Other urls found in this thread:
that same article started with "in a post-bayonetta world"
invalid review
>PS4 86
>Xbox 88
>PC 91
All above 85, yet Barry keeps going OH NONONO
TL note: "risk-averse" means "focusing on gameplay" and "reaching for the sky" means "le deep story i.e nuGoW"
why can't dmc take a risk and playing like everything else on the market
He'll do it for anything less than 98
Remember that sage is a thing.
>other games in the genre
what other games in the genre? God of War? In what way did God of War "reach for the sky" that would, in any way, be a good fit for DMC?
He wanted DMC5 to be a slow cinematic dad simulator with heavy RPG elements
haven't read it but I think of every decent action game since 4 game out a la bayonetta, vanquish, nier:a, mgr, etc.
gameplay wise 5 looks like an uglier version of 4 with very little advancement, meanwhile platinum has pretty much mastered certain aspects of cool action game whether it's MGR's fast paced tight combat or the free flowing movement of bayonetta and nier:a(nier also tried a bit of platforming which felt great, wish there was more of it). none of them are up to DMC's peak of combo greatness but all of them have some pieces that tried really hard to "read for the sky".
5 is basically a rehash playing it safe in comparison.
inb4 shit replies
Honestly m8 you're trying to actually reason with nu-DMCfags. It's a waste of time, they've spent years defending their baby games in an echo chamber of combo vids, they'll never grow past it. Leave them to roll in their own shit.
KH2 has shit combat :^)
It's not about playing like everything else, it's about advancing itself like other games in the genre have. DMC5 is playing it so fucking safe meaning it's objetively dated gameplay wise. That coupled with the god awful direction switch is going to be a huge turn-off for a lot of people. I'm not even planning on buying it and I'm a pretty big action game fan.
Nier:a isn't the craziest game but they tried a lot of new things and you can't blame them for that. If it had a bigger budget I'm sure the high level DMC combo tech would be there, but alas. The point is just that DMC is playing it safe and compared to other games since 4 came out, it's going to feel stiff.
tfw dmcbros don't even like talking about gameplay anymore...
Kill yourself XV-kun
He's not really wrong, though. The only risk is with V, and he has the fewest missions. Dante is literally just his 4 incarnation with a new DT and a couple new weapons, but still only maxing out at 4 devil arms and 4 guns total.
>b-but 4 was the best
Nah, TRICKSWORD is a meme precisely because styles were neutered hard in 4 and trickster is only good for short hops to continue combos with swordmaster. Gunmaster and Royal Guard are entirely useless. The entire game is just fanservice, which is on par what we expected, not exceeded expectations.
3 > 1 > 5 > 4 > DmC > 2
Why do you figure 5 is better than 4?
>platinum has pretty much mastered certain aspects of cool action game
>invisibility frames so ridiculously generous you don't even have to dodge out of the way, you can just dance in place while the enemy attack phases through you as if you were a ghost
Because it's like 4 if 4 was a complete game. Dante's weapons are SLIGHTLY better than those he had in 4 and Nero has SOME variety to his gameplay, which is what he needed.
>listing basic game features as if they are indicative of anything
>listing basic game features that are actually detrimental to challenge (e.g. ai-controlled party members)
>using any game that isn't Bayonetta 1, Vanquish, or W101 to talk about Platinum's high standards
nah, people didn't play Automata for the gameplay. they played it for the yoko taro ride and fat robot ass. The mechanics are as phoned in as MGR
>>using any game that isn't Bayonetta 1, Vanquish, or W101 to talk about Platinum's high standards
Well, if you insist...
They exist like that because of the bullet hell aspects of gameplay. Which again, was something Platinum put in the game to "reach for the sky". Does DMC5 have bullet hell encounters?
I don't think it will be as cool.
>people writing fanfiction reviews predicting the dumb shit journos would say
>they were absolutely right
why are they so predictable
>bullet hell
>slow moving blobs that even a senile grandma can easily dodge
I don't think you know what bullet hell means.
Hint: there's a reason why 'hell' is part of the term.
>someone wrote all that
Unless: Maybe it's this shitty franchise that's predictable.
