post that dream game that you will fund

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new call of duty

natural disaster survival game

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Fuck video games

Space Marine 2

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i would give all my money to a suicide prevention charity and then kill myself

lmao no, I just put half in a fixed term deposit, and blow half on hookers and coke.

I'd give a fair chunk of it for Banjo to be in smash and to get his old games on the Switch
I'm not greedy enough to ask for threeie, it'll never live up to the hype and throwing money at developers clearly doesn't guarantee a quality game

A remake of the Clock Tower series with lots of psychological and intense blood and gore. Now with optional VR Mode.

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street fighter but with cute idols

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GTAO but with the deep autism of EVE
gotta use spreadsheets just to rob banks

Just a bunch of ports for pc
God Hand
The Darkness

>He increases the amount with every thread
For what purpose?

>100 billion
>dream game
I'd just fund genetically engineered catgirls

With 100 billion dollars you can use about half of it to help a poor town or whatever get better insfrastructure.
You're still left with 50 billion dollars, which you can use for whatever. I'd use that money to help those tiny towns that get no investment and are rapidly disappearing while cities get more and more crowded

vr yugioh with a hard mode where you gotta use the shitty prototype duel disc from the pegasus arc

Sonic 2006 Bug Free Remaster

A game where morally and creatively bankrupt devs spam threads to steal ideas from hapless clowns for free.

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>cannonball run game
>map is new york and los angeles, connected by several different real life sized routes of the U.S interstate system
>takes 30-40 hours to drive the whole way (no fast travel)
>hundreds of cars to choose from (over half of them are used shitboxes that need to be repaired)
>extensive modification system, every component of your car can be modified or removed entirely for weight reduction
>random parts of your car can break or wear out, like tires, suspension and engine components
>it is possible to get in and out of your car and do things like enter gas stations and fast food restaurants to replenish your food bar
>release japan DLC later on

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a JRPG with a tragic and philosophical story.

Little Big Adventure 3
if that can't be done I'll fund someone to make a spiritual successor to it

I would only need to win something like $350M to finance a quality game. $70M alone would probably cover most of it.

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A remake/mod/special edition of some of my favorite games, like Xenoblade 1, Deus Ex, Pokemon HGSS, and BotW to make them better.

I would use my money to get some mobsters to force Yacht Club games to make a metroidvania. Seriously, the Shovel Knight trilogy has so many interesting map elements and items that are used for ten seconds and never seen again, the amount of wasted potential is fucking crazy

3d action rpg sci-fi, zelda meets fallout has a baby then that baby fucks the child of diablo and risk of rain for good measure

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A good build your own castle/kingdom management and army rpg. Where you can actually walk around in said castle/kingdom and you can recruit your own staff/heroes/army.

>an edge to the past

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While Id use half to invade Zimbabwe with a private army and hang their government from every lamppost in Salisbury, the other half would go to developing a 300-plus hour SRPG with professional writing staff and huge replayability. Probably something like FFT but on a huge scale and with more of Fire Emblem's character dynamics.

ULTRA Shadow of the Colossus

Kamen rider fighting game
Megaman Battle network vs Megaman Star Force fighting game
Megaman Battle network collection
New game that is bascially Megaman Battle network in everything but name.

20 bayo sequels and spin offs

GTAO is a complicated game ,I had no idea. I just started playing at the start of the year and I've watched SO MANY tutorials on how things work and why one thing is better than another and how to use the vehicles , it's a lot more complicated then I thought it would be for a new player

A sci-fi isometric turn-based squad-tactics cRPG called Neurosis. The plot surrounds the use of brain implants that allow people to "reprogram" their personalities and skills as they see fit. The protagonist is a mercenary who gets set up and arrested on a job, but gets released under a program that lets convicts go with implants that restrict their behavior. Your build determines what crime you were arrested for and therefore what programming you receive, which affects how certain skills work.
There are two central hub cities and several outlying areas where random enemies dwell. In an early quest you take possession of a warehouse and use it as a base. Your companions gather there when off-duty and you can upgrade and customize the look and utilities.
You have 4 of your companions with you at a time. Combat gameplay is similar OG Fallout but with a dash of Fire Emblem. There's heavy use of the environment in combat to block paths, create traps and distractions, or unlock shortcuts.
Pic related, a rundown of the companions
If it goes well I've got the sequel all planned out too

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Ace Combat 3 remake
Exclusively for the Switch

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>Investing on making a video game
Fuck that noise, I'm putting 95% of that shit into a savings account and the other 5% into living the same as I normally do.

just because you can fund it doesn't mean it will be good. talent matters more than money.

