Anthem loot doesnt mean anything
Other urls found in this thread:
>level 1 rifle
>level 45 rifle
Any game that has these is guaranteed shit.
Thats actually funny.
Didnt WoW fucked up one of the balance patches with equip scaling that resulted in similar bullshit?
I remember people were doing highlevel dungeons with shitty gear to trick the system
I tried to like this game. Ignoring the massive bugs and connection issues, it was pretty fun for like the first few hours. Then you realize that there's literally just 3 basic enemy types, it's all horde mode, the missions are the fucking same, and loot is fucking worthless. I really wonder what the fuck they were doing the six (6) years this was in development
Any game that has this is guaranteed shit
level scaling is cancer. low level players should do content appropriate for their level. it shouldn't be, "everyone should be equal", it kills incentive
Is this some reverse level scaling or what?
I presume they figured out balancing looter shooter is hard (see: brlands 2) so they made gun statistics completely cosmetic and actual damage is being calculated in arbitrary way so everyone can "win".
Yep. It's the reason I quit the game.
>I really wonder what the fuck they were doing the six (6) y
>so everyone can "win".
That's the leftist mentality in a nutshell.
>Six years of development
>Make an absurdly shitty game
I guess time really can't resolve Bioware being amateurs at game development.
Got a MW rifle that each head shot adds 50% stability that can stack three times. That's right 150% stability and it actually calculates its because once you get the three stacks the gun naturally drifts upwards. At this point I only play to find the stupid shit like this because friends still haven't dropped this game.
I'm just gonna say it...
Probably the same thing that happens to most long term things it was made to compete with whatever was popular at the time and then half way or near the end something new happened and the company had to change things to play catch up
sounds more like a bug than an intended feature. AAA releases are always buggy as fuck on release and then it takes months of patches before its actually stable.
Yea, it's actually a fairly common problem in games with scaling.
they did it multiple times. In alpha for BFA item level scaling was so fucked that it was advantagous to go into dungeons naked.
Takes a long time to train women and niggers to do productive things.
That was pre-patch WoD. Every expac with a stat squish is guilty of it, but that one especially. Some Warrior on my server managed to solo Siege of Orgrimmar which, while being a year old, was still current content at the time.
>Lets make a shooter looter game, were repeating grinding for better gears is the only incentive for playing this game
>Lets make it so that rare gear actually does not improve performance
>Also keep in mind that this is a game with no pvp
>Welcome to Whose Anthem is it Anyway, where everything is made up and the numbers don't matter.
Im thinkin its time to play division 2 fellas
They're going to ban him for this.
Here's the test actually being played out. youtu.be
is this why weapons were spazzing out during the beta?
this is a sign of a shitty dev
>when the sci-fi equivalent of your level 1 wooden sword turns out to actually be the Legendary Excalibur and was the most powerful sword all along
this scaling bullshit is such a cancer holy shit
This. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire game was remade a few times, each version more and more rushed.
This is an extremely major issue to be simply unnoticed bug.
This shit is intentional.
>This weapon should kill enemies with 3 shots
>This one with 5
>Just adjust the numbers on screen to fit those values
>hire retards
>game is retarded
I wonder if they can figure out the problem
No of course not they’ll just keep banning people and then blame gamers as they die
how is it even possible to break one of the fundamental aspects of your gameplay like this
>During the beta
Half the weapons still have stupid shit and random modifiers, also mostel likely.
sounds like the enemy health probably scales with weapon damage kek.
Hiring based not on skill but on who is cheap along with what diversity check box you need filled.
I'm not sure why anyone is surprised in the current market, but that aside this is the most bland, by the numbers looking game I've ever seen. It looked like absolute shit from the get-go, long before release.
Weapon balancing being fucked is one thing. Game showing players incorrect damage numbers on the other hand is insane.
Nobody in the thread has said why this is a thing.
The scaling exists to slow down the rate in which you clear the game and become "done" with it. It's not a bug, its an intended feature. The whole game scales with your gear so you can never blow through content and feel strong, like you've beaten the game, so to speak.
The extent of the scaling may be badly tuned, but the actual design is completely conscious.
>6 minutes till dev stream
>service is offfline
this is going to be a disaster
even if the services is online for them
the playerbase watching will be furious
In short, they want you to stay around, grind forever, and hopefully use the cash shop in that time.
They do the same thing in WoW.
I dont see whats wrong with this
the game is fun, i have no idea why you guy's want to nitpick constantly
Except that they have different range of effectiveness. He's choosing the higher level rifle at longer range and the level 1 at short range.
Stupid test. The game isn't bad at all. Yea Forums just keeps blowing things out of proportion to prove how shit a game is. If you faggots even took your time and actually got a job to buy the game, you'd see how its a quality bioware release.
Nope, no way this is a bug. The loot and stats are purely an illusion, the entire game can be beaten at level 1 with starting equipment and instead of creating RPG mechanics they simply just falsified damage numbers to make it look like one and called it a day. The entire game is a sham and that guy unintentionally ripped down the curtain and proved it.
Please tell me there isn't anyone on Yea Forums who actually paid money for this truckload of shit.
Say it ain't so.
what is the point of even adding gear in a game if your starter weapon will always outclass any other weapon you earn? also, getting more powerful loot is a big draw of the game
Look at the very last second. Lower level weapon hits for 711 damage and does a larger percentage damage against the monster at that range compared to the higher level weapon with a higher damage number.
Look at the fucking damage numbers. The higher-grade weapons is clearly doing more damage over the distance, yet it takes more shots to kill the mob.
inb4 everyone who uses level 1 weapon gets banned now
You know it's gonna happen
>Same mob/hp
>Damage numbers on the 2nd weapon are twice as high despite being farther away
>Only takes off 1/10 the hp instead of almost half
How are you this dense? I mean, you're defending a modern bioware/EA game so we already knew you're dumb but now you can't handle addition.
I haven't been tricked into buying a piece of shit game since Phantom Pain. I learned my lesson. I don't preorder anymore.
It was a problem they literally never fixed in Legion, the best way to do WQ's was with a piece of armor or 2 unequipped (generally shoulder) so that your ilvl tanks but your weapons still hit hard as shit.
>send us an email detailing how you found this exploit and we might unban you
The chat is beautiful.
I was bored and the flying mechanics/mecha combat looked entertaining.
At least I can just abandon it and maybe it'll be a decent game a year from now. God help those who actually spent money on microtransactions.
Threw $15 bucks at the service so friends wouldn't be stupid and buy me a copy. They're already getting bored with it so wont even have to worry about reuping past a month.
>Cod games have a 3 year cycle of development
>a few months after Pubg and Fortnite made bank Activision announces the new Cod has no campaign, is multiplayer only and has battle royale
>buying EA games
How many fucking times is it going to take before people like you stop giving them the benefit of the doubt? They will NEVER change and they only persist because people like you continue to give them money.
>Not doing the $5/15 trial
Is that a reddit screencap? Fuck, I'm getting old for this place. It used to be that your entire thread would be invalidated because you literally revealed to everyone that you're a reddit user shitting up the place even more. Then we'd shit on you for taking a fucking screencap to begin with instead of just making the post talking about it yourself.
I'm boomer-rambling here. Anyway, in the spirit of the old days:
Fuck you OP, you reddit faggot cocksucker. Go back to your shithole and stay there, and shove those upvote thumbs up your ass. Anthem is a shit game anyway.
