Exp and currency lost permanently on death, no death runs

>exp and currency lost permanently on death, no death runs
>world tendency back, continuously dying fucks up the world and affects the story
>no stats to grind
>no summons, just one tiem characters that will help you and potentially die forever

SEKINO back on the menu. How will babies cope?

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Other urls found in this thread:


The game has none. There is no leveling or stat allocation.

Game sounds like some heat

>exp and currency lost permanently on death

this is not true, you always have a chance starting from 10% up to 50% to not lose anything at all

Incorrect - you can level up your Shinobi Prosthetic and Skills

>There is no leveling
There is, you're getting skill points for skill trees and upgrades unlocked by defeating bosses.

I thought there would be no levels? Yea Forums said it's far closer to an action game than a rpg.

>one time characters that will help you and potentially die forever
Why does it matter if they die if they're a one time thing then? That's pretty dumb unless they give me an item or something if they survive a boss battle with me


>fall into the water
>can actually swim
>there's hostile fish
>you can attack while in water
>there's a vendor who lives in a barrel there and accepts unique currency in exchange for powerful items

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So there's no point in defeating regular enemies? No rewards? I haven't kept up with anything about this game

theres still a thread going, why make a new one?

>listening to Yea Forums for video game and information
There isn't levelling like Souls but there are skill trees

Not DaS or BB so it's poop. Fuck From.

it has skill trees

You gain exp, money and items

money and items afaik

Oh, okay. Thanks. I guess I should look up some videos on it.

Stop policing your subreddit

>There is, you're getting skill points for skill trees and upgrades unlocked by defeating bosses.
Literally Nu-Doom and Dad of War tier "skil points"

you get extra lives as well as gold AND xp for killing regular enemies, xp for skills, gold for items, and the kills to resurrect in battle
you need the gold to buy the talismans to use the prosthetic tools, or else you wont be able to have that edge in battle
you need the xp for new skills that also give you a leg up if you know how to use them
and you need to resurrect if you just keep dying
so yeah theres plenty of reasons to kill the basic enemies

I fucking love the way they integrated eavesdrop into the gameplay.
You learn about boss weaknesses, lore and other stuff this way, there's even some cute banter between bandits.
The game feels like it almost goes to immersive sim territory given how many traversal and combat options in semi-open world design you have.

what the fuck does that even mean
if i watch a thread till it expires im "policing a subreddit"

Except you need to unlock abilities that can be purchased in the skill tree by finding items out in the world.

>world tendency

and even on top of that the skills are an active use move that is only reliable as long as you know how to utilize it, and can just as easily be a shit choice that gets you killed

Source on all this?

The dozens of previews that were released today

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Well fuck me for not spending all day on gaming news sites

there are just today loads of videos on youtube of people doing an in depth analysis of playing the first five hours of the game, i shouldnt post a link cause ill get called an e-celeb shill but...
youtube.com/watch?v=ZkUNLxeXaPY "fedora voice" or not, this is really the best video to learn about all the new shit and world information

I mean it's not exactly like it's been hard to miss

>that guy with a portable cannon who bashes your shit in melee too

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Wow. Thanks for the in depth explanation. Been on the fence about this 'cause I got bored of the souls genre after 3. Sounds like it might be worth checking out.

It is if you literally never check places that put up these articles. Sorry for asking a question though.

Any info on how well it'll run on PS4 pro?
Console versions of fromsoft games have always run like ass despite not looking visually that impressive.

>when will reddit die

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it is, look up on youtube just "sekiro" there is just released a whole bunch of new videos of people playing the actual game, not a demo, the game is more than worth checking out

Did it get an early release in other countries?

Preview events

Oh, okay. Thanks.

yeah, they played a bunch of stuff they could show, and some stuff they couldnt. we've still only seen about two levels essentially and they are both fucking crazy

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>that third boss

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You say that like the game won't be easy anyway. How many iframes do the dodges have, hmmm?

gyoubus fucking entry was so rad

dodges are shit it seems like, mostly defense is a block/parry system

From shines with new IPs. I love seeing their style in different settings.

Look at the actual gameplay before opening your mouth

dodge seems to be useful only for certain kinds of attacks, it seems like youll also have to jump often with parrying being the main form of defense

This nigga a genius

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What's up with Miyazaki and wolves? Are wolves his fursona?

>game genre based on trial and error
>locks you out of content if you encounter errors too much
Based and epic. Good job guaranteeing everybody who plays your game has to spoil themselves on a guide to get the full experience.

Apparently there is a maneuver where you dodge into the enemy in certain situations and it does a special animation and shit.

Because that one is 90% soulsfaggots bitching and 10% trolling. No game discussion.

They are giving you multiple safe revives before you're dead for good as well as defensive buffs, stealth, shinobi arts, techniques and prosthetic arm attacks.
No excuse, get good

>in the real world i might be a loser but in the game world... YOUR the loser!!!
This is the souls mindset, ladies and gentlemen

Not me thats for sure. Thankfully I'm not such a reddit dad as you, who thinks the "full experience" is what I'm entitled to, or that a game needs to be as open to me as possible.

Its a fucking game mate. Make mistakes.

yeah its with the red symbol appearing, but apparently only work with thrust-specific attacks, not all of the red symbol moves, which mostly mean an unblockable attack (the symbol actually says danger in moonrune)

Too many humanoid bosses as expected

Oh look at him, he is genuinely assmad he can't hide behind shields and coop fuckbuddies anymore.

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To be honest, the one concern I have with this game is that boss damage will be too high, just like souls.

It's no fun if you can't trade a few hits.


This is such a fucking cuck mentality, and I’m not even memeing.

Humanoids were never a problem of souls series.
Shit bosses were

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There's a reason why "souls" games took off.

>pay for something, don't want to enjoy it fully

get good, along with everything he said theres also eavesdropping to learn boss weaknesses and scouting an area to find advangates for stealth attacks
this will be you on launch, btw

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With Bloodborne and Sekiro I think he's really found his footing and is in his creative peak. Best enjoy it while we can because who knows how many classics he's got left in him.

Is the blocking similar to using a shield in souls? Or is it timing like parrying

Great "argument", faggot. Really shows how insecure you are about your own product

So just like God of War then

Keep sperging out user, show us what you're capable of

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Why did you screencap your own post? Is this the power of souls autism?

I may be wrong cause I haven't been autistically stopping the videos, but I think there's different symbols, since there's 3 types of "perilous attacks" we've seen thus far.