You would put 95 billion dollars I. Your savings account? The fuck is the point of that. You could buy your own damn country with that type of money and you wanna let it sit in a Jewish bank? How fucking boring.

Dream game? i'm going to invest in porn and other companies, to where the game will be how many places can I buy up and control. Also blackjack and hookers.

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Any idea I have for video games wouldn't be profitable or practical in the first place. The most I would do with that money is probably go out a few times a year to Europe or Japan to hang out with some friends. Yes, I am a fairly boring person.

Super Mario Sunshine 2
Max Payne 4
Animal Crossing on Switch
Destroy All Humans! reboot

Make FPS game
Make Racing game
Make Fighting game
Make Fantasy game
Get info on people like about them
Use info to combine mechanics into one big Open world game
If it fails
Make RTS game similar to C&C RA2/Generals
If it is successful
Make a GTA in non fantasy shit
Make RTS game similar to C&C RA2/Generals
Make Pokemon like game
Trie to port every game to PS4, Xbone, Switch, PC, Phone

You've got a hundred billion dollars nigger. You don't need to worry about profit because even if you sink 99% of the money into this project you've still got enough money to last you the rest of your life.

Project Zomboid style survival game in VR with a massive persistent world server and a proper tech tree and breeding system so you can attempt to rebuild society after the zombie apocalypse.

I'll spend all rolling in gacha

I'd just buy the Dead or Alive franchise and turn it into the porn game it was always meant to be.

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honestly, if i were a millionaire i would just build a gigantic video game room, and buy every game ever, even limited run things like the grey and gold nintendo world championships carts, pic related, and more. what would the price of every video game be?

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>funding a game when I could afford all existing/past vidya

Suicide prevention is gay as shit.

>Total War + Mount and Blade + Crusader Kings
I fucking wish

Anime Fighterz
Starts with 3-5 character of each series from up to 10
Anime like Yugioh only need 3 while those with big rosters can start off with 5
A goal to add 50 fighters each year for 2 years.

Gameplay equal to Kingdom Hearts 2 FM but with zero of its assets and story. Instead the story will be a pretty open ended mystery in a dark fantasy setting. There will be more games within its universe made but for the most part no sequels just expansions upon the lore and overall setting. I personally find sequels quite lack lustering when you could just a a completely different story or stretch out the content already there. See Halo ODST as a prime example of what I mean by expansion but not sequel.

secret world lore, missions with the graphics and gameplay of the division

Why not just play an Illusion game then? They look exactly like that.



Unteralterbach with the most realistic robots I can fund.

I would buy this place and shut it down

You drive a tank through Detroit and run over niggers and blow them up even little niglets

>I can finally afford a hooker
If I won any money that size i'd never think about games again

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Get license to Gurren Lagann.
Put together a competent team capable of fully realizing the following in to an action-adventure game;
Get to navigate either on foot or in your machine.
On foot, your are not dog shit useless walking simulator.
Build your Gunmen.
Enemies that are neither dogshit cannon fodder, nor bullet-sponge, jackal snipers.
Space Exploration - fully realize that Space Age Spore shi.t
Package with every game copy one of those Steel Battalion controllers at no additional cost because I'd be loaded as fuck and want people to experience this shit the right way.
Custom too. Go full hog ham on this thing.

Lmao I'm not gonna waste that money on vydia only a complete idiot would invest in a money sink

Buy this place and ban anyone who thinks the Holocaust happened

You are a Wizard, you live in the capital city running a potion shop, and you spend the days selling/haggling, brewing potions and spelunking or farming for ingredients for your potions. There will be rival encounters and showdowns, events such as holidays, wars and the like that'll alter the demand for specific potions and an overarching plot of you competing with other wizards to be the best potion shop in the city.

I'd have better/more important things to fund than my dream video game

You should too

Grand Theft Index

i played a game to win millions but got billions?

