Why do they hate PC so much?

Why do they hate PC so much?

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They don't have the space for it. Only handhelds and mobile. The elites can afford another room for the ps4.

they're lightening up to it recently. shame that japanese pc players still get the short end of the stick. I've heard that even if a game gets ported to steam with full japanese support it'll often not be available for purchase in japan for some stupid reason

This is why westernization of Japan is a good thing, look at how much stuff Capcom and Squeenix port to PC.

They don't, but PC there is really expensive and many games aren't sold there.

They don’t. They’re just slow on the uptake.

You dont need a pc for gacha and VNs.

If South Korea wasn't so cucked about being colonized and having an inferiority complex they could overtake Japan

But South Korea is almost exclusively PC

Because PS4 is miles better, faggot

Tradition. PC is for work, browsing, MMO, and porn games.

But they're slowly warming up to it. I'm not worried.
Can't wait for consoles to die.

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PC is for VNs and eroge in Japan.

pc gamers dont respect copyrights

lolno, not even 5 exclusives worth the purchase.

uh why does the picture include Korea?

it took a year to render this

How many days it took to render that, there is no way it could be done real time.

they learned to use the internet on phones. home pcs took a fucking long ass time to reach japanese houses since their language was a pain in the ass to code thanks to limited memory at the time. this led japan to develop a culture for cellphones, laptops and handhelds instead. they also have way less space

>home pcs took a fucking long ass time to reach japanese houses

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To bait people into posting about it.

despite how well they were doing until the digital age japan has actually been pretty technologically backwards since then for various reasons like said. combine this with the japanese work culture promoting poor software development practices and you can see why there's both low demand and production of good PC releases.

I got baited hard, fuck off OP.

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korea would be better off if it had been a japanese colony rather than an american colony. south korea is fucking disgusting

Korea isn't Japan and Korea's primary video game platform is PC.

>Japan annexing Korea
Dare to dream

Korea isn't an American Colony and neither is Japan. Do you not know what a colony is?

please don't be retarded. south korea is the literal bastion of human beauty and fashion these days. paris and milan don't have SHIT on seoul

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Because Microsoft destroyed their PC industry

God damn it, you idiots summoned the kpop losers. Nice fucking job. .

Yeah their plastic surgeons are pretty terrific.

Overtake Japan in what? Videogames? They have no culture for it,all their shit is based on phone games and PC shit of no value.

>literal bastion of human beauty

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>beauty is great! i love girls in makeup
how about korean girls?

jesus lol

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post that manga about the Japanese girl that loves western games

>implying anybody here loves girls in makeup
do you know what site you're on?

Imagine the smell

>i love girls in makeup
Said no one ever.

PC has a small stigma in the country, and the Japanese market for PC games isn't as big as the console market. The PC market is growing solely by virtue of its size in the west, which causes more progressive devs to try and reach out to this untapped market by porting games to it. In turn, by games being available for PC, the PC market in Japan also grows, with more users starting to buy games for the PC.

It's likely that should this trend continue, the PC market in Japan should become a much larger one, meaning more games get at the very least ported to it. However, most Japanese devs have the majority of their experience in developing for consoles, and their programming methods don't often take into account the range of PC's graphical and processing power, leading to things like capping game logic by framerates or poor netcode. Generally, the west has always been more innovative in the field of engine design and working on the underlying code, while Japan has always done more with the tools they have available through being more experienced with aging engines.

They spend too much time behind a computer at work anyway.

This. Even in the 90s Japanese PC hardware was standardized, you had the PC-98, X68000, FM Towns, MSX, and aside from differences in CPU speed there weren't many other variables.

they really aren't. they pump out same face looking plastic aliens. plastic surgeons everywhere get the rope. the only ones who do a decent job with their vile witchcraft are the super high end american and japanese boob wizards. their work still looks uncanny, but they have a naturalness to them still. no one can do faces or asses well

>japanese boob wizards
this is a myth, they do the same shit as every other surgeon

Because over there PCs are for work and porn

Is this 1908?

I believe PC parts in Japan are still expensive due to tariff's, plus the Japanese government back in the day refused to let Western products gain a foothold in Japan, trying to force their shitty PC's over IBM, Microsoft & Apple PC's, so for a lot of people gaming on a Microsoft PC just isn't seen as a thing & anyone wanting to do it, it may just be too expensive or they don't have the room

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IBM was objective shit compared to the PCs they had, the only advantage the PS/2 had over Japanese computers was cost.

