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Other urls found in this thread:

>im so miserable and cant have fun therefore other people need to be miserable too!!!

Thats actually pretty cool

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>if you don't put giant pieces of plastic on the side of your TV you don't know how to have fun

>someone gets upset when you dehumanize them
who would of thought

you think that's fun?
whatever floats your boat i guess

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it looks cool. i fail to see the problem

Why the fuck does Nintendo push the awful red and blue joycons? The gray ones look so much better simply by looking less like a Happy Meal toy.

>would of

The problem is that your post has literally nothing to do with mine.

Kys trannies


If this was from a kid, I wouldn't care.
If this was from an 30+ year old virgin who still lives with his parents, I'd be incredibly disappointed.

why not cry about this on reddit? why bring it here?

Based anti McDonald's poster

>being so desperate for replies that you have to take screencaps of fucking reddit
How obsessed for brownie points can one be?

Doesnt everyone want a vasectomy? The dream is to nut with mo responsibilities

Probably because it’s more identifiable from a distance.

I'm more concerned about how fucking cluttered his room looks.
Why are Nintenfags such fucking hoarders.

>basing your identity around a company

>t. 14 year old virgin


whats the problem here

having kids is the worst thing you can do user

>linking directly to reddit
Hey mods are you just going to let this sit?

Imagine having your room look like this, how the fuck would you concentrate on anything when you're bombarded by garish pastels everywhere
Also sage

inb4 sued by nintendo

Pretty nice. At least it doesn't look like super cheaply made shit from the picture.

That has to be the most Reddit thing I've ever seen.

>breathing new life into the world is the worst thing you can do
*tips fedora*

literally this.
but OP's really need to stop with the Reddit threads.

Kill yourself OP.

Edit: Wow, thank you guys for the 4channel gold!

Nah some people are retarded and think having kids is actually something you should do because muh societal pressures
also OP is a fag, imagine actually enjoying your hobbies
This place is no better than reddit, worse to be honest

>much secret club

enjoy having screaming tards and loss of freedom for 18 years user

Who cares about your opinion though, they clearly arent hurting for money, they can spend it how they please.
You and your fucking commie qualities

Reddits just another site, who cares, Yea Forums is obsessed with reddit anyways, can't go a minute without bringing it up
Meanwhile you go to boards on reddit and you almost NEVER see people talk about Yea Forums the way Yea Forums talks about reddit, its like a forced joke that never gets funny no matter how many times you hear it or that trope in film and TV when someone has an obsessive crush on someone and the other person doesn't even know they exist, super pathetic imo

people are stupid as fuck dude

>loss of freedom
I'm not a poorfag

you will be after kids

>only poor people need to raise their kids

>not wanting to have kids is somehow bad
World is already pretty populated, but why is having kids special, if you want to, have them, but don't force people who don't want to have them into your shitty social obligations
Nothing worse in this world than an unmotivated parent

>he ACTUALLY goes onto reddit looking for posts to get angry over

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>no scapel
How the fuck do you get a vasectomy without cutting open your skin?

It's a fucking embarrassment and if you can't see that then you are a giant dork. Which is definitely only your problem and you're free to care or not care.

Why the fuck is everyone just ignoring that OP linked
Is this really where we're at right now?

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you will never experience the joy of your child coming back home with a trophy from a school contest or seeing them have their first boyfriend

unless you are a fag or live in a 3rd world country having kids is amazing

>implying money is all you need to raise kids
I seriously hope you never have kids, you sound like you'd be a terrible parent

>having a 18 year long pain in the ass and pocket
>world is already overpopulated
>making means of being pussywhipped
You're the virgin here.

sounds like you should go back

>gets joy out of his daughter cucking him
holy shit can breeders GET any more pathetic?

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Go back

Children are shit. I can do much more interesting and enjoyable things than live vicariously through a child that I shat out due to boredom.


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Because reddit is literally just another website, its no different than Yea Forums sans usernames, Yea Forums obsesses over the place constantly, most people who browse here probably browse reddit, as if its not another message board site with hundreds of different spaces, its probably Yea Forumss dumbest and most annoying thing
If Yea Forums hadn't shut the fuck up and non-stop obsessing about reddit, I would probably have never known about reddit in the first place, it really makes you think don't it

its not in your spirit to marry and reproduce. theres a good chance you're a red hebrew edomite spoken of in the bible

It's his own fucking house. Imagine being such a little bitch you can't even manage to decore your fucking house.

