Make a wish Yea Forums

Make a wish Yea Forums.

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One thread per game

Republic Commando 2.

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I wish a separate board for console gaming was made

I wish for Dark Souls 4

we get a board for nintendo

I want video games to be free from corporate and political interests, and to become a pure art.

Shitposters accurately predict how fucked WoW Classic will be.

I want a gf

Make console warring a bannable offense.

Wish granted.
>games get attached to religion.

>Thinking bans mean anything in 2019

Granted. Yea Forums is deleted, there is only /vg/.

>newfags dont know how monkey paw works

I want this board to crash and burn

I can live with this.

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It's not developed by From. They've still moved on and the name/license are just being farmed out to a 3rd party for cash.

I wish this thread pruned

Like going to church is like hitting up an arcade?
Best timeline.

>Mount & Crusade

>Counter Strike Source2: Jihad Unlimited

I wish for the STALKER series to continue.

But what if I wish for my wish to never go wrong?

I wish everyone became obessed with all the niche games Yea Forums worships and demande more innovative/varied gameplay and mechanics.

Neat, how many altar boy simulators do I get?

I wish for gacha to end.

I wish to die.

Wish granted
Every game is now a soulsborne clone

wish granted but everyone who posted in this thread including you gets range banned

I wish to win the lottery this saturday

Wish granted.
It's now a mobile game with loot boxes.

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It's a mobile gatcha game.

I wish that Yea Forumsirgins are finally happy.

I wish you were free, monkey.

Dark Souls isnt niche and doesnt have varied or innovative gameplay/mechanics.

I want the entire video game market to implode in on itself so we can have a crash similar to the American 1983 Video Game Crash, but on a world scale.

A good Ace Attorney game, with a puzzle system based on logic and reasoning instead of magic/emotion bullshit.

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I want online F-Zero GX. Please.

I wish I could visit Yea Forums once without finding either a disguised porn thread,a politic thread or an inflammatory thread

delete Yea Forums

A revival of the pure stealth genre.

I wish this thread would be deleted and replaced by a thread about video games.

i want resetera and niggers to leave this fucking board

another monkeys paw

Where's the downside?

make her real

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Granted. It's developed by DICE with a heavy multiplayer focus with a half-assed rehash of Republic Commando 1's story with none of the original characters.

she treats you like any other woman

Okay, she's real. She's met a lovely young chad and plans to give her virginity to him tonight.

Freedom Wars 2

I want a proper remade of freedom fighters and not that spiritual sequel that was homefront

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Granted, we now live with Tumblr and aussies.

However because Nintendo cannot into online the whole thing is an unplayable mess. Lag, stuttering, massive FPS drops and weird-ass glitches are everywhere.

I wish animal parts weren't used to grant wishes.

They now require the sacrifice of the whole animal.

I want Yea Forums to disappear

granted, but it neverever gets a west release

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Every user's waifu is real!
>they hate you and think you're gross

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then that one wish, you just made about wishing the wish never went wrong won't go wrong, because that's the wish you wished for, but the next wish will go wrong for that was your with for the previous wish only and not future wishes

I wish you weren't such a faggot

As is, religions are attached to politics.
So this has the secondary effect of detaching religion and politics.

granted, all the new stalker games will be free to play battleroyale only

I wish for an RE engine Dead Rising reboot. Frank was never supposed to be handsome anyway and it would be hard to be worse than the Vancouver games, so do your worst.

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Mother 3 never got a west release you stupid fucking paw ahhahahaahah

How bad it is?

I wish for a turkey sandwich, on rye bread with lettuce and mustard. And I don't want any zombie turkeys, I don't want to turn into a turkey myself and I don't want any other weird surprises.

granted, now all to be gacha games will be pachinko machines instead

Miyamoto directs and makes the game motion control only and therefore halves the speed of the racing.

I wish my waifu was real, loving me and only me.

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However you die through some freak accident before anything can happen between the two of you. Your waifu is left alone in an unknown world, mourning you.

Granted but you become the star of a popular T.V show that she loves and are her husbando. She loves you dearly but knows you will never be together.

>waifu finds the monkey's paw
>tries to bring me back
>ends up just being like the story
this one is nice too

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it's going to be just like dark souls 2
but that's a good thing too

granted, but you will never get as good tasting turkey sandwich as the one you wished for ever again

Half life 3

finally after all these years, i know what true answer

granted, but it will confirm Hunt Down The Freeman as canon and end in a cliffhanger

wish granted
>now you are going to get tortured for eternity in hell

also it's a battle royale

I want good Animal Crossing Switch news

It's episodic

I want a new God Hand

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I want another quake with a singleplayer campaign with more horror elements and more dakka

RE4make :^ )

I wish DMC5 to finally come out, so I could play V and learn more about his past and personality.

Make Anime girls real
Change this world artstyle to Anime artstyle

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Bigger dick

Everything now looks like Aku no Hana anime.

Granted, but as a result of everything being anime, you'll start craving 3D instead.

can you game the monkey's paw by wishing fortune upon someone you hate

I wish modern gaming would die off already.

