Official response from Valve about that rape game

who won?
this is a legit question

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not sure who won, but I know freedom of expression lost.

If you weren't braindead you'd have known a blatant troll game was going to get trashed

So Valve isnt free to express itself? It HAS to associate itself with a game about rape or freedom of speech is dead?

newsflash: Rape Day debuts in Epic Store

It's a platform with a huge monopoly in the game publishing market. That's completely different.

What do you mean who won? It was obvious this was going to happen. The only people who paid attention to this were SJWs and Incels expecting shit to go down.

Fuck off and die.


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rape bad
murder good

>That is why the EGS is a good thing
*takes sip*

Listen you fucking moron, freedom of expression is violated only if the government wants to shut you down for your creative ideas.

i dont think it was a valid test because of all the gaming "media" attention it got. the average indieshit game doesnt get that.

Is there porn in it? If yes then link gallery. If not then fuck off.

Or if the culture in general violate it, which is what's happening currently.

>Private company refuses to carry a game about rape (and by extension blatantly trolling)

The game will be published on their private website, but Steam will not be distributing it

If Steam was forced at gunpoint to put it on their platform despite hating every part of it, that'd be purer freedom of expression to you ?

SJWs are playing the government game to shut you down. It's essentially the same thing.

>we respect developers' desire to express themselves
no you don't.

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>"Free speech isn't a principal or philosophy"
>"Free speech isn't a right"

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Well, at least they are honest about it being a decision based on risk to profits and reputation and didn't try to attempt a completely transparent virtue signal

And how do you figure it isn't Steam that's removing the game because they're being forced at gunpoint by someone? I'm certain this is way closer to the truth than "oh they don't like it", since this isn't the first time a big company is censoring people due to external pressure.

Why must hosting be association? Why must allowing someone to buy a game mean you endorse everything about it? It's not like Valve are telling you "Buy this game!" or pushing it on children, saying it's endorsement is a stretch

>we simply have to see what comws to us via Steam Direct
I'm on Valve's side with the whole "we have no obligation to morally curate our store" thing, but this is pretty stupid. They could probably hire like ONE GUY to give the final yes or no to a steam direct game before it appears on the store to filter out the obviously unsellable "nigger loli BDSM rape simulator 2019" kind of games that embarrass them from time to time

Valve doing it's job for once and I'm sure incel will throw a retarded tantrum about it.

You do realize the vast majority of people tend to find rape really fucking atrocious, right ?

There's the whole part about it being illegal in about every civilized place on Earth, etc

It doesn't even have any sort of erotica value, it's just getting its kicks about being controversial

I wouldn't sell that shit, I'm not surprised Valve isn't. I can stand for Hatred but this shit is raw

>who won?
The normal and sane people with proper moral values. I can't wait to see where our rightous crusade will take us next.

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>freedom of expression is violated only if the government wants to shut you down for your creative ideas

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False. Valve freely chose to express they don't want to host that game.

>inb4 everyone starts spewing shit about companies having the right
of course they do, but freedom expression doesn't exist just in a legal sense but in a communal sense as well. Valve hates freedom, they might as well be owned by China at this point.

In my opinion, Valve is still trying to follow the route of freedom of expression, justifying their decision in the game being blatant bait garbage
I mean: if the game was legit, and included a rape scene, it would probably end up in the store, but this is just beyond edgy (and the game looks like ass, BTW... because it is a visual novel)

Keep your autism contained to one thread, PCnigger.

It should have been removed though. Not for rape, but for being fucking terrible, barely a game, and just short of being an asset flip without any work put into it.
If it was something like Rapelay or whatever, then there would have been legitimate cause for an outcry.

It's fiction. The things that happen in it do not actually happen. Nobody was harmed in the making of this game, nobody was harmed by the exposure of this decade-old game. Banning this game is not banning rape, no more than banning rape doujins would affect it

If you condemn rape done in fiction, but can appreciate seeing awful things done in fiction, then you have too much sin to throw the first stone

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>tfw thanks to all the woman hating nutcases online theres even more of a stigma attached to being a virgin

I would love to read the email exchange between the dev and volvo
it is probably hilarious

This could have all been avoided had steam listened to the likes of (eugh) Jim Sterling and put in place a qa department. Could have simply said the game looks shit and steam has standards.
The game seems like Hatred in many ways, an edgy developer that could either put some effort into making a competent game, or make it about violent rape and let the news se the copies for them.

