Which is better for VR Yea Forums? Oculus or Vive?

Which is better for VR Yea Forums? Oculus or Vive?

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Better tracking and suck


Best controllers: RIft
Best tracking: Vive
Best visuals: Pretty much the same
Personally I recommend going with the Vive simply because the knuckles controllers from Valve may be releasing this year. Either way, whenever they do they will be compatible with Vive but not Oculus.

They both have shitty screens and only fanboys and people with fucked vision will disagree.
That being said buy Rift if you don't mind wires all over the fucking place and enjoy getting ZUCKED. Vive is just totally overpriced and the controllers are bad.
You can also be a WMRchad and enjoy best screens and okay tracking

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Same shit

Vive is better, but both are shit currently.

Vive when the knuckles come out. Also, wait for fucking knuckles to come out.

The Oculus Rift's controllers are FAR better than the Vive wands. You'll be using these controllers 100% of the time.
The Vive's tracking is a TINY bit better, only noticable in a single game, beat saber, when playing at very high speeds.
So go with Rift unless you really, really like Beat Saber and that game alone.

Vive Pros:
Easier to setup tracking
Knuckles eventually
Slightly more fov
Better if you have big glasses

Oculus pros:
Lighter and more comfy to wear
Better current controllers
Less screen door effect (which is why it has a little less fov)
Cheaper (and comes with Robo Recall for free which is one of the most fun VR games I've played)

If you have the patience, wait until a gen 2 steamvr headset comes out. Eye tracking is gonna squeeze some extra juice out of your card and get some better visuals.

>better big glasses
And by big, he means BIG. I don't have slim glasses and I use a Rift without issue.
But glasses are annoying, I have prescription lens inserts. Paid way too much for them at $80 though.

>only noticable in a single game, beat saber, when playing at very high speeds.
Bollocks. You notice slight controller snapping when moving around a 2 or 3 sensor 360 setup on a Rift in the case where one sensor loses active tracking of a controller despite another one being able to see it at that current time.

>Lighter and more comfy to wear
They weigh the same.

No, I don't.

Honestly anyone with patience should just wait for full dive VR :^)

I made that post and I'd used both headsets before I bought one. My glasses fit in my Rift but I do wish I had perscription lens inserts
I'm waiting for gen2 rather than buy those though
The Rift controllers have a lower max tracking speed than the Vive ones, and they have a weird problem where if you swing too hard the spiring holding the battery in compresses and your controller loses power.
If you play Climbey you will never be able to jump as far as a Vive player using the Rift
The way the weight is distributed or whatever the Rift felt more comfortable to me. The Vive is super comfy with the deluxe audio strap though, which costs like $100 or osmething?

with the vive you can slide it out away from your face. same with psvr.

You can with the rift too, thats how i take it off, pull it forward then lift it off my head

Oculus Go


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Why do you fags thing we want to see you sat there waggling when you post vr videos?

Stop saying "comfy", you sound like a gaylord.

It's actually less comfortable with the strap. I have one and ever since I installed it no matter how it's adjusted I feel like my head's been in a vice after a half hour if I'm not jumping around constantly. I keep it on for the convenience of the headphones and guilt over sinking $100 into HTC's overpriced aftermarket shit.

You're tightening it too much idiot, and how is "comfy" not a word to use when talking about how fucking comfortable something is?
Is that word just verboten now because people keep calling games "comfy"?

wait you have to pay $100 if you want a mic on the vive?
Can't you plug in some 3.5mm shit?

I got an Oculus because it's way cheaper right now, but I've tried the Vive as well. Vive is better but only by a bit. Only thing I hate about Oculus is its DRM which sometimes interferes with SteamVR

the lens part doesn't have a slide adjust to make more room for glasses. other headsets do.

Isn't there "open composite" or something that helps with that?
Dunno, I regret even installing oculus software for revive

>no matter how it's adjusted
reading comprehension. I've adjusted it plenty and it doesn't fit my head well. Cheap as they are, some people like the soft straps better. I'm one of them.

It's $100 for the headphone strap. The vive has a built-in mic (and it famously sucks, by the way). You can use regular headphones but in practice it's a pain and I got tired of cords getting tangled up and having one more thing to put on everytime.

>mfw everyone calls the O+ a modern torture device yet it fits on my head like a crown made of clouds
must suck to be a hideously warped headbeast

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Did you get a VR cover? Leather or velour?

driving games in VR are fucking garbage due to how low the resolution of the screens is

there's a reason no big budget driving VR games exist other than pre existing games with a tacked on VR mode

>works on my head

Because there's no 'need' for a VR-only racing game? What is VR going to add that the current big racers with VR support don't have? Short of allowing you to have virtual hands and fuck around with interactive stuff in the car (adjust mirrors, open/close windows, fuck with the heater/radio, etc), those games already have you covered.