Exactly, if this were an oversight and the gun actually did more damage than was intended there's no reason that wouldn't be reflected in the damage numbers. It also wouldn't keep the damage in a consistent range of 4-6 shots; you'd expect issues caused by oversights to create massive outliers in either direction. The simplest explanation is that the game is deliberately maintaining a specific rate of kills.
Sorry, let's wait until a news company picks up the story and THEN talk about it.
You're a fucking retard.
jesus christ there is no hope for some people
>3 years
Nope. 1 year. The devs on the off years just contribute to making multiplayer maps and bug fixing. The COD games have been on the same engine for like 15 years now, they are just lazy asset flips and take no time at all to make.
So if I understand it correctly...
Level 1 enemy takes 5 bullets to kill with a Level 1 gun.
What should happen with scalling is...
Level 2 enemy takes 7 bullets to kill with level 1 gun.
What IS happening is...
Level 1 enemy takes 7 bullets to kill with Level 2 gun.
Instead of enemies getting stronger as you level up, the game scales according to your equipment. It's fucking stupid. Who the hell even made this system? It doesn't even work for QA or anything like that. It shouldn't even made it past a test build. What the fuck.
But Titanfall 2 is good.
>generic COD clone
No. Fuck off.
So what? If the scaling is global and based on your currently equipped gear, then it intentionally means your gear is utterly worthless or apparently even detrimental. So then it’d be shit by design and not on accident, but it’d still be shit.
>Make a looter-shooter
>The numbers and stats are all lies and the real stats are the same for every item
You're absolutely right. It's awful. But it's still an intended feature.
I still can't get over them banning that one dude who was passionate about streaming it. If this game is alive in a year I will be fucking stunned.
I havent bought an xbox game since COd:MW
>mfw laffing at retards that still do
>Competent QA
>Competent at anything
That's a good joke.
The game seems to fudge the numbers so you keep killing shit at more or less the same rate regardless of how far you've progressed. The most likely explanation is that they do this to prevent discrepancies of power, like stomping over a low-level area with endgame weapons or not being able to fight high-level enemies with your current gear, because the latter scenario might be frustrating and the former might be boring. They want to keep the treadmill as smooth as possible to keep you playing and spending money on micro-transactions.
But becoming stronger is literally the entire point of this shitty fucking genre.
There is LITERALLY no reason to even play it except to get stronger in the game.
Every single EA game has people on Yea Forums who buy it, I genuinely don't understand. People here are dipshits I guess.
>Takes screen shot of some nobody on reddit
>posts it on Yea Forums
I hate to play the oldfag card, but holy shit I hate neo-Yea Forums
the funniest part about all this is that the signs were painted on the wall on size 400 vegas casino tier flashing neon and people S T I L L bought it
>Titanfall 2 is a generic COD clone
it's probably the OP looking for upvotes from other redditards here
All you ever do is bitch about the state of things like an old man instead of actually doing something or making threads yourself.
Whats your excuse, oldfag
>Friend shits on me for buying an early access game despite it being more complete/fun than many fully launched games
>He also buys every COD and played gatcha games
People are retarded and dont trust their own ability to make decisions.
The problem is that people are blaming this on incompetence when it's a case of actual intent. Incompetence and malevolence can go hand in hand but it's important not to mistake one for the other.
That's why the numbers keep getting bigger on the higher-level weapons. The game wants to to think you're getting stronger without running into any of the problems that relative differences in strength might present.
I make threads all the time, but I actually make threads about vidya and not
>omg reddit said something XD
fucking newfags
Sure you do.
Imagine getting banned for farming a weapon that makes you weaker in what is essentially a single player game.
>That's why the numbers keep getting bigger on the higher-level weapons. The game wants to to think you're getting stronger without running into any of the problems that relative differences in strength might present.
But it would take like five fucking seconds to see through that. All it would take is testing weapons of different levels against the same enemies, and then the gig is up and nobody will ever play the game again.
>Preorder Watch Dogs
>It's shit
>Tell myself that I will never preorder again
>Preorder MGSV anyways
>It's shit
And that's the moment that I became completely disillusioned to the entire AAA games industry. That shit opened my eyes. I haven't even bought a AAA game that is less than 10 years old since. I only buy independent games these days.
Sounds more like a situation where the server is calculating the onscreen math right but the actual application of it to the enemy health is fucked.
Who buys EA games now except from casual FIFA players and Battle Royal scum?
How the fuck do you fuck up a game this badly? Like it takes retarded amounts of skill to fuck up this much
>All it would take is testing weapons of different levels against the same enemies, and then the gig is up and nobody will ever play the game again.
Two possible explanations present themselves:
1. EA didn't think anyone would notice.
2. EA didn't think anyone would care.
You would be surprised how many normies genuinely thought that Anthem would be a good game and were genuinely shocked when it turned out to be a slight against god.
>there are people on this board who continue to buy games published by EA despite knowing EA's entire history of ruining games and murdering studios
how fucking stupid do you have to be to do something like that?
You fucking shitlord, all guns are equal!!!!!
Is your friend some kind of weeb normie hybrid or something?
You're forgetting that Biodrones are all women.
something similar happened when they made your stats in bgs scale from ilvl instead of your actual gear and stats. some cosmetic items that were added in later expansions had really high ilvl but no level requirement because they had no real stats, so if you gave one of these to a low level character and sent them into a bg their stats would shoot to the fucking moon.
>good at learning from others mistakes and not doing it myslef
>R E N T a game that I'm warned was shit
>it was shit
I got a pizza and a comfy movie out of it and I never pre-ordered again becuase I saw the same signs in every other game that was coming out and the whole venture only cost me 10 bux
Level scaling is literally bigger numbers the game. There is no progression and feeling more powerful. Unless feeling powerful is seeing bigger numbers.
He also goes full DSP when playing games like VT2. I dunno what his deal is but he makes anything less fun to play when he's involved and has some real fuckin assbackwards opinions.
Garden Warfare
It took several weeks for people to notice.
Several weeks, fantastic, and now everybody will drop the game like the turd it is. WHo the fuck plays a lootershooter without loot?
AHHH, with this video evidence, I'm sure that they intended the early game weapons to be easier to kill with so that new players could kill the enemies quickly. They tied the enemies total health to your gun's item level. Which is why you see the high level gun doing double damage on pop up but the actual health bar is going down in more hits.
Seriously, this is impressively bad programming.
End of rine.
>WHo the fuck plays a lootershooter without loot?
>WHo the fuck plays a lootershooter
it seems like everyone but DICE that touches the frostbite engine fucks up super hard.
At least try to pretend you aren’t a shill holy fuck. You might as well add a disclaimer that you were payed by BioWare. If I hired you to shill for my game I’d fucking fire you for being so blatant
>who bought anthem?
retards, and yes this comment is directly aimed at the lurkers ITT who bought it
It's would seem more like "weapon has ### of theoretical impact with # rpm for level 1" then when it gets taken to higher level content the gun scales for +30 levels worth of damage to compensate, the problem being that the theoretical impact and rpm numbers don't change but the actual damage done has
LMAO and people were defending this game saying the "end-game builds" is where it gets exciting, even though those fucking builds are just a meaningless mass of numbers and bullshit. Gaming 2019 right here
t .22
To add help explain this, the same gun at level 1 vs level 30 both have the same impact and rpm but the number scaling works based on their level, the only difference is the +30 level (over)compensation
Not quite. The gear scaling in WoW caps out at 360 ilvl IIRC, meaning that you do significantly overpower shit eventually. But the scaling existing at all is still fucking stupid.
