, fun and rewarding.
>Only mono blue could get a turn 2 concession
t. never played t1 duress into t2 thought erasure
In what, an esper mirror?
>Don't have a blue deck.
>Have a few disinfo campaigns and some other blue / black cards so toss together a dimir deck.
>Mmmm...I have no win condition whatsoever, this deck is just going to annoy.
>.....that's good enough.
You mean
>Me play white
>Me cast swords to plowshares on your guy, me swing big
>Me condemn other guy
>You attack? Unga bunga me cast settle
gates + planeswalkers instead of all those faggot creatures is fun
>Who is showing up at a competition with stakes with 100% original do not steal strategy?
Not to take anything away from the tranny, cause they are a good player, but there actually was a dude that came in with his 100% original wild brew. It nearly got Top 8. I was cheering for it the most.
You're actually retarded if toy think he came up with putting in pteras. Every single mono blue player has been running them for months.
Mardu Vampires, right? Good shit.
that's a valid strategy
last rotation, there was a blue/white deck with the sole purpose to counter everything and board clear constantly
the plan was to deck-out your opponent naturally and not deck-out yourself by re-shuffling your own teferi
shit was even played in bigger tournaments
but the red aggro meta was to strong for it
Why are you trying to argue with people that clearly know better than you? You obviously do not play arena.
People were running that exact deck on day 1 of Ravnica Allegiance
>oh cool SCG is streaming an event
>tranny on the mic
>close stream
the voice just sounds awful, am I a bigot now?
>That feel when you run tranny blue and your opening hand has 1 Pteramander, 1 Curious Obsession, 1 Dive Down and 2 Islands
You got my hopes up for something worth watching but it's just commander shit
Commander nerds are the worst. Complete meme format.
spell counters were a mistake
Meh. I've gotten to mythic in both seasons and my first time ever playing mtg was in December. Only played golgari, sultai and temur. It's not necessary to stoop down to the level of aggro playing tranny brainlets to get to mythic.
Mono Blue is a fun deck that takes very few wildcards to get going. There aren't particularly better strong decks in Standard right now. The chad move is to tranny up.
I didn't mean now, sorry friend
not really a tits guy but damn
>deafening clarion
heh, nothing personnel xir