>comparing makeup to plastic surgery

they're still butthurt their PC98 lost to wangblows

Japan's military is USA's military
Don't worry about it too much though, it's the same for Europe


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to be fair, choa is literal trash and has been made fun of her whole career until she fucked off from all the bullying

takeshima islands belong to japan

>butthurt a computer lost to an os
nigga wut?

Because they're too dumb to use a PC.

A vassals army is only truly yours if you can call on it whenever you want, which the US can't do for anyone other than Australia and maybe south korea.

They had their own operating systems smarty pants.

PC98 ran MSDOS. Memory layout and interrupt vectors differed from IBM PCs but they were code compatible.

meanwhile literally every jap game is being released on steam + ports of old ones
waiting on the rest of the Yakuza series

oi moroni

I was recently in Akihabara and not only did it have a shit ton of PC gaming stores, it had one of the biggest I had ever seen in my life.

They may not release that many games for PC but that doesn't mean there isn't a thriving PC market there.

PC gaming is huge in SK but limited to fotm esports titles. SC, LoL, Overwatch and so on

Because they're too stupid to use them.

As somebody who works in front of a computer screen all day, the last thing I want to do is come home and stare at a computer screen

>They're slowly warming up to it


Not that guy but he's right. Not only are they porting everything on the PC these days they're also seeing increased Steam consumer base in Japan.
I mean, just look at how giddy the FFXV dev was about the PC version.


>sony nigger joins the thread

I hate this argument

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The Japs actually fucking hate the PS4. This is why PS4 released like three months later in Japan. Because Sony isn't even targeting Japanese audiences anymore.
Sony HQ was already an abandoned ghost building at the time. After a while they fully transferred to California. Now you have westacuck moviegames such as God of Walk, Uncharted, The Order, Detroit, Until Dawn, The Last of Jews 2 etc. while Japanese games like Gravity Rush and Bloodborne are forgotten.
To make things worse Sony has begun censoring Japanese games on their platform even in Japan. This completely screws over the devs and is just pushing them away further.

Hell, even Switch outsold PS4 2:1 in Japan






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Buying a PC there is as expensive as a third world country.


Once the contract is up I can see devs jumping ship straight to Nintendo. It's already happening and the few games that get censored end up that way because their contract with Sony is still in effect.

That's cubic feet you dumb fuck.

You need to sign shit to make a game for a platform?

it's not a matter of which one is bigger, but having more shit in your small house.

>Capcom porting all of their shit to PC
>Square porting all of their shit to PC
>SEGA porting all of their shit to PC
Get dabbed on
In a few years time all Japanese console games will be on PC too

Yes. That's how exclusivity works and most games have a one-year exclusivity period and if the company funded the game it must be exclusive to their console.


Only workers,publishers, writers, designers and programmers use computer, PC home market was target as nerdy virgin and smartphones just destroy any meaningful use for average citizen.

Because they don't need PC as a gaming platform and want to support the local gaming industry. Why give (((Valve))) a 40% cut for doing nothing when you can boost your countries economy?

>want to support the local gaming industry
What is DLsite? What is Melonbooks? What is self-publishing? Steam isn't the only place to get PC games.

Does the average japanese person even own a laptop or is smartphones?

Most VNs are PC exclusives.

Or is it smartphones only*

The average Nip has just a smartphone. For most uses they've completely replaced the PC and in some cases (mobile payment, coupons, communication) it's outright surpassed PCs. It might not be obvious in the US since we have shit support for contactless payments and banks are still getting their head out of their ass with chip cards but in Asian countries you can do it all with just a phone.

What is retail, hardware sales, physical copies and mass-appeal by having a wider audience? Miss me with that Talmudic meddling, Efraim.

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>PC parts literally manufactured next door

Sure kiddo. Japanese tech is cheap.