>and now everybody will drop the game like the turd it is.
I don't think this will dissuade people who are already invested in the game. People are already willing to spend hundreds of hours playing the same thing over and over for no material reward. That's because these games rely on the human mind's ability to rationalize expenditure of time and resources.
The diehard fans are going to read this and think words to the effect of "it doesn't affect me because I still enjoyed the time playing the game". Or, more likely, they're going to avoid thinking about it at all. If they read this news and thought "wow I should stop playing this because there's no point to playing", they would have dropped it after a few hours anyway.
Do weapon stats still roll from 0 when you pick them up?
The developer livestream just ended and this wasn't even addressed. So it seems like it's implemented the way it was supposed to and not a bug.
So youre telling me people actually try to go through this level without Hiveblood equipped? Haha
Also Hollow Knight thread
>They tied the enemies total health to your gun's item level
You really think enemy health is fluctuating wildly on the fly when you switch guns? Nah.
That sounds better than CoD to me
Fk wrong tab
how does this happen? did they think nobody would notice?
More like that Guns deal % damage, instead of a value. Say, a Level 1 gun deals between 40-50% enemy's health in one shot, while Level 2-99 will always deal between 10-20%. The numbers mean nothing in this game.
A studio made of 26 people figured out how to do random loot but a AAA studio funded by EA couldn't.
Fifa is fun
*flashback to that Halo developer talking about bullet magnetism and the built in aimbot*
Modern console gaming is a house of lies.
Unintended consequence though. If your damage numbers are correct but the enemy isn’t losing the correct amount of health that tells me that this is intended.
>Scaling bullshit
Some of the worse mechanics ever introduced into RPGs, just have set levels for everything so if you’re underlevelled you get demolished and if you‘re overlevelled you destroy everything
Most likely, it's an autolevel shit to ensure everyone can have "fun", by slightly boosting underleveled gears. When you do a level 100 dungeon with a level 1 weapon, your level 1 weapon is boosted to provide "fun".
But in that case your level 1 weapon is boosted into completely retarded overpowered bullshit.
Exactly this.
There is no reality to the actions and their effects, only the feeling of progress being made.
You cannot advance any faster than the marketing psychologist has deemed suitable, keep on grinding, keep on playing, keep on being targeted with the microtransactions, they add to you feeling, they are all that matter.
I still remember atrocious PowerPoint show depicting very deep marketing strategies that were suspected to be utilized in Anthem, the depths of psychological manipulation it went down to, just to have you hooked on the game was terrifying. There was one that really stuck with me.
Put the people who have bough Microtransactions in the same team with single guy who is being "squeezed", have the enemies for next mission target and deal extra damage to the "squeeze" target, just to create some frustration and then showing the target how well these cool clad dudes did, while they got rekt.
Yes, there was also a point in time where grey gear you could find in the Outlands didn't have a required level to use. So twinking (which was pretty popular at the time) was ruined for the month that this went unpatched because everyone was one shotting each other. If I remember right my level 19 warrior was doing 2k dps with just rend
Dude you need to explain this more and provide some sources.
>game explicitly says level 1s can play with higher levels without a problem
>people are surprised that the numbers dont mean anything
People are surprised that when you are a high level that your level 1 weapon does more damage than your legendary weaponsz
I haven't been tricked into buying a piece of shit game since Dragon Age 2.
You know, Dragon's Crown wasn't the best game, but I appreciated how every character had fairly unique mechanics and tricks to how you played them. It was neat to start up a new game just to see how everyone played. The developers clearly wanted players to beat the game, then see it from a new perspective with each new playthrough on a different character.
Then Anthem comes along and everything is the same, even between end-game characters and level 1 guys. How do you do it so poorly when there are so many examples out there of how to do it right?
I bought it and I don't care, I'm having fun. I'm not some loser that cares about killing things as fast as possible.
That guy is wrong though. It works based on you power level so the gun would do less damage. You'd have to unequip everything, which would leave u at 1 shot with every enemy. I've tested it.
No, Level up systems are cancer. Level scaling is just the bandaid patch for a garbage system that people throw in for the cheap facsimile of "progression" in lieu of actual evolution of a character's ability.
This, you know how they will fix it? Top tier guns take 4-6 shots to kill enemies, bottom tier guns take 5-9.
Reported to your supervisor.
can you say why you ever "pre-ordered"? i'm not even that familiar with what that is but it just sounds like a really dumb thing that has no benefit. i mean ok if you're 12 years old and don't know what the fuck but otherwise ???
b....but bonuses!
How can you fuck this up this badly?
Diversity hires.
Best post in the thread
>Didnt WoW fucked up one of the balance patches with equip scaling that resulted in similar bullshit?
The winners of the arena tournament at the last Blizzcon abused something with item level.
Idono man, looks like its just a weapon swap to me. gfycat com/somespiffylhasaapso
Nailed it
if a movie is bad you blame the director for the bad decisions. a game people are always like naming the company but there must be some actual person who makes the final decision on things like this, who held authority. Who is it and why do you never blame them
>Yea Forums accepting leddit screencaps
this place is a joke
Some games have auteurs and others don't. Same with movies really but it's more culturally ingrained to blame the director.
Here is the PowerPoint show, I cannot say anything regarding the validity of these, but someone pumped them to Yea Forums about 1 year and two months BEFORE Anthem came out.
And as we now can see, it indeed is Anthem used in the example images. Considering this came out over a year before Anthem launched, it does strike me as weird.
Anyways, there is alot of basic marketing stuff, but the choice pieces go really really into the dark muddle of marketing psychology.
I have stopped trying to pretend this place is in any capacity better than reddit in the current form.
The sooner you accept it too the better for your sake.
We do when a single figure can be blamed as the root cause. See Diablo 3. See current WoW. David Gaider was blamed extensively for the shit writing of the Dragon Age series. Casey Hudson is blamed extensively for ME3. Just some example. Anthem seems to be a fuck up in just about every way, which means the entire studio fucked up.
I knew marketing was fucked, but this is just on whole other level.
It's exactly like Destiny 2
>Grab a starter gun
>Takes 3 shots to down an enemy
>Grab a Cowkiller, the Decimator of Bovines lvl37 revolver
>Takes the same 3 shots to kill the same low level enemy
Take them with a grain of salt though, their validity is completely up in the air. Even though it would be a rather elaborate attempt at trolling.
What really strikes me as weird, is the fact that they used Anthem as their exmaple.
A game that was over a year away from launching.
Yea Forums would never have come upon this in the first place and nobody would ever find out about it
That has nothing to do with the engine. This seems more like incompetence at a design level.
>he thinks his precious 4chinz was ever anything but a fucking joke
I feel sick in my stomach.
You have no idea how bad other websites can be user
I even found the original thread, which really is straight outta vidya conspiracists wet dream.
But yeah, this thing exists.
Take it as you will, but I still recommend a grain of salt.
>next day: player permabanned because dealing lot of damage with lvl1 rifle was not intended mechanic
>also targets Yea Forums
Can't they just run cheat engine and check the numbers on the guns instead of making these silly "experiments"?
Fucked up.
This is fake-ass bullshit. Youtube (owned by Google, one of the biggest tech companies in the world with all kinds of secret sauce) can barely caption video of people clearly enunciating into a microphone, and you think your console can voice analyze things from anywhere in a room?
On low level enemies where there's a damage cap, maybe. Try that in a raid.
this would not shock me at all
The real effect guarantees that nobody has fun.