>he thinks Max Payne plays better than Vanquish
Lay off the drugs
>no argument
>This fractured state extends to the writing, as DMC5 feels caught between two versions of itself, one side that leans into the gothic and darker vibe of the original games and the edge load, angsty side of the reboot. Nero in particular channels reboot Dante’s insufferable attitude at several points, which again makes me wonder why the game leans so hard into him as the primary playable character.
>literally DMC 2
huh? What is it about a predictable fanbase (I don't even know if this is supposed to be an insult) makes it so a game journalist never quotes gameplay in his review? This is the content you're defending? Criticizing a game for anything but its gameplay?
But no one would argue the Max Payne series is better than Vanquish, especially 1. Vanquish shows that Platinum is, or was, capable of more than taking Bayonetta and appling a different coat of paint.
Reviews are glowing with the exception of this one. Of course a broken clock would be right twice a day.
It does.
Feel free to respond to me again when you've properly read and understood my 10 word post.
word make brain hurt
>image makes a bunch of completely accurate, factual observations about two different games
>rather than address any of these points, detractors can only impotently seeth with barely repressed rage
The absolute state of Platinumfags
>But no one would argue the Max Payne series is better than Vanquish, especially 1. Vanquish shows that Platinum is, or was, capable of more than taking Bayonetta and appling a different coat of paint.
If by 'a different coat of point' you mean just making a Gears clone, then sure.
I'm not sure that should be something worthy of praise though.
Selection bias is a thing.
...until it dies.
>Lady and Trish return, and watching these two women, who have been typically portrayed as just as capable and powerful as the men of these games, relegated to damsels in distress with zero agency of their own or chances to shine is more than disappointing, it feels disrespectful. This is especially apparent when, around the midpoint of the game, DMC5 sexualizes both characters in consensually problematic ways
>consensually problematic
>Nier trash
Way below 2FM and DMC shit waifu tard
I mean, Trish and Lady are powerful and deadly but the threat in this game is world ending. Nero and Dante are the only ones that can really handle it.
>DMC5 sexualizes both characters in consensually problematic ways
I think the author it trying to deter me from buying the game, but boy is he bad at it.
>Trish and Lady
This guy has never played the previous games, huh?
Not the user you are replying to but he's right, as someone who plays bullet hells a lot NieR "bullet hell" is a cake walk compared to some other games even on easy
He didn't know how to play Vanquish...
>Nier:a isn't the craziest game but they tried a lot of new things
Like what
That's not the point I was making you brainlet.
Can't exactly call it a "bullet" though can ya.
this...board is making me tired.
just...one more day for when i enjoy dmc5
>He didn't know how to play Vanquish...
>image points out that Vanquish has things like regenerating health, 3 weapon limit and aiming reducing movement to a standsttill
>you can't disable these 'features'
Does Platinum genuinely have the worst fanbase in all of gaming?
>Not a single mention about the dynamic music
So, what's the bet he played on Easy-Auto and only got D-C ranks?
Try it and find out!
This but unironically.
no how about you explain your statement you coward
It IS broke, is the problem. Also the game had full development time, dante doesn't get a new style at all. At least in 4 there was darkslayer, but 5 offers nothing. Styles have been regressing since they were introduced.
The Max Payne series is better than Vanquish.
Already did. It didn't do anything new that I wasn't already doing in DMC3.
I played N:A and it wasn't very fun or interesting in terms of combat. Basically the same shit Platinum have been doing since bayonetta. Same old witch time dodging shit, same old light and heavy attacks. It's nothing special.
Spoilers he gets more shit
Given how many youtube reviewers have been using Easy Auto, that guy probably did too.
Already replied to a post like this.
>That's not the point I was making you brainlet.
Yeah it was just okay. The counterattack mechanic was lame too.
That very same review had this little titbit
He doesn't.
>Ebony and Ivory
>Kalina Ann/Kalina Ann 2, having both makes double Kalina
>King Cerberus
>Royal Guard
That's it, that's all Dante gets in 5.
posting in a troll thread just to say preload is up
>He didn't know how to play Vanquish
my biggest issue with N:A is that it's a real been there done that. None of the weapons feel special, and the combat is pretty much a bog standard platinum combat, which doesn't really excite me anymore.