Timing it fills up your enemies posture bar a bit

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It's like every other action title. Have you never played anything outside of souls?

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it all comes down to game design, the highest regarded bosses in the series are all humaniod, artorias, O&S, gael, watchers, fume, ivory king, etc.
it just comes down to design


>muh poise
You're a goddamn shinobi stabbing people in the back, not a tank.

hmm, maybe
it in a language i cant read so im not sure if itll make a difference though

>there's antidotes in the game
Here is comes...

>why isn't it like the souls games?
Don't care, just want a good game and they usually deliver. You tards bitching about this fucking bullshit don't even like games, just like complaining about ones you haven't played.

Poison was confirmed on one of the loading screens already
Cannot be deflected

>another brutal poison level
So long as it isn't Farron Swamp levels of faggotry I'm okay with it.

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>Lobos says there's like 20 upgrade nodes for the shuriken prosthesis alone

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>Manus ? Ludwig ( not one of the most regarded ? ) ? Demon Prince ? Hell even Dancer and Amelia are really good.

yeah, i hate to say it, but an interview with miyazaki confirmed a poison swamp, as well as other environmental hazards
theres even annoying dog enemies in the game

>Ivory King
Not humanoid brainlet.

>Not enjoying a challenging game because you're shit at video games
Just don't buy it, stick with Lets Go Pikachu, or any other Nintendo games.

>it's a game brooo, it's ok to make mistakes

>70% to lose half of all EXP and money upon death
>the percentage increases from 70% everytime you die
>dying makes more friendly NPCs die and fucks up the world
>top DS/BB players dying literally hundreds and hundreds of times in the 3 hour demo

Sounds kinda shit to me mate

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you find runic attacks and summons which unlock mini skill trees, and frozen flames/chaos flames to open up more of the weapon skill tree

ok i meant to say "some of the most" i dont know why i said "all"

is this a lorefag thing

Backstabs are back, baby.

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But there is, as each has to be mannaged a certain way, perfect block, dodge or jump. It's just 3 symbols, possibly, you that lazy? Not knowing the difference will fuck you up.

Solid video, thanks

Sounds like bullshit. Even the main shinobi tree only has 13 nodes

Dragonrot sounds like such a cool mechanic, totally something From would do. I wonder how deep it goes.

Just fuck off to das3 already and take your greatshield and 3 phantoms with you

But muh 1 sword only meme

youre probably right, but i just hope they at least look distinct from each other

>wants a GAME to be challenging
Stop projecting your cuck mentality onto other people

>How will babies cope?

By playing DMC5, while I wait for Sekiro to be available to play between sessions of DMC5

It's only the most basic bitch upgrades, the very first miniboss already gives you new upgrade and it seems you will receive them constantly.

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oh and
>no bloodstain to run back to and retrieve exp/money

Runic attacks aren't inherent skills, they're super moves. Frozen flames and chaos flames upgrade weapons.

Every non-human boss sucks because they’re either glacially slow or have terrible hitboxes

The game is confirmed to be around the same size as other souls games on top of having NG+.
I'm very interested in last upgrade of the shinobi tree since it looks like Mortal Blade.

Fine by me, let there ne tons of shit to unlock, so long as you can get everything and don't have to pick and choose like in fucking Dishonored, even if you can only have 3 tools on at once.

Dying in 2 hits or a single grab is not fun when bosses do a 10 attack combo and you can't block or evade out of a hit.

Hopefully Sekiro will allow all sorts of split second reaction shit, the zombie protagonists are irritatingly non responsive with their stupid slow attacks and clunky movement

Is this the anti-Dmc thread?

Is From the GOAT developers? (excluding DS 2&3)

Runic attacks are upgradeable with new abilities and the act of upgrading your weapons opens up shitloads of new skill tree nodes

No fuck off

I guess that is why permanent XP loss might be a big deal, you will be stunting your growth considerably by dying.
I wonder if it has a Nioh-style attack selection menu, because if you add every single possible node I assume there would be multiple contextual moments that require similar inputs.

I can forgive dogs, but having levels where you CAN'T help getting a debuff no matter how you prepare or could avoid through skill are ass.

Jesus christ no fuck off with the DMCV vs Sekiro shitposts.

>these reading skills
You’re enunciating my point, retard. The guy I’m replying to doesn’t want challenge.

from what ive heard, you can max out all trees but you wont be able to on one run only, so there is incentive to do NG+

So what are the odds of one or two prosthetics being way stronger than everything else and the only things you'd ever use?

No this is the Sekiro thread

I hope it's longer than basegame DS3 or BB, they're way too short

Your bloodstain is the revival mechanic. You can literally just decide to not die when you die. It's like a better, instant corpse run.

Leave the elitism the dark souls threads.

>excluding 2&3
*Excluding 3

fuck off and fuck you
fuck you fuck you fuck you

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While it's not unexpected, I am still a little mad. Maybe you can use the tools to avoid trudging through yet another poisonous swamp.

Probably more like a few prosthetics that you just really like to use. If it's anything like Souls/Bloodborne weaponry, you can use all of them and it's more about what you feel most comfortable with.
Certain enemies also have hard weaknesses to certain prosthetics, like Chained ogres to fire and the shield dude to the big axe.

about as likely as those two being different for every player
but ive heard certain prosthetics will work better on certain bosses and enemies, so theres at least a reason to tr them all

>I wonder if it has a Nioh-style attack selection menu, because if you add every single possible node I assume there would be multiple contextual moments that require similar inputs.
There's a selectable menu for the main special offensive Combat Art and Ninjutsu you can change at any moment because menu pauses the game, but all other shinobi abilities don't overlap, they are always active. You will be able to slide, backstab, perform aerial arts and god knows what else all at once.

And combat arts seem to be really cool since they essentially dictate what playstyle you prefer. One of them is a charged unga bunga slam that restores your posture for example.

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You can only gain revivals from defeating enemies I believe, and some people are saying those revivals still count as deaths

Pretty low. The prosthetic tools are meant to be more like zelda-esque items with each one serving a specific purpose, not weapons to replace your katana

Every souls game has those one or two weapons that completely break the game so I'm not hopeful.

I hadn't follow trailers nor any info, but this tempts me to buy day one. I freaking love to battle beasts from the depths.

well, with the vertical stuff, youll probably be able to get over top most of it, unless miyazaki goes full retard and introduces poison fog or something

>continuously dying fucks up the world and affects the story
I hate this.