Driving games in VR are fucking great due to the depth and ease of moving the camera.
Simracing is a niche genre and wheel+pedal setups are better than everything.
Do you just play Need for Speed and Forza Horizon?

Vive, for the expandability. You can get official wireless adapters, trackers, upgraded basestations, and knuckle controllers when they come out never.
Oculus as of now has the better controllers by far, but that's the only good benefit it has over the Vive.

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>can't get out of car and throw myself in front of another driver while doing jazz hands
immersion ruined

I want one of those for sims.

this post was blessed by chuck

Rift, VR games are buggy and crashy as shit and being able to forcequit them with Home is a godsend.

7 seconds too long

>"rift has shit tracking compared to vive!"
>get base rift with "only" two (2) trackers
>set them properly
>roomscale all the time no issues whatsoever
>not even on intense beat saber sessions
gud memes

you know the worst thing about the rift when going apeshit is not the tracking
yeah you can fix this shit sticking cardboard and/or tinfoil in there to set them in place, but might not be as tight when you change batteries so you have to go back and readjust
fuck me

I've not had that problem at all with my rechargeables, but not all batteries are the same size I suppose.

beat saber is not tracking intensive
try something with 360 degree rotation that will involve occluding your sensors by your back
t. 3 sensor setup owner

What makes you think that isn't the tracking?

Taking into account price I'd go Oculus for sure.

If we're not talking price maybe Vive, but I hate the Vive wands. The touch controllers are much better. Vive's actual display is better though, although I'd say Oculus' is pretty comparable.

Also being able to pin a youtube video inside of a video game I'm playing is incredible with Oculus Dash. Oculus Dash is fucking great, you can probably use it with Revive but I like having my shit native.

The only thing intensive about Beat Saber tracking is that the 60hz tracking of both Rift and Vive are not fast enough for it, so it's highly reliant on their software end to estimate/guess with the increased read rates from the controllers' gyro.

This. Main reason I got a third sensor was so I could track shit behind my back.

I had a WMR headset before an Oculus, and even that tracking was good enough for 90% of activities.

I also play serious sam vr while spinning around and I have yet to experience anything weird in the slightest
had unrelated issues at first because of the cable getting in the way, then I bought some shit to hang it on the ceiling

because it can be fixed, as explained in the post

>Also being able to pin a youtube video inside of a video game I'm playing is incredible with Oculus Dash. Oculus Dash is fucking great, you can probably use it with Revive but I like having my shit native.
You can use ovrdrop for this on steamvr


the rift controllers run on disposable batteries lol?

If you're not eneloop masterrace, I guess.

if you want them to
I had a bunch of eneloops and a charger anyways
do vivefags have to stop playing when their controller batteries run out of juice?

>vr viral marketing thread yet again
No sane person gives two shits about your uncomfortable, ugly, shitty, good for nothing backwards-ass technology. I don't care how many millions of the piles of shit you made because you thought people would care about them, they don't.

Now stop making these shit threads.

I like pinning windows too but it shits up my 1060 if I try to pin a window and stream/record a video.
Really want to stream comfy Euro Truck VR with documentaries on the dash of the truck.


did Apex crash on you again?

AAs. Rechargeables work.

>Have 4 AA rechargeables
>Battery dies, just spend 10s swapping them out

>Propriety batteries, can't access without screwing open the controller
>Battery dies, stuck having to tether USB battery packs to them to continue play

PSVR because Sony is the only company actually pumping money into VR games.

Occulus go sucks you can't play beat saber or super hot.

yes if by pumping you mean bribing devs for timed exlusivity to force vr users on the worst platform
nice business strategy, truly a race to the bottom


Beat saber for PSVR gets its japan release soon.

But anons Zuckerberg pumps lots of cash into VR. They even have an elusive or two, a dumbass decision to make.

I could go buy one right now and it'd "work" great. But I won't because it's shit.

Why would I play such a fucking shitty game?

everyhing exclusive to oculus is perfectly playble on vive save for controller inconsistencies

Because of your low IQ post.

He's talking about business strategy, facebook wanted to do the same thing as sony even if they're failing at it.

yea but they have enough charge for at least a day of vr autism

And vice versa but as an oculus user it's dead easy to run Steam games, but the mass populace might not be able to get Revive working right. So some vive users might not care enough to buy.

