Summer is in 3-5 months bros

Summer is in 3-5 months bros.

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Gonna be so good bros

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>tfw this would my first time playing WoW

>Not rolling undead rogue, mage or warlock

Literally why?

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Looking forward to seeing you this early summer, bro.

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>not rolling a CHAD human paladin

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I play males and they look like shit. Undead rogue/warr females are top tier though

>giving blizzard money

Tauren Shaman here. Gonna roll enhancement for levelling. How retarded am I?

not retarded at all. Enh leveling is relatively easy and depending on your talents/equips has very little downtime. Having a 15 minute hearth is pretty awesome

>Night Elf Hunter
>Vanilla Teldrassil

maximum fucking comfort

It won't be the same as if you were there originally, but you'll still get out of it what you put in. Find a good guild and you'll have fun.

>no male belf to play
at least I can roll a female human mage like I did back in the day, most male models are fucking hideous. Gear looks fine on human males, but I don't like their animations.

>It won't be the same as if you were there originally
We all know that, the game is still much better than current WoW

need belves to erp with if I'm going Forsaken

Of course it won't be the same, I think most people accept that, but when it comes to the gameplay at least, I enjoy it a lot more.

>no Burning Crusade expansion
>implying nu-Blizzard won’t actually fuck it up like everything else they’ve been doing through this year and last year

The absolute delusion of all of all you drones, I hope their’s lfr and microtransactions so I can laugh at you for being so gullible to believe classic WoW will be as good as it used to be

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>no Burning Crusade expansion
We will see once Vanilla is done, maybe they add one at that point. It's better that they focus on one project at a time
>I hope their’s lfr and microtransactions so I can laugh at you for being so gullible to believe classic WoW will be as good as it used to be
They'd be retarded to put that in. So many people would quit

If Classic ends up being popular at all, there is no way they won't include progression servers, or just a BC server in general. There are nearly as many people that want that, it's just easier for people to latch on to "Vanilla" seeing as it's just the base game, which I agree with. Start with Classic and move on from there.

If they’re willing to do sharding, I don’t expect anything but nu-blizz shit all over it. Do not mistake Blizz’s intentions, they’re gonna find a way to shit on everything that made it great to make an extra dollar off of nostalgia. I’m not trying to be mean but I feel like the writing is on the wall at this point based on how Blizzard is approaching their new projects with the sole focus on player retention and maximizing profits

>If they’re willing to do sharding
It's just for the beginning. If you have played on any new private server launch, or even the original WoW launch, you know it's needed. Nost servers were horrible in the beginning levels because of this

>we are actually, genuinely, authentically, legitimately, unironically, categorically, assuredly, sincerely, unconditionally, unquestionably, literally going home

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Its also literally the reason TBC is the only expansion where everyone starts questing from the same point.

nu-blizzard has a auto report system thats been abused for a while. They're going to add it to vanilla aren't they?

I have a feeling blizzard is going to fuck up classic with all these gay features.


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>classic release in summer
>w3 reforged shortly after
It's gonna be fun

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its only the first two days, literally a none-issue
it takes knowledge and skill in the game to get past the horde so removing it is making it easy mode for casuals
they cannot add any sharding at all


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are we going...home?

>Why can't I play a space goat or blod elf
>Why can't I use my looms
>Why can't I play a boomkin main
>Why can't ele shaman be playable
>Why can't the demo lock tree be useful
>Why can't I play a shadow priest in pve
>Why can't hearthstone cd be as short as current
>Why can't I kill two mobs without going oom or almost dying while leveling
>Why is a frost mage allowed to kite my warrior to infinity with rank one frost bolt
>Why can't me hunter shot or do anything
>Why can't we remove the hunters dead zone
>Why can't I damage this shadow priest
>Why are rogues allowed to stun me 100 to 0
>Why are stealth and vanish so useless and bugged
>Why can't mounts start at 20
>Why are mounts so expensive
>Why do I have to loot each mob

These and many many other will be coming to the summer forums

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>Why are mounts so expensive
This ones gonna be so good

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We're going home :)

I can’t wait to drink the retailfag tears like fine wine. The only downside is accidentally getting a couple of them in my dungeons groups every now and then

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orc rogue is better for premades.

>Why do I have to loot each mob

I stopped playing at the start of Cataclysm, how does looting works now ?

enh is pretty good. most people do big 2 handers with windfury. 1 hander and shield with windfury is also strong.

please stop, you're getting me too excited for the tears.