To answer OP, the winner is the dev who has gotten the Internet talking about his pos, and has now has people defending unconditionally it because of 'muh free speech'

I think everyone agrees Rapelay is shit, if not controversy bait. I see the freedom of expression side mostly saying its right to exist is the same right for Hatred to exist which is also the same right for any other potentially offensive game to exist

Wholesome vanilla is the one true path anyway

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Me because I never made a steam account
You are all stupid cucks

it is a visual novel
the pictures are literally the game
all pre-rendered crap

You do realize the vast majority of people tend to find murder and gore really fucking atrocious, right ?

There's the whole part about it being illegal in about every civilized place on Earth, etc

reminder to everyone posting about Hatred: it is not a bad game in the slightest

I literally opened up Steam, it updated, and I clicked on the announcement page and saw this.
You know your gaming platform is fucked in some way when you have this on your update page.
Maybe they shouldn't allow shit games on Steam for 100$ so it is easier for me to find real games.

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Nice reddit spacing




every volvo thread ends up being a chink party for some reason

Everyone knew they would block it, as they should.

This game was not made by a serious developer (it's a fucking visual novel), it's a blatant attempt by some feminist to damage steam.

VNs can be amazing
This is just gobboo shit though

It's so funny how there's so much crossover between the "wahh I was molested as a child" community and the homosexual community that whines on this board.

Really makes you think

And steam has no interest in protecting freedom or whatever. They've used language that will allow them to remove any game they don't like as long as they vaguely say it broke their standards. This is just like how an employer fires a high profile individual and just says "we had different pathways". It doesn't mean anything, it allows arbitrary firing for whatever real reason and it protects them from most criticism and legal ramifications.

Reminder: Theres a difference between making a game for shock value and making a game to push buttons.
Hatred and Manhunt are such games, that were made for shock value, these games are usually made with mass murder, or fucked up events happening in game. The reason they get controversy is because of the gore and mass murdering in the game. The thing that sets them apart is that they are fun, playable, functional games with decent stories that work as intended, they use the shock value as part of the game, instead of the main staple.

When you make a game to push buttons however, you pump it out as quick as possible and make it shitty. Rape Day is one of those games, its a shitty and bad VN about Raping women in a zombie apocalypse, with little of no story, or gameplay, or anything really outside of its shock value. It exists to push buttons and make people get mad over nothing, sometimes even going so far as to charge 30 fucking dollars for a shitty VN that a 5 year old could pump out just for the sake of pushing buttons.

If steam decided to censor Manhunt or Hatred, i'd be pretty pissed because those are genuinely good wellmade games, but I don't give a fuck about Rape Day, because its a game made to push buttons and be a fucking scam, only gaining popularity because of its shock value and having nothing else to offer.

dude the game is fucking called rape day

Imagine having a steam account lmao

FUCK the free market, and fuck private businesses. This is why Trump needs to force companies into being state owned

An OK response, I'd say.
There are much better causes to defend free speech on that that game.

>umm, sweetie, I support everything as long as it does not harm others

Kill yourself please.

Wow that's kind of a bureaucratic response to a game that literally about raping women
Is it too much to ask that Valve condemn RAPE in stronger terms? Like what the fuck


Rape day wanted exposure
Valve made an blog post about the game
Rape dev won

After you, commie cuck

>visa and master card shut down your cards

Hatred is a game. It was a top-down shooter with resource management and actual challenges which could result in a game-over and reset state. The marketing was edgy but the content was basically indestinguishable from existing titles featuring violence.
Agony is a game. It has a game-over state and a reset, and features challenges and puzzles involving stealth.

Visual Novels are not games. There is no resource management, there is no game-over state resulting in a reset, there is no challenge brought on by a game space because there is no space in which to play the non-existant game.

If steam exists to sell games, and Yea Forums and /vg/ exist to discuss games, VNs should not be sold or discussed in these places even if the content is for everyone, BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT GAMES, THEY ARE NOVELS.

Sell them in a book store you faggot.

okay, this is epic

They can still sell it on their website.

Steam, this is a “game” with crappy gameplay and it’s tasteless. Besides it’s the free market and steam doesn’t have to carry their product.

>never has talked to literally ANY girl
>doesn't have a gf who constantly begs me to take her

Nvm. I keep forgetting sometimes.