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if this game becomes a masterpiece then yes, cause we wont have to deal with the dark souls series anymore.
Hidetaka Miyazaki deserved the freedom he gained and i hope to see more from him

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>It's elitist to want a challenging game
>This is what soibois really believe
Let me guess, your definition of challenge is trying to open up a drink?

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I'd be more worried about the katana combat just coming down to spamming one or two overpowered special moves.


Think positively user: the moment you manage to get good enough to finish the game without hurting your friends is the moment where you truly got good.

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Can you only equip a limited number of special moves/combat arts/whatever or can you use them all whenever you want?

pretty high because every game ever made has a best weapon

Fuck all of these shills, this game is doa
>Pop up tutorials appear for every single item, gadget, ability, and gizmo you collect throughout the ENTIRE game
>No levelling up mechanic. Instead, there's a westernized brainlet talent tree that will act as the "rpg" system
>If you fall off a cliff into a bottomless pit the game will just insta respawn you back to the perch you were on, no penalties besides a tiny slice of your health taken off. Just like Guacamelee!
>The game is SO casualized that there is a mechanic which gives the player 2 lives. If you die, you literally have the option to just respawn right where you are and try again. There are no penalties for doing this. If you end up dying twice, you just respawn back at the last idol you rested at, and again, dying comes with no punishment. And there are plenty of idol checkpoints scattered everywhere, so you'll never have to worry about a long haul back
>No weapon variety, you will be using the EXACT SAME katana throughout the ENTIRE campaign. This also means NO upgrading and it means NO infusing. Just one weapon, at one single stat, for the entire game.
>Standard everyday Dark Souls items like fire bombs, pine resins, throwing knives, luring skulls, etc, have been placed on a pedestal in Sekiro and glorified as "Metroidvania" style equipment you will be unlocking throughout the game. How exciting! You can look forward to applying fire on a katana, or unlocking throwing knives to throw at enemies! Wow! Ground breaking!
>The only truly new mechanics in the game are jumping and the hook shot, which look flimsy and unpolished
>Gameplay has been reduced to button mashing with a parry system
>Multiplayer is NONE EXISTENT in Sekiro. That means NO summoning, NO covenants, NO fight clubs, and as a result, NO community, and NO replay value. There is absolutely no multiplayer at all in Sekiro.
>There is no currency in game, because there are no shops, because there is nothing to purchase at all. The world is empty.

The very beginning is a metroidvania already.
>first miniboss is the ogre, he fears fire attacks but you don't have any
>can explore a part of the level and old woman gifts you a bell which enables you to recall your memories
>this unlocks a level in your memory painted world style
>you can find fire prosthetic there and take it with you to kill the ogre or continue exploration
>if you kill the drunkard boss you can't proceed further until you find a key in real world
And they confirmed that the game opens up even more in second half.

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The main factor will be the level design, I guess. Hopefully it's a section that enables vertical movement, because honestly you can fill a tunnel with poison and make the player walk through, like fucking Earthen Peak. I just hope they give us multiple ways to get through it.

Not necessarily a best weapon that's the best for everything ever though

>dying comes with no punishment
this copypasta aged poorly

is this pic real.

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Posting best poster

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Take your fucking pills already you deranged autist

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hold the fuck up, this sounds a lot like invasion related equipment

>le greentext ragepost
this pasta is well past its sell-by date

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No, there's just enemies capable of illusions

It's not, it's used for certain gimmick fights

both of these are guaranteed but the point of the game is to figure out what the best shit to spam is

I disagree, bosses shouldn't be an R1 fest.
I've been playing Bloodborne on NG+7 recently and a lot of the stuff isn't difficult whatsoever because it's so flimsy even when the difficulty is supposed to be insane.
If a giant demon thing smashes you, you're going to get injured. These games have always been about beating the odds- if anything I'm hoping they go full scrub-killer since they don't have to consider various builds.

yes, it seems they've made sure you want to use more than one by making it almost impossible to kill some enemies without a specific prosthetic

will you preorder? i will


you can only equip one "skill" one "ninja art" and three "prosthetic tools" at a time

Sekiro's idea of World Tendency that gets shifted by dying sounds super interesting but part of me fears they're going to end up neutering it to a point where it's completely insignificant similar to how Insight changes in Bloodborne are cool as fuck in theory but in practice they don't change piddly shit.

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There seems to be a strong lean on enemies having their own weaknesses, i doubt there's going to be one universal prosthetic tool aside from MAYBE shurikens which seem to be amazingly useful for any situation.

Never got the hate for Farron. You even find a quickstep weapon art before getting there. Blightown and Valley of Defilement were worse.

Get your stalker ass out of the thread

well fuck, I hope the skills and ninja arts are going to be decently varied and balanced then so there's not just one go to one that outclasses everything else massively

I'll let my platinum speak for me, brainlet.

>it's literally called exp in the game

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This is a good thing.
I'm not even a leet gamur but you can absolutely walz through Souls and BB after you get the muscle memory down. Something that's a genuine challenge without going down to millisecond simon says bullshit is going to be a godsend.

Of course there will be you assclown, that's how it's meant to work. What's the point of choices if there's no actually correct choice because everything is "equal"?

You can change them literally at any second, menu stops time.
It's possible to literally customize your character for the encounter right in a middle of it.

>>I disagree, bosses shouldn't be an R1 fest.
>boss hits you once
>spend 5 minutes dodging around looking for a chance to use estus
>use it
>boss hits you during long as fuck animation
>have to do it again

I'd rather have no healing mid-fight and be able to take 6-10 hits desu.

it won't be insignificant since it just flat out slowly cuts into your income overall
with insight if you didnt have it, it was whatever
just flat out not getting as much exp or money is a big detriment if you're bad, since it means you will die more, which will result in even less exp in the future

>there's a vendor who lives in a barrel

>mfw i can trade with fucking Diogenes

based from

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You can only have 3 tools at a time, but shinobi and latent arts are always active when you unlock them.

oh okay

>You mean I have to GET GOOD at the game? This is bullshit! I'm ENTITLED to WIN because I BOUGHT your PRODUCT.

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Are they going to have enough button combinations for all of those moves? jeez

>dying over and over infects the NPCs with an incurable disease
This is amazing but it'll make everything so fucking tense, I'll be constantly paranoid since From games constantly autosave to prevent savescumming. I'm so happy to be getting two kino action games in a month.

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Is there any currency besides Sen?