>get gaming PC
>move to new apt
>when PC is off the idle power draw thru strip throws my breaker
I might as well just sell the fucking thing when ps5 comes around. Already buying a switch this Friday. I unironically spent 2k on a PC and the only real game I look forward to playing is division and wow classic. Fuck me dude.

still smaller than your pc tower you retarded fucking virgin

>Korea isn't an American Colony

>girls who bullied me in high school wore makeup i hate makeup :(


>>girls who bullied me in high school wore makeup i love makeup >:)

They literally and I mean LITERALLY are the ones who release the most exclusive PC games though?
Like seriously.

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VNs aren't videogames.

They are though.

Shut the fuck up. Kill yourself.

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>I've heard that even if a game gets ported to steam with full japanese support it'll often not be available for purchase in japan for some stupid reason
You can thank snoy for that.

Lots of personal problems, plus you don't even like vidya anymore

the mod is clearly talking about the one game that is the subject of that thread. not VNs as a whole.
>Japanese visual novels should be posted in /jp/, and Western on /vg/.

>expensive hardware in Japan
>electricity and internet are likewise expensive in Japan
>many pc games require you to pay extra for Japanese language
>japs still prefer physical which has all but died on pc since the the 10's

Early 10's sorry

I shudder to think of the day when there are no consoles. Every game infested with subhumans and cheating. Everything is streamed you cant pirate or buy used/resale. The future is truly dark.

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Yes so they are games.
Cope harder you seether.

PC suck

Woah, look at all the gameplay possibilities that brings...
Fuck off retard, if it wasn't for consoles there wouldn't be any good games, look at metacritic top rated games, not a single PC game there

>Implying it doesn't
HL2 is considered to be one of the best game of all time and that's only because it has baby first's physics engine.

Yes user, consoles are the reason those games are good and there are no good games on PC, you are a true intellectual who unironically uses fucking Metacritic.

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uhhh what is that

Because PC has NOGAEMS

consoles are going the way of streaming too though. google is experimenting with a streaming console already. sony has that thing that allows you to stream a ps4 game onto any platform. they all want to ditch physical media too, and will sooner or later. don't go thinking "muh based consoles", they all want to kill the physical market to enforce even more control over their userbase.

Consoles and console developers are the ones leading us into the always online, locked down DRM box streaming services. You fucking nigger.

>Why give (((Valve))) a 40% cut for doing nothing when you can boost your countries economy?
They pay valve to put the game in their storefront so it reaches a wider audience, do you think console companies don't charge for that shit as well? Hell these companies can make their own storefront and gain 100% of those sales as well, most companies hope for digital to be the future since they don't have to share profit with retailers.

It doesn't. The bad thing about PC gaming is that nowadays people think ''more of everything = better'' which isn't the case at all. Look at the history of console gaming and you'll notice a pattern. The weaker consoles had the better games. Hardware limitations are good when it comes to game dev since they force developers to be creative. See Doom for example. It's a great game, because it gave you a feel of 3D without actually being 3D. Modern Doom is just a generic FPS game and already forgotten while classic Doom still has a huge playerbase.

There is that word again.

>t. korean
you are rightful japanese clay, deal with it.

T. butthurt gook


>do you think console companies don't charge themselves for that shit as well?
>just make your own storefront
>digital is the future, goy

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>Why do they hate PC so much?
Because most people don't have desk + chairs in their home. Put your mouse and keyboard on the floor and boot up counter strike. Now you know what it is like to play a PC game in Japan.

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It's on the rise there, they're old fashioned, but they're catching up. It was inevitable, considering how their average IQ is probably the highest in the world. Can't wait for all consolefags there to either migrate to PC or drop console gaymen for mobile shit, specially gacha.

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PC "industry" as westerners know it is a monopolized Jew-run shitshow.

Japan is smart enough to keep PC a platform strictly for emulation.

What is porn

Console companies are all clearly prepping up to go full digital you idiot, Sony has PS Now, Xbox has Game Pass and google is trying to make a digital only console, do you think i like this shit? Do you think i don't miss the days of going to a store to buy a copy of Half Life? Also of course console companies don't charge themselves because they own the console, third parties still have to pay unless they have an exclusivity deal.

They already got their dirty hands on Sony. Meanwhile, despite NoA trying to sabotage Nintendo with the Wii U, they learned from that and not trust the eternal (((外人)))

>Sony, Xbox and Jewgle
Didn't I just tell you to fuck off? Those are all American companies and already contaminated.

ITT: Retards still thinking it's the 00's. PC gaming has grown insanely much these last couple of years in Japan.