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Considering there is zero quality control on steam a shitty controversial VN has just as much of a right be on steam as all the countless early access shit games provided it doesn't break US laws.

What Valve is doing is censorship at their own discretion, it's just as bad as when Nintendo or Sony asks developers to change their games except in this case they don't even bother giving a serious explanation as why its rejected.

If Steam removes it: They're hypocrites, their adult game policy is worthless and valve fanboys get BTFO

Either way, I won.

*takes a rip off a fat stoagie*

Hail to the king, baby

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This. Reading isn't a gameplay mechanics

Rape is generally considered worse than murder, I believe.

if the Epic Store ever carries a game like Rape Day, I would honestly crap my pants, after all the libtard journo push they've had

You know the difference between EA garbage and VN garbage? One is playable, the other is literally a worse choose your own adventure book.

No company has the right to be on steam, it’s up to valve to determine

Yes and if you think otherwise you are an edgelord.
Give me one reason why rape should be in a game.
You can justify murder with it being if handled properly tied to a proper gameplay mechanic and needed to give progression.
Do that with rape.

But which is which?

You homos are weird.

Oh boy, I can't believe Valve lied again. I am completely shocked.

How does epic win? They aren't going to have rape games on their store much less the porn stuff currently on steam

Why even have an adult section then? Either remove it completely or allow this shit. Whats next, will they also remove evenicle because it has rape in it?
And before any of you assholes mention it, im sure its a shitty asset flip game with minimum effort put it, but there are so many of those shitty games and valve did nothing about them. Only when the media cried about it, they decided to remove it

I agree. Perhaps label them as "Interactive Novels."

That doesn't stop the endless flood of low effort trash that get's released on steam. You either have quality control or you don't. At least stay consistent. Also from Valve's response Rapeday quality as a video game are irrelevant as to their decision. It's literally :"it's making us uncomfortable".

>it's okay to censor games when they suck or I don't like them

Where were you when sony forced developers to change their games?

>Valve explicitly says troll games will not be allowed
>Valve takes down explicit troll game

>it's fine for the controllers of critical pieces of cultural infrastructure to exclude me from accessing it, as long as it's the private sector I'm being censored by

>How does epic win?

Epic having a specific, consistent rule set for the games they allow is making Steam look like a joke. That's the point.

For games with adult content retard. That doesn't mean they have to host stuff they don't want. You may as well ask why they don't host scat or guro stuff.

I have no idea whats going on but unless valve has some legally binding clause saying they will allow anything to be sold isn't it their right as a company to deny selling this? Like if walmart declined to sell some product it would be perfectly fine. How is this different?

How do yo know it's a troll game? People fap to this kind of stuff on Patreon

If steam wants to sell books then they can sell mein kampf, lolita, and catcher in the rye.

The epic store is already a joke.

Because Steam is literally their platform, their property.

By your logic if someone went and stuck a giant "I RAPE KIDS AND SUCK TRANNY DICK" flag on your lawn, where you live, you should have to keep it there or else you're violating that person's freedom of expression.

It's a ridiculous argument. People have the right to say whatever they want. Platform holders also have the right to associate with whatever they want. Forcing Steam to host a game they don't agree with is violating their right, while letting Steam remove the game is violating nobody's right as Steam is not the only platform available.

You dumb niggers realize you don't even need some stupid app to download games right?

You don't get to pick and choose. This is the first publicized case of outcry after Valve's latest lie that they are going to allow everything that doesn't violate law. The other removals were anime shit that people pretend had underage characters in this, but depiction of rape is not illegal in any country. Valve is filled with spineless liars and I'm shocked people are still defending them.

>freedom of expression
Doesn't exist. Stop pretending like it does.

>you need to tolerate murder!
This is why you're the first to die, hypocrite

Ultimately this comes down to profits and publicity. As long as there's a sizable amount of people that condemns rape-based games, it would be downright illogical to host such a game.
I cant fault Valve for not hosting this game. If they do, they face bad publicity. Its only sensible that valve avoids things that might negatively affect its profit margins.

Good job, you managed to only read the first sentence. What am saying is that they have no consistency or any guidelines for this shit except 'what we feel like'. And the only time they feel like removing shit is when the media starts crying about it

Shakedown Hawaii is an Epic Store game

Satisfactory is starting early access on Epic Store

stop posting this twitter screencap goddamn

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>freedom of expression is violated only if the government wants to shut you down
have a (You)

what even is rape anymore.