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apart from getting reported for being a rival to some pvp honor grind or other such thing you will also be singled out by cry babbies you want big daddy blizzard to punish you for showing them up.

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mass loot, if you kill 20 things you just have to loot one of them to loot them all.

(1) Voice discontent about it
(2) Dont boycott the game over it
We've come so far, there is no reason to become split now that the game is finally coming.

I have a feeling that GMs on Classic WoW are going to crack down hard on ganking and open world pvp in general because its "toxic". they already basically eliminated it in retail because of it.

You can just gather huge groups, AoE them all down, then all the loot is pooled together you just have to loot one mob to loot it all.

See you retards quitting at 30-40

Can't wait for another bout of retail paypig tears when it's almost time for it to launch

>needs on your BiS item
>loot trades it to friend
Heh, nothing personnel, kid...


I want to be a badass tank.
Never played WoW because of FFXI and I want to give it a try.
What class?

this is the only thing I'm concerned about, I have no fucking clue why blizzard thought this was a good idea. at least before when someone ninja looted something, they had a reputation for it and no one would invite them to groups or raids, but it's harder to tell with loot trading shit. they said they wanted to make it easier on GMs so instead of people putting in tickets if they looted something by accident, people could just trade the items themselves, but it seems like such a small thing for allowing that loot trading cancer in.

>Boy I can't wait to go back to the game with LESS shit in it
These threads are the peak of human autism.

Warriors are the best tanks, but it's the hardest class to level

Warrior is the only viable class for endgame raid tanking. Paladins and Druids are good at tanking dungeons, but the former is an absolute joke when it comes to raiding, and the latter can only tank a select few bosses.

How so?

Used to play (fury) warrior back in vanilla and thought that'd naturally be the case again, since they're objectively the best and most complete class. But no, I just had a brain aneurysm and am gonna say fuck it and roll a Ret pally. Let whatever happens happen and try to make the best of the situation. I hope meme spec guilds will become a thing, because that will probably be my only chance of raiding.

Only retarded if you think they'll let you dps come endgame

You will quit at 35 after boring yourself to death for reading a levelin guide lmao

All choices lead to warrior. All others were not viable or very niche, sometimes for off tanking. And you can be a badass warrior by hardly taking any talents in the prot tree. Players who never played early wow are in for a shock at how dysfunctional some of the specs are.

You never leveled a priest then, being oom constantly and having to wand stuff to death.

You didn't play fury unless you were in a top world raiding guild. This is how I know you're a fucking wrathbaby.

You seem real thirsty for this (you), my man. Have it, I'm feeling generous

You can't pull too many mobs at once, combat is slow and highly dependant on gear. But you will always have a spot in the dungeon groups

Warriors are extremely gear dependent, and since there is no +hit chance on leveling gear, you’re going to be missing your attacks a lot of the time. In addition to that, they have absolutely no self-healing, so you have to stop to recover health after every mob, and you can’t save yourself in a fight. You’re pretty much going to be taking a ton of damage and dealing inconsistent amounts of it yourself. It’s very fun though imo and the high skill ceiling is fun to adapt to.

>t. Leveled 3 warriors to 60

stop projecting your bird brain adhd on everyone else you fuckin zoomer

This. Make your own groups, be the tank, and don’t let a single mail/plate user in.

Zoomer here who has never played WoW...

what's the big deal? nostalgia? or is this "classic" version actually fun?

what's the appeal

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I can't wait bros

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>You didn't play fury unless you were in a top world raiding guild

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will I be able to hardcore raid as a holy reckadin?

It's gonna be good. I can't wait to fuck some people over

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It actually felt like an adventure at the time. Playing video games was, ironically, more casual back when vanilla and TBC were around. I doubt there was such a big focus on gitting gud and knowing everything, so there was a lot more shit to discover for yourself which genuinely felt incredible, whether it was glitching to an unused area or finding obscure quest items in a sprawling dungeon.
This feeling is not going to come back in Classic since you can and are probably expected to just look everything up.

Cataclysm baby here. Played vanilla WoW for the first time on Nostalrius and can confirm that it's not nostalgia, the game is actually really fun and people talk to each other

TBC is just retail but better, it's still just a fucking raiding simulator.

Feels like a real bustling world. Progressing your character feels like it matters. World PvP is god-tier. A lot of things are difficult to get, or at least exclusive. It the least carebear period in WoW.

As a boomer who played actual Vanilla and Vanilla on private servers, Classic will easily stand up on its own aside from nostalgia.