Ironically, it's the people who want to have kids the most who are the worst parents and often the people who would be the best parents never want to have kids.

cats get it done through the ass, perhaps humans can do something similar

make me

the world is already fucking overpopulated

just wait few decades until there will be a limit at how many kids u can have

I came from Reddit and I got invited by /pol/ to post here. Yea Forums is just so insufferable against the majority which are based reddit users.

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it's only as weird as installing a bar in your basement

Umm... what did you expect the daughter to do to him without a boyfriend user?
Why do parents have to act like having a child is some religious rite or something? They act as if raising a child is the only source of joy possible

Threads with reddit posts as the OP should be banned

cus they have no games

>Yea Forums: "reddit? you have to go back!"
>also Yea Forums: "yo check this thing on reddit haha"

is Yea Forums full of schizos or what

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*Hits pipe*

"No-scalpel vasectomy" is code for those temporary blocks that can be injected to stop sperm from coming out. It's basically like an IUD for men and are intended for people who don't want to have kids right now but know they want them in the future.

There’s nothing wrong with Reddit, Yea Forumsincel

Why are nintendo fans such obsessive freaks? Yeah I know they don't have games to play, but still.

It looks like a child's room you retard and it is funny that an adult would not be capable of seeing this clearly. Had a good laugh myself.

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I don't think people who want to have kids but I think I get what you mean
There's a guy and girl who used to be coworkers of mine (big restaurant with large staff but i still have them on social media) anyways, whether it was planned or not, they dated for a year or two and i noticed a month or two ago that shes pregnant now and wont shut the fuck up about how happy she is to be a mom, and cool i get it but its still kind of wild, i think they are still together but even my ex, who i knew wanted kids someday (i didnt so thats why we broke up amicably), was never baby crazy like that
Ive had people tell me that before, that id be a great dad, but i just have no desire to have kids, never have, doubt i ever will, i just think the worst thing in the world is an unmotivated parent and i refuse to be what i grew up wtih

>food analogy

kys self

What does your room look like? Make sure to tell your mom you're sharing pics of your room so she doesn't walk by and ask weird questions when she tucks you in later, cope harder

who want to have kids are bad/wrong*

>on reddit and you almost NEVER see people talk about Yea Forums the way Yea Forums talks about reddit
Yea because on reddit you see people talk like
>why are they so mean to us?
>newfag.png lmao
>I hate it when 4channers say we need to go back!

>the third world is already fucking overpopulated
FTFY There is nothing wrong with having many children when youre in Europe or America.

Source? I only really follow small boards for collecting and other specific topics but since you clearly know more please elaborate

The worst thing about this is gbe light theme

You seem pretty upset

Yet here you are responding. Do you own your own house?/Space?

I want it.

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here in czechia almost every adult older than 20 has a child at this point

nincels are such an easy target to bully its not even fun anymore. You're all so pathetic.

That wasn't a food analogy you fucking brainlet

>raising kids is horrible

It's fascinating what years of propaganda and dysfunctional family background does to a fragile mind like yours.

And? You know that you need more than two children per couple to have a stable population, right?

Fuck you guys this is actually pretty cool and creative, it's not "cringe" you just hate fun

literally hang yourself, or go back, both of them work perfectly

I'm not saying it's bad to want to have kids, or that all people who want to have kids are bad parents. I'm just saying that it's more often than not that people who really want to have kids end up not being great parents because a lot of times they're going into it for the wrong reasons.
People who want to have kids because they're "supposed to" or because it will "complete their life" or because babies are cute or any other vapid reason like that are not going to be prepared for the realities of raising a child and they'll end up getting too far over their own heads.
Meanwhile, good parenting requires a lot of mental preparation, emotional maturity, and the ability to be introspective and understand how kids think and so on, but what comes with all of that is often the ability to realize having kids is not all it's cracked up to be. Being smart and mature enough to have the capacity for raising kids also means being smart and mature enough to see past the whole superficial "kids are the best and make life worth living" bullshit and see all the responsibility and struggle that comes with it. Those people will more often than not decide that having kids is not worth upending their entire lives, especially if they have careers or hobbies that they love and which aren't compatible with raising kids.

It's mainly that immaturity and shortsightedness leads to bad parenting, but those qualities also frequently lead to having kids, whether by social pressure or by accident.

>r/Yea Forums? What's that?