Sony is a Japanese company, also NoA didn't create the wii u NoJ did, hell what even is your argument at this point? Nintendo is the only console company that isn't going on the path of digital, and who knows how much that's going to last. Consoles are just going to become shitty PCs, not like they aren't already though.


NoA "localized" aka censored tons of games and made actively sabotaged marketing in North America.
>Sony is a Japanese company
Sony Playstation isn't. There are laws that make it impossible for foreign companies to buy Japanese companies. They sold Playstation to (((Americans))) and thats the reason they moved the PS HQ to California.

>Consoles are just going to become shitty PCs, not like they aren't already though.
Not falling for your demoralization tactics.

This is Yea Forums. You can't expect people to get over their outdated worldviews here.

>NoA "localized" aka censored tons of games and made actively sabotaged marketing in North America.
They're still going to continue making shit localizations, and the wii u failed in Japan as well.
>Not falling for your demoralization tactics.
But they are shitty PCs name a thing that consoles do that PC can't.

I don't know about Japan but in South Korea PCs are a big thing, at least many people play videogames at internet cafes a lot (PCbang). For some reason they refrain from buying gaming desktop for home.

>There is that word again.
Well yeah, he was doing it without irony so it was unironical

Shaved off jawbones

Oohhhh of course! Desks and chairs are the problem! We need to fund more research into desks and chairs so Japan can have them too. Hopefully one day Japan can learn how to desks and chairs.

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>vidya crash of 1983
>the west loses faith in console gaming so they move to computers like based Commodore 64
>this would eventually lead to the start of PCs as gaming platforms

>meanwhile in Japan, Nintendo start a console revolution with the Famicom
>everybody starts making games for it because of its success
>the only pro of making PC games is being mostly free of any restrictions ending up in nothing but porn games
And this mentality continues until today.

Is it true the japs simply don’t own telelvisons anymore and just use tablets and phones exclusively ?

>There are laws that make it impossible for foreign companies to buy Japanese companies.
I just saw someone post in a thread a few days ago about how some nip supermarket chain was bought out by Walmart.

sounds comfy as fuck especially on a kotatsu.

console manufactorers are the one aiming for stream bullshit, retard

>japs hate ps4
Pedophiles are so distraught from not getting to see little girls they are actually becoming delusional. Interesting. Anyway, have fun seething

South Korea is an abhorrent, authoritarian, capitalis,t soulless society.
I sympathise with anyone who lived there before 1950s to see your country split up into 2 halves of shit.

Korean would be a better place if run by Japan, like intended.

I posted all sources though. Snoy is now a Commiefornia based manufacturer. Snoy is on a censoring spree. Snoy is abandoned in Japan. PS4 got outsold by a Switch there.

These are all bitter facts.

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The technology you like is directly proportional to dick size, which is on similar scale to hardware.
>women prefer phone games
>Asians prefer handheld games
>Children (and adults with infantile penises) prefer Nintendo
>Normal white people and latinos prefer PS4
>Nordic gene white people prefer PC
>Niggers prefer Xbox
Pajeets are too poor to own video games and aren't on the scale. By transitive law, we can speculate they may not have penises, either.

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>measurement in inches
>gives the result in cubic ft
Someone failed math

Nintendo already has fucking mobile games and a download market too, wtf are you smoking where you think its 2004 and the idea of digital game stores, super strict control by the console manufacturer, and paid online subs is some niche market. Hell, Nintendo basically invented choking corporate controls in videogames

>black people prefer xbox
Someone doesnt remember the ps1-2 era

Why would Americans claim that Japan owns Korea and not America

Niggers just steal whatever's most popular at any given time. They're opportunistic thieves and will grab whatever's sitting in some white boy's house.

>black people
nice edit user

>most popular
Thats ps4 tho

>t. Luke Plunkett

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At work user, dont want that awkwardness

That's my point.

If you're already browsing Yea Forums at work you might as well go all the way, you'll get fired regardless of what you post.

>the last of jews
if only.

Amazing post, would subscribe for future entrainment

>Master race
Pick one

Because in Japan, PC games are synonymous with porn games desu

It's why so many Japanese VNs top out at a resolution of 1024x768, everything is still designed for friggin CRTs

That's because the west barely even sells pc games in store anymore