>text, text, text
>not even bullet points, but paragraphs upon paragraphs of text
they are even shit at making power point presentations
That is why I told people to take it with a grain of salt.
This whole fiasco with Anthem just reminded me of this little thing.
Alternatively it could very well be that there is no scaling, everything does the same baseline damage before modifiers and so forth, and the higher tier shit just throws bigger numbers on top without actually increasing the inherent damage.
>welcome to anthem the game where the damage numbers are made up and the guns dont matter
Some of this shit is smoke and mirrors. Some of it isn't. The important thing to take away from this shit is that people actually think this type of shit is okay and acceptable to do. Almost everything in that link is extremely immoral.
it doesn't matter about auteurism - if a subordinate turns in a poor plan to a managerial director then they should say this is no good, make another attempt. If the director is allowing shit ideas in that won't be successful then the producer, fires the director. Video game companies probably aren't the same structure but there's still *someone* who has responsibility over "Anthem"
Destiny scaling is based off of levels so a level 600 gun will do the same damage as a level 100 gun to the same enemy if the player level remains the same. The guns have actual stats as well so higher tier guns should always feel better than lower tiers.
Bad example to throw out
Because it was a presentation done for EA/BioWare and they used screens of the game they wanted to use it with as part of their presentation.
Okay so, apparently this is specifically a bug involving the default babby's first level 1 equipment, the way that they specifically are designed to scale, and how enemies scale.
The default equipment is able to scale upwards to level 30 based on your highest ilvl (so that in case you trash the last high level equipment for that slot, you can still use at least that til you get a proper drop for it), while enemies can scale down to the default equipment's level.
The problem is that a scaled down enemy will have the HP for that level 1 equipment, but that equipment can be scaled upwards to level 30. So it'll do the shitload of extra damage its scaled up for, but the enemy won't have the similarly scaled HP to compensate, so it just dies instantly.
Its still bad game design overall, but at least this specific issue is tied to the default level 1 stuff.
Talking about their feminine penis
It absolutely exists in some form. It doesn't work as well as they make it seem in the slides but that's to be expected. The fact is that companies are using AI to change game states on individual players to push them towards microtransactions. That is DEEPLY deceptive and I can't imagine it being legal (or staying legal if it hits mainstream news).
>this is stupid, everyone wins!
>wow, everyone gets to feel special
>fucking leftists
why does your sense of achievement and enjoyment fundamentally require the suffering and humilation of a subclass below you? how is everyone having fun and being successful a bad thing? says way more about you if you're whining about participation trophies- you can't feel validated without making others feel "less than" you. and that does not make for a good sportsman.
>That is DEEPLY deceptive and I can't imagine it being legal (or staying legal if it hits mainstream news).
You think game companies care? They'd lobby to make it legal. They already do numerous immoral business practices and pay their CEOs millions of dollars while crunching the bottom dollar, and the bigger companies all have off-shore tax havens.
lol a few slides about anthem and then 50 fake fake (fictional) slides about big-brother advertising tech good job dude
Should I act surprised at this point? Whenever we hit rock bottom it somehow digs a hole and goes deeper
Just fucking die already EA
[jazz music stops]
this fucking just keeps on giving
I guess you're right. I don't know user, I can't imagine looking at customers like that. I guess that's why I'm not rich though. I would never be able to sleep at night knowing that my wealth was obtained through deceit and immoral practices.
This is more likely. They'd balance every enemy for lvl 1 and that's it.
>Slides talk about using AI to post on Yea Forums to steer discussion
>lol it's not real bro just forget about it it's fake
I see you.
>Nobody would shill on Yea Forums
>Slides talk about using AI to create bots specifically to shill on Yea Forums
Welcome to hell.
Well you still have a soul and aren't a soulless executive in charge of the most money-producing medium on the planet, so that's something.
Captioning is just a side thing to that tech.
The real application is eavesdropping on your conversations via your phone's always on microphone, transcribing what you say into text, using predictive algorithms to refine that transcribed text, and then pass that parsed text into AdSense to target ads based on what you were just talking about.
yet the bot still runs on Yea Forums kek, we're the most depressed people in existance
I don't see why you can't have both though.
Redditors are the only ones consistently retarded enough to buy EA shit
Only they will truly know what's in the game
At its basics Anthem is fantastic. The feeling of flying, shooting and devastating enemies with your abilities is truly fun. What’s even better, there’s plenty hidden under the hood: Anthems systems have enough complexity to create depth and allow us, hardcore RPG fans, to tinker with builds and experiment. For me, that’s an immensely important part of gameplay. Bungie’s decision to simplify Destiny 2 to cater to a more casual audience was a real bummer. Gladly, Bioware went the opposite way and provided us with a rich exploration material.
Here is the original thread about
The whole way this was released speaks of an elaborate vidya conspiracist troll attempt.
So just to say it clear, this thing is without any further proof FAKE AND GAY.
I was just reminded of this thing regarding this Anthem fuck up.
This whole farce just reminds me of the exact kind of "Controlled enjoyment" systems people have been fearmongering about for a while.
Games being nothing more than treadmills that eventually steer you towards microtransactions and will go to great lengths to create an environment for purchase.
Posts like these make wonder if we need a report option for shilling. This is so blithe, so blatant, so foolish that it's fucking hilarious.
Is this unironically a worse trainwreck than tortanic?
Good one.
why do people think the numbers coming out of things you shoot are 'damage'? it's like points isn't it. they have an obvious health bar that goes down so you don't need a damage popup. and if it is damage, why did it take people two weeks to notice the numbers being bigger when the health bar is going down slower
All of this tech has existed for years and has been used in real world situations. There is absolutely nothing about those slides that is implausible in the slightest. Mobile game companies are far ahead of the curve when it comes to psychologically profiling and manipulating individual players, and they learned all of this shit from casinos anyways who have been using more analog versions of these techniques for decades, or even centuries.
This is the future of gaming and everything else whether you choose to accept it or not. Normal ads aren't effective because people, especially in the internet age, have grown up thinking they are annoyances and adapted to tune them out. And modern advertising as a result is basically throwing out a net and seeing what ends up caught in it, it's clumsy and inefficient in proportion to the money and R&D spent on them. The future of ads is profiling every individual and tailoring their ad experience (and arguably, their entire internet experience) to them personally, min-maxed to elicit the most favorable purchasing decisions while minimizing their spend on competing products/services etc.
why are you so dumb?
>We want to try to manipulate depressed people into feeling like buying MTX will cure their depression and then manipulate them into believing that it has, since if we can do that our profits will increase by 2500%
This is actually fucking evil. There are very few things I could point to and say that its proof of meta-physical evil, but this is one of them.
There are people out there who seriously, genuinely, unironically paid money for this game.
Drop your friends.
Are you serious?
They bought Anthem so they're clearly already braindead
Someone didn't get the joke.
>buyer's remorse
And that's how you know it's a fake written by somebody looking to make GAMERS RISE UP!
Nah. TOR had a similar "bug" where your damage didn't matter regardless of gear but it was still an unplayable mess on every single other level
Then why am I not getting any cunny ads
It's not entirely fake and gay. There are definitely embellishments and falsehoods in the slides. But that isn't what's concerning. What's concerning are the concepts talked about in the slides. This isn't some elaborate troll, because it's using gameplay screens from Anthem before anyone ever saw gameplay. That should tell you right away that some of this shit at least is real.
>why did it take people two weeks to notice the numbers being bigger when the health bar is going down slower
People likely assumed that enemy health was just super inflated and not that their weapons were doing less damage.
