Rape Day will NOT ship on Steam

We did it Yea Forumsros. Justice has prevailed once more.
Rape Day will NOT release on steam.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fictional rape is just as bad as real rape

Thank God. What a horrible game

>first they came for loli porn
lmao get dabbed pedos

>now they came for real porn

>sex bad
>violence good
dog bless murika

>it now gets released as exclusive title on the Epic Store

so now they're just going to remove all games that dont agree with their liberal agenda

I thought they only removed games that were "illegal" or "straight up trolling". they're breaking their own rules like crazy

Are they fascists? Why do they tell us what we are and aren't allowed to do?

Promoting rape is in fact illegal.

It's made by an Epic contractor in an attempt to make Valve look bad.

It's just a game

how is it promoting rape

It is their platform you fungus. Companies have the right to refuse service to individuals.

thank god for jim sterling

Then what about all those shooters that are promoting murder?

yeah they can do what they want
but it means they are liars and hypocrites
they said they would allow any game that wasnt illegal, but now they are the thought police

>tfw I can't rape on Steam

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Got that tinfoil hat on a little tight, eh buddy?

The premise of the game, from what I've heard, is you go out and you rape people.

Can't wait to not play this non-game.

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They are afraid to lose Paypal and other payment processors

It was never going to be as it clearly breaches steam policy. But that's not going to stop those "jernalists" from claiming they slayed the monster.

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So they can do something about the thousands of shitty low quality anime games on Steam as well? I mean it sounds like a dumb idea but you either have freedom of speech / expression or you don't.

>Rape Day will make people want to rape
Why haven't I become an NBA all star yet?

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Good fucking news

so what
there are thousands of games where you go out and kill people
should those games be banned for promoting murder


He was being purposefully provocative and they told him to fuck off. He could have gotten the game through just by calling it something a little less on the nose, but he refused to even do that and they said get lost you slavic piece of gobbo failshit. Praise Gaben

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>Much of our policy around what we distribute is, and must be, reactionary

what??? like a, like a fucking nazi??

>implying the game wasn't their plan to get steam in trouble

There are exceptions to everything user. This game is obviously baiting the limits of what Valve will allow. Isn't it convenient that even for indie trash these porm games are so fucking half assed it hurts. Neither Epic or Origins deals with this filth. Be happy Valve is allowing some of it through.

I love how the modern left have become corpatist shills because they realized they can’t turn America into a distopian surveillance state because of the constitution so they opt to make corporations decide what is appropriate for the populous by writing 10 million articles and smearing their company name if they don’t do what you want.

realistically violent media promotes violence and aggression. But since ppl are used to it you can not outlaw them due to backlash.

Why are you retards hating on Steam for not "promoting" freedom when this content is actually most likely illegal?

Do you idiots not know what obscenity laws are? Do you not know that distributors are the ones who get in trouble for said laws? Have you tried to do anything about this other than complain about SJW's or some shit, when these laws have existed far before they did and even made the distribution of 2 girls 1 cup illegal?

I swear to god you all must be 13 years old.

stop posting retard

>shitty unity asset flip not on steam

tell me how it's promoting rape, you fucking neanderthal

this desu

>sex and violence are basically the same thing!

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You guys didn't want to help us when they were censoring loli games. So I don't care.

>make bare minimum effort shit game to epic troll steam and create controversy
>they refuse to ship it
Fucking shocker

No it doesn't idiot.


who are you quoting?

left cant meem

All the retards who said this was a ploy to push censorship are absolutely BTFO. It was obvious steam would ban it but Gaben isnt some cuck that would change policy over some shitty VN. Lmao.

holy fuck did steam just do a massive dab on all incels?

Illusion learned this lesson a long time ago. Don’t put “rape” in the title. The game can have a shitload of rape in it, but you don’t put that word in the title.


use SauceNao

In this case, it literally is!

>realistically violent media promotes violence and aggression
kek no it fucking doesn't, you're legitimately retarded

It's on the post:
>We then have to make a judgement call about any risk it puts to Valve, our developer partners, or our customers.
>'Rape Day' poses unknown costs and risks and therefore won't be on Steam.
Basically they're afraid of being sued for brand damage or don't want to damage their own brand by relating with violence against women

sex is fine, but rape is not fine. this game is about raping and conditioning men to rape women.

>Fictional Rape is as bad as real Rape
>Ergo Fictional Murder is as bad as real murder
>Ergo Fictional Street Fighting is just as bad as real Street Fighting.

Your logic makes no sense when applied to a broader context.

Say what you want about the Dev, he didn't violent any rules so I think he has a right to sell his game. Doesn't mean I'd buy it.

fuck off spinoff weeb

Why do you need everything on steam? Why do you need porn in a normal storefront in the first place? Why do you need porn that isn't even legal everywhere in every storefront?

What a vague and unprofessional statement by Valve.

based, now keep them porn VNs coming

>isn't even legal
Steam is only obligated to follow US law

>jew degeneracy being censored

>this game is about raping and conditioning men to rape women.
proof? that's like saying CoD is conditioning men to kill and go to war. you're mentally ill if vidya has that effect on you, don't play games
thanks for the non-argument, retard

it says right there they remove it because of the possible shitstorm of social media

this isnt the only thing they've banned
they've banned plenty of other games that werent shitty trolls

so? are you retarded? how is that "illegal" or "straight up trolling"? they didn't include "media shitstorm" when they made the rules, they're only saying that now

WAYC is also a non argument

Steam would benefit from having a clearer policy on what they allow. Nobody really knows what will get you removed from Steam, not even Valve itself.