Even if you only have 1 kid they basically become the focus of the next 22 years minimum unless they try running away from home


>you need more than two children per couple to have a stable population
That seems like it's only true if you're assuming some percentage of the children die.

>make the nightmare fuel stop
Just stop browsing reddit and posting that shit here.

No. The ultimate goal in life is to follows the values that were drilled into you without thought and hammer those same values into the children that you sire. Questions are for degenerates and weak men.

i would never want to deal with more than 1 child

maybe 2 if its only 2 boys or 2 girls

If anything, the giant Switch TV is the least cringe thing in that entire pic

The good thing is that people like you end up going extinct. There is no guide to parenthood, you learn as you go. No matter how many courses of child psychology you study, it won't be enough.

I never implied that, it's amazing what years of only reading Yea Forums can do to a fragile mind like yours

You’ll do it first, discord tranny

Unironically red pilled.

I don't think you understand what that user is saying, the original poster in that sequence seemed to implying that having money makes you exempt from having to raise your kids, raise meaning properly socialize and teach and discipline them, which, no amount of money should EVER give a parent a free pass on this, if you think so, don't ever have kids

>uhhhhh you guys hate fun, this is so cool for real!
This is the equivalent of a fag seeing men fucking and saying it's completely natural.

How did you even find this? Do you browse reddit, gaylord?

>bing bing
>mamma mia there goes my pee pee

i unironically have multiple reddit, resetera, and Yea Forums tabs open right now.
deal with it

>go to Yea Forums, something that is only used to shit on everything
>something hits close to home
>"h-he's just having fun guys! imagine being so sad that you can't have fun!"

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Yeah, because they do. You also cant expect everyone to start a family, so that needs to be compensated, too.
Thats okay, not everyone is fit to be a parent to a bunch of kids. What annoys me is acting as if children are a curse and as if everybody had a moral obligation to have as few children as possible.

>there's only one definition of fun and it's mine

>muh freedom to do whatever I want
>spends all day indoors playing vidya

I don't see any problem with a child 10 years old having a room like this.

Did you quote the wrong person? I'm not the one who told OP ">im so miserable and cant have fun therefore other people need to be miserable too!!!".

That's a cute children playroom, his kid(s) must be really happy!

I agree, I guess maybe we were just confused on points then
I don't know if im wise or mature or intelligent, i don't think that's for me to decide but having been raised by just one parent who worked her ass off, at 27 i just don't want kids, probably ever, i dont see any logical reason for them in my life
I don't feel like an incomplete person or like im supposed to have them, i literally just can't think of a reason for me to have kids. The prospect of parent hood does nothing for me, I respect anyone trying to do it right, i just don't have that drive, that spark, what ever it is

What did that post have anything to do with what you just said?

I'd say that a room like this would make any pussy dry immediately upon seeing it as my reason, but somehow the redditors who do this retarded shit always has a gf. Makes no sense

Why would I want to dedicate a quarter of my fucking life to teaching some dumb kid how not to fuck up his life? I'd rather just do stuff that I enjoy and spend time with people I care about. I wonder how empty someone's life must be to feel that having a child is necessary for his life to have meaning.

>have loads of games/posters in my room
>done nothing but fuck bitches in it since college
>still haven't moved out of same apartment because grew up poor so just barely finishing grad school and starting to make money
You're terrible looks and personality are probably what chapping those pussy lips user but what ever helps you cope at night

Because they'r'e always in an open relationship.


I take more issues to how cluttered the room is thqn the Switch TV. If anything, it's good effort.

You've been spending too much time on Yea Forums, get outside a few days

i'm going to drown this earth with my children

Yes, I too believe that Reddit is the "Outside World"

That's pretty fucking based actually.

people just don't realize that having a daughter is the ultimate cuck. you raise her from birth only to give some man all the benefits.

>not "an" NPC

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>having a few posters and games = an entire shrine of childish Nintendo garbage and plastic shit on the TV like OP's picture
Why are you so defensive, faggot?

gado demais

Not if you keep her for yourself

That's not what he said. Why did you purposefully misinterpret his post? Are you arguing just for the sake of it?

Kek, based vedittor btfo vesetera trannies.

As a kid I would have absolutely loved that.