Genuinely interested in the game because it sounds like it's genuinely punishing for mistakes and rewarding playing well. We still don't know yet how the difficulty's exactly gonna be like but from what I saw at Lobosjr's stream convinced me that this actually might be their most skill-demanding game yet which to me as a Souls veteran is a good thing.

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Can I fish and turn into a koi fish like in Mini Ninjas? If not, I'm not interested in this game.

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considering how shit throwing weapons and bow is in souls games, I'd say that they will only be situational items to use on enemies you can't reach, 90% of the combat will use swords.

so instead they will just be a counterattack fest, because that's user's point souls combat is too defensive. Dodge attack, R1, back up, repeat has been the formula for 4 games now.

>shinobi and latent arts are always active when you unlock them
user you're replying to says otherwise. Are there passive and active shinobi & arts?

>No levelling up mechanic. Instead, there's a westernized brainlet talent tree that will act as the "rpg" system
false, killing minibosses drops item to increase health and posture, killing enemies gives you xp to level up skills
>If you fall off a cliff into a bottomless pit the game will just insta respawn you back to the perch you were on, no penalties besides a tiny slice of your health taken off.
false, falling shaves off half your health and falling below half is instant death
>The game is SO casualized that there is a mechanic which gives the player 2 lives. If you die, you literally have the option to just respawn right where you are and try again. There are no penalties for doing this.
false, there is now world tendency mechanics that have impact on your game as well as you needing to kill enemies to be able to resurrect
>No weapon variety, you will be using the EXACT SAME katana throughout the ENTIRE campaign. This also means NO upgrading and it means NO infusing. Just one weapon, at one single stat, for the entire game.
if you dont count the prosthetic tools and weapon skills, true. and im sure you dont either
>game has items
>The only truly new mechanics in the game are jumping and the hook shot, which look flimsy and unpolished
matter of opinion, but subjectively false, the grappling hook gives a vertical option to fights as well as a way to quickly close distance or gain distance
>Gameplay has been reduced to button mashing with a parry system
false, mashing has proven to get you killed over and over, there is only skill required to win in the game
whooo fuckin carrres
>>There is no currency in game, because there are no shops, because there is nothing to purchase at all. The world is empty.
false, literally false as of now
who the fuck made this pasta

soulsniggers want the prestige of beating hard games without actually putting in hours of struggle. that's why so many look up guides to get overpowered shit and duplicate items

>Wolf's VA is Hiroaki Iwanaga
Myazaki's Berserk fetish cannot be stopped or contained

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I'd say so, tools activate with one button, and latent arts are buffs. Don't know how shinobi arts are used.

Bows can be really good in Souls games, don't be dumb.

lets see
>saw kills 95% off BB everything efficiently
>SS are dps demons on ds3
>ds1 can be cheesed with poise or magic
>des has multiple broken pve builds
About 100%, just ignore the couple of bad match ups.

DMCV and Sekiro will set me straight for the next few months. It's great.

they're pretty fucking broken in DeS and DaS1

Didn't they not go with different weapons and builds and such specifically to avoid this

>Hiroaki Iwanaga
Holy shit is this true?

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Sure, doesn't mean they actually will. There's always something broken that invalidates everything else.

speaking of savescumming, running past enemies and quitting out now reloads you at the beginning of the combat encounter

He looks pretty similar to the chad meme irl, just a bit lanky

You didn't instantly recognize this voice?

>after you boost these stats, equip this ring, these arrows, this sword in offhand, and this armor
Sekiro doesn't have this. Bows have to be good on their own or be relegated to situational shit.

Just run past most of them, lose them, fight with the last guy in the way you traversed. Just making a little more annoying for speedrunners.

I was still on the fence. But if he's the VA for sekiro, oh man.

Guess I am save scumming :)

>what is replay value

Did they reveal what you get when you beat bosses?


Are there passive and active shinobi & arts?
You can equip 3 prosthetic tools, and likewise 3 combat arts. Shinobi AND Latent abilities are always active once unlocked. I forgot where I saw this since there's been a few videos released today, but think it was Fightingcowboy's channel. Could have been Juutas, I honestly don't remember, sorry.

I'll just wait for Bloodborne 2, you know, the actual important game that everybody wants.

>Implying the hobo king would accept your filthy coin

What new prosthetics were shown today?
I just spotted that spear one.

Let's hope it's not an 'I win' button like Nioh's shuriken/kunai

At the very least you get boss "memories" but their purpose is not clear yet, probably gives you access to some of their skills as well as a bit of lore boss souls style

what's with you spiteful manchildren

>only has featherless chickens
Th-thanks Diogenes.

Thats not new. It was in the second trailer. Far as I can tell no new ones but everyone only played the first 3 hours.

How are zoomers going to deal with this game if they can't overlevel and summon help?

>>no summons, just one tiem characters that will help you and potentially die forever
This shit is maybe the most concerning one imo. I'm just not going to use any of them.

stfu cunt get a job
ignore the retard

The guy in Sekiro doesn't accept money, he has his own currency and trades for extremely rare shit.

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Thy're already complaining.

I like how this faggot ruined first boss for me.

If there is no way to strangle things with the rope of the prosthetic I will be sad.

First run going to use them all for story reasons. Later runs I'll try to save them all and kill them all.

>he thinks he can save scum

The mask seems to be extremely important given that From apparently gave real life replicas to streamers who participated in the event.
>inb4 Wolf will wear it for some secret power up and ending

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dark souls 1 is his best though 10/10. bloodborne is a solid 8,5/10

well you can either want to learn more about the game or be kept in the dark and find out for yourself man id dont know what you expected
plus weve known about all the bosses shown so far for over half a year now

>actually turns out to be far more challenging and punishing than the Souls games
Well fuck me all the friendly NPCs will probably die

Demon's Souls is his best. He threw ideas at the wall and they all worked.

Any pictures of the replicas? Would like to see it in more detail.
Would be neat if you could collect stuff that would show up on the character. Maybe small broken armor plates and shoulder pads too or something

I expected a vid about MECHANICS and a GENERAL IMPRESSION! Not some cucklord explaining a boss without any warning. Fcuking cucklord zoomer streamer generation.

except for most of the bosses. boletarian palace, tower of latria are great, rest is ok but inferior when compared to 80% of dark souls maps.

>watch video called first five hours of sekiro
>get triggered when there are early game spoilers

I gotta admit I didn't really care about it at first, but it's beginning to look more and more interesting.

this faggot literally explained it immediately. dont defend it you fucking cuck. I bet you watch all the streams first so you dont 'have a hard time', kys fggt.