There was even government officials from some country putting pressure on them to remove the game. Kindly kill yourself

Let's mass report any game with erotica in them. The goal is to get witcher and gta of the store. We can't allow valve to selectivly censor our games. Let's expose valve as the hypocrites they are. Our allies have already started. GO GO GO

I don't think anyone would hold grudge against you for not selling a medicore rape fantasy porn game. It's more about their hypocrisy, lies and inconsistencies. Doesn't help that Valve has a de facto monopoly on the PC market and is the only viable way for small developers to make profit selling their games on PC. By introducing these inconsistencies they're effectively affecting both the potential consumers and the developers of this kind of niche products.


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>you don't get to pick and choose
Yes they do. It is their store and they decide what goes on it. And the original quote is "anything WE deem illegal and troll games". This is clearly a troll game.

Are dumbasses actually upset about this?

This philosophy isn't new, and it will never stop being a bad idea.

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Waking up next to the wrong guy after having too much to drink the night before.

So where's the third or even second character in third person shooters?

Literally who

>government owning private businesses
>not communism

You need a key.
The key is deep in the vagoo of a woman
She refuses to give you the key, so you must, against her will, shove your hand deep into her vagoo to get it.
Ez. Any other retarded questions, sjw-kun?

You want a mechanic that justifies rape? How about strategy game in which in addition to occupying or razing villages you can rape the townsfolk. Increase population growth at the cost of happiness.

A white male staring at you in the street without apologizing and bowing down.

There is a clear consistency. No lol shit. And obvious dumb low effort troll shit where you go around raping people. The only people who are bitching about muh valve is lying and consistency are you retards.

>Not for rape, but for being fucking terrible, barely a game, and just short of being an asset flip without any work put into it.

unfortunately they won't apply this quality control to the non-rape related garbage put on the store every day.


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Unironically a good thing.
Anyways a rape game never would have been an okay thing or sold ton the masses on a platform as large as value in the past so i'm not sure why you're acting like this is some new recent thing by the evil SJWs taking away your rights

one of the paradox strategy games has a similar mechanic and because it has a reason and its justified nobody bitched so ur right

pretending to be someone else to get laid is actually a different crime, its sexual fraud

Fine, you pedantic faggot. They don't get to pick and choose unless they want to be called liars and hypocrites whose promise is worthless. Something that is very important when the only assurance we have that we won't lose access to games if Valve shuts down is their word.

They did not say that they shut this game down because it's a troll game. They gave their reasoning right there in the OP and the word troll does not appear once in it. Why are you defending them breaking their promise?

>there is no game-over state resulting in a reset
Actually not true

I was paraphrasing the retarded commies who think valve is obliged to host every single game no matter the pr consequences. Good job outing yourself as a retard

>make rape game
>shill it here and on reddit
>don't need steam

Are you really that retarded?

>muh sjws
Try going to CPAC and tell people you wanna sell a porn game about raping women, see what they think of that

>By your logic if someone went and stuck a giant "I RAPE KIDS AND SUCK TRANNY DICK" flag on your lawn, where you live, you should have to keep it there or else you're violating that person's freedom of expression.
What retarded analogy is that? Steam isn't Valve's home, it's a shop that sells games. You'd be closer to halfway coherent if you'd said they were a massive pastry shop, and in their erotic cakes section they were selling an cake with frosting showing a guy ploughing a woman up her ass. Then people shame the shopkeeper about the evils of sodomy until he removes it from sale.

If you think you're preventing rape or saving lives by banning that one cake, you're fooling yourself

>Forcing Steam to host a game they don't agree with is violating their right
Adorable you're assuming that's what's happening. No, it's blatantly the opposite, it's progressives trying to police content and publicly shame Valve for not pandering to them.

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There are already dozen of loli and rape games on steam. Why are they allowed to stay and not this game?

>Why must hosting be association?
Because if you allow it to be hosted on your platform, you're saying you're okay with it. Nothing stopping the devs from selling the game from their own website.

>sexual fraud
Christ... you fucking sjw retards made up another new word huh?

Of course he is, he doesn't know the difference between a game about rape and a game where you can have sex.

there are literally already porn games about raping women on steam. they just don't advertise themselves with the name "rape day" so steam and others don't notice it.

