which one should I play as? My mind tells me the dude is more immersive but my dick tells me I can RP as a cute slut as the girl
Just got this game for free
don't bother it's not a good game
kassandra, shes pretty good
It was a pretty decent game. It gets a little repetitive around the middle but that's any AC game IMO.
Also, I'd play female but you see a lot of man ass and ball bulge while swimming.
It's pretty decent, 7.5/10 at minimum
>Also, I'd play female because*** you see a lot of man ass and ball bulge while swimming.
Google gave it to me for doing the project stream beta test thing, it's over now
Play as Kassandra and fuck all the bitches. Alexios seems to be a better fit in the role that changes depending on who you pick.
oh yeah i think i heard that the one you dont pick is the main villain or something.
im leaning Kassandra but i may need to rub one before i decide
If you plan on doing NG+ it doesn't matter who you pick since you can switch to the other one in your next playthrough.
i hear it has a shitton of content for better or for worse so ill probably be burnt out by the end
>I can RP as a cute slut
You're already a fuckin fag that will probably become a tranny might as well
i want to play as a cute girl in a fictional videogame, not cut my dick off and wear a dress irl
I got the game free from project stream and am playing as the dude. I think playing as the girl would be more fun.
Yeah, no matter which sibling you choose the other one shows up throughout parts of the story.
The game that broke yahtzee...
Play black flag and never play this
Both are kinda shitty but black flag is just a little bit better.
i guess they say the female had better writing or acting or something
You faggots also said that the egypt one was good. Fool me once ...
holy cute!
i heard the female has a much better vocal performance but idk
Before the game came out Alexios sounded like a really goofy cartoon villian which is why I picked Kassandra
Playing this game at all is a mistake that you're gonna regret, but Alexios is just the better character of the two.
Kassandra is a literal walking "muh femme" meme.
how was your projectstream experience, pal?
It was surprisingly good. I had minimal artifacts and almost no lag. It was definitely my best experience with a streaming software and it was impressive it ran from chrome. Still not sold on streaming becoming the norm though, and I probably never will be
Different user, mine was actually pretty smooth with pretty much no lag.
The best way I can describe this game is that it uses a combination of frontloaded mechanics and retarded psuedo-RPG resource management to trick you into thinking you're having fun. You really see the direction the game's going in the first time you try to assassinate somebody but you don't have enough assassin damage and you have to clunkily finish them off in the shitty Dark souls lite combat system. Like all Ubi$hit, god-rayed prettily lit garbage designed to benefit aftermarket CPU cooler manufacturers.
sounds cool
I am currently using Geforce Now on the regular, and I am quite happy with it when I am not at my place
I hope google comes up with good pricing, to push the market a little bit
maybe even chromcast support
thank you for the info, lads
>don't have enough assassin damage
i want to marry Kassandra and have children with her!
Different guy. Is it possible to get enough assassin damage to one shot polemarchs? Where things are now for me the only ones I can't straight up assassinate/crit assassinate are mercenaries and polemarchs.
Umm... No sweetie, we're going to have to change that
Alexios is probably more realistic but has a really weird voice actor. His run animation is kind of wonky as well.
Kassandra is the canon one and has a better voice actor, but can feel out of place. Seriously it makes everything feel less authentic.
You're right, I should have spent more time grinding EXP, gear, and resources for enchantments. Gee, maybe one day I'll get to progress the story instead of running around the same copy-pasted cliffs and ridges synchronizing on the same copy-pasted temples. These ubishit games are like crack, they have to constantly keep you chasing after waypoints and stimulating you because if you take a second and think you might realize the game's pretty mediocre.
>they called a heteronormative achievement "Growing Up?!" better kick and scream like a child about it until they change it!
Alexios english voice is shit compared to Kassandras.
>set in ancient Greece
>protagonists look like gringos that just got back from Burning Man
I hate it!
Same desu
>we know this is historically inaccurate, but we put it in anyway to celebrate diversity! Why are you complaining anyway, you bigot!?
This is the first step.
Kassandra is the ancestor of Bayek's half-Greek wife in origins. The annoying one who stabs Caesar
Odyssey has more content but it's way less unique content, and more shit like you said: a bunch of copy pasted camps everywhere you go on same-looking islands. And so much fucking grinding and side shit they make you do. which is why I preferred origins. It never overstayed it's welcome. And of course Bayek was just a better main character
>Historically accurate
>Assassins Creed
Get a load of this freshie
Yeah, the game itself wasn't fun, but I was surprised at how little latency I experienced
bitch is built like a fuckin fridge
>set in ancient greece
>nobody speaks ancient greek
interest ZERO
you sure?
neither of them are that good
they shouldn't do this again
Alexios, the chicks voice gets real obnoxious
They probably will. They've done it with the last two Far Cry games, and they're silent too
>in fucking asscreed
Kassandras mother is a nudist.
I picked Kassandra based off having to look up a skirt for a hundred hours, being a militant lesbian for amusement, and pretending it was a wonder woman game.
Depending on your difficulty, it is possible. Atleast since last time i played, I maxed assassin damage through min max. And since your highest damaging skills scale off assassin damage, it's a really fun build to do.
If you play on Hard, the tight level scaling basically means your weapons rot in your hands, as a Legendary bow you upgraded two levels ago is incapable of headshotting a nonelite cultist.