Go away retard

>spear boss on a horse actually reacts when Wolf comes back after being defeated by stating that he will wreck him as much as he needs to

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Then sure the map is better. The batshit insane gameplay mechanics are all far superior in Demon's Souls. Invasion in that game is legitimately scary. Every other game its got no weight to losing. World Tendency is still never been touched again in any form except maybe for sekiros blood thing. And all the cool Npc things from Dark Souls were done first and sometimes better in Demon's souls. I quite like all the bosses because they are pretty unique to one another but I'm not gonna fight you on that front because I'm in the minority on that.

>muh streamershit
bet your big bro never let you play, huh cuck?

B-but I like my Dragoncrest shield. It looks cool and pulls the look together with my armor.

I'm so excited for this holy shit

>So there's no point in defeating regular enemies? No rewards? I haven't kept up with anything about this game
you get exp and money
bosses additionally unlock new abilities in the skil tree, so the screenshot that are around are not the real full skill tree, there are many skill missing

yeah, invasions were great in ds 1 and ds 2. not a fan of world tendency, cool mechanic, poor execution.

I liked like most of the bosses, like blind monk, the dragons, gargoyle, spider, flamelurker, dragon king (fite me). but the bad bosses are real stinkers, like that bird-brain thing.

This game sounds fucking terrible

des 1 and das 1. das 2 and das 3 and bb casualized it to hell.

christ man you are absolutely seething

Deracine was his best game since the first Dark Souls.

and? Nothing wrong with that design choice. Its just a way of customizing playstyle and adds another layer of progression. Some games do it differently, but that doesnt mean either is inherently bad. Depends on the execution.

I'm bored of from soft games now
ds3 left me very burned out

Black World Tendency in Demon's would have been so much more meaningful if the cling ring didn't exist.

I absolutely fucking love the fact exploration is so heavily rewarded.
Mini-bosses drop items for posture/vitality upgrade and new skills, there's a shit ton of useful items like attack and defence buffs, sometimes you can find just simple white talismans to replenish your stock, not to mention hidden NPCs like the barrel guy.

fucking pathetic

>being on the ground doesn't give you i-frames
Oh boy

I can definitely see from took some inspiration from God of war

maybe you played it too long man
i dont know how people are still pvping 3 years down the line

do you know what black tendency does?

Just all the NPCs in general you can talk to and enemies you can eavesdrop. Can’t fucking wait to search every inch of all the maps to find everything hidden.
Only fear I have is the game being rather short

The game was in development for at least 3 years and initially it was a fucking Tenchu entry

They are saying it's around the size of other souls games

Skill trees are more fun than stats desu

Japanese voices seems to be an option. I love it.

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Even despite the fact Souls dubs are top tier there's virtually no reason not to play with japanese dub.

>in some boss battles you can have NPCs help you with the fight
>their deaths are permanent
Can’t wait to see the tears when people get destroyed in the game

>first five hours of Sekiro
>video is 14 minutes long

Shitty joke aside, I fucking hate Vaati. The most obnoxious shill that ever lived.

I know normal Japanese but the way people speak in samurai films (and apparently in Sekiro) is pretty cool and different. That's another good reason to play with the jap dub.

To be honest, RPG elements held back the Souls games.
Just look like what they did to the Castlevania series. It went from a series known for tight level design focused on testing every mechanic of your character to repeated corridors because the developers needed to account for every kind of playstyle.

>die too much and you'll fuck up everyone around you
Screaming externally

No it wasn't. It was never going to be a Tenchu game.

since dragons curse spreads through death then the true ending probably requires a no death run


I’ll play with English dub. I don’t think the dialogue has much impact when I don’t understand the language.
It’s different in other mediums lile movies because you can see their face mimics and body language at the same time

Feel free to get the fuck out

read/watch the game informer coverage.

I agree, Vaati is trash. But so is most of the soulsborne and from community so it's not like he stands out that much.

>for every kind of playstyle.
thats immensely retarded and I applaud you for even voicing this nonsense

This sounds generic and boring, but it will be sucked off something fierce by critics because From

It was the original vision in pre-planning but quickly got scrapped due to the scope of what they were trying to accomplish.

It'll be just as casual as dark souls/bloodborne, aka just hard enough for casuals to pretend their super elite hardcore gamer club exists but still easy enough for any retard to complete.

That goes to you

Are you going to stay away from Sekiro threads until you have finished the game?

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More recent interviews (in particular those by Game Informer) have confirmed this wasn't the case. Definitely inspired by Tenchu, though.

Yes, i will probably filter the name of the game globally after DMC comes out and until i'm done with it.

when it comes out, yes

>has to spoil themselves on a guide to get the full experience.
written like a true "video game journalist" aka blogger.

you don't have to do shit, no one is forcing you dickcheese. if you suck shitdick, then it's on you alone. GIT GUD or go back to playing Sony's interactive cinematic movie walking simulators.

There's Vitality and the mana one from DS

Provide links.

They've done a good job of keeping things under wraps. It's pissing me right the fuck off. Right now I want there to be lots of spooky youkai to fight, like those headless dudes.

Wait did this came out? Or is there a demo I can play or something? If yes, how?? (I play on ps4), sorry but I'm just bad at technology and such...

Why lie? It's RPG mechanics have been known for months

Getting a bad ending is one thing.
But having to listen to all the NPCs in the comfy hub wheeze and cough while rotting away is fucked up nigga

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Yep, fuck this place. Yun Yun>Minimilk

He's wrong it's just because it's a Metroidvania and you're supposed to backtrack all the time.

Without summoning, no.
Plebs and casuals will get filtered.

Based kino.
Give link

>this game has no exp what the fuck
>game literally has exp in it
i swear you took this from half a year ago

Then try to die less

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>my hub waifu will probably die to dragon aids

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i mean, no OP weapons, no high defense armor, and no summoning already sets this as a tougher game to start
and its already proved to not relent on the difficulty either

That's just marketing speak and you know that.
>le around the size of the other souls games when each one of them can take vastly different amounts of time on a first playthrough

Agree with you until Sony baaad part.
Most of the PS4 exclusives on their hardest difficulties are way harder than any of the Souls games. You are a retard, probably poor too.

You can block almost all attacks
The ones you can't, you either dodge or jump

Sounds simple enough

>you survive instead of dying
>except your bad karma goes to other people without power

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You mean hub shota.