>we're removing this game
what? you're mad because all the other porn games will still be available and accepted?

no, it was a legitimate question. I didn't say it, so I wondered who you were quoting
steam doesn't give a shit about absurdly violent games, but it's suddenly bad when that violence involves sex. therefore, "violence good sex bad"

>SJWs want this game banned
>Same SJWs can't wait for the new season of GoT which depicts the same crimes


It's illegal in most states including Washington where Valve is HQ'd

One is interactive media, the other is noninteractive media.
Of course they have different standards.

ehm it does. It normalizes and promotes the concept of violence. Just look at all the columbine copycats influenced by violent news media for example.


>sell snuff simulators
>Draw the line at rape

Cause it's pretty clear this game was made by the same kind of retard that made the school shooter game, and the only reason they made it was to cause drama.

>It's illegal in most states
sick meme fellow redditor! Upvoted

Except it isn't called Game of Rapes and focusing exclusively on rape.


That's fine, I'll just play it on Epic Game Store!

so you're saying violent games should be banned

In this specific case the "game" has as much interactivity as a book given it's a VN.

Great rebuttal. Steam won't ban you for depicting rape but they will ban you for being a stupid asswipe trying to profit off causing needless controversy and not even being subtle about it.

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can you prove how "rape day" falls under this law?

>doom is a school shooter simulator
>manhunt is a torture simulator
>postal is a psycho simulator

Will you guys please fuck off already? I think the game is worthless and I don't have the slightest interest to play it but if they wanna release it, go right ahead. I'd rather rapists play that game instead of going out to actually rape. people IRL

They were supposed to have one. Then they didn't, then they did and then didn't and now nobody knows wtf is going on. Only one thing is for sure: there are at least some SJWs deciding what's to be banned and what not.

Bite me

Sad to think all the amazing experiences I'm going to miss out on thanks to this commiefornia censorship

So all those movies with rape and murder in them are banned now too? Good to know.

At what point did you realize that liberals stopped giving a shit about achieving any economic reforms for their cities so they could fight their crusades in the virtual world they isolated themselves in? More importantly, how do we break the conditioning and realize we're all trapped in the belly of this horrible machine?

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This is your brain on 56%

>He was being purposefully provocative and they told him to fuck off
who was what? can you provide source for what you're saying
also, why would the dev need to explain himself when the game doesn't break the rules?


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It normalizes sexual assault.

Why is it ok to depict graphic violence but not sexual content?

how so?

I don't see how Rape Day falls under this law. It doesn't have depictions of child pornography in it according to the developer.

What was that porn game that took place a house party and you could whip your dick out and jack off on people?

nigger they said they would keep it but they have to remove because not removing it makes no sense and only an inbred halfwit autist like you would claim that they should pointlessly stick to idiotic "principle" when they are running business

>this is on the global news page

Mission accomplished. He'll definitely make more money with his asset flip shit than if this was just silently banned

>obscenity law
Vague shit that rarely gets prosecuted due to how hard it is to argue and it includes stuff like "has artistic merit" and by simply being a game someone created, that alone gives it artistic merit.

Correct. Because real rape is meaningless and overrated.

which means they're breaking their own rules and your post is pointless. are you a shill? kill yourself, retard. either make clear rules or fuck off, steam themselves made these rules, not me

That a really low cut top she's wearing.

That's not the same as promoting it
Displaying something and even sexualizing it is not the same as promoting something and saying its okay.

obscenity law is archaic and only ever used to heap charges on people in court for other offenses.

well, he won't make any money as it will not be on steam to begin with.

No. Fuck you

>all PR is good PR!!
brainlet detected

>liberals liberals liberals liberals liberals

You aren't even close. The world is ran by hyper libertarians. They control everything and don't care about anything or anybody and don't even believe they have any duty to whatsoever. They only care about making money and profits and will do so even if it means the suffering of every other human being on the planet. The working class won't exist much longer because most jobs most people do are going away and you have been trained to just make fun of those people and call them idiots when they might just not be as intellectually gifted and so are regulated to now a life of drugs and violence as "coping" mechanisms for a society that is leaving them, and a lot of us behind.

Good, it wasn't really a good game either. Now if only they'd do something about the others fake games.

'Murrca fuk yea!


>thinking they banned it because it was a shit game
delusion. it was purely political, they don't give a shit about the quality of games

You know, unless you get national attention (like news sites covering it!) and are the distributor.


you have to go back

This game is clearly a bait game trying to create polemic.
If he actually wanted to sell the game he'd advertise it subtler and have a better name

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gommunism of course

Can the people who bought it comment on if they got a refund or not?

The loli game Mao Mao Discovery Team was taken off of Steam but if you bought it at the time then it's still in your library and playable. It's just invisible in your play history and the rest of Steam. I assume in this situation though since the game was removed before release that they won't allow you to play it at all and simply issue a refund.

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I agree, real rape is a good thing as well

>Yeah bro you can make whatever game you want according to these rules
*invests time and money into a game obeying the rules*
>Sorry partner, you're just gonna have to shelve that one. Better luck next time!

Who gives a shit?
Give me back Kara no Shojo 2. Give me back Victory Project. Give me back A Kiss for Petals: Maidens of Michael. Give me back Cartagra.

They make a fuss over this shit and people argue and whine all they want but actually good VNs with effort put in get kicked off without a peep and it pisses me off

Fuck normalfags and fuck Steam. I'm gonna play actually good rape games tonight. I have plenty pilled up.

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Rape isn't real
It was invented by the Jews to prevent breeding
No other animal has a concept of rape or age of consent wake up

No the guy was clearly trolling and doing shit like saying the game is for Sociopaths.