I'm having a hard time believing this isn't all a massive anti-incel false flag. "Game", comments and all. It's all such a stupid nontroversy compared to a lot of stuff kicked off of Steam.

List them

>they just don't advertise themselves with the name "rape day" so steam and others don't notice it.
>so steam and others don't notice it. admit that this stuff isn't okay and wouldn't be hosted if they knew about it?

rape won. now i don't have to play video games, i can go out and rape because i have more time for it. thanks, anita.

I already named one in my first post you retard

If there weren't articles written about it and people whining then it would've been accepted. Understandable, though.

>one of the paradox strategy games has a similar mechanic
Which one?

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>it's progressives trying to police content
It's steam removing something they consider a blatant troll game, which is exactly what they said they would do last time they talked about their policies.

Leftists whining, at most, made valve aware of this shitty troll game and distracted them from whatever visual novel they wanted to kick off the platform this week.

Gee I don't know user. Why would a supermarket kick out street performers who decided to set up in their aisles? Because they're disruptive, aren't conducive to the store's business, the store's brand image, and the store has a right to remove them.

Based Anita making rape great again

Crusader kings 2 or something like that lets you rape your captive princesses

>its sexual fraud

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Yeah, but if the store has a sign up front that says "All performers welcome unless they break the law!" and then kicks out the first performer that someone complains about, you can still call the store a lying asshole.

>we are done with playing the police. we will ship all games
>b-but not that one

But does it show it?

No matter what, journos have to shit on Valve

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Fuck. Wish I wasn't a brainlet.

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If Steam removes it: They're hypocrites, their adult game policy is worthless and valve fanboys get BTFO

Either way, I won.

Their promise is not worthless. There are clear obvious games they won't sell. You might have some argument if they took down stuff like the Witcher but everything they have taken down is garbage shit that doesn't need to be on steam. Instead of constantly complaining you can't buy your rape games put that energy to developing a proper porn game and sell. I guarantee you will be able to sell it.
And it was clear that they regarded it as a troll game by saying there were unknown risks.

Kys cuck

Dunno never played it I am a brainlet lol
I just know it has it

>mr gamergate himself is an epic shill

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So the ultimate takeaway is that if you're not into vanilla you can fuck off from Steam? Sounds alright to me

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i guess in a way. steam content control is very incompetent and inconsistent in what it removes and is based off whatever employee sees it. you see ridiculously tame shit get removed for seemingly no reason while loli rape games stay up.

That's some insane mental gymanstics, user. If they thought it was a troll game and removed it because of that, they would have said so. They did not. They've lied and broken promises dozens of times before. This is them proving once again that their word is completely worthless.

Absolutely nobody would complain about that store removing a performer who started shitting in the aisles, regardless of whatever was on the sign.

Statements like "all X welcome" always have an implicit "within reason" on the end. This isn't new and it isn't unreasonable for a storefront to do..

As if anyone else needs more proof that you can't do it right for them no matter what.

I wonder if Yea Forums would still be preaching freedom of speech or whatever if it was a gay game

what would you be expressing with that game?

Steam is a christian store

May as well be that way if every single bullshit silicon valley company decides to blacklist you. Then you can be blacklisted by visa and mastercard, and then you can be blacklisted by banks. Oh but don't worry user these are just private companies, the government isn't shutting you down.
Private companies at some point must respect these freedoms. In the same sense a mall, while privately owned, must respect your freedom of expression.

Listen you fucking moron -
>Gets banned from twitter and facebook for posting a joke.
- freedom of expression -
>Gets throttled by youtube for producing videos that don't meet arbitrary or 'correct' ideological standards.
- is violated -
>Gets blacklisted by Visa and Mastercard so payment sites won't service you.
- only if the government -
>Backroom deals between mega-corporations to silence critical dissent.
- wants to shut you down -
>Gets speaking event canceled by universities because you could 'hurt someones feelings'.
- for your creative ideas.
>Gets denounced by entirety of corporate media as 'fake news' because you asked a question or made a suggestion.

Prob'ly not, whenever there's some Yea Forums thread outraged about some shit there's a double-standard going on or it's just fake-anger over somebody's politics not aligning with their own.

There is plenty of rape in the bible

Only unironic edgelords are seething about this. Cry harder, fags.

>implying your average pastor is going to preach about those parts

So where will it be released? And when?