>yfw there's child NPCs you can give dragonrot to

You can literally facetank every game. But sure bro your super special gamer cred is untouched because you didn't use summons, just like 90% of the people playing the games.

yeah but the hard part comes down to actually attacking, cant just dodge forever

Most people don't summon. Bloodborne didn't have high defense armor and was just as casual as dark souls. And there will be OP weapons/tools just like in every single From game ever. Keep thinking that you're special.

please someone help I'd love to play this game.. If there is any chance that is

I guarantee you that more than 90% of the players used summoning

get fucked, ill beat the game, everyone in this thread will beat the game, and i bet we'll all have a fun time doing it and talking about it
keep your negativity to yourself

demo is not out, people in the games industry (journalists and streamers) got invited to play the game

There is no demo for nonstreamer plebs. Game comes out on the 22nd.

>Mom said only I was this good at video games. All the other kids suck.
Get real

enemies drop gold and some items as well on top of the definitely not blood bullets that they did in the demo.

In the video around 3:55
>We used [Tenchu] for impetus and inspiration, but that was it. We were told this was not gonna be a new Tenchu game, we want this to be a brand new thing

>Most of the PS4 exclusives on their hardest difficulties are way harder than any of the Souls games. You are a retard, probably poor too.
fucking lmao. the literal definition of artificial difficulty

That's literally my point. You, me, everyone in this thread, everyone that will actually play the game. I'm not saying it's going to be a bad game. I'm saying it's just going to be Dark Souls 4: Electric boogaloo with ninjas edition, so don't expect some super hard core shit.

Where is this saltiness coming from lol?
Did the the devs diddle you or did you get bullied for being bad at games?

I know it's hard to imagine but not everyone is as good as you champ. Most of my friends needed summons to beat Dark Souls.

From does best with their first game.


Sekiro won't be any different

>artificial difficulty
Cope poorfag shitter.

What saltiness? I never said the game was going to be bad, I just said it wasn't going to be a super hard game like some people seem to expect. I'm going to get and more than likely enjoy it.

well most of the try hard streamers invited out to tokyo to play it all said it was a fucking butt breaker of a game

>Watch all these souls pro players get their shit kicked in and start being like wow I actually have to get good at the mechanics and not just grind levels and upgrade weapons this is so crazy.
Have these people never played an action game in their life

??? Theyre all around 30 hours

Got a friend who couldn’t even get to Cleric Beast and another who couldn’t get past Cleric Beast after 30+ tries. Both dropped Bloodborne

You're being salty over how many people summoned in souls. It's really weird.

world tendency was one of the worst "features" of DeS

fuck anyone who thinks it should come back

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Why are some fags so bitter about Souls games?

Streamers also hyped up every dark souls game as some sort of mount Everest of difficulty. They just hype shit up, that's literally their job.

i actually once read a game journalist article who spent over a hundred tries on cleric

Compared to by far the majority of games released this is classified as a challenging game

>Reading comprehension

yeah i guess but its literally the only exposure we have to the game, so i believe it over nothing

No it's cool

This. I personally think the game looks good as fuck, but the streamers are souls-dedicated fromdrones. They'll love it, it's literally what they're basing their marketing campaign on. Having all these streamers talk about it instead.

It would be good if it was meaningful to use ephemeral eyes, so the player has to consider whether or not to double their health but risk dying and making the level harder. The Cling Ring ruins that

It didn't work for DeS because it fucked with items. You're not worrying about gear in Sekiro so it should be perfectly fine and hopefully make enemies and other things change in interesting ways.

Is the world absolutely fucked like every other Soulsborne game? One thing I liked about Nioh's setting was that everybody was still actively scheming and things were only kind of fucked

Good job lying and shitposting.

Why go into an event to play the game and try to play it exactly like its a souls game when all they have done is say this one is very different. Half of everyones videos are just "wow I got assfucked cause I tried to play it like a souls game and not the action game that it is!"

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>world tendency back, continuously dying fucks up the world and affects the story
Do you really think that From in 2019 would bring it back? It will most likely be like hollowing in DS3, they mentioned something about a healer.

True. But watching the gameplay it does indeed look harder.

Can’t roll your way through the game anymore. Now you have do dash, jump and deflect.

t.didnt play and just looked it up online.
it was fucking A when the game was fresh and everyone was in it, discovering shit.
sorry that you never experienced it

>new game has even less features and gameplay mechanics than its predecessor
why are people hyped about this again

>New game is not an action rpg but an action game
>No one can seem to wrap their heads around this and just complain theres no RPG elements instead.
every thread

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It has deeper combat system and less boring RPG stat mechanics.

Not as fucked but still very dark and depressing

read the thread, you lazy fuck

Watch some of the recent videos. It's definitely not a hollowing reskin.

It's a fucking Sengoku era Japan and we're infiltrating a clan that commits all sorts of atrocities to gain power.
it's as fucked as it can be in context of history.

>totally ignoring Sekiro coverage because I don't give a shit about the setting and hated Nioh
>watch a couple of preview videos today
>looks fucking terrific

Well, shit. DMC5 is still getting my March money, but Sekiro will definitely be another purchase from me. The movement looks so smooth, and the atmosphere is palpable. Cool enemy designs with a lot of variety too. It's gonna be a good one.

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the game gets harder whether you use the cling ring or not dumbass.

>that scene where one of the players hides inside a palaquim and gouges an eye out of the Great Serpent

10/10 game of the year

when it comes to ps4 i will buy it

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There was a bit of footage where an Ashina soldier is crying over his dead horse and then Sekiro mercilessly stabs him in the neck. Made me sad

oh, it was fucking A, i guess that's a good enough reason to bring it back.

do you have any actual reasons?

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At least he's with the horse now

>100 shallow or reskinned weapons
>stats that change which of these weapons you are forced to use
>shitty pvp

>that scene where the players can actually kill a normal rooster

No, i'm not joking.

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Doesn't matter. The trade-off is meant to be that the player goes into human form to have more health, but also risks making the level harder if they die. That trade-off isn't as meaningful as it could be because of the Cling Ring. It makes it so that your health isn't drastically cut down and you don't feel much of a need to use ephemeral eyes.

Nigga that thing is almost as tall as him

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Seeing shit like this makes me kick myself for not being able to resist watching new footage

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>we've already seen footage where the snak ambushes him on some bridge which means it will return for a second round later and to finally get completely wrecked

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>it doesn't matter because I don't think it changes the numbers enough
either way it has other effects like spawning more enemies and increased loot

dying in soul form reduced world tendency is what you're missing dude

>Gyoubu Oniwa's entrance
Very nice.