Man, and I thought I was cruel.
I had almost forgotten that was a thing.

i wish I took school and sports seriously when I was a child

Granted, but rather than a new gaming renaissance after these dark ages, what rises from the ashes instead is an abomination that takes all the worst aspects of modern gaming and doubles down on it.

DMC5 gets released at this very moment, however it will be split into episodes which will be released periodically every month, with full game being available 6 months from now

I wish Equestria was real and I got to a live a normal life as a pony there.

I wish I was dead.

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I want a new infamous

You didn't get the joke

modern gaming dies, but all digital vidya stores and servers enabling online play also shut down, games will be only available physically and playable with others only via LAN or locally

I wish every game had cheat codes for unlockable thicc sliders for female characters.

This, I wish I kept running in middle school or at least kept playing basketball in high school even if it would amount to nothing. At least I would meet more people through sports and socialize.

Your body begins to decompose but your soul stays tied to your body and will be trapped in the general vicinity of where your body is.

Granted, but the effects of the sliders look like crappy photoshop edits.

Granted, but moments before you die all of your problems are relieved and you're filled with a desire to live on. Your final thoughts are that of regret, now knowing what you could've achieved with this newfound take on life and that you willingly cut it short.

I wish it was 2006 again

granted, but now all games will have horrible clipping issues with models

Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord please

Granted, but you lose all knowledge you've gained in these last thirteen years as well.

Blessed greased +3 gray dragon scale mail

already did and i regret it

>want new C&C game
>it is made, but its mobile shit cashgrab garbage

why does it has to hurt so much

Like crappy photoshop edits, that's better than nothing at least.

Realistic downside, however I still accept these terms.

I wish i was rich like bill gates but got 0 popularity

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Was this you?

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>all of your problems are relieved
Yea Forums can resurrect the dead?

Aren't IRL monkey paws great? I still bought it.

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Good. The only difference between /vg/ and Yea Forums is the twitter/blogpost and threads like this.

ALL of your problems are relieved. Such is the power of the monkey paw, not Yea Forums.

Oh great mokey's paw. I wish for BloodBorne Kart.

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You are now Martin Shkreli.

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Granted, it's
and PS5 exclusive.

Monkeys paw wishes are supposed to be bad.

I dunno man, I don't trust Sony much lately.

I wish Yea Forums actually understood how the monkey's paw works.

I want a Shadowrun "immersive sim" on a Tortanic budget by Arkane and ex-Troika writers.

I wish I was good at drawing

I want Sonic to be good again

How's this for a monkey's paw
*lays your hand over my crotch*

it will come out eventually, but there will be no butter in the game

Granted, but its stormy goes around a normal dude who fixes weapons by resolving tube puzzles

Granted. Monkey's Paw threads become overly abundant, so much that the mods decide to ban discussion of it like they (at least temporarily) did with SCP Secret Lab.

Granted, people now make 3 wishes instead of 1, making these threads even more of an incoherent clusterfuck.

however Yea Forums is now a video games only board with strict and immediately enforced moderation

I want to become a butterfly.

I want old Game Freak back

Origin always online only
$60 price with $93 season pass 1 that adds the missing classes

Granted. Yakuza series suspended indefinitely so Sonic can be rehashed for ages to come.


Granted, you're taken back in time to the release of Sonic Mania and just left there to experience time in the relatively linear fashion that you always have.

granted, but you will not be able to use your newfound talents outside of Yea Forums drawfag threads

Granted, but he will forever be turned into a beat-em-series, with the werehog as the only playable character.

Granted, but it becomes the ONLY vidya related board now. Yea Forums and /vg/ are deleted.

This is literally not an issue

I wish I had a girlfriend instead of videogames

I already got Monkey's Paw'd
I wished for a revival for a revival for World of Darkness in both vidya and PnP form.
I'm so fucking sorry, Yea Forums.

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Granted, but she leaves you after a week and now you have no gf or vidya.

i wish that i was never born

I wish my IBS would go away and never come back

Still worth it

I want all yuri VNs to be turned into yaoi VNs.

Granted, you were never this timeline. Instead you were born in a slightly, yet noticeably shittier timeline. Maybe one without indoor plumbing or something, I dunno.

i wish for all streamers and politicians get raped once every year on a random day

what part of the word "never" don't you understand

Granted you stay in purgatory forever after your mom got an abortion

But this is only good?

Shadow Hearts 1 and 2 remake/remaster

Granted, this however turns you into the biggest yurifag. Like /u/ would tell you to tone it down, and you'd have absolutely zero interest in dicks anymore.

I wish this board would die

In this plane of existence, you were never born. Effectively, you no longer exist here.

Granted but you get colon cancer

Granted sonic gets doomed to get eternally rehashed until it can accidentally stumble into success with every itteration sucking in two new different ways

granted but gameplay is focus tested by 14-year-old Fortnite fans

I wish Holocaust never happened.

granted but you will become a streaming politician

Granted but you can only draw blueprints

Umm, user...

Granted but there are now 6 more million Jews in the world

I wish for a --->GOOD

I wish the monkey’s paw granted wishes as the person wishing on it intended

A faithful remaster of the Ace Combat PS2 trilogy.