>doomer calls boomer a zoomer

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Over the 14 years WoW has been around, blizzard has made tons of changes to the game, to the point where it’s not even close to the same game anymore. Classic is a return to form, and a return to WoW actually feeling like an MMO instead of an ADHD RNG grind simulator.

>waa im a little bitch! you wont make it past level 30, same as me! b-but you're a doomer and i'm definitely a b-boomer!!

warriors arent that hard to level. They suck around 10 to mid 20s but once you get sweeping strikes you can take 2 mobs at once very easily. every 30 minutes you can take on 4-5 mobs on at once very easily with retaliation as well. They are kind of OP if they get their whirlwind axe early which is easy to do assuming you join the server later on.

inb4 hogger memes

as a healer, sure.

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No. Look at OSRS, people said the same thing. "It's only nostalgia, you wont actually enjoy the game, DOA" etc etc. This is simply wrong if you look at the numbers on vanilla and TBC private servers. People really do enjoy this version of the game and it cant simply be boiled down to nostalgia (even though it definitely is a part of it, but less than people think)

Honestly I was part of the vanguard on Elysium, I no lifed to 40 on a lock, and when I realized I had to keep playing to avoid the normie wave, I just gave up and stopped playing. But if they do sharding I might not need to no lfie for 2 weeks to avoid fighting for spawns.

>-22 outside
Summer can't come soon enough


stop projecting your bird brain adhd on me you fuckin zoomer lmao

You overestimate the retail playerbase. Like yeah you had to autistically nolife the game on Elysium, but the private server community is waaaay more familiar with leveling than the people who will be playing classic. Most of your competition come classic will be retarded retailcucks and boomers who can’t remember how to level. You’ll breeze past them in no time with half the effort, especially as a warlock.

>priest leveling
ever heard of spirit tap and spirit gear?
all the shit nobody wants, you want, fucking of the boar and whatever is enough, you don't need fucking int and barely any con is enough. Spirit tap and wanding is enough to chain mobs all day. I leveled all classes to cap in vanilla in different servers, and the slowest one for me was actually mage, they do run oom all the fucking time even with god damn gems and evocation, even if you aoe grind it's not always viable.

How many of you have played vanilla/classic within the last two years?
If you have, what makes you excited to pay for it? The players?

>no self healing
what the fuck are bandages? You just learn to do proper pulls, and if shit hits the fan you do recklessness and that's it. Warriors have op coefficients, all you need is a proper blue weapon.

The professions and the gear

>accurate boss values/mechanics
>good scripting
>community of English speakers
>won’t shut down randomly
>actual GM support (assuming they don’t ruin it with right-click report)

Who /reckadin/ here?

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I’m talking about self-healing abilities. Of course you can intimidating shout+bandage, but you’re using a cd and a bandage for it, which is a lot more than just pressing healing touch or renew.

i legit cant decide what to play. i want to be good in pvp but also able to farm up thousands of gold within the first few weeks of hitting 60.

>Lock? good at pvp, can also solo devilsaurs before 60 even.
>Shaman? good at pvp. fun to level. Not sure how well can solo farm devilsaurs and whatnot.
>Mage, sucks to level, good aoe though. OP in pvp.
>Warrior : good in pvp team fights. get manhandled by any good player 1v1. Not great at farming until in really good gear.
>hunter: boring but fast to level. fun in pvp. Decent at farming. can solo devilsaurs at 60.
>Paladin: fun meme specs with spellpower plate and on hit effects. slow to level. not great at solo farm but doable.
>Priest - good in pvp while leveling. Super boring moveset apart from mind control.
>Rogue, already leveled like 5 to 60. over rated in pvp unless you like autsitically camping someone or avoiding getting camped. Or just really like duels. ok at farming.
>druid Might be fun but feels like a wet noodle at 60 until in endgame gear. no proper rez. Farm potential is decent. Maybe ill go balance at 60.

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get dat sulfuras bro

that's why i'm not rolling undead, you illiterate fuck

You fucking dumbass. Retail is classic WoW with 99% of the content stripped off.

>i want to be good in pvp but also able to farm up thousands of gold within the first few weeks of hitting 60
roll mage
best class for farming
best QoL (portals, food+drink)
can easily 1vX in PvP
decent in PvE, super strong from AQ onwards once you can go fire

I'm excited to play the official one because nobody's gonna be RPing on private servers.