I’m usually not a big fan of that seeting either. But man this one just oozes atmosphere and looks damn fun

no it doesn't

Everything you listed sounds amazing. Sounds like you're just a bitch.

Nah fuck you

well that backfired for you

Yeah you're right, i guess its an barely-normal rooster


>things not being fucked
Pick one and one only.

I mean this time the setting looks good in sekiro. Really pretty. I'm sure they'll have their own take on the folklore like with their european dark fantasies of previous games.

>pinwheel description
>barrel merchant
>immortal soldier and his lines
>the way you wreck the snake
>some of the bantz between bandits
The game certainly has Miyazaki's goofy style of humour to it.

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Dragonrot is really really really cool and I'm super excited now.

I'm still not really set on another game in a japanese setting.
I wanna fight this feeling since I feel like one of those IGN journos with their "another white male???" shit, but I just feel a burnout at this point.
If it was china, fictionalized tk era or something. But Japan again? It feels like we're constantly swapping Japan for Europe and back.
Even in Warband I've played Gekokujo the most besides the base game.
Maybe its me

You know what it reminds me of? Otogi. Also, having just typed that, I realized that's also a Fromsoft game.

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I can't believe that I doubted based Miyazaki even for a second, forgive me Lord for I have sinned.

How do you wreck the snake? You got a video?

Not literal end-of-the-world DS3 tier as actually most enemies this time around are humans that still seem to have their faculties, but it's still prety fucked and judging by some enemies it's probably a Bloodborne scenario where everything goes to shit towards the end

I like how Sekiro comes across as sort of hapless. Whenever he's talking to NPCs he seems slightly out of the loop and reserved.

its okay user. In a few years he will have fallen from grace any way

I bet the game will involve the 4 Dragon Kings

We know there's a Kappa (headless), and they give your asshole soul to them in myth.

I don't see what's the big deal about Japan setting

You know what's even more overused than Japanese seting? European medieval setting, used by the Souls series. And those games are still amazing, because From makes it work by having god tier art and direction. I have no doubt they'll pull through another unique experience with Sekiro

is there a fucking leak or how do all of you faggots know these things all of a sudden?


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How does dying continuously affect the world exactly?

>thing was the size of a man
Fuck off Australia, cassowaries are not chickens.

no, a lot of new preview footage came out today

Check Iron Pineapple video, towards the end. You sneak on a narrow passage, enter an abandoned palaquin and then gouge its eye out

do you have braindamage or are you just pretending to be retarded?

You had to be alive for it to count.

So far we know that NPCs are starting to fall ill because your shit karma overflows into them.

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The snake doesn't die though, it just stays there sperging like a retard. It will come back to hunt you down in a later time it seems (as seen in the trailer some months ago).

I loved Nioh will I like this game?

Anyone who thinks world tendency was bad and not one of the most original and fantastic game mechanics of the past 30 years should kill himself.

You die, the world slowly dies with you

They are different, Sekiro seems to be way more movement oriented and with a different approach to blocking and stamina management.

I think so.

Reminder that it isn't an RPG though, as explained eloquently in many threads now. But that's fine because we have a fairly good skill tree progression system.

>A boss died...let's increment the "game is easy" meter by....one!

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>world tendency back
Fucking good, dogshit """"A"""" team ruined the retard punishing mechanics mechanics found in Demon's and Dark Souls 2
While I admit soul memory in 2 could have done better the principle was there, stronger invaders and less available summons because you're a pathetic noob who dies too much

The game is thoroughly connected to dragons.
It seems like you can cure dragonrot to some extent but this seems to be a rare as fuck item.

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It would be really good if it wasn't for the Cling Ring. Also, if killing non-attacking incidental NPCs (e.g. prisoners in Latria or miners in Stonefang) affected Tendency.

>one tiem characters that will help you and potentially die forever
sounds kinda familiar

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i'm sure in your case it was

None of the bosses look good. I'm let down.

fella on the horse looks cool to me

What do you mean? They look pretty damn hype

this is really how it went: Oh there sure are a lot of bloodstains in the nexus, i wonder why people are killing themselves so often here.
Then you find out about world tendency and think it's a dumb mechanic

>potential dragon bossfights
Given the amount of mobility we have now, I hope they have some competent dragon bossfights that aren't just massive camerabeasts.

>Giant snake kicks in
>Crouch inside the bush
>Giant snake can't detect the player
I'm so fucking done with this game.

We haven't seen all of the bosses

They're all just humans with weapons, its so dull.

Is that information from the final build, or is that just journo/e3 "gameplay" hype shit?

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When it does spot you it bolts its maw towards you faster than you can evade. Stop complaining lel.

finally we got some info, there has been a bunch of previews recently now
go check em on jewtube


>there's a vendor who lives in a barrel
>mfw I can trade with fucking El Chavo del Ocho

Vergil 3 on higher difficulties was pretty cheap.

>asshole with a cannon on the wall can potentially kill his own buddies

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Okay dokay. Not interested in the game, just wanting people to be careful what they hype too much
Blind hype and fandom isn't good for anyone. You have seen what happened to Zelda and Mario

Oh man I'm really tempted to but I don't want to spoil anything for myself.

>I clicked on a video about the first 5 hours of the game and I got spoiled! How could this happen to me?!

>xbots so broken now they believe multiplats are exclusives
inb4 "b-but multiplats are better on the xbone x!" No thanks, I'll play on pc.

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From games are objectively harder than like 99% of all games

Emma is top cute!

And why is the snake seemingly so important? Will it talk

It was incredible

>Mfw I'm so sorry everyone is suffering because I can't complete my mission without dying and cursing them so I can come back to life

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>NPCs still don't open their fucking mouths when they talk

>And why is the snake seemingly so important?

Probably going to be a Primordial Serpent stand in.

>>exp and currency lost permanently on death

It's a shitty mechanism to extend the length of a game. Make you grind more to get back that lost exp/money. It's artificial gameplay time.

Game is already shit before it launched.

>human sized roosters

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Humanoids bosses are great. It’s gigantic bosses that are almost always problematic.

Oh but there’s all kinds of monsters later on

Anyone got a link for this?

Afaik From have wanted to implement a huge snake in their games for a long time. There was supposed to be one in Bloodborne but was cut.
I think they are just proud and showing off the finally implemented one

Okay wake me up when we get to any that aren' 'human with weapon'

For a fantasy game this shit has a pretty uninteresting world and atmosphere. I want some fucking cool monster designs.