Most of the embellishments could easily be chalked up to the fact that it's a sales pitch.
Alternatively some of these games give later enemies % defense boosts
Isn't that... literally curing depression though?
If you think that your depression is cured, then your depression is actually cured, right?
It turns out that the absolute best way to make money, is to trick people into being happy.
Capitalism works.
Correct. Doesn't change the fact that this tech exists (and has for some time) and is being used in games.
Meanwhile Jannies in the Anthem General on /vg/ are deleting posts that link to news articles that show anything negative about the game.
This is the future you chose.
>Thats actually funny.
>Didnt WoW fucked up one of the balance patches with equip scaling that resulted in similar bullshit?
>I remember people were doing highlevel dungeons with shitty gear to trick the system
Yep except they do this not just to make the game take the same amount of time no matter how good your gear is, but to lower the gap between shit players and good ones. NUWoW can be summed up as Communism in action.
Too fucking true
>neurochemical disorders stop happening because you think they do
God damn
I didn't have high expectations of that board but I hoped they weren't mentally deficient enough to buy modern bioware shit
I mean a gaming website or jewtuber is just gonna source reedit anyway and is also just as unwelcome so there's no winning.
holy shit, how is it even POSSIBLE for a fucking AAA game to fuck up THIS bad, this is beyond fundamentals, this is like a joke. This feels more like an article from The Onion than a real glitch.
>Meanwhile Jannies in the Anthem General on /vg/ are deleting posts that link to news articles that show anything negative about the game.
Have you tried posting those links without the stale bait? /vg/ is for game discussion not shitposting.
Hirogook sold out so fucking hard
You genuinely cannot say that with a straight face. /vg/ is concentrated shitposting.
Post yfw you didn't buy Anthem.
On reddit, moderation spots for the top subreddits (r/politics, r/news) can and are unironically bought up by NGOs to control the discourse. There's no doubt the subreddits of games are also bought by companies to prevent wrongthink.
Good thing it's trivial to ban evade on Yea Forums so jannies can't really do shit because the mods on Yea Forums have been complete shit for almost ten years. Ban evasion is literally a safeguard against faggot mods.
If you live your life happy and believing you don't have the neurochemical disorder, then what harm does it do?
At that point you're no longer depressed.
>actually trying to discuss games is shitposting
Try visiting a general that's not for a visual novel that came out five years ago. When there's things to discuss there's real discussion, like Yea Forums used to be before schadenfreude replaced playing games here.
/fgo/ and /fgoalter/ here. 99% of the threads consists of shitposting and waifufagging.
Because that's literally not how the brain works.
I'm not the one throwing the example out. You need higher tier gear to be able to do higher tier content.
I don't go into weebshit threads but when I play a new game the generals tend to be full of people asking and answering questions about the game.
No. It's tricking you into associating being happy with buying MTX. You are not actually happy, you just think you are because buying MTX makes you feel good. Logically this does not make sense, as the cause of your depression was never that you didn't have whatever the MTX was, so after the dopamine hit wears off you realize you wasted your money and don't do it again or get a refund. This is literally how buyers remorse works, you bought something you thought you wanted but quickly realized that it wasn't what you wanted, so you return it or just never touch it again if you can't. What they are saying is that they want to trick you into thinking that buying MORE will bring the same dopamine hit. Essentially, this is what casinos do with gambling. They want to trick people into going into debt by making them think buying MTX will fill the void, just like gambling addicts. The difference is, is that you can look up the odds of winning for any casino game and it's all well understand and transparent about what's going on. With this shit, they're trying to hide what they are doing because people don't play video games to be manipulated into spending money, they play games for enjoyment and as soon as there is definitive proof of a dev/pub doing this kind of shit, they are sunk.
Sure pal, keep living in delusion.
Every general is just shitposting and some autist posting their waifu.
That is exactly the part of it all that makes it seem so fucking fake.
But then again, I've met Business Majors before and I would not be surprised if that it real.
Honestly it's just another reason on the pile for "We are literally in hell."
They are essentially inducing cognitative dissonance, or denial if that's easier to understand.
You can tell yourself that you're not depressed, and you can actually believe it too, but that doesnt mean you're okay.
The last part is obviously meant as a joke which is meant to lighten the mood of the presentation and make everything feel more acceptable.
Next time a new game you're playing comes out and has a general, try visiting it. Unless it's actually a waifushit game there will be people talking about the actual gameplay.
Anthem is the gift that keeps on giving. Everything coming out of this game is fucking hilarious.
Because that's not how the brain works and the happiness also only continues so long as you are buying MTX in this instance. The goal is not to cure your depression the goal is to make you think buying MTX is curing your depression.
So you're saying when a game is new it's discussed? If only there was already a board that does that.
...by pirating full price games so until they weren't profitable
how's it feel to be programmed NPC? Just kidding, I know you can't feel anything HAHAHA!!!!
But that is literally how the placebo effect works you absolute brainlet. If buying fortnite skins cures autism then it is a legitimate cure for autism. If depressed people playing anthem are less depressed then anthem cures depression.
Before you start spouting shit read about why they still use electroconvulsive therapy. Because it's BETTER than placebo. Better than placebo is the gold standard for treatment otherwise you'd just prescribe sugar pills to everyone that comes in.
I've started to believe more and more that we have all been in hell this whole time.
Yea Forums doesn't discuss games anymore, it chimps out about them. I only come here to see the scale of overreaction.
It's still better than /vg/
No shit, I assume it doesn't actually work.
But if they could do what they described, they would be accidentally curing depression and making people happy as an accidental side effect of pursuing extreme profits. It's like a perfect utopian capitalism.
It literally says they want to "manipulate the player into not being depressed".
Obviously they can't do that, and in fact that entire slideshow is almost certainly a load of shit made by some 4channer anyway, but that is what it says. Even if it was a temporary cure, that would be a much better method than the scores of extremely unreliable and often harmful drugs we use at the moment.
Going for (((diversity))) rather than actual talent and programming.
Jesus christ dude, do you not understand the idea of a blank or null test? Placebo isn't the standard it's a blank to see what effect the test has outside of it.
Please go take any form of class involving science.
You aren't GETTING IT. You aren't HAPPIER when you buy MTX. Your brain gets a hit of dopamine which makes you feel good MOMENTARILY and then when it fades you are back to being DEPRESSED. What we are saying is that they are trying to make it so that when that initial hit fades you don't make the connection and just buy more and more MTX for the dopamine hits. It's not curing anything because once you stop buying the MTX your DEPRESSION COMES BACK.
It's not a fucking cure if it comes back when you stop spending money.
You tell us.
>100% shitposts all the time is better than 90% shitposts contained to their own threads leaving the others to talk about their relevant games
OK man, if you enjoy swimming in an ocean of piss I can't change your mind.
is that what I said dipshit?
I said BETTER THAN PLACEBO. If your treatment isn't better than placebo it's basically useless. you'd be better off having them fucking meditate.
>t. 2nd year med student
don't fucking (You) me you fucking sub- neurotypical garbage.
I was going to say this is so fake because nobody except a teenager would put full paragraphs of full sentence text on a fucking slide.
then i read the last paragraph and lmao how did anyone believe this shit
They put so much effort into rigging up the slides and photocopies only to have this shit writing
You are either a shill, deranged, or just fucking stupid. Winning in the casino "cures" your depression until the dopamine wears off. That's how fucking gambling addicts are created you absolute retard because they've successfully been manipulated into believing that gambling will cure their depression.