Steam complete refusal to curate their shop is fucking hilarious and porn games shouldn't be allowed on steam

Yes but that's not the case here.
A game with murder does not promote murder.
A game with rape does not promote rape.

Next thing you're gonna tell me it's illegal to say:" I want to kill the president of the united states."

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You mean marketing?

Why shouldn't they be fucktard?

>obscenity law

Kids and teenage girls are being whored out on daytime TV in various contests and teenage starlets who turn 18 are encouraged to dress like literal prostitutes to sell things. And you're trying to argue using vague shit like obscenity laws? Are you fucking retarded?

But I'm happy about both of these.

if anything the consumer loses as this is gonna probably gonna be used as precedence in future cases of games including sexual content.
it is a game, nothing else.

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How mentally unstable do you have to be to not be able to tell the difference between what is real and what is (quite obviously in this case) not real
Go see a doctor and after that a therapist. because you're not fit to function normally in any society.

It was never on sale to begin with

The webm is not about courage, it's about a Mosaic law that tells that they will be unclean for several days if they touch the rat, thus forcing them to leave and stay home for days.

Vavle gave in. Gonna delete my account now. No more sheckles from me to gaben.

poor rato :(

The game was provoking because he was seeking to provoke discussion. Why are murder simulators allowed on Steam every day without anyone batting an eye while a rape simulator isn't? Of course you could say the same in any media. Why are movies and books celebrating gorey, obscene levels of murderous violence allowed but movies and books focused on explicit sexual rape banned? Why is one a Thoughtcrime yet the other is not?

the more you know

we are talking bout the same people that consider 2d drawings real things and it is not OK sexualizing this or that

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killing bites

Do you buy porn stuff at your grocery store? No, you don't, you go to a shop that sell porn stuff, if you want to sell porn games, make a porn games site like DLSite

But of course that would require steam to give a fuck and they just can't be assed to do it

Rape and sexual abuse in Japan are under-reported. Japs will rather continue to get raped and save face than be publicly known as a rape victim.

>Why are you retards hating on Steam for not "promoting" freedom when this content is actually most likely illegal?
>most likely

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>Do you buy porn stuff at your grocery store?
You don't dictate what I masturbate to!

>the obvious happened
>watch v have three days of bait threads about it

even if that was the case, it STILL a big difference

Oh my bad, I mistook a "On Wishlist" screenshot for an "In Library" one in the last thread.
That thread is a lot more edgy cringe in retrospect.

Itsba game about rape, it really doesn't matter if it was added or not because it was definitely going to be some shitty game to bait edgy tards into playing it

Good. Sexual harassment and assault should never be normalized. Lolicon is pedophilia and will never be normalized either.

>I swear to god you all must be 13 years old.
Oh the irony.

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Not wrong but you can't just say "d-doesn't count" to every statistic you don't like.

>Do you buy porn stuff at your grocery store?

Porn magazines were sold for decades at grocery stores you dumb fuck. Only reason they disappeared is that the internet took away all the customers.

>citation needed

That's basically admitting that they gave in to retardErea. This will only make them even more rabbit then they already are.

>Do you idiots not know what obscenity laws
do you retard-kun?

Then go on and continue the good fight against degeneracy.

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>they said they would keep it but they have to remove because not removing it makes no sense
>an inbred halfwit autist like you
Thanks for describbing yourself.

Typical authoritarian leftist SJW's censoring anything they don't like

Sorry those don't count since BLUMPF says the same and we can't agreew with him.

>obescinity laws

All pornography is obscene and none of it is actually art

It's legal prostitution more or less

I wanted to play Rape Day
If my government doesn't ban internet porn but bans this someone should burn

>"but there are games with killing on steam!"
yeah but it's always:
>self defense
>player's choice and not the entire premise of the game (like gta)

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>no porn is art
[citation needed]
Rape Day is art by the way. Its just shitty art.

you better get used to rape then

Hatred exists user
And don't play dumb that people don't dick around in GTA trying to see how long they can last racking up their stars killing people

Pornography being legal is turning a bunch of young men into Ted Bundy's

If this is illegal so is porn

I wish Steam would just shit or get off the pot
this nebulous stance is annoying no matter what they do

Battle Royales you stupid piece of shit.

>Carpet bomb Israel with rodents
>World is saved

>and teenage starlets who turn 18 are encouraged to dress like literal prostitutes to sell things
user, we're not in the 80s anymore. You have 10 year old kids on day time tv as drag queens tro promote LBTGQIASwhatever to the masses and those who do spaek out about it get branded as backward nazis.

What game?

>Do you buy porn stuff at your grocery store?
Do you ever leave your house?

they want all the money but they don't want to upset anyone. and in the end, that makes everyone mad. it's weird.

oh you're a /pol/ person who thinks people viewing porn leads to criminals

What game is this

What a glorious day for the normal people under us, finally digging away at the incel infestation that has befallen tech companies.

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I've murdered millions, in game.
I still have no intent to ramp up a kill count in reality.

If we're talking actual porn games you might have a point but most of the banned games weren't even real porn games. Also adult games with just a little bit of porn should be allowed on Steam if the porn is removed from the Steam release.

read the file name stupid faggot

Name of the game?

>I've murdered millions

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Its in the filename
Soldgirl Town

>that picture
lol tech companies wouldn't exist without so-called "incels"

make that Trillions

>Get a job in america
>Get fired when your boss discovers you're a virgin

>chasing fame through the trail of past mass murderers
>somehow related to vidya

Let's face it bud. If you aren't having sex you're probably talking about how you want to "kill all roasties."