It violates the ideal not the law.

No one cares about the game, tranny

Are you seriously mad that a game about a VILLAIN, as in a guy that could be nuking entire civilizations or casuing mass genocide, IS FUCKING EVIL? WHAT THE FUCK DRUGS ARE YOU ON? Why are you mad that an EVIL PERSON is FUCKING EVIL? Can't villains be evil anymore? Can't they commit crimes against humanity? Why would they even care about what humanity thinks.
>rape is atrocious
NO FUCKING WAY. REALLY? You mean it's actually A CRIME that's punished to the FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW? NO WAY!
Seriously, what is it with SJW tranny faggots and them hating that villains are evil? Do they self-insert as the villain too often because they're vile sacks of human excrement with no redeeming features? Is that why it pisses them off so much?
>A villain raped someone
In other news water is wet

Your analogy is breaking down now because people ARE complaining about this. I am a person and Iam complaining, even if you pretend no one else is. The sign gave two caveats - it has to be legal and risque things have to be in a separate area. This game broke neither caveat yet people complained and the store caved, breaking their own promise.

Valve said they would do one thing. They did a different thing. Valve are lying. I don't know why people are trying to twist this situation around into saying that Valve didn't lie, especially when they have provably broken dozens of promises in the past.

Within reason is subjective, you fucking retard. That is exactly why they said anything goes.

Gamers. Politics aside, no one is best served by letting this low effort shit into any store.
This thread in a nutshell

What the fuck? Someone rational posting on Yea Forums that can actually see through the bullshit? What a rare sight

Both are shit and you can't really compare those two with each other.
When someone shoots you in your head, you're done. Getting raped, I mean real rape, will haunt you for your entire life.


He's just gonna rape the kids anyway

How far do you read into "you're okay with it?" That you adore it? Do you think Valve have played every game on the store, or every game there's ever been? How do you reckon Gaben thinks about murdering that fetus in DmC? Do you think he likes Jump Force?

When you tie everything into association, and guilt by association, you overlook a drastically important value - you divide everyone. We don't encourage freedom of expression because everything is cool and great, but because it's better than the alternative, where earnest and well meaning games become vulnerable to the banhammer

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Just saying it was a troll game would have been blasted as vague. Just fucking look at the game. It is low effort garbage. I would have taken it off the store if it was about buying groceries.

Good fuck gobbo shitters. Press D to dab on the gobbo


flipping the pages of a create-your-own-adventure book to a "you die" page is not a game over: you just flip back to a page before that and take a different option.

> save files
exist to serve multiple functions in gameplay. as an extended pause feature, as a difficulty reduction mechanism, as a prevention to progress loss due to electrical outage, etc.

you're able to watch a video of an actual game being played but you lose out on all the associated features the game would've offered you: the thrill of being challenged, the uplift of a win or crush of defeat, the confidence in knowning that you did your best instead of being aggravated at incompetence of the player in the video recording... the deeper the game, the less rewarding watching a video of a game is.

meanwhile if you're able to go online to a porn website and see ALL the content and plot there is for a visual novel... there is no "game" present there.

you're just looking at porn through an inefficient porn delivery mechanism, disguised as a visual novel, disguised as a game.

Even our country wide boomer newspaper reported on the game. It's getting great coverage.

Evencile is an actual game. Not called rape day. And the majority of explicit content is consensual. They aren't the same

>Shakedown Hawaii
Literally who?

Fucking deja vu kicking in hard.

Having consensual sex and then a decade and some good ol' fashioned indoctrination and brainwashing later changing your mind.

There's no expression in shock humor

A lot of time spent both on Yea Forums and on Tumblr enlightened me to the fact that there are behavioral patterns common amongst all flavors of basement dweller, be they tuxedo pepe epic keklord from Yea Forums or 15-year-old fujo complaining her non-binary multi-faceted gender identity is not just a phase on Tumblr. Same shit different day, only difference a lot of the time is whether there's "Anonymous" behind it or a username, either way they're spouting bullshit and wearing their opinions on internet drama on their sleeve.

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So are we gonna pretend that they would have removed it even if the media didnt cry about? Just like they remove all the shovelware garbage that gets released every day, right?

>loli and rape content is fine in small doses
Nice double standard you got there buddy

>you just flip back to a page before that and take a different option.
How is that different then loading a save?
>All those opinions
Meh, I don't really agree with what you're saying

>Getting angry that a company took the business decision to not sell a product on their own store.
Only people getting angry by this are commies.