>2nd year med student
Sure pal fuck off, you don't even understand rudimentary concepts and think that depression is magically cured cause you smiled once.
don't bother arguing with depression fags man, they're not arguing in good faith. they're just writing to remind themselves 'I've got a legitimate excuse, a legitimate excuse'
>it's not a treatment if symptoms recur after treatment stops!
So climate change brainlets on /sci/ come from Yea Forums... It all makes sense now.
>Has never worked in the professional world
Not one thing in those slides is unbelievable. I see worse quality work get praise daily.
The actual method of curing depression is addressing the underlying issues in depressed people's lives and dropping this dumb "oh some people's brains just randomly fuck up" bullshit, depression is just an advanced form of learned helplessness that your body adapts to stop itself from wasting energy on pointless things.
"2+2 = 5"
You can be forced to think that, to believe with 100% sincerity that two units plus two units equals five units, without a hint of doubt in your mind.
But that doesnt make it true.
There's a difference between a cure and treatment, faggot.
it's not even written in an adult's voice. you can hear the kid's speech pattern in the diction
Naming Yea Forums at all should have tipped people off to the fact it's fake. Nobody gives a fuck about Yea Forums because this place is inconsequential. 400,000 people screeching into each other's assholes about the evils of the vidya industry doesn't mean shit when half of them go on to buy the games anyway. Reddit is where they look to gauge public perception because it's not anonymous.
I told me to keep my posts off your fucking monitor you fucking softskull transvestite.
They used to "Cure" with a god damn ice pick. Like I care about your semantics.
People talk like that in the professional world now. Those slides were likely written by a 22 year old fresh out of college.
>fresh out of college
honestly more like freshly admitted to community college.
Interesting how angry you got when called out. If we wanna play the education game since you brought it up, I have my fucking PhD in chemistry where I did research into stimulated drug release mechanisms for neurochemical imbalances.
So you can take your fucking retarded ass shit about it magically curing depression and shove it far enough up your ass it skull fucks you.
Yea Forums is one of the most visited sites on the internet.
I bet if you searched through Yea Forums archives you could pull entire sections from old posts.
>People talk like that in the professional world now.
If you presented that you'd be laughed out of the building.
t. interned at a marketing agency for a semester
This is like some sort of fucking surreal mind control plot that you'd find in a fucking JRPG what the hell is even going on in life.
It’s not semantics. There is a very clear difference between treatment and cure. Treatment CAN cure something over time but then it must be monitored for remission because it’s not a real cure. Cures fix the underlying issue and prevent it from reoccurring.
That's just psychological Pavlov's kind of manipulation
The depressed guy will still be depressed, but he's a getting a lil of dopamine through this action. It's evil as fuck.
It's impossible to write a marketing AI able parse the shit going on here.
Yea Forums is absolutely a target
we are one of the most visited sites on the internet, and this was back at the start of the decade, we have only grown since then
The state of this board as well should tell you there is basically 90% overlap with Reddit's userbase, mindless idiots that lap up whatever AAAs shit out.
Not to mention as well that Yea Forums makes it absolutely effortless for shills to do their thing. Everywhere else you either need to prepare and mature thousands of accounts before any marketing OP, or have mod/admin fiat to make it happen and keep the users from figuring out none of the threads about EA's newest shitheap aren't organic. Here, you get one guy, with thousands of proxies and 'persona management' software and one marketer can easily swarm threads with scripted posts and replies, and if the mods ban them (which they won't, not only because they're incompetent but also because there's a good chance they are paying Hiro to do this free of interference), it's trivial to round up another thousand proxies and get right back to it. If we can't even keep phoneposters out, what makes you think we can keep the marketing arm of a multibillion dollar corporation with infinitely more resources and money than the guy spamming /pol/ threads from the iphone his mommy bought him?
Anyone who says Yea Forums isn't shilled on is either supremely naive/retarded/both or a shill trying desperately to deflect and distract
wew lad.
I bet, you're a god damn freshman. CBT overtakes drug treatments for most disorders now. That means that "magically curing depression" can be done with extended therapies. Continue believing that you're doing anything significant by researching how to copyright lithium again and again for the next century with your made up disorders though.
I find it odd that with everything we know about these companies, that anyone would be skeptical that this shit is real. Smells like shills in here.
And the anonymity means it's useless as a point of reference for marketing and PR people because it's beyond simple to samefag nothing into something. They like Reddit because they can see a thread of complaints then go check if they're freshly created accounts or ones that only show up to shitpost when there's something in the news cycle. The very thing that makes Yea Forums great prevents Yea Forums from having any true influence.
This nigga gets it.
I'm not saying people don't shill here you fucking moron, I'm saying complaining here does nothing.
Well no shit, it’s embellished to hell. That doesn’t mean there aren’t shill bots on here.
>extended therapies what happened to your if they're happy they're cured. Nice back peddling faggot.
>They're still making Anthem threads
>There are people that still play this game.
You're telling me they still haven't fixed the damage scaling yet? Its been 2 weeks already!
I thought Reddit was already a controlled environment for astroturfing any kind of product, with corportate controlled mods and shit.
I would think that is exactly why wild west is where their desires lie, to manipulate the wild and quickly changing amalgamation of outrage and conspiracy.
When all the acceptable methods of influence and control are expended, the only directions where a higher margin of profit is "True innovation" (Extremely rare and expensive) or "Conspiracy" (Amoral, yet cheaper & full of untapped potential).
"Conspiracy theory!" as a word as a phrase is very much like inoculation, it creates an immediate air distrust in unconventional, unpleasant and unintuitive.
>weapon damage progression in a shooter
That'll be a yikes from me
Funny how Ben Irving is responsible for both. Makes you think.
This. Too bad people are retarded and will keep buying their shit. I can't even pity those fools.
>powerpoint slides are fucking paragraphs long instead of less than 3 sentences and just stating the absolute vital info
Yes thank you for the anecdote about the marketplace in Egypt, who the fuck is the business analyst behind this shit? That's fucking embarrassing. I did better presentations in high school.
I've honestly wondered once or twice if I walked into a bot thread. No, I don't mean people were dumb and I called them NPCs, I mean I posted a couple of replies and the responses were offputting, and when I looked back through the thread I literally felt spooked, like physically creeped out.
Shit's whack, I don't like that I feel like I have to worry about hit.
If you train the bullets hard enough they'll get stronger without the use of steroids.
It's cute that you think whoever wrote that isn't still in high school.
>Being so angry your hemorrhagic stroke causes you to forget how to greentext
lel. I'm saying that Anthem could cure depression if it changes your outlook as it relates to other aspects of learned helplessness. Anything can be a therapy/cure if applied correctly. Though I doubt that would happen when you realize that you've been grinding to do less damage than you could've done at the beginning of the game.
Battle for Middle Earth games and the first two Dead Space games were pretty good, but yeah.
Having trouble opening this link, do I just removed the forward slashes?
Why have I suddenly seen a resurgence in Reddit screencaps?
This is the third time I've seen a reddit screencap on Yea Forums I normally don't see them at all
I learned my lesson after FO76. I won't fall for the AAA meme ever again.
Did you miss the part were the very first slide says
>practice presentation
This isn't a final product.
You literally said cure their depression. Just because they smiled briefly and had a hit of dopamine doesn't mean they are magically cured of dopamine. Go back to reading Wikipedia and pretending you have intellect.
what's your system to replace it?