I called them spineless in the comments and got instantly removed

>In addition to a drug test prior to getting employed, there's also a virgin test


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what if I just want to jerk off to weird stuff in peace and have as little contact with women as possible?
I have no problem with them, I just know we want nothing to do with eachother

I'm honestly curious how that works

Oh no, people won't be able to buy a shit ren'py visual novel anymore. Damn those SJWs.

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ive never seen that viewpoint represented on /pol/

I was excited when for the serial killer simulator I always wanted when I first heard about Rape Day but it was just a garbage VN with shitty 3D models and no animation, so good.
Barring the game for being offensive would be one thing, but it just looked like a plain low effort piece of shit and I'm glad Valve still has a small iota of discrepancy in quality assurance.

They gave in to money

hahaha holy fuck what an embarrassing post, you should honestly kill yourself, retard

Alright lads, lets make it clear: What significant fact finding did Valve do before making this decision?

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>advocating for free hooker for tech company employees


Let us not forget that you can be a warmonger genocider in Civ games and launch nukes.

>"will this game profit be worth the backlash?"
>"no? Okay then remove it"

>thinking this was quality control
fucking retard, steam is overflowing with trash but they only gave a shit about this for political reasons

>game with multiple rape scenes and one of the most brutal rape scenes in gaming
>perfectly fine to be sold on steam
So why does this game gets a free pass?

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It killed Gabe's boner while he was "reviewing" the many porn games still pending approval

How significant.


>game sells on store, valve gets money
>game not on store, valve gets no money

Really makes you think.

The libertarian storefront is a thing. Fuck Valve.

>implying you useless cucks did anything
You can thank based 8ch's operation black ink 3 for getting the game removed. If steam won't tolerate loli then they shouldn't tolerate any porn. We're just proving to everyone what a bunch of cucked hypocrite sjws valve is.

Even if that is the reason it's still an indirect form of legitimate quality control, small though it may be

Valve didn't make this decision. It a rogue group within the company undermining them.

Their response quite cleary says that it was simply due to the content and not that the game was trash.


it's so small that it's completely irrelevant and not the point at all. removing this game from steam didn't make it any better because we still have literally tens of thousands of absolute garbage "games" on there

It's a start in the right direction.

it's all just porn vn?

>but the developer has chosen a content matter AND A WAY OF REPRESENTING IT (ie a bunch of still frames of low quality 3D models and poor writing) that makes it very difficult for us to help them do that

>January 2018
Anyone adults in jail yet?

explain how. they didn't remove it because it was bad, they removed it because it had sexual violence. you're so desperately looking for a reason to jerk gaben off

this is true but they also manipulate people into fighting amongst each other by creating the false right vs. left dichotomy
which is why the person you quoted is so obsessed with liberals

>a start

It's not gonna continue until the next time the outrage brigade gets offended, meanwhile hundreds of barely functional asset flip games will keep releasing on steam.

I'd believe that if there hadn't been an announcement. But there is one.

Baby steps


Sold by an actual real publisher that can fuck steam in the ass with lawsuits

How is bad games on the Steam store hurting you and why do they need to be removed?

how naive are you? explain why this game was targeted for being trash, but not the thousands of other games
they bloat the store, making it harder to find actual quality

And proper H-games will continue to be barred.

they also have immeasurable wealth and resources to hide behind the curtain and manipulate people into fighting one another
>fucking deus ex was reality all along


>We did it Yea Forumsros.
shut the fuck up you dumb faggot, go back to your containment websites. the sooner you cunts eat yourselves alive and stop interfering with what fiction other people can consume the better

>Literally says that the content of rape and how they're showing it is bad
>Aka political response
So good job proving him right.

>they bloat the store, making it harder to find actual quality
In fact they don't show up on the store at all unless you've specifically asked for them. Try again retard.

good. Fuck furfags, fuck pedos and fuck lolis
we will clean the internet once and for all. Whos next?

No shit.

they show up if you decide to browse through new games, you absolute idiot. I'm not talking about recommended games, I'm talking about browsing the store for vidya. suck corporate cock harder, shill

If Steam removes it: They're hypocrites, their adult game policy is worthless and valve fanboys get BTFO

Either way, I won.

Hail to the king, baby

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Shit, in a casual session of Plague Inc you'll be wiping out the Earth's population a couple times over at the very least

"shit game trying to be edgy #24" fuck them.

me on the bottom right

>fuck lolis

I will, thanks

Do the game is on Epic now?

Look dude, I'm just not personally upset they axed it.
I don't understand why anyone is when this is the exact type of garbage people complain about flooding steam, but zomg le politics this is uber important guiz. This outrage feels so manufactured.
I'll just go play Rapelay or something it's not a big deal.

>first they came for the lolis
I didn't care because I was not a pedo
>then they came for the rape fetishists
and I didn't care because I was not a sicko
>then they came for furries
and I did not care because I wasn't an animal fucker
>and lastly they came for all adult content
and there was no one left to speak for me

so about this rape category on porn sites...

If it exists and there's one person who got a copy it can be played, for free no less. I don't see the problem here.

They don't show up unless you search for them, and even then you'll have to say yes to wanting sexual content and other adult themes to see the games.

The hub that bothers me is that I can't tell who's falseflagging anymore. No one of sound mind thought this game would be on steam so no one of sound mind is surprised to see this announcement. Everyone who is crying about is therefore either being ironic or not of sound mind, but I can't tell the difference between them anymore.

Let me tell you what's really going down. You need to swallow the redpill
>Valve pays an unknown dev to make an outrageous game
>then censor the shit out of it, killing freedom of speech
>while looking like the "good guys" in the eyes of sjws (aka normalfags)
>This way they can continue censoring and thought policing games, aka anything pro straight, white and male
>all on the orders of (((them)))
You have to be stupid not to see this. Enter the rabbit hole, and everything will start to make sense...