>t. complained about having to farm blood vials in BB

Git gud and don’t die

the old bottles were made in a really stiff way that was a hand nightmare to open

The trailers have some of them. Look at this big mofo yeti thing

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Hope there's a way to stealth kill multiple opponents.

How it was done sucked, but the idea was cool.

Lobos' channel, end of his 20min video

Not this disgusting degenerate shitbag maggot again

Someone should dox this faggot and get him arrested for stalking

Absolutely disgusting

the blood cloud skill thing looks like it exists to give you this, where you can jump in and backstab someone before the guy next to him notices, kicking up a cloud that lets you then backstab that guy without being detected. Watching it in motion kind of felt like watching someone throw a smoke grenade in metal gear and CQCing a bunch of guys in a row

How long till he starts making movies

>permanent consequences for fucking up too much
This is so good but it'll make me go absolutely insane at the prospect of fucking up and dying.

is there no english VA?

There is

Dude, don't be so insecure about what others think.

Thanks for the video.

i kind of doubt that

It's a good way to give an incentive for using stealth and avoiding combat. I hope stealth is sufficiently hard, though

They aren't completely permanent, just hard to reverse given that the item doing so only does it a little and seems to be exceedingly rare.


The fucking story trailer has an english version are you being stupid on purpose

because Dark Souls/BB have a western setting and only have english VA (I know DS3 got jap VA in a later patch)
It would be "fair" if Sekiro only had jap VA since it's a japanese setting.

what the fuck does that have to do with anything?

He looks like a good boss, even if a generic Yeti looking thing.

Lady Butterfly looks like best so far IMO.

It's the story trailer
A preview of the game's story
In English
Meaning the game's story will have English VA if you want English

>Meaning the game's story will have English VA if you want English
sorry but there's no cause relation between the two.

Gameplay looks good but so far I hate the music. All the worst cliches of Dark Souls with added YOOOOOOOOOO cliche instruments. Demons Souls this aint.

There is, because if it was only Japanese VA it'd be English subtitles only
DaS3's trailers were English dubbed but with Japanese subtitles, there were no Japanese dubbed trailers, just like how there was no Japanese dub in the game

Finally something decent, thanks.

DS3 got a japanese dub, so yeah, you're wrong.

Alright you're just fucking baiting me now

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There's most likely going to be many monster bosses, as the game progression seems to be going from human/giant human to monsters/crazy shit.

That is my hope. Fantasy Japan without a lot of monsters just feels fairly bland for me. But I'll be getting this for sure, the question is just when.

how long till it's 20 bucks

I really don’t see it. Looks more like NG.

Who Day One Buy?

already preordered since it's From
can't really go wrong

Pre-ordered here (I don't do it usually)

>can't really go wrong

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Yeah you posted a great game. Fuck you and your stale meme.

You kinda have to if you want the to play the game as intended. Chances are a bit after launch if an area/boss is too difficult for casuals or if a skill is too broken there'll be some nerfs and balancing.

DS2 is alright.

With that said, Sekiro is made by the DS1 and BB team, not the DS2 one.

>great game
>literally the worst in the series
>from lied and downgraded the shit out of it
Fuck off drone

>shitting on the best game of the series
you're not helping your case, bro.

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Is FROM known for patching single player games?

You are one of those kids who fell for the memes propagated by shills like Lobos and ENB. I fell sorry for you. Keep licking matthewmatosis's ballsack.

It is a good game, with great replayability and PvP but it is not as good as the other games in the series.

This games going to be fucking sweet.

>le contrarian opinion
Go jump off a bridge, moubreathers

Yeah it's a 9/10.
In my book that's great.

Seen what? Two new games in those franchises come out and be phenomenal?

>worst game in the series
>still manages to be better than other games from different developers
How did those b-team dipshits manage it?

you're just projecting that you watch youtubers all day and garble trash

anyone could follow the souls formula and make something better than most trash. probably because you like the the formula.

Sure thing kid. Go back to your rolling simulator and pvp buttfuck party.

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theres an anime who supposedly explains the situation regarding this island, it's nothing special in fact it kinda sucks

only watched it because I wanted more background for playing Sekiro

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meaning? I don't play anything but DeS and DaS

nvm wrong thread
I got confused with Ghost of Tsushima

What's stopping scrubs from save scumming when they die the first time?

Babies will never cope

First time Ive ever pre ordered a game,more and more happy I did every time we get more info

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Preordered the steel book one, CE was out of stock damn it


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Wasn't even a release month buy until the Gameinformer coverage. This new stuff has fully grabbed me and now am 100% there day one.
>DMC5, Astral Chain, Sekiro, and later KH3 critical mode all this year
2019 the fucking epicenter for action game goodness.

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Red pill me on astral chain

The Viking to Anglo style of sword making is pretty cool and probably quicker.

They'd wrap the good higher carbon steel around the center low carbon steel. So the entire cutting edge on both sides to the tip, is hard, whereas the center is softer for toughness.


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Wait, what the fuck? What are Abyss Watchers doing in the East?

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new platinum game with designs by the man who created Zetman, video girl Ai, and Wingman. Future cops seem to have extremely sentai inspired spirit entities that fight along side you to extend combos. Looks like you also do police shit like catch criminals with your spirit chains and whatnot. Supervised by Kamiya whatever that actually means.

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Will there a Moonlight Sword?

Sekiro is DS4

It'd be hilarious if there was a massive twist like this

>11 years in waiting
And DMCV is right round the corner. God bless.

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Is it really going to have Japanese language as an option? Would be pretty cool for the Japan themed game to have it.

I played Sekiro at Gamescon 2018, it was a huge step backwards from Dark Souls

Infinite stamina spamfest, parry replaced by timed blocking, instant Assassin's Creed style stealth kills, and combat basically just boils down to dodging your enemies unblockables (which are telegraphed by a massive glowing red symbol above the enemies head, ala Arkham) while you max out their posture bar for a free insta-kill. Also, you literally are just given extra lives. You can easily escape combat to heal by just zipping away using the grappling hook, and there was no real reason to actually fight most enemies as far as I could see, since the shinobi arm is only really useful against a few gimmick enemies and you can collect the Ninjutsu talismans out of combat so the enemies don't really matter anyway.

It looks flashy, but it's so, so casualized. This is what happens when devs known for difficult games get popular and pander to the lowest common denominator. FROM has clearly abandoned the Dark Souls community, I can only hope Nioh 2 will step up to fill that void

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>Sekiro would the eastern land all these games were alluding to
the lore implications