Yea Forums and Reddit have a massive overlap at this point. While you can't control discourse on Yea Forums, you don't have to because many posters will also post on Reddit. It's simply a matter of having shill bots do standard shill posts on Yea Forums. Anons reply with their complaints, criticisms, etc,...and the bots record the replies. Then when those same anons go onto Reddit and they start talking about the same stuff, the AI matches the two and targets them. This will now be called out as a crazy conspiracy by shills and gullible redditfags.
It's only natural that it'll become more prevalent.
Zoomers could give a fuck about imaginary internet dichotomies. This is going to be the most datamined, least consumer protected generation yet.
Soon it'll be like Futurama where they're streaming commercials straight into your dreams.
Jesus Christ, the absolute state of this game
Oooh smoking hot burn there my spongy neocortex having friend.
If you think for one second that I believe that video games will cure anything then you're an idiot. I was only clarifying what the slide was attempting to communicate. The slides are gibberish, just look at that
>Hey these are totally a real leak guise
If a person involves themselves in a behavior that remedies their affliction for any amount of time then that is a treatment. If that treatment continues, and is generalized to other aspects of their lives, then it is a cure.
Read about
>DNA Methylation
>Exposure therapy
>Drug tapering schedules
>Addiction therapies
just to get started.
Ill take Borderlands scaling over this shit.at least my max lvl gun one shots lower level enemies.
In destiny 2, having a higher light level just means that higher level enemies don't have as much damage resistance against you. Lower level enemies never become weaker, just high level enemies become normal. It ensures that this situation never happens
I bet you're into cock and ball torture fag.
Getting better.
Maybe watch an insult comic/10
Dumb mouthbreathing paleolithic era knuckledragging anus fisting fuckboy
some level 10 guy got 100% dodge chance and 100% crit i remember he couldn't be killed by some level 70s
Just cause you like having your balls stomped on by high heels doesn't mean you have to take out your frustration on others.
>business strategy relies on Yea Forumstards who are so contrarian that they buy and play shitty games just to spite Yea Forums
How would you react?
This is a good thing. Grinding gives you new weapons that do less damage and thus create a more challenging experience. I guess you guys are just too casual to appreciate that, unlike me, a true Anthem fan.
Only distributed by EA, not made by them. Titanfall 3 will be the one EA is gonna fuck up.
yawn. if it's a japanese game they'll buy anyway. Honestly waiting for Western games with Japanese art directors and jp marketing campaigns
That doesn't even make sense. If I had that fetish I'd be taking my frustration out on a hookers heels along with my blood and semen. This is how I can tell you're actually mad. Apply yourself.
>Make a game about gear threadmill so you can see bigger numbers and keep farming faster
>200 damage rifle requires 33% fewer bullets to kill enemy than 1200 damage rifle
How the fuck do you even get away with this?
Look dude, I'm not gonna judge your fetishes but you don't need to let out your aggression onto others.
it's not intentional. they just don't know what they fuck they're doing.
Look dude, if you keep posting like a fag I'm going to find you and creampie your boyhole until you can't see straight.
Damage control level: MAXIMUM
>Bioware cant even do basic math
Color me surprised
Is Anthem an even bigger embarrassment than Fallout 76 at this point?
How much of this was spent paying dykes to "program" for anthem?
Jokes on you, my boy hole is guarded by a butt plug.
gottem? You winning son?
based Chorogon poster
>oh shit now we have to rework the entire game based around the system we tried to jew you with
In life? Not really, realised that I've basically ruined my chance of a job in Australia as I'm now too qualified for any job here as the research industry is fucked and I'm too unproven for overseas.
you talk about cunnies in real life?
You'd be surprised. You been looking at job postings in the U.S.?
How is damage real if damage numbers aren't real?
Just fucking imagine BUYING an EA game, BUYING Anthem
scaling is cool while leveling for xp, but when youbget a top level scaling with ilvl is fucking bukkshit yeah.
A bit yeah, had a job offer there looking at composite materials from hemp but the funding fell through.
Level scaling ruins RPGs, it should be an opt in system where a player can choose to scale down.
Look at weed startups up north and the west coast. Lotta investment capital pouring in. Get a foothold with a postdoc position at a university if you just wanna move. I'm sure you'd be accepted.
>it just needs more end game
LMAO does he realize his endgame loot is broken?
The problem damage scaling takes out a reference. Without a reference, you have no idea how much you have progressed. You are just running in a circle getting bigger numbers but you are not progressing. You can't look back and say man that enemy was hard but now I can totally shit on that enemy therefor I am stronger. If the damage is always percentage based, higher damage numbers are just bigger numbers. Damage and Level scaling do not belong in an RPG because that removes the progression a player feels when leveling up or getting better loot.
Yeah, been considering it. Just gotta try and organise stuff for visas first.
Don't make me post shia. Just fookin do eet. The economy isn't going to stay on the upswing forever, if you don't make a move you could miss your chance.
>be Anthem dev
>see players farming loot too effectively
>ban the players from the game so they don't degrade the party experience for others
>they whine and bitch and make YouTube videos about you
>make all loot less than worthless in retaliation
Based devs or most based devs? This is incredible trolling by EA
Holy fuck I never even saw the gif. Those aren't even actual mobs. Those are the equivalent of rabbits and random wildlife in the game. Also, his whole argument is a lie because he has top tier components equipped.
It's not so much me lacking motivation and more finding a job first to sponsor the visa.
most of this seems like bullshit
it reads like you would be getting popups on your screen fucking constantly, but most people turn notifications for shit like game apps off
>The detection path has been kept to see if our other AI systems can manipulate the player into not being depressed.
I almost feel bad for the fools that bought that but then again I remember they're the stupid fucking faggots that enable game developers to be lazy like this.
The terrible thing is, combined with the normie sales, enough people brought it to where they'll think "lol we'll cut support for it now and if we don't continue supporting it we hit our sales goal if we have no more expenditures" and do it again
Unironically fuck these people
This reminds me of when SimCity 2013 faked population statistics to trick people into thinking the tiny ass world was bigger, everyone noticed immediately, and it cheapened the experience to the point of killing a legendary franchise.
fucking EA man
A fool and his money are easily parted, never feel bad for them.
Just sit back and laugh at the whole debacle.
You guys do realize you can disprove this in like 5 mins right? Like I get it, it's a shit game, but if it's truly as shit as everyone says why do you have to dogpile onto some bullshit.
wasn't that also one of the first big pushes for always-online DRM? which also had tonnes of fucking issues, of course
then C:S came along and killed it once and for all
yeah, crashing servers for a single player game also did not help.
Not even reddit drones are as cuckolded as this guy.
>wallrunning, wall climbing, rocket jumping, skills, mechs, scifi themes
>just run around and shoot targets real fast lol
>servers can't handle the fastest speed setting on a single player game
is a weird sentence to think
Look at this fucking retard and laugh.
There are multiple gifs and dev responses proving that the op is true.
>Redditors are the only ones consistently retarded enough to buy EA shit
>what's /vg/
You understimate autism of our autists.
No there aren't. They dev responses are talking about damage scaling. They didn't confirm that the default weapon is the best weapon in the game. Also all the gifs feature a guy with top tier mods on.
>you can disprove this so quickly and easily, thats why I forgot to do it in my post! now im going to repeat the word shit over and over!
how can you call a game shit and still seem like a fanboy sycophant at the same time im truly impressed
universities give sponsorships more readily than small companies.