Yeah, maybe on your dark web sites.

One man's trash is another man's treasure, who made you the sole curator of game quality?

what I don't understand is why you're pretending like this is some sort of victory when it comes to removing trash. that's my point
>moving the goalpost
we're talking about TRASH games, you absolute retard. they don't have to be NSFW, they're just games that low effort retards shit out to see if they any money
I'm complaining about quality control, the sexual filter doesn't magically fix that

>One man's trash is another man's treasure
yeah, all those 1 review games that look like they were copied from some shitty flash site sure are important. stop playing devils advocate for no reason, I'm talking about absolute garbage that the devs themselves know is bad

It didn't even get released.
I remember us getting as mad as this.

I don't understand why you're pretending I haven't acknowledged the insignificance of said victory repeatedly

>Evenicle and such other rape VNs allowed
>Rape Day too hardcore for Steam
Literally alright when Japan does it

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If you don't want to see trash games then don't browse the "new games" tab but instead stick to the start-up ad about sales and new releases.
>"I don't want to get wet"
>Walks into a swamp

Fuck resetrannies and fuck normalfags

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You're right, they're very different, violence is actually much worse than sex

im too old for this shit

Epic should get in on this

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because I don't see how you have, you're arguing with me and saying it's a step in the right direction
>don't browse through new games on a games store
this has to be a fucking joke, jesus christ

they have no spine they are removing this because of pressure even if it makes them look like hypocrites

>implying (((they))) will ever face jailtime
In what kind of fairytale land do you live?

except he's right nobody made you fucking arbiter of what other people get to enjoy. dunno why this is so hard for some of you egotistical cuntrags to accept. your opinion is your opinion, it is not fact, it has no weight or merit to anyone else, it's meaningless and that's why it's not your job in the world to curate and decide what games people get to fucking purchase and enjoy. jesus christ you retards

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There is being autistic (anime VN) and going full retard (this game)

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SoldGirl Town

When I say full retard I don't mean pic related, I mean rape day

It almost feels like this poorly thought out and executed game was made exclusively to generate this outrage, also, Sengoku on Steam when

I'd imagine that some publishers might have a problem if valve was selling games about rape, but even if they weren't I'm sure it would be used as a cudgel whenever someone doesn't want something released on steam. Most likely the encounter would go like: "YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS DON'T YOU KNOW THAT VALVE IS AN ALT RIGHT STORE THAT SELLS RAPE GAMES FOR CHILDREN?!" until they just go "Ah, fuck it this is too much of a hassle, we'll just sell our game on another platform instead."

tell me how many people play this shit. how does this shit belong on steam when better versions are free to play elsewhere? nice samefagging, btw

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>this has to be a fucking joke, jesus christ
No, this is exactly the right thing to do. You want to browse through the new games tab and see only high quality publisher shit? Go use another store that is exclusively about AA and AAA titles and their creators. Steam is open to anyone, and it's a better store for consumers as a whole with all their varied tastes because of it.
Just ask your mommy to buy you a game at the store instead lad, being able to look and decide for yourself is clearly too much effort for you even with all the tools valve has given you to ignore certain tags, age gate your content, and have a fucking algorithm that learns your tastes based on what you tell it over time.

>small iota
>small though it may be
>baby steps
I'm not every person who replied to you y'know

>Sengoku on Steam when

I know you're meming just to get (You)'s, but this is actually true. This is the same reason that child (Under 18 and "1000" year old lolis) sexualization in games and anime needs to fucking go. It just normalizes it and turns it into a bigger problem.

yup in Evenicle there is literally a scene where a girl is brutally raped and then eaten alive I guess that is okay by stem standards

Its already a surveillance state senpai, except the government isnt doing it directly. Its done via third parties like google and your favorite social media site who can take the legal fall for spying.

>how does this shit belong on steam when better versions are free to play elsewhere?
How does it not you blithering retard? Go on, let us all hear your argument for why we should wade into markets and forbid cunts from making games that happen to be similar to other games, or forbid them from selling games when similar versions are f2p.

What do you not understand that it's not YOUR choice, it's the individual consumers. If someone wants to buy that, that's their right you mongoloid.
Also was my first post in the thread, nice of you to admit you've no ground to stand on for your argument from the get go though :^)

Well, have you played it?

It'll never go away, ever. Cry fucking harder.

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Unironically kill yourselves SJWshits.

I appreciate the language of their response.
It indicates that they used judgment and came to a decision while being generally respectful of the devs and their right to make whatever game they want, and that Steam just isn't the right venue for such a game, rather than a gut RAPE IS PROBLEMATIC, DEVS R NAZIS, GAME SHOULDN'T EXIST ANYWHERE reaction.

And murder games like Counter Strike, Call of Duty and Star Wars normalizes murder and turns it into a bigger problem.

Just like shooters normalize murder right? I forgot we live in a dystopia where we kill eachother and then teabag the loser

>only high quality publisher shit?
fucking no, stop making strawmen. I just don't want to see garbage like I'm talking QUALITY, not tags and shit. they don't help
because it bloats the market and hurts the consumer. nobody want this shit
I have played free versions of the same game, so yeah

Seek mental help, these (you)'s are clearly not working for you.

What game is this?

That's the reply they give to the dev, not the public.


Good guy Steam

Kill yourself tranny
Lolis will never go away and you'll just have to cope with it before your suicide.

i thought it was already out

Are you honestly trying to imply the world we live in today is not generally more like Quake III and Counter-Strike than the world was before FPSes?