>4 with very little advancement
Actually good and bigger than ever weapon load-out for Dante and Nero's Devil Breaker are game changers. These were the only mechanical faults of 4.
Nigger Asstomata on the other hand is floaty, overall shallow and doesn't have the basic combat mechanics down such as hitstun. It's just a shoddy RPG with a messy combat that borderlines on kusoge in some aspects. The ass carried this game into relevancy my dude.
On the other hand DMC5 doesn't need to "innovate" much. DMC4 has already been the most mechanically complex action game in the world despite being half done. And it held this title for ten fucking years. I expected Bayo 2 to usurp it but it ended up being a more casualized version of the first one. Other than that nothing else came close.
DMC5 just had to polish it up to perfection.
>inb4 shit replies
That won't stop people for calling you out for being a retarded cuck, you redditor pussy.
>this...board is making me tired.
it's one guy falseflagging and ban evading.
N:A puts all its chips on the story and characters, while putting in a modicum of effort in combat but not making it anything spectacular. You could completely remove the narrative from DMC5 and make it purely a bloody palace game and it'd still be spectacular, but if you removed the story from N:A you'd have a standard platinum game with boring weapons and mechanics. Cavalier alone has more originality than the entire arsenal in N:A.
This is the utter truth. I never bother writing "FLOP" into countless threads because I just care so little. The game is a waste. I bought the delux edition day 1 I was so hyped. Its so shallow in every single aspect. I struggle to care.
That's not what I was getting at.
4 and now 5 aren't perfect and because it doesn't innovate it's going to feel "dated" or just "safe" like the reviewer was supposedly implying.
Your post is a shit reply just like I expected, you're completely missing the point. Autistic DMC fans indeed.
You keep trying to "get at" something and suggest you have a point, but you can't, and don't.
>5 is basically a rehash playing it safe in comparison.
The reviewer is an actual soi chugging cuckold and you're an even bigger one since you're here, defending him.
His opinion is worth less than dirt. Nay, it's actually detrimental to listen to casual westacucked fans and journos. These are the people that don't know how to fucking dodge in DMC5 demo. They want an actual dedicated dodge button. They want an actual easy mode DT. They want a launcher button and no directional inputs. They want the dial-up Platinumlite combos. Their pleas resulted in DmC.
This would be like Harada listening to NRS fans and removing Korean backdash from Tekken just because it's "old".
>you're completely missing the point
You didn't HAVE a point you fucking moron. When people asked you to explain your retarded vague shitposts you just said "p-p-play it yourself lol" and "it has shmup elements so it's reaching for the skies!" Fucking what? A shallow, easy mechanic, got implemented to make the game seem less samey and in the end resulted in shoddier hitboxes is something that ought to be replicated in some way by other games in this sub-genre?
Literally what the fuck are you on about?
WHY did you choose to die on an Asstomata hill? At LEAST dicksuck the first Bayonetta when you want to talk about deep action game mechanics. Or better yet just fuck off.
I specifically said I didn't read the review so clearly I don't need to read your post lol.
What a shit reply. Sasuga pussy bitch.
Still shits on Kingdom Farts 3's at least.
You didn't even read my posts, why would I bother with yours?
>Osaka physics
I did. They're utter shit. Never reply to me ever again stupid faggot.
>5 looks like an uglier version of 4
son you can say lots of things about 5 but being UGLY is not one of then
You are retarded.
>washed out colors
>ugly as fuck particle effects
That attack looks cool but the blood, chromatic aberration, and blur is really ugly. It's also just way slower than 4 since no turbo mode. I hope a modder will fix that.
IT'S 10/10, BARRY
>>ugly as fuck particle effects
show me one game where the guy literaly cuts space and time with distorsions like that
>this shitty review somehow didn't give me bingo
though I can probably fill it if I grab one more review
also post your bingo sheets
>tfw barry jumping to fasleflag on another SE kusoge since mods busted him so many times
Most action games do that. Not for such a huge attack(I said it looks cool btw). But that webm you just posted looks like ass because of the washed out colors, hell even those animations are boring to look at, reminds me of PS2 Tony Hawk.