We'll see if Sony sticks with VR, they've certainly hopped onto bandwagons and dropped them before.
Someone should make a proper up to date PCVR games list just so people shut the fuck up about the incredibly overrated Beat Saber and Superhot.

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I'll look this up

of course they're failing because PC is an open platform devoid of corporate dicksuckery, contrary to the plastic shitboxes you call consoles

>WMR finally recognized on shitpost pics

>underage poorfag enters the thread

>low IQ
Sounds like someone who would strap two mini TVs to their head cutting off their vision to thrash around like a fucking spastic idiot with imprecise as fuck motion controllers just because they have no goddamn imagination or ability to play a normal game on a fucking display and immerse themselves into it normally.

Fucking viral marketing idiots. I hope you are living in a dumpster next year because of your failed garbage hardware.

its about time you stop embarrassing yourself, user

Formerly Valve's

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>Valve doesn't make g-

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is it valve though?

The difference in what VR allows vs normal displays is night and day. VR doesn't give you a "physical" presence in the worlds where the games can actually interact with you in a way that feels natural. You certainly don't get the same feeling of slime blocking your vision when you have to physically shake it off. Its a lot of fun, and you sound like you need to stop being poor so you can try it

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Oculus for it's controllers if it came down to the two.

The patrician answer however is WMR for it's higher resolution, lowered price, and most comfortable headsets

Boneworks is being made by the Hover junkers and Duck Season dudes. They aren't Valve. If anything they're a part of Node/Corridor Digital since they share the office building and are all friends

There's a shitty VR sale going on at humble store right now
Picked up I Expect You To Die and Torn
Also looking at X:RebirthVR but it looks turboautistic, kinda scared of it

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>mfw "vr is shit!" fags

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>quick, can't just take a picture of the vr set, need to show off my fancy lights in my pc case to show people how cool I am

They're the only major company actually funding games like Astro Bot and Tetris Effect though, actual games that draw people to the platform and not glorified tech demos.


>we will pay you to make a VR game from scratch
>we will pay you to make that VR game you're already working on exclusive to our platform
We don't know which one it is but the latter is poisonous

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>not glorified tech demos.
They're just glorified vanilla console gamese instead. What does Tetris Effect even do apart from flashing a bunch of stupid shit in your face during the game?


Stormland will be a pain in the ass to play on Vive wands. Even the Knuckles don't have dual-triggers, so you'd have to map it oddly to the finger pressure sensitivity across the hand.

>What does Tetris Effect even do apart from flashing a bunch of stupid shit in your face during the game?
Sub-20 IQ post
You have at least played Rez Infinite since that's on Steam right?

The one not owned by Facebook.

Waiting for the inevitable valve headset + knuckles + boneworks package

Kinda happy for those who can enjoy VR. Have hypermetropia and am kinda sure that wouldnt be able to see shit, being so close and all that

fucking weebs

Yes, how does that relate to tetris, a game where you stare ahead in one direction and play with a gamepad?

i mix them with Amazon basics if it helps

Waiting for the inevitable disappointment at GDC accompanied by more waiting.

It's made by the same team dipshit, so I'd think even a brainlet caveman like yourself could understand the appeal of the kind of audiovisual experience it offers in VR.
>and play with a gamepad?
Hey dipshit you know Rez was a Dreamcast game right?

I think this GDC might be something special, so much is building up to it.
I feel it in my bones.

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Being easily dazzled by flashing lights and confetti seems like the absolute indicator of low-IQ appeal really, and Tetris is hardly an intellectual game to begin with.
I wish you people (beatsaber fags) would just go do drugs instead and leave VR alone, this medium has too much potential to be squandered on casualshit.

Stop posting weird shit, nigga

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you can put prescription lenses in headsets

I have to keep waiting, yes. Not that much disposable income, so I will wait for the package

Being from the same team that converted another console game to VR and made it work doesn't imply Tetris makes any sense as a VR game.

>so I'd think even a brainlet caveman like yourself could understand the appeal of the kind of audiovisual experience it offers in VR.
I already brought up the flashing of stupid shit in the player's face.

>O+ still on sale even though it's backordered by a month
they're really milking this before announcing the next stuff

Is there any ASMR for vr?

>Vivecucks this angry they can't play Mizuguchi's masterpiece

Holy shit dude off yourself. I'm so tired of this moronic mindset I dont even care if it's bait. The same horseshit mindset could be set in place for nonVR games too. "All you fags should go outside instead of just staring at flashing pixelated lights nothing you are staring at is real anyways". Fuck

I could interpret this many ways
Why does the VR market have to be so cryptic. Rift stock is drying up too.