>and that Steam just isn't the right venue for such a game,


>valve is a distributor just like costco
>someone goes to costco and asks if they will sell their bondage machines
>costco says no
whats the problem here?

>Go to New Releases
>Sort by User Score
You're fucking retarded and unable to do this apparently.

Ricotta is for hugs not for fugs.

>tell me how many people play this shit
>how does this shit belong on steam when better versions are free to play elsewhere?
Irrelevant, Steam isn't nor should be a market regulator. I never understood the "hidden gems in the piles of trash" arguments. There are no hidden gems, what you consider "hidden" have sales nowhere near shit like this. These games sell like few hundred copies max. Yes they are trash. Yes most people don't want them. So what, this shit only fucks with other garbage, legitimately good games, however unpopular they may be, always, ALWAYS have some sort of following or community around them that differentiates them from the rest, assuming you do at least SOME research before randomly pushing "purchase" button

Not to mention all the loli rape

Jim Sterling is a fat lumpy cuck who loves to suck abomination queefs from Laura Kate Dale and sucking farts from Zoe Quinn. Fuck Jim Sterling!

>I just don't want to see garbage
Once again, entirely subjective. If you don't want to see garbage, take the fucking time and effort to use valves tools to give the algorithm a better idea of what the account likes and what it wants to not see. That's entirely your own fault retard. Just because you don't want to see something doesn't mean nobody else should be able to

>nobody want this shit
I mean, literally just proved you wrong because I want this shit. The best store is the one with the most choice, simple as that. You value your time over variety of choice and want your shit spoon fed to you, either go elsewhere or put the work in so your account does it for you like everyone elses does.

so why does it have "like"/"dislike" buttons and why does it refer to the developer in the 3rd person?

I'm pretty sure this game falls under the straight up trolling category, all the scenes just look like he posed some unity store assets and took a screenshot

Honestly it looked shit. It looked like one of those lazy renpy visual novel porn games that are a dime a dozen.

Yes. I actually think real gun clubs' and shooting ranges' business have gotten slower because people who want shooty action can get a cheaper and more action packed experience on the computer.

you can do both at the same time

>The world is ran by hyper libertarians

Wrong. The world is run by Oligarchs. Libertarians believe in the free market which means they would support competition in the marketplace. Corporations suppress all forms of competition by buying support from the government to harm consumers and further increase their profits. Libertarians also don't believe in strict government control but the government is becoming more and more strict by the day.

The U.S. is the best example of an oligarchy that exists in the world currently. On the surface it appears to be a democracy and yet the government almost never passes laws that would support its people over corporations. It openly passes bills that take away consumer rights and give corporations more power while keeping us all distracted with social politics.

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Your logic doesn't work, because steam already sells porn games with rape content. So its like if Costco already sells bondage equipment.


People had early access on it I think

>have to follow some arbitrary system to hoop over all the garbage
ok man
>literally just proved you wrong because I want this shit
no, you don't. you'll never buy it, you're just jerking gabe off at this point


I bet that rat felt like goddamn superman after that.

Your Costco already sells guns, dildoes, handcuffs and drugs. This is hypocrisy more than a statement of how morally correct they are.

>and lastly they came for all adult content
and i did not care because i just watch free porn on the internet like a normal person

and rape is still extremely good

>all the scenes just look like he posed some unity store assets

That's half the steam catalog by now.

problem is that steam said this game was allowed to be sold there, and arbitrarily decided against it afterwards
then why didn't steam say so? it doesn't, they removed it because of sexual violence

I was referring to your

So the TLDR is that by allowing something this provocative, it would be a PR suicide for Valve employees and they'd have crazy protestors and journalists probing them about it constantly trying to say they support and promote these things themselves rather than just being neutral about it.

>Valve makes a statement saying rape day goes on steam so they can be fair to everyone
>screaming twitter accounts boycott steam and make sure theres a permanent record of "the terrible treatment of women valve and valve employees made with their decisions"
>Gabe cant go anywhere without someone in the crowd trying to make a scene or throw in an uncomfortable loaded question with no winning answer in QA segments
>Steam reddit etc comments on everything steam statement related "Yeah! But rape! "

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this but unironically

literally how are you still alive, where is nature, why is it not doing its job.
i've got like 600+ games on steam, bought plenty of games you would consider "garbage", and i've enjoyed some of them too, what're you gonna do about it?
i can't imagine how dumb you have to be to not comprehend this shit, i pity you buddy

>follow some arbitrary system
It's called using the Steam store to filter out the games you don't want to see, which is very important for you apparently.

Has nigh every game in existence being a murder simulator normalized murder?

I mean I wouldn't buy Rapelay even if it was on Steam.

Who gives a fuck? The devs can still self-publish on their own website. Steam doesn't have to publish stupid troll games that by association taint their brand. Complain when it's actually an issue next time.

Good, edgy weeb stuff should be kept underground.

wow, you seem extremely upset. take your meds. my problem is that these games are hard to find and get lost, so they never end up in the category for high rated games
see above

How much have you raped recently?

Thank you user

Good. Fuck gobbo trash.

>I want a store that only lets customers buy high rated games
Just go m8, go and never return

It's not just about rape and it doesn't advertise itself as a rape game in a way that can be read as potentially trolling.

Eroico is on steam too. There's tons of rape fetish games on steam, they just don't set themselves up like they're trying to cause problems for Valve.

>these games
What games?
>I want popular games
Go buy some AA and AAA stuff, retard
>No, I want the other popular games
Just sort by popularity.
>Noooo, you don't understand my special needs

thanks for letting me know you lost the argument. stay mad

They did, what do you think "content matter and they way they represented it" is referring to?
Theres plenty of games that include rape that are on steam fine.

according to this thread, I've raped about a thousand poor innocent xers already

Guess I'll have to do my raping IRL now oh well

You'd be missing out.