>>Boy I can't wait to go back to the game with LESS shit in it
>These threads are the peak of human autism.

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first of all, why do you want thousands of gold? besides your epic mount, there's not much gold can get you. Sure some enchants are expensive, a few crafted items will cost you a a few hundred gold, but once you're done with those what else could you need?

But whatever you do, don't play balance druid, spell damage gear is scarce, you're extremely vulnerable and slow. Unless you're in a super fun guild no one is going to like you just because you're a chicken.

>i want to be good in pvp but also able to farm up thousands of gold within the first few weeks of hitting 60.
>mage sucks to level
So let me get this straight; mage ticks all of your boxes, but you’re averse to it because you don’t want to put in the effort?

curious how it will work out.
Curious what blizzard numbers will be.
Curious how the community will be different from playing with Europeans, Chinese, and Russians.
Also want a RP-PvP server.

I didn't do end game content to avoid burning out


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Seconded. LMAOing at these yellow cucks thinking they’re going to do anything except heal my sweaty ass

Reminder to never play with a speedrunning minmaxer if you aren't one yourself. They're the autists that will ruin this game.

Get back in the dress Skinner we've got BWL in an hour.

it feels like aids to to level for me. And they dont have much interesting niche stuff going on for them as far as im aware of. (never actually got one to 60, one of the few classes) I like meme specs and meme builds that take people by surprise go against the grain but are still very good in pvp, like spellpower reckadin, imp spec warlock, balance druid, fury warrior. Mage seems pretty straight forward and 1 dimensional. idk.
nah they are fast in pvp because you dont actually get moonkin for pvp.
Also what i want the gold for depends on what class i roll. but it mostly comes down to BoE epics that have niche uses like hand of Edward the Odd for shaman or paladin, frozen band for mage, Those chain gloves for warrior that increase weapon skill, etc. Also green items lvl 55+ with +spellpower especially power healing for paladins.

>want to be special snowflake spec so you can be le epic underdog
>also want to make thousands of gold and be good at PvP

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post your stupid shitty talent trees and race
fem dorf pally

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you can respec in vanilla so once im done farming i go to pvp spec. and yeah who wants to play the same spec as every other person. Its not even about being the underdog. Spellpower reckadins are downright OP as fuck. And balance druids are pretty strong too. basically hard counters mages in world pvp. The only spec that would be an underdog would be fury warrior. and thats only because warrior is an underdog unless supported by a group. and fury warrior is actually stronger for solo in pvp. Only considered worse than arms in group because lack of mortal strike debuff.

>imp spec warlock
what's this build? can you actually make a super imp or something?

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>the absolute state of retailfags

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damn that looks really fun, but 5 min cd... ugh

Fuck yes
Was pretty fun tho, they added just enough new extra stuff in my opinion like flying mounts (only in outlands) and kept the lore and still had to attune to do most of the raids.

I don't understand why any purist would hate dual speccing being added, spending 50g everytime you want to change builds doesn't make the game more hardcore, just more tedious and stupid.

>flying mounts
>good in any way, shape, or form
You need to go back.

was thinking about going full utility druid for pvp

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i would be ok if they added it and made it so you could only switch it in a capital city.

Rate my funbuild. Going Moonkin at 40, I don't give a shit. I'm gonna be the only one.
Female Night Elf Druid.

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Ah another game you'll play for a few hours, remember how shit it is actually and then drop. who could see this coming...
Vanilla wow was fucking boring as shit.
If they're going to remake something they should just do it up to Wrath at least. Then there would actually be things to do.

>He isn't already playing classic on private servers.

It makes it so that if you want to be the funny epic jack of all trades, you have to invest time to do so. It forces players to commit, which is a good thing in any class-based MMO. I’m sorry you can’t be the special boy who can do everything with the click of a button.

>retail is fine guys

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>thining nu-blizz wont fuck this up

It will be filled with microtransactions and buyable pets and mounts.
Fucking retards.
Vanilla is shit.

>for years nostalgiafags with rose tinted glasses have shitposted in every wow thread crying about how good vanilla was
>mfw blizzard have spent 3 years making classic, which will end up in an economic failure as every nostalgiafag quickly realises just how bad vanilla wow was
>blizzard could've spent that time developing other things, but fucked themselves over AND for a bonus, made the nostalgiafags finally shut their mouth for once
>the nostalgiafags are going to try and go full damage control by saying bullshit like:
>"i-i-it's not real vanilla wow because this shade of green isn't the same!"
>the nostalgiafags are going to break down and embarrass themselves when they try and claim classic failed for negligible reasons such as a mailbox was placed one step to the right, rather then admitting vanilla wow isn't as good as they remember

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>If they're going to remake something they should just do it up to Wrath at least.