>Do you just play Need for Speed and Forza Horizon?
Well yeah, the only good driving games

the trannies in VR Chat would love you


They are good
but i do implore you to try sims. They suck at first because you want to go pedal to the metal from 1st gear, but once you get the control down it's pretty nice.
I recommend Assetto Corsa. Cheap, runs great, and good modding capability with ModManager.
Tracks, specifically: LA Canyons and Lake Louise. Two really long, scenic courses you can just drive on without worry about speeding around corners.

I've never even played Beat Saber.
>flashing lights and confetti
I can guarantee you haven't actually played Tetris Effect and probably don't even know who Tetsuya Mizuguchi is or what games he's made.

>Being from the same team that converted another console game to VR

driving around nordschleife on a modded assetto corsa during night staring at starry sky in a mazda mx5 cabriolet with open roof is pretty kino too

I thought Forza was sim

>greentexting the one part of my post that almost verbatim repeats back what you posted and calling me a retard
comedy gold

>he's shit at beat saber

it's okay user, not everyone is cut out for it

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Forza Horizon is not a sim. It's shitty wheel support is a crime because it's fun.
Forza Motorsport is that really annoying word "simcade" but it does lean more towards sim. It's in the same alley as Project Cars. Still good, but no VR no buy for me.

I haven't tried that track. Is there any spots where I can floor it?

It's the team that MADE Rez you fucking retard, not just some port house.

nobody is impressed, spaz
I'm just glad that unlike the Wii, VR is robust enough to outlive fads like this

That doesn't contradict anything I wrote.

you played assetto corsa and havent tried nordschleife? are you serious? the last bit is a 2km straight, also the middle of the track has a pretty straight section too

Is VR racing a tradeoff between using a racing wheel for authentic steering versus using the controllers for interaction with internal systems? Is it even a concern?

Why do VR cucks get so upset over Beat Saber? Is it because it's attracting an audience to their sekrit club?

i bet you play H3VR you fucking nerd

The Wii was a gigantic success and every Nintendo console after that incorporated its ideas.

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Because it's one of the very few VR games that takes actual skill to play. The sim babbies don't like that.

Probably for the same reasons Yea Forums gets mad over anything that's fun and popular.

There's no real racing sim that uses the controllers, it'd be an overall terrible experience and you'd lose time on laps like mad.
Physical Wheel with forcefeedback and pedals at minimum.

I've seriously only played LA Canyons and Lake Louise mods.

If you got a shit TV (which is probably a yes for the average PS4 owner), Tetris Effect in VR gives you a better display to play at higher level speeds on without TV response delay getting in the way.

>there's like a dozen of VR CS clones trying to become the next big thing
Whom will succeed? Is CS even the path to success or do players want something entirely different?

Most people get motion sick with smooth locomotion, which these games require, so no people want something different.

Does anyone know how to make model animations in VRChat not fucking awful on Oculus?
The sounds and added parts of models are played by using gestures instead of a dedicated button like on a Vive controller and it's so finicky.

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I wouldn't mind a Siege clone


Because along with VRChat and Superhot, VRcasuals pretend nothing else exists
After the Quest crashes and burns we'll be free of you faggots

I got the wireless vive pro as well. I might have made a mistake going pure AMD though. The wireless works fine even after hours of tweaking i cant get the quality to surpass the "pixilated" look that happens whenever the screen gets crowded. Couple that with it sometimes crashing when you use the full body trackers. Still amazing when you have the open space for it, but probably not ready unless you have the BEST cpu/gpu out right now. Even then ive heard it still pixilates

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Is there a truly violent game melee game? I like blade and sorcery but no blood splurting or dismemberment makes it feel too "clean"

thanks doc

>not using full arm
nice waggles, retard

m8 you look dumb no matter what game you are playing in VR, at least with beat saber you get a slight workout

Is there anything that comes close to Pavlov?
It doesn't have the destruction and well defined characters, but it certainly takes from the Team PVP of Rainbow youtube.com/watch?v=CEo6zS88H-s


I'm just hoping someone finds a way to mod the Quest into being usable with a PC, since that'd be my ideal device. Something to play certain games stand-alone, as well as wire up to my PC for the more demanding titles that aren't ported or ever will be.