>What games?
games that have effort put into them
>I want popular games
who are you quoting? thanks for the non-argument

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so basically steam will bend as soon as the pressure gets to bad and ban your games?

>we think rape day poses unknown costs and risks
lmao yeah totally for trolling

>Games that have effort put into them
AAA games then. Those have thousands upon thousands of hours of work put into them. Go play Anthem you idiot. Then you'll be free from the stupid Steam store and you'll be surrounded by Origin's effortful games.

>Go play Anthem you idiot
this is excellent bait

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yes there are costs and risks to publishing a game that's just trolling about rape to get people mad.

What you said wasn't an argument m8, it was the most retarded shit in the world.
Know what I want? Niche games. Know what I don't want? The same generic shit that normies like. Hmmm, almost like a store that only sold highly rated games would be absolute fucking garbage for anyone who didn't share the same opinions and tastes as the majority huh, who would have thought.
Look, we all understand how mad you are that your opinion is nothing more than a subjective thing, but you can relax and fuck off to a place that suits you better to cry about enforcing your tastes on other people. I hear gaylord era is a nice place for that idiocy :^)

>because it bloats the market and hurts the consumer. nobody want this shit
And you know that how? As long as one fucking person buys it, you're simply wrong.

>loli, rape, and fur-shit is the same as normal porn!

If Steam removes it: They're hypocrites, their adult game policy is worthless and Yea Forumsalve fanboys get BTFO

Either way, I won.

>muh free speech

It should be banned simply out of fucking denceny

God you incels are pathetic

Pretty much, yeah. Hell, the whole reason these games are allowed on steam is cause valve bowed to outside pressure to remove a bunch of games, huniepop included, and that caused an even bigger backlash.

>only AAA games have effort put into them
holy shit the retardation. I've never seen anyone so unable to handle and understand an opinion
my point is that people misuse steam to shit out whatever they can without trying to make it good
see above
how do you know one person buys it? I understand your opinion, but the fact that you're unable to understand mine is scary. I'm for quality control, you're not. no need to get so upset

>leftists want degeneracy in the public eye
>no not that kind of degeneracy

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The more SJWs like RetardERA and Jim "Jabba The Cuck" Sterling invades Yea Forums with their cuck praises, the more I want to make sprite animations of them.

Just point me out a good sprite animation program and I'll fucking deliver.

Quality control when it comes to entertainment media is a matter for the consumer, not the distributor.


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Just set a standard and fucking stick with it why don't you? If "glorification of violence or rape or other controversial acts" is too much then fucking say so so you aren't wasting people's time.

Why does it matter how much worse rape is than regular porn if it's fictional? There are plenty of fur-shit games on steam already.

I don't know what to say about this, I think it's an abhorrent concept. Does it have anything to say about it's subject matter? In most violent games, even in fucking GTA, the violence and the characters are either done in self defence or it's satirical etc. Rarely will you ever see a game where it's just "dude live out your fantasies of heinous murder". While you can kill innocent people in a lot of games, you're very VERY rarely encouraged and in most games you'll be punished. I honestly just feel like some lines should be drawn. I think that if you feel the absolute need this, as in you're losing your mind over a rape themed game not being readily available on the biggest digital distributor for PC video games worldwide, I honestly think you should consider help.

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Press D to dab on the Gobbo


all this is going to do is start a game of tug of war that is going to leave steam dependability and reputation in tatters

But where are those good old family values?

>people misuse steam to shit out whatever they can without trying to make it good
Sounds like most games these days. It's not misuse of Steam to sell a game there with the intention to make a profit. In fact it's the intended use of the platform. If you want quality control then go to a distributor that only releases games that it will vouch for.

The scary thing is you declaring yourself as fucking arbiter of good taste, deciding what should be allowed and what not. If I wouldn't know it better by now I'd say you're just out for (you)s, bit you*ve made it quite clear that your nothing more then a simple retard unable to think outside his own little box.

Please engage in coitus lil man

Sounds gay. Fuck off.

Are you sure that the game wasn't deleted because it was a low quality bait that relied on outrage?

We need to just ban any cuckold that marches in here from the chapo subreddit

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Yeah there probably is because of the content matter and the way they represented it
Like for starters, don't put rape in the title. That's a pretty easy way to register on a lot people's radars. Don't market your game as made for sociopaths, that's a fucking stupid idea. Etc.

>over a rape themed game not being readily available

but they are you dumb ass there are a number of them on steam right now uncensored

It's an activist game, it was never intended to actually be sold. Hell it's not even a game it's just still images with some text.

Here is the persons website, if they inteded to sell it why isn't it on the site?


Lost my virginity at 16 and I've been fucking regularly since then, what do you even mean by this?

The absolute state of Yea Forums nowadays. Holy shit, Yea Forums is dead as shit and it's still a better place than here.

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It was like that way before those.
Moden technology just made it easier

The way rape day was portrayed by it's dev and the devs antics was very much how someone trying to cause problems for valve would have acted. But it was also how a dumbass slav would act.

Valve just erred on the side of caution.

>my point is that people misuse steam to shit out whatever they can without trying to make it good
It's like talking to a small child who's unable to comprehend something that doesn't fit into his own worldview.
Retarded is too soft a word to descibe your batshit insanity.