>he didn’t walk his daughter down the aisle to your new quality son-in-las since you raised her to go after good men
>you never had her hug you tight and thank you for being the best father ever
>you will never experience the wave of spiritual ecstacy that washes over you when you realized you raised a proper child
Life can be beautiful

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it is not your home OP, why do you care? fucking beta orbiter

He needs to score nihilism points with all the cool guys on Yea Forums

Cool strawman, you dumb retarded cocksucking faggot

My mom is a conservative Christian and she's fine with my sisters and me not having children.
She thinks that earth is near collapse so it would be irresponsible to bring new life to it.

>exterminating your own kind at the request of (((them)))

that'll be a kyikes from me

t. follower

>white people need to stop having 1.5 kids for the sake of the planet!
>mexicans and indians, however...


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No Yea Forums is full of reddit, thus our constant reinteration of the need for these faggots to go back to there. Then we have these faggots who refuse to do so and now the board has descended into what it is today.

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Fuck you
I finished high school and I don’t have to take shit for anyone

We're Latinos. Right now my mom is getting the ash cross on her forehead.

Think about it. Logically...

>reddit screenshots
Fuck off just stay in reddit FUCK OFF

Imagine being this man baby.

go back faggot

I don't even care that it's a Switch, why would you ruin your picture with that giant-ass bezel

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>*BING BING WAHOOs in 40 in.*

Are you the guy who's tried making that picture a meme for years?

>He's on reddit in the first place
>He copy pastes reddit links and screencaps reddit to post on Yea Forums because people want to see autistic reddit shit
But obviously YOU want to see reddit shit because you're on it. Degenerates like you need to be shot. And this isn't a Nintendo fanboy comment either because I'd be equally annoyed if this was a "Wow GoW and Spiderman were the best ever! I just got the playstation logo tatoo'd on my ballsack" reddit post.
In short. Kill yourself

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>all those mcdonalds happy meal toys on his shelf
>"BEING AN ADULT MEANS NOT CARING WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK *spends $3000 on toys made for 13 year old childeren*

>Redditors not being the biggest Yea Forums dickriders in existence
Kill yourself lmao
Fuck off reddit

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>hey ur an npc
>WADDAFUC dehumanization!
Two way street sunshine.

OP is literally going "GOD WHY????" like a 12 year old trying to fit in. No one is saying you have to do dumb stuff like this, why are you people so god damn autistic?

back to plebbit, fucking redditor

What drives people to do shit like this? Lack of a fatherly figure?

>to nut

Shame those ducking Reddit retards
You aren’t welcome here you stupid cunts

I'm 30 and my gf is 31. Neither of us wants kids because we are too focused on our lives. We enjoy our free time and sleep and money. Kids annoy me.

That guy is a baby but this is a literal reddit screencap with a direct link to the thread on reddit
Who the fuck does that on Yea Forums except actual redditors.

this is clearly coming from a seething vitafag. come out clean you faggot, i saw you shitposting this on vitagen


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Why even respond?

Why do you even care what that post says?


The simple answer is that these autistic redditors don't know their fucking place. You don't need a council of veteran Yea Forums autists to greenlight a thread that can easily get to 500 with 30 retards arguing. That's why you see so many people calling this retard out

go back

>>go to Yea Forums, something that is only used to shit on everything
That's literally the redditor approach to this site. Not everyone is a joyless faggot like you.


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why are nintendorks such cringe lords?

Reminder that reddit uses Yea Forums as their shitpost dumping ground and redditors are actively lowering the quality of the site

Do you have any evidence for this wild cope of yours?

Arrested Development

Imagine not killing your self after decorating your room like that.

Who would've thought that so many anons on Yea Forums have bad relationships with their parents?
Shit is fucked

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There is a quality level below rock bottom? Yea Forums is and always has been a cesspool.

Could be worse, she could turn into a bulldyke

>I'm a newfag and I love sucking cock!

Do you actually read the words you type out? Seriously, run that sentence by a normal person and see how they react to it

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Might as well just lock your nuts in your wife’s purse. Your wife has all the semen she needs from Jamal.

Conflating shithole country overpopulation with western countries
Not overpopulated where I live

>reddit thread
>reeeing over something that is harmless
yep, OP is a faggot

Still not a reason to through the terrors of parenthood. Raised my nephews and it was hell on earth, thank fuck they're fucking off to college. Never again.

why are incels so OBSESSED with reproduction when they'll never get close to a pussy?

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holy shit people defending a literal manchild room

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T.Lowest of the low IQ subhuman
Please neuter yourself by all means