The could have elaborated. They didn't not 'just' say it was a troll game. The didn't say it was a troll game at all. They made no mention of its quality or effort.

I'm going to Wal-Mart and force them to sell my picture I just drew, and if they refuse to do so, I'm going to scream that they hate freedom of expression

We won, Yea Forumsannies!

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>>All those opinions
(you) might have anime brain rot from too many japanese VNs

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they said it 'poses known costs and risks'
one of those unknown costs is governmental.

They won't be arrested, but they can be shut down through 'workers rights' and 'hostile environment' laws. If one female employee claims to be offended their company is toast

Even if you win the case, as with Friends, you spend years in court and have to spent countless millions of dollars.

The government, and the costs they impose on profit seeking institutions, is exactly why you see so many corporate suits constantly blather about diversity and acceptance, and why they 'waste' money on diversity officers.

Its 100% backdoor censorship

I still find it comical how feminists and SJWs happily slung around the term "incel" for months and were so damned proud of their wordplay but the moment the guy they were branding with it started to rally together under the label they tried to pretend they had nothing to do with the creation of the word.

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nice taskbar you mong

>Absolutely nobody would complain about that store removing a performer who started shitting in the aisles, regardless of whatever was on the sign.
What if they only do it in the designated shitting aisle? And they don't shit anywhere else. Other street performers shit in the shitting aisle but don't get punished. How's that fair?

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No one said it was fine, but that is how the law works, yes.

>pretending to be someone else
There's a difference between saying "Hey I'm Brad Pitt" to get puss and some chick getting fucking hammered, hitting on some 5/10 guy and flirting with him then going back to his place for sex.
We don't call that rape or sexual fraud.
We call it you making a bad decision.

Nobody said that, and nobodies rights are being violated. The dev is free to find another distribution platform, or distribute themselves.

I get and agree with your point, but Hatred is fucking lame while Manhunt was ok. I did like Madworld, though.

You're just talking about the thrill of a hard fought battle and such. I agree that those things are nice and I enjoy the feeling of winning over the odds but I still don't see how that makes VNs any less of games

You misunderstand the point of all of this. Your freedom of expression would be violated if it got removed from a site like redbubble. Then you got banned from paypal, and finally you get your bank account closed because X bank doesn't like your picture. Once the final step happens you're effectively banned from selling your picture. This is a reality we're living in now and at some point during that list the government has to step in and tell these companies to fuck off.

>SJWs ruin vidya again
Fuck liberals

Funny enough Valve let through a gay game with rape, caniballism and other fetishes on the sicker side of the spectrum not that long ago. Fully uncensored and they were highschool aged.
Fujos are into some WEIRD SHIT my dude

>all that shit

Isn't that basically just catfishing?

I believe a business has the right to choose what they sell.

There is no free speech law to violate. There has never been a government which has ever upheld free speech.

I opened everything just to take the picture
I only have playnite on boot

Pretty much but what he's referring to is a girl getting hammered, hitting on a subpar guy and fucking him, then regretting it later. That's called a bad decision not rape.

Incels btfo

Yes even porn sites that have bondage and light rape stuff and won't have explicit beating and rape stuff.

Blacks commit far more crime than their populations suggests they should. I accept this.
By that same logic, I accept that the vast, vast majority of rape accusations are valid.

and to make my post not a complete piece of shit like your response the difference in loading a save between a genuine game and a on-a-rail shooter like modern AAA garbage or not-games like visual novels, the point of a game is that the end state is not known until it actually occurs.

because the player uses skill.

it's entirely possible to play a very careful strategy game with only a few units and complete a mission even without a base, because you used healers properly and preserved your units carefully instead of just throwing them into a meat grinder against the AI.
a genuine game permits even the most laid-low player to succeed and triumph through skill.
1 point of health left with just 1 bullet? you can always get a headshot if you're skilled enough. did you reload your save 1000 times to get that headshot? then that's how skilled you are.

there is no skill involved in """playing""" a visual novel. made the wrong choice? reload save, take option 2, oh wow so game much skill.