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>that game you played a long time ago is shit! You only like it for nostalgia!
>now this game I played a long time ago? This is worth playing.

So.. Gerard.

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>retailfags this delusional
Face it, little man. Your precious transmogs and mounts will be gone with the wind.

>If they're going to remake something they should just do it up to Wrath at least. Then there would actually be things to do.

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>friend called me to play ff14
>the waiting for the Classic is way too long so why not
>ended up really enjoying the game
>it has some nice details WoW wouldn't bother, but still the lack of a talent tree really bugs me
>can't decide what to do when Classic come out

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You again? You've been consistently BTFO in every vanilla thread so far. I wonder what your retailtears will smell like in summer

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What private server should I play on if I want to get a feel for classic but haven't really played wow much before?

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Your ability to select jobs is your talent tree. Classic will be shit either way because nublizzard are incapable of producing a good game anymore.

I still don’t get how it took them two years to release a game they released like 15 years ago

Fury is the leveling spec dumbass. Your right though. Fury warriors suck at dps until early 50's where the are decent and dont really surpass the higher tier dps classes until they get really good gear at level 60

Fem undead

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>deviate delight
>globalling a rogue

absolute chad

Fellow FFXIVfag here. I’ve been around on and off since 2.0. I’ll likely play Shadowretards since it’ll definitely come out before Classic, and then switch over to classic when it comes out. Once I’m raidlogging on classic I’ll probably play XIV as well to catch up on new patch content.

"""""""""""""""lost the code""""""""""""""
Someone will unironically come in to explain that they really did lose the code too, just watch.

if you do that you're stupid as fuck, it takes less time to level and gear a second character with the other spec than spending 100g a week just so you can raid and pvp competitevely on the same slot, unless you buy chineese gold, then whatever you could just buy a top end gear character anyways.

They straight up said they found a backup, so no they didn’t lose the code.
They want to port the game to their shitty new engine so they can integrate their faggot launcher/social service and eventually implement cash shop cancer.

>lost the code
>theres been private servers for over a decade now

Those piss crystal wearing blue boys dont stack up

they did it to import the game to their launcher. same deal with wc3 and eventually diablo 2 (hopefully). Diablo 2 is the one i hope they make changes to. Bigger bag space or character transfer of items would be nice. Sorry i hate muleing. I look forward to climbing ladder with a skellymancer if they ever do make d2 remastered.

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>Hand of Rag
How do I convince a guild to give me this and not to a ret or some other 2h fucker?

ShB will be out before Classic.

I'm planning to use a week vacation on the ShB release and a week vacation on the Classic WoW release.

Should be pretty fun times.

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bigger stash space i meant.

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>not playing a class that can both PvP and PvE with one spec
>not realizing in order to be a top end PvPer you need to have raid gear
>not knowing how to play the auction house
>not knowing how to find your niche in the market
Yeah what you said is true if you have sub-70 IQ

though he got lucky with the hoj

Whatever their excuse, I’m pretty sure they lost their window of opportunity. I bet there’s nowhere near the same number of people interested in vanilla now than there were a few years ago.

Im starting my new job at the end of april...Is it even going to be possible for me to enjoy wow classic again with a full time job. I used to play classic when I was in high school

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They claimed for years they'd lost it, of course they then say they "found" it again. That fits exactly what I said, you dumb nigger, jesus christ. I am so mad right now.

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At least you're above the average wagies

depends on if you
work out
have a gf who doesn't play vidya
have other responsibilities
you can do a lot with your time from 5pm to midnight

>Trusting nu-blizz after the shit that was BfA

You're all delusional retards as per usual, this is exactly why blizzard wins.

I never said they didn’t claim to lose the code, though. Only a chimpanzee would say that. At blizzcon, they said that they only found the backup once they actually dug deep into their archives upon deciding that they would make classic. It’s easy for some random faggot CM to claim they lost the code, because chances are that’s what they legitimately thought before they did any serious digging.

>private server
Dont be fooled people

thats what pallys were capable of in retail as well. as long as they get lucky crits.

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Because fem nelf exists

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>be nelf
>get feared
welp, I guess that's why they give you wisp form so you can get back faster to your corpse because you love getting raped by the horde so much.