I wish for Dino Crisis 2 remake. A good and universally acclaimed one, just like Re2.

Granted but the monkey's paw no longer exists.

Granted. Enjoy your 2 dollars.
The ticket cost more than you won.


Granted, both franchises reboot and a new entry is released with amazing production values, but both of them are for Japanese arcades only with no console version ever.

Granted but the monkey paw locks itself away behind forces so powerful and arcane that no sentient creature can ever break it. The only way to break the seal is to wish upon the now unreachable paw to break said seal.

But that’s not what I intended

Lemon key, I wish for every post on Yea Forums get a magical marking that shows what consoles (and PC if it applies) the poster primarily plays.

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The monkey paw will do as you ask, given that you can access it.

I wish the drawthreads (and Yea Forums in general) weren’t so full of horny bastards with shit taste. People let porn rule their lives.

It did not grant my wish, as it did something I hadn’t intended. The monkey’s paw has violated its own function

Granted, this divides Yea Forums into /pol/ like subsets but with console choices instead of countries.

Bully 2

Granted, but they are so faithful that they kept the resolution the original with no improvements whatsoever including no 16:9 support.

>Every thread is filled with tripfags with shitty drama and cliques

Hey, you shouldn't be granting 2 of my wishes. But I'll take it!

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Can I samefag and request my own art?

It granted your wish and did not twist the intention. You said nothing about the paw's accessibility, the monkey paw is no mind reader. Provided it can be reached, the paw will function as you stated.

worth it

My wish allows it to read my intention. I had not intended the paw to to change location or accessibility. The paw has not granted my wish. It refused to grant my wish by moving itself away from me and saying it would grant my wish if I could access it, knowing fully well by the intent of my wish that it was not supposed to violate that I would not want it to act against or outside of my intent. The monkey’s paw has broken monkey paw law, as it did not grant the wish

Hey, they work on my xbone now. Worth.


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Wish granted. But now the mobile game market takes over and dominates in video games place

Granted. This one is still attached to the monkey though, and it strangles you as a result.


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Please, kind sir, give me a source.

I wish bucky was the Yea Forums mascot

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It is not the fault of the monkey paw that your wish was so vaguely stated. You also can't assume that the people in these threads granting wishes know what you're thinking. Even if the paw could read minds, we cannot. As such, the wish as stated was granted within reason. Playing the intention game sort of "no fun allowed"s any wish in these threads, really. There would be endless arguing over the matter every time.

Granted. But early reveals trigger soccer moms country-wide, and in a huge irrational wave of rage, force Take Two to force Rockstar into neutering it ala Manhunt 2.

It ends up a 2/10 game.

I want Bannerlord

A new Virtua Fighter or a compilation of all the whole series put to modern systems.


I rest assured knowing I have beaten the monkey’s paw

I will now go to sleep and I wish I will pass away in my peaceful slumber

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To an extent, yes. It will never be used again in this instance, which is a neutral victory. Really, beating the monkey's paw was always just not using it.

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enjoy your stay in hell asshole

Holy shit please let modern gaming die if this is true

Granted, but she'll only fuck chads, niggers and chad niggers.

I wish for Senran Kagura Seven to be the best action game in the series to date while still wholly adhering to its "traditions".

Please give source


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I wish to be happy and satisfied with my life.

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Granted, but it's for the vita only

you need to go lurk /vg/ some more
that shithole makes Yea Forums look good

I wish otz didn't get hit on the last boss of ds2 all boss no hit

Granted, you are now content with your current state of affairs, however improbable or irresponsible that may or may not be.

you only get your shit together and live without regret because you are diagnosed with terminal illness
your last moments on this earth are filled with joy till the very end

both Red Dead games released on PC

Granted, both are horrid ports with draconian DRM that makes even minor modding impossible

Granted, but it's a Vita exclusive and only released in Japan.

I wish every wish made with the monkey paw gains immunity from any negative downside

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That's nice.

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Kill all furries

Granted, but it's still Xbox exclusive, plays like the Wii version and Frank's unattractiveness is because he is now canonically a tranny.

yeah no, why would you lie like that

Wish granted but user becomes Ultra Chad and fucks your mother

SMT 3 remake/remaster with same artstyle and small quality of life changes.

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Granted but it turns out furries are very good at fighting and hiding and conducting guerilla tactics so it becomes a bloody civil war that rages on for decades, with the last furries finally dying out sometime in the 2090s.

Granted but you're still a Yea Forumsirgin and no-one wants you

Granted but it has voice acting.

I wish EA controlled all of gaming

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Granted, but it's marketed like DoA 6; barely any content and all the cool shit locked behind a $100 season pass.

Granted. Enjoy your 1 month lifespan.

Granted but they get crucified, killed and chopped up into several seperate companies not even a year later due to the anti-trust/anti-monopoly laws in place

I mean...
To be fair, I'm not looking for too much content out of their arcade originals/best versions of each title.

I want OP to notice me

I think the Monkey's Paw just got played

Samefagging is literally the only cancer of /vg/ and even then it isn't done too much because they just shill about their thread's fucking discord and circlejerk within there.

I wish for extreme sports games to come back

I wish to be rich!

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