What did he buy?

what did he buy?

Attached: duck.jpg (1024x768, 152K)

A ps3 game, can't you see it?

Duck game

He bought mgs4

nothing because he's clearly photoshopped

cheer up, emo duck

kotor 2 and republic commando

Minecraft xbox edition


Sudeki, no doubt. Too good to pass up.

post ducks

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Call of ducky


This place is truly dead.

King of Fighters.

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>straight to the guides
fucking casual

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Monkey Ball.

nothing he traded in some games and that is the face he made when he got absolutely raped on the amount he got in return.

he didn't buy anything. He only came in to browes and kill some time while his mother did the food shopping.

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what did she buy?

Attached: fucking gamestop.png (938x692, 663K)

Reminder that duck has been dead for years now

A lifetime of shame.

duck thread

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>duplicate file exists

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That game was so good

Darkwing Duck for NES

What about him/her?

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Smash Ultimate, but was quickly disappointed how he can't just play Duck Hunt from the start!

why don't they just change the name for towns like this? doesn't even have to be a big one, just a drop of the k would be enough.




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>le meme XDDddxdxd

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only played a demo but this game was fun

Fuck off, homo

What's wrong?

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Ducktales Remastered

I remember that it was good but short, how short was the demo?

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one piece grand adventure maining vivi with karoo support.

Duks are bastards

not sure, it's been like 15 years. maybe 1-2 hours? maybe I played the whole game, I dunno. I think my friend had got it as a promo with something, or something like that. he subscribed to the donald duck comics, probably that.


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Got any grapes?

Good. Ducks are niggers.