I don't disagree with you, my issue is this is taken beyond a single business level. Let's say you get blacklisted from sites that help you sell shit and create your own website. The easiest way to get payment is stripe or paypal, but if paypal doesn't like you you're fucked. You can even get blacklisted from credit card companies which means you have no way to receive money outside of cypto. Some guy who was the leader or higher up in the "proud boys" got his bank account closed and you can't do anything in society without a bank account.

>light rape


>same logic

Max Payne had baby murder
Tv shows have rape and probably a few games
Their is no debate and Valve are cucks

See It's the current year, how after so many experiences of the silicon valley bubble trying to block so much competition, and being so politically selective with who they apply rules to, can you pretend this isn't what's happening?

I wonder if you could workshop mod that into Civ 5/6, although it probably won't happen given this decision.

>soi filtered
>incel isn't
Fucking tranny jannies.

>gay game
That's why.

This is fine, but what about that story about Valve taking our Kara no Shoujo 2?
I understand taking out low effort polemic games, but Kara no Shoujo have real effort in it.

Do you guys think if everyone had just left it alone, this game would've even sold anything?
Now the developer has publicity, people who are pissed off about it not releasing are gonna go to great lengths to get a copy, and what would've just been a shitty visual novel excuse for a game would've been forgotten about in a week. Now we'll be hearing about this for weeks.
Who won is a good question.

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should've voted Bernie for that

Oh no no no no, what the fuck my fellow Steambros? I thought Valve was safe from SJWs. They were supposed be better than Epic Store, what happened? it's not fair! Steambros rise up, we must take Steam back!

If he had advertised it, sure. Some people would buy it.
Tough I doubt he could've afforded as much money for an ad campaign the way journos did it for him for free.

>this game would've even sold anything?

enough to make a profit, probably. steam is flooded with trash because it's easy enough to make money back on low effort games.

No shit. That's the point you dumb antisocial fuck.

funny you mention that considering both are in it

>freedom of expression is violated only if the government wants to shut you down
>its a le freedom of anything only exists in context of the US gubermint episode

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You act as if 95% of games these days take any real level of skill.
Cause they don't.
And I didn't put any effort in my post because you honestly don't give a shit either way. We both know that so why should I bother?

Wordfilters are for the lulz and for no other reason.

Another American who thinks the first amendment is the one and only form of free speech.

not video games

Well now the dude that made it might actually make enough money if he finds a way to sell it to make a legit game.
>He's playing the long con

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Ok and? Incel needs to be filtered. It's in literally every other post.

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Murder can get you the death penalty in states that allow it. Rape can’t get you the death penalty in any state.

Holy shit this so fucking much! What happened to free speech??
This is NOT Trumpkino. But do not fret, Yea Forums. Those of us from r/the_donald will attack Steam until they correct this disgusting mistake.

>games about murdering hundreds of people is absolutely fine
>but rape is the big bad
Either all of it is ok or none if it is ok. You don’t get to normalise certain aspects of violent crime and draw the line at others.
This whole situation is retarded anyway. It’s obviously a troll game that was created to create a reaction and have game journos type furious reactionary headlines because they love this shit. It gives them clicks. Hate clicks. But then it just creates a “buzz” around the game and gives it more publicity than it deserves. And people (read: Twitter SJWs) fall for it every damn time

>if you murder someone for what they say it’s not curtailing freedom of expression

Actual fucking moron.

My issue extends beyond silicon valley. The reach and definitions of the law, as well as even some the common conceptions of some philosophical ideas, have been far outpaced by the proliferation of technology.

The idea that a privately owned company setting up its own rule sets for their services is one thing, if we're talking about small to medium sized businesses. But what about a business who's service has become so prolific that it's become a part of everyday life, and is tied directly to the culture of the society? Should they simply be allowed to selectively remove elements they find distasteful, efficiently leaving those elements unable to fully participate in the culture and very fabric of society?

Moreover, should, what is effectively six or seven mega-corporations, be allowed to dictate the cultural consciousness of a society, simply by virtue of being able to inundate every screen, monitor, radio station, book, and magazine with their content?

Shit is actually fucked mate.

It literally is tho

Free market lel

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>a shitty rape vn using shitty 3D renders

And that is really the hill people want to die on?

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I'm so sick of underage Trumptards acting like rape and other garbage are right wing.
True Republicans don't like rape. Fuck off back to r/the_donald if you think otherwise.


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so a company is free to hire, or not hire, whoever they want right?

So how do you feel about Amazon selling Mein Kampf? They should be killed right?