>Arena fighter with deep customization with characters/stages/moves and cutscenes. Pretty much a make your own fighting game except with multiplayer.
>Fantasy themed god game where you can control whatever you want. Randomly generated world with tons of races and monsters. Form alliances or go to war. Make an empire just to watch it crumble.

Buy my mama a new car. Then spend the rest on PCP.

I buy Silent Hill and Metal Gear from Konami and commission Kojima and Del Toro to make them. But I also hire an assassin to watch Kojima at all times so if he tries to pull this Death Stranding bullshit where he just goes traveling and hanging out with celebrities he likes the man will pull the trigger. Forcing him to actually make the game.

A news site to bash in the industry

>so if he tries to pull this Death Stranding bullshit where he just goes traveling and hanging out with celebrities he likes the man will pull the trigger. Forcing him to actually make the game.

Looks like you’re going to have a dead Kojima on your hands.

Theoretically the jackpot could get that high, but it is almost impossibly unlikely.

>They look exactly like that.
yeah, right...

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I'd buy faceberg, twatter, leddit and 4chuns just to shut down their servers. and would continue to buy any other platform that would take their spot and do the same.

>win 100 billion
>fund a video game

What a fucking smallbrain

>Worked in a grocery store when the Mega Million was at 1.6 Billion
>Sold $900 worth of tickets to one guy
>Asked if it was all for him or a group
"It's all for me. The more you purchase, the higher your odds."
How do you people fall for that bullshit? I bought one ticket, because I thought "Well it's at 1.6 Billion, why not?"

Yea, why the fuck would you spend it on videogames when you can instead dig into the Earth's core and destroy the planet from within?

m8 the character models from DOA have LITERALLY been ripped and ported into Honey Select

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My mom plays the lottery and I secretly hope she never wins because she's exactly the kind of person who would blow it all on useless bullshit and end up even poorer than before

A 3D fighting game that's basically DOA, but better and with more diverse body types for both male and female characters.

Also, no kow-towing to SJW bullshit.

You. I like you.

Yeah, and they look like absolute garbage in HoneySelect. Illusion can't into graphics and lightning.

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Xth for the lottery is a government sponsored literal scam that exploits the low and middle class that not only controls when you can win, but profits directly by taking a profit and should be removed or made into a non-profit no advertisement. And if you buy tickets at all you're a sucker.

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I would do exactly this plus jsrf

The dream game was already a reality - I would bring that dream back into reality.

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Open world survival horror game ala STALKER set in the Command & Conquer Tiberium universe.

>Be bumfuck scavenger in a Yellow Zone
>Do missions for GDI, Brotherhood, or The Forgotten to unlock their tech and control of nearby contested Yellow Zones
>Jump packs and railguns for GDI, cloaks and energy weapons for NOD, mutagents and armor from Forgotten etc etc
>Venture to the fingers of dangerous Red Zones to collect tiberium samples and fight dangerous mutants
>Ion and sand storms disrupt and carefully laid plans you have forcing you to get the fuck indoors
>Rogue Scrin units fuck shit up

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As someone who went through Katrina, it was rather uneventful during it and moreso a stamina contest in the weeks after. Stayed awake all night making sure water levels didn't rise too high to have to start wading around in the water to move shot higher while panicking like a motherfucker during the day. With no electricity and only enough non-perishable food to last for a week, it became a matter of trying to clear debris safely while not getting loot-and-shoot'd, attacked by an injured and starving animal or finding bodies in homes. Gangs hotwired gocarts and were a real problem. Then the military showed up and blocked off the coast, so we had to live in these tent camps that had their fair share of problems.

Dude I fucking love that game. Why did he stop posting on Yea Forums? I remember he used to bring experimental builds here for us to try out.

I would fund me buying a harem of whores and a high quality arcade stick

Dragon's Dogma 2, with all the development-time Itsuno wants

Consolidate all the MechWarrior/Battletech IPs under one roof and make big stompy mech games popular again. Maybe make some Armored Core x Mech Warrior x Gundam fighter spin-off game.

I would directly fund Megaman X: Corrupted and try to see if Capcom could make it an "Official" game like Megaman x Street Fighter.


Holy fuck this is good. I've always wanted to explore more into the Tiberium crisis. Shot was spooky as fuck, man.

But user, they do have a Kamen Rider fighter and it's fun. Fourze is busted as fuck.

I'll fund it 400M.

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