>big companies
>small firms
in my experience
What exactly is sycophantic about my statement? I already tested this out before the retarded ass reddit post. I got the game for free. If you view truth as sycophantic you are in for a rough life.
Holy shit.
>This is not intended
GEE, ya THINK????
because there is plenty of evidence for number spoofing being the case and your argument for anything otherwise has nothing to back it up, as far as im concerned youre a shill for defending this game so poorly
>Average /vg/ poster
Fuck off shill.
>expecting a shitty looter shooter to have ANY semblance of good game design
>expecting balance of all things
>making a thread on this piece of shit game and its retarded issues for (You)'s
>giving it attention, thus giving it sales
these are your mistakes
>But it would take like five fucking seconds to see through that.
You underestimate how much people don't care. Most people don't actually give a fuck.
Didn't CoD rip off Titanfall 1 with that shit?
Yes, and they show him killing things with the level 1 weapon, and a max level legendary weapon. Every time the level 1 weapon kills in significantly fewer hits. See: media.giphy.com
No, left mentality is that opportunities should be created through a system that inherently favors the already privileged to a point where the disadvantaged stand essentially next to zero chance of upward mobility, rightfully (ironically) calling out the 'b-but this one guy got went from rags to riches, never mind the millions of others that bust their ass and don't get anything' bullshit.
Anyway this reverse level scaling stuff is crazy.
>I really wonder what the fuck they were doing the six (6) years this was in development
For the last 3 years of it they were getting high with the Fallout 76 devs.
While simultaneously also bricking your PS4
>Level 1 kills in 15 bullets
>Maxed out Legendary kills the same enemy in 35
Game is fucked.
soon this place is only going to be bots shilling and accusing others of shilling
>giving it attention, thus giving it sales
it doesn't work that way, chump.
There's a thing called 'negative publicity'
No matter how you put it, it always comes with a dent in their reputation, and that means less sales and customer interest.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this makes investors wary and dips stock values
Id love to see you born in the fuedal era talking about social mobility. With the internet you have access to a global market, if you fail to make money that means YOU ARE WORTHLESS.
>literally same gunplay
>literally same map layouts
>literally same pseudo-rpg-mechanics
yeah, it has a nice gimmick with the titans, but its literally the same in every other aspect
enemies with more complex attack patterns so that your personal skill goes up, not just some numbers that are meaningless
In oblivion leveling up could be an active detriment to you because it was possible for the enemies to outpace you (you can level without getting stronger in elder scrolls games). So I think it's a common problem in games with levels
This is some of the toppest tier smoke and mirror bullshit I’ve seen out of any dev. I’m honestly impressed.
I wanted it to be good too. Maybe in a year it will be Fallout 76 tier, if it lives that long.
this is outdoing fallout 76 somehow, it's pretty amazing honestly
Verticality, NPCs and double jump / wallrunning is are all hallmarks of COD design. You're doing well with this bait.
Basically monster Hunter
>hallmarks of COD design
Yes, pro players play in bare minimum potato mode. Don't pretend like COD is peak mobility in shooters though.
Maybe. But it's missing that special something that a Bethesda train wreck has. Like I laughed for weeks at FO76. I keep forgetting this game exists.
Nigger, that shit is not Call of Duty, it's fucking GunZ.
no the damage numbers are correct, or they should be what the gun is doing, but the bug is making the gun do more damage than it should. The way it's coded it must not tie the two (damage numbers showing on screen and damage the gun actually does) together, which isn't that big of a deal imo. I mean, the call of duty stats for guns were always wildly incorrect compared to how they actually performed, and that wasn't even a bug, while this incident clearly is.
>Don't pretend like COD is peak mobility in shooters
It's almost as if that user was giving an example of a shooter with better verticality, that predates it being a feature in COD.
It's the scaling system, enemies health changes depending the the weapon you use so it's always a "fair fight" and makes it possible for low level players to co-op with high level players.
It's still fucking retarded though and the floating damage numbers now mean absolutely nothing actually none of the stats mean anything.
Damge numbers showing on the screen not matching the damage that the enemy is actually taking is exactly what we're talking about when we say the damage numbers aren't correct, is this some kind of bizarre mental gymnastics?
>The damage numbers aren't incorrect, they're just incorrect
The problem is it's doing some scaling bullshit. Because it's a lower level gun it's doing its damage to a lower level healthbar. When these scaling systems are involved the actual damage number you're doing is 100% irrelevant, because you're actually doing a % of the monsters hp per shot. The low level gun doing less damage, but a higher percent, is because it's comparing the expected damage of the gun to the expected health of a monster relative to that guns level. So if the level 1 gun is doing 200 damage to an expected 1000 health monster, it's stripping 20% off the mobs real healthbar. That same monster can be shot for 1,000 by a maxed out player and only see 1/10th of the bar go down because higher level monsters have significantly more max hp.
So two players, one with the level 1 above, one with the maxed shoot the same mob. 200/1000 + 1000/10000. The mob loses 30% health.
Boomers are so fucking retarded. I bet this is the same guy whose excited for Daggerfall Unity but hates Skyrim
No, but I bought Destiny so you can tell I'm retarded.
It's because of the bullshit scaling. The damage you see is only relevant to the healthbar it's pretending the mob has to you. Its real healthbar is reduced by your damage/your expected enemy health. It's to allow lower gear players to contribute the "same" as higher gear. But because at higher powers mobs die slower to make it feel like you're facing "stronger" enemies it instead just makes it so gearing up is a detriment. Welcome to modern game design, WoW does the same shit. 110~115 characters in Legion end game gear still shit on maxed out 120s in the current end game gear in world PVP because of it.
Bioware needs to forgive their parents for turning them into BAYTUHs
You and me both. But at least I can say that I've gotten my monies worth.
Anthem costs more, it bricks consoles, it runs worse, has worse balance and has less content
As funny as it may sound, FO76 is better game than Anthem at all fronts.
anthem's shootan and flyan is passable, fo76 gameplay is just irredeemable janky garbage
EA started fucking with Dead Space during the third installment to ensure maximum profit and we all know how it turned out for both the game AND Viceral.
They don't care.
They've long given up on making enjoyable products.
How do we stop developers from hurting players like this ?
t. someone who hasn't played it / either of these games
Despite ALL of fallout 76's flaws, it still gives more enjoyable experience than Anthem. If you're so well versed into how these games work, name 5 aspects about FO76 that make it "irredeemably janky garbage", I'm waiting.
Anthem's only good quality is the graphics and the flying.
If it was just that, flying in a beautiful open world, it would've unironically been a better game than it is now.
Christ what a fucking whiny bitch. I hope his house does burn down so he gets some fucking perspective.
>all those fucking ellipses
...and EA did everything in its power to fuck that up.
More importantly, was when EA, with some of it's contracts decides it can make more money with a poor performance, that forces the development studio to sell the rest of it's value to EA for super cheap, and then takes the path for maximum short term profit of fucking up the game.
Outselling Fallout 76 or being WORSE than Fallout 76?
>the cope in the replies
theyre in too deep
I used to think I'm sad for liking Warframe.
Then Anthem happened.
It doesn't take away from the fact that I like playing Warframe, but still, oh man.
What a pussy.
>playing MMOs disguised as normal games
It took them six fucking years to make this game. SIX (6) YEARS.
>I was bored
so you bought it
that's all I need
you are a gayman
>didn't learn his lesson after fallout 3
lmaoing at ur life
by that logic quake 3 is a generic cod clone
Have they started banning players for keeping low level items equipped?
Now now. He probably played the demo.