My dude you unironically wrote this You're the most retarded nigger ITT.
>PS2 Tony Hawk.
the best games in the franchise were ps2 games
project 8 was a ps3 game
Maybe but the animations suck by today's standards.
You are illiterate and can't grasp the point I was making.
>tfw both the reviewer in the OP and this cuck are comparing DMC5 to an "unevolved" PS2 game
>not realizing that this is actually a compliment in the current era of moviegames
I don't see how refinement makes something outdated
No user, you are illiterate. You still can't get your point across nor could you tackle my post demolishing your retardations.
>platinum has pretty much mastered certain aspects of cool action game
>animations suck by today's standards
How so? Can you be more specific?
they must be drunk
I don't think it's even refined, it's mostly just copied with ups and downs.
>5 is basically a rehash playing it safe in comparison.
I'm not wrong.
Bayonetta 2 does have a 92 on meta critic. It's a better game
No it's a casual friendlier game
you're very wrong
MGR's gameplay was parry -> counter -> repeat
Bayo's gameplay was witchtime -> punish
Call me when plat steps up their gameplay department
why are dmc fags so sensitive towards a little criticism?
I was talking about the missile riding animation there.
There are animations here and there during combat that are weird too though, I'll make webms of them one day.
bow before the king
There's like 50 different great reviews of the game.
Why the fuck are we all obsessing over the ONE negative one?
11+ years of constantly being shit on by people who don't know how to flying guard, dr impact, let alone jump cancel pretending they're some hot shit because they can mash buttons in P* games or nuGoW
MGR has weapon switching and a pretty decent amount of combo tech. Bayo was free flowing with lots of very smooth animation cancels and methods of combining attacks. They both feel very smooth to play unlike DMC which is still stuck with PS2 mobility.
>game journalism
The game hasn't been out yet so we can't judge it. Even if it did "copied" that's not necessarily a bad thing so as long as there's refinement
>I was talking about the missile riding animation there.
Sure. But why do they suck? Why are you having so much trouble talking?
I think it's just an ESL.
'We' aren't focusing on one review. It's the same band of idiots using the same style of posts for shitposting resident evil, Kingdom hearts and dmc.
>5 is basically a rehash playing it safe in comparison.
>MGR has weapon switching and a pretty decent amount of combo tech. Bayo was free flowing with lots of very smooth animation cancels and methods of combining attacks.
Is this bait because both of these statements apply to DMC3+SE and DMC4+SE
Just play the demo.
>Like to wait till game gets closer to release to preorder
>MFW Deluxe Edition is "sold out" fucking everywhere but the stupid collector's edition with the van isn't
Shouldn't it be the other way around? What the fuck? Fucking why
I'm still not reading your post.
DMC doesn't do as good a job in the smoothness or mobility.
>Other games in the genre
What games?
It's been fucking years since a game in this genre came out.
>it's going to feel dated
But it's actually not though. People have played 4 for 11 years, and 5 feels even more welcoming and easy to keep playing for longer for newcomers to the series where as 4 required a bit tighter timing and had the characters drop in the air like bricks.
They didn't showcase every feature and mechenic in the demo
>not preordering shit the day it's announced
I've got the deluxe edition and never even played a dmc before
>DMC doesn't do as good a job in the smoothness or mobility.
alright so im being le epin baited :^))
nice to know
Nice cop out but you know I'm right.
You keep trying to force this meme when dmc4 is the most casualized sandbag garbage of the entire genre
Yes nier is better, MGR, Vanquish, every platinum game except the licensed garbage. Get off Yea Forums and play something outside of your dmcuck series for once.
You want to know why every gaming journalist is giving it a low score?
They are trying to craft the narrative. It's nothing new. They still want to promote DMC with that new Dante while shitting on the old Devils May Cry that fans wanted. That's all it is. They hate the old Dante, they want that new hipster Dante that swears every 2 seconds.
Lots of gaming journalists are colluding in giving this new Devils May Cry game a bad score and bad name. In a sense, they want to punish Capcom for giving in to fans instead of listening to gaming journalists.
Could it be that the game just isn't very good?