>or do players want something entirely different?
Nobody knows and at this stage it's going to be really hard for any worthy game to gain the critical mass it needs to sustain a healthy population.

you literally can not with maps that fast, retard

go back to your hard mode

that's why those map "literally" suck. keep waggling and jerking it to your weeb shit, faggot

I want a mad max style death race game. Some people drive, some people ride and shoot. Make the cars customisable with different layouts, platforms, etc and allow players to move climb on the outside of the cars by dragging themselves around with their hands to better position themselves, take cover, etc.

what if i already workout and i want to relax when i play video games instead of wagglan my arms

im sorry your slow brain cannot process instructions that fast, it's quite fun really

The entire reason Quest exists is to be unusable with a PC

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sounds like you're the warped one

Interesting. If anything, I can appreciate the standard FPS Spec Ops-type grunts after Siege has been introducing more and more anime characters. Shame it's a PSVR exclusive and I don't own a PS4, because I'd love to try that

Anyone else here can tell their experience with O+? I really feel like buying it but I saw some people complaining about comfort and the headphones.

Do you want a Facebook service running on your PC all the time? Do you want cameras (with no status light) running Facebook software in your house?

Which is dumb, since they're literally releasing a not-Quest to be a cheaper Rift replacement for the PC end of things.

So rather than having Go/Quest/Rift we're now going to have Go/Quest/Rift/RiftS....


Rift S has not been officially announced and it's probably going to be canceled if low-end VR is too competitive
Facebook doesn't care about VR if they can't monopolize it.

>facebook discovers /vrg/ meetups

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On the Microsoft Store, it says mine will arrive in about 1 week. I will try out the stock cover and if it sucks, I may get the replacement from VRCover. It is disappointing there is no aux jack on the headset. I am going to test it out and return it if anything big drops at GDC.

Running windows or any similar service on the Vive has the same level of privacy tracking as Oculus.

>Do you want a Facebook service running on your PC all the time?
It doesn't need to run all the time

>Do you want cameras (with no status light)
They have status light when on.

>running Facebook software in your house?
If it actually called home for anything beyond checking for software updates and sending PC specs once in a blue moon (which they use for developers as catalogued on their website for hardware breakdowns), sure, maybe.

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Now I kinda want a first-person Uncharted game to play on Rift.

That's the Steam Master package Valve uses to distribute internal builds of their stuff, my guess is that they are partnering up with SLZ to develop the Knuckles in tandem with the game and release both together.

use full arms, faggot, or stfu

You could have said Tomb Raider which would be vastly superior but you didn't.

I'll take modern Uncharted in VR over modern Tomb Raider.

>tried dirt rally VR
>puke right at the second corner
>feel sick for the less of the day
it was a puke inducing machine

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If there's one thing I hate about VR, it's picking shit off of the ground. Wish every game at least had magnetized pick-ups to an extent.

What the fuck was the other guy doing? Is it a bot?

buy better knees, boomer

That would be great if both of them were too busy fumbling their mags to shoot each other

You can turn 95% of that off with OOSU10 or similar, which doesn't excuse it being there in the first place of course. You can't escape Faceberg Home running and its ""telemetry"" no matter how hard you try if you use a Rift. Microsoft also doesn't need to sell your data, they just want it so they can stay an omniscient profitable megacorp on top of every trend and ahead of the curve, whereas FB desperately needs to sell your continuously updated ad profile to everyone who will buy it because they depend on it for sheer survival.

My knees are fine. I just don't want to have to RL squat or reach to the floor often in a game.

that makes sense. thanks

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Don't drop shit then

Facebook is literally pumping hundreds of millions into VR.

To be fair, they are actually outright funding some games instead of just paying for exclusivity, like Insomniac's thing. Still a shitty practice though, especially since it's not even beneficial from a business standpoint to force exclusivity.

Thanks laddie this post ended my depression

>so much is building up to it
Any examples?

That's true, but there's no reason not to give it an input mode where you can pair and use it with a PC.

I'm poor,
what's the most acceptable price and version of a VR headset at the moment?

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I'd way rather MIcrosoft scrape my data than fucking Zuckerberg. I'd prefer neither to, but Facebook has managed to become a worse company than Microsoft by several orders of magnitude.

Lenovo Explorer

200 dollars on sale

that sounds reasonable, I'll look it up at some point

the only question is, do devs/games etc support it?

It's WMR and there's an official WMR->SteamVR compatibility thingy.

nintendo labo vr is best

Yes and no. Not many devs support it directly, but there is an app you can get for steam VR that allows all games compatable with the Vive to run with it.

VR is over

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You'll have a hard time finding games that don't support it, MS and Valve are working closely to ensure compatibility with SteamVR. Most games work by default though specific WMR tweaks help.