Are we looking at the same reviews? The majority of reviews gave the game a 90 or above and are praising the hell out of it.
I don't understand what's so controversial.
>MGR has weapon switching
You have to pause the game to switch weapons. That's a genuinely bad design.
Do you know what game has smooth weapons switching? DMC3, DMC4 and DMC5. 3 let you switch two melee and two ranged. Mind you this is a PS2 game already superior to Platinum next gen games so your "complaint" gets shat upon. 4 let you have 3 melee and 3 ranged not only that it let you switch Styles added in 3. A natural progression of an already complex system. 5 ups the ante and gives you 4 melee and 4 ranged weapons as well as new DT.
>a pretty decent amount of combo tech
Not really. 80% of dial up combos are obsolete and serve just to mash on stiff enemies until BM. There is very little combo potential for other weapons. Sundowner's scissors in particular are only used as cheesy stunlock tool for the spawning enemy.
The only deeper "tech" here is BM canceling. Nowhere near as complex as guard flying or jump canceling from DMC. MGR doesn't even have good aerial combat/juggles at that. Hell even its parry system is vastly inferior and more shallow compared to RG from DMC.
Do you realize how vague you're being here? You're not bringing up dodge offset or taunt offset here. You're just using vague journo terms that have no meaning.
>I'm still not reading your post.
I know; You already outed yourself as a bitch.
This is the minority. All of the mainstream news outlets have given it overwhelmingly positive reviews.
I haven't seen that level of floatiness since birth by sleep.
I'll give it credits that it at least tries to be comboable
>other games in the genre
There are no other games in the same genre as Devil May Cry.
>everybody suddenly forgot about the clusterfuck that was DMC
I hate all of you
It does try since it's Platinum and this template is all they have but it just ends up being wonky. Especially 9S and his air stand animations kek.
The only reason people even bring up Asstomata is because they're waifufags desperately trying to elevate their kusoge as relevant for these threads. Otherwise they'd go for a much more tighter and actually good action JRPG series.
>"the fans are complaining about stupid stuff that obviously doesn't matter, I like it because it's easy and it makes them mad"
>Otherwise they'd go for a much more tighter and actually good action JRPG series.
>that webm
Reminder that this poster is mentally ill.
Yeah it's the FFXV-kun
i dont even care about reviews or whatever shitposting and falseflaggers are doing right now.
i just want it to be tomorrow at 9 pm already
curious if it has any legitmate complain
>nero is boring to play,dante is okay,V is best
>God of War, Bayonetta 2, and Nier: Automata all stand out as stellar, modern examples of what the action genre is capable of
play on outo confirmed, probably b on every mission,credit to the clickbait review at least i click
I agree with him. DMC5 just doesn't feel good.
is barry the voice in your retarded shizobrain or something?
Why did nobody bother to copy DMC anyway? Bayonetta isn't even close to how DMC plays. I think people could've improved upon it if they wanted. Enemy design and aggressiveness has always been a weak point for DMC after 1.
That's sick as fucking hell and I'm slightly pissed I didn't see it in-game first
You guys are all human excrement for giving drivel like this the light of day.
>Ctrl-F archive
Kill yourselves.
I think Kamiya wanted to leave this formula for Capcom, it's the only explination for him having not surpassed it.
No other dev can program well enough to even attempt to copy it.
Kamiya keeps begging for that DMC1 remake for some reason. I wouldn't mind it to see what he can do. Kamiya has never made a bad game in my book.
To add onto my post, the system DMC uses is really tailored to DMC. If you used it in another game you really would just be copying it. Kamiya likes mixing it up going by his library of titles, so yeah he's not going to take it.
I wish he would though. Nier had similar gestures for specific attacks but it was more combersome than DMC's inputs. And I really like pauses between combos to do different attacks like in DMC/Musou/fighting games, all action games should have them imo.
>And I really like pauses between combos to do different attacks like in DMC/Musou/fighting games, all action games should have them imo.
I agree, pause combos are nice. Much better than dial-a-combo in my opinion. But what's really important to me are lock-on+directional inputs.
MGR made an attempt but it left much to be desired.
Yeah dialacombos aren't very fun.