I don't entierly agree with that. in some cases, sure, but not this one. but there isn't really much more to say on this. we're just in disagreement and I've already understood and respect what you're saying. of course the store isn't unusable and I can still find good games, I just think that some good ones are being swallowed in the sea of trash
>It's not misuse of Steam to sell a game there with the intention to make a profit.
I disagree with this because it's very anti-consumer. maybe misuse is the wrong word, but I just think it's harmful for reasons previously stated
>you declaring yourself as fucking arbiter of good taste
where did I do that? please quote me on that. keep fighting those strawmen

Rape is politics?

Those should be taken down too, then. Are you angry about them not having done that yet, or what?

Fuck off normalfag.

Good thing I'm a radical centrist and have the ability to use logic because not everything is black and white. Porn is fine, even weird shit is fine but I think that a game revolving around rape is abhorrent.
>Valve isn't allowed to make their own decisions on what content they can distribute
that sounds more like radical leftism to me, cuck-boi

limiting what is allowed to depict in entertainment is politics, yes

But I've been browsing this site for 12 years, since two years before I lost my virginity

You'd be a fool to think otherwise.

You realize every gory game ever is trying to be provocative, right?

imagine being this much of an impotent cuckold

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thanks for the non-argument. seems like you have autism since you can't understand anything but your own opinion

Sure thing. Now go back to Instagram and get some respect from your fellow normalfags. Don't come back.

wanting a platform to ban speech? sounds like radical leftism to me my dude

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Life must be tough on the wrong side of history. And what a cause to support in the first place; a literal meme game that is more an offence to good taste than it is socially problematic. It must be devastating to pick up such an embarrassing banner and then lose. At least it should be.

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Why is anyone pretending that they're shocked this was removed? This wasn't even a game, it was a fucking slideshow.

What's the context of this picture?

I guess they were smart enough to to title their game "RAPE GAME" so people wouldn't notice as immediately.
I feel that the creators are also going out of their way to make and obscene statement.

>Valve just erred on the side of caution.

all it did was make them look like hypocrites

Why would I be embarrassed on an anonymous imageboard?

>rape isn't a form of violence

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There's embarrassing yourself to others, but you should be just as worried about being an embarrassment to yourself.

There are plenty of slideshows on Steam. Even movies and tv-series.

>my wife mistress banning me from masturbating and taking my frustrations out on people online will be written in history!
Go back to beating your dick with large fluorescent bulbs

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>seems like you have autism since you can't understand anything but your own opinion
I wish you could understand the irony in it, but you've made it more then clear by now that it would be far beyond your mental capabilities.

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Correct. It's simply sex without consent.

No it's not.

>violence is always bad people should just smoke weed all day like me

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>where did I do that? please quote me on that. keep fighting those strawmen
Are you now pretending to be stupid or really not able to understand your own fucking posts?
YOU're saying that YOU don't want to see it and want it to be removed, all the time claiming that nobody else would want it either

>forcing a vendor to sell something they don't want to
Isn't this against free market capitalism?
>banning free speech
They can go sell their shitty game on another platform you fucking retard

>Waaaaah my safe space
>go away this is mine even though i've only used it for two years and you've been a regular for over a decade waaaah you're a CÜCK
h*ck yes

I'm not worried about that, I've done plenty worse and continue to keep my head high. Figuratively at least.

Are you honestly advocating that that's a good thing? Movies and tv-shows are being removed entirely, last I heard.

>using leftist jargon
>muh radical centrism
I never said anything about free market

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>putting brutal rape in your game is fine as long as you put rape in the title

you do know steam reviewed all the content in Evenicle before giving them the okay to put up the uncensored version steam knows whats in the game

They are nothing but pure hypocrites

thanks for another non-argument, autist
I'm talking about games that are obviously made in a rush without the intent of making it an actual game. just the bare minimum to shit it out for profit. I think these games are identifiable and have nothing to do with taste

Whatever, go burn some books faggot

>Movies and tv-shows are being removed entirely
I just checked. I can freely watch Kung Fury on Steam. You've heard wrong.

>I think these games are identifiable and have nothing to do with taste
Moving the goalpost won't save your hide now, retard.

No need to be dramatic. Deplatforming is sufficient.

I pirated that game still haven't finish it will buy a copy soon as im done to show my support

Nice buzzwords. Gonna go back now that it's off your chest?

>are being
Learn tenses, public-schooler, and then respond to the actual point. Steam is for games, not slide shows.

Do you buy video games at your grocery store retard?
If I could buy decent quality onaholes from my local grocery store I would.

Good, now make way for the real rape game

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>brings up left vs right
>accuses other of using "leftist jargon", which isn't even an argument
>free market capitalism(rightist) vs extreme left socialism has nothing to do with forcing a vendor to sell something they don't want to
holy fuck you're retarded

Just like how Hatred promotes destroying your city and taking out all human life?

never going away. Stay mad, my man.

I didn't move the goalpost. please stay on topic, and don't get so upset. it's just video games

>thanks for another non-argument
>all he had so far was just his opinion
>that he keeps on moving and contradicting every second post like the autist he is
My sides thank you.

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I remember playboy and penthouse being sold in grocery stores when I was a boy

I still haven't finish this game

You are fucking stupid if you don't understand why this low effort shit got axed and countless jap porn games with much more obscene content didn't.

>muh free speech
>has nothing to do with the government

huffing your own "anti dichotomy" farts is only really setting yourself up to be punched at by left and right

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Rape is kinda hot, not gonna lie

Yeah, you did. And your refusal to answer me makes it just all the more clear.

It's one of Steams higher profile movies, if there were removing them it'd go as one of the first. As for Steams purpose being games and nothing else; the alternative is that they make another platform that's basically identical, but then people would complain about that, asking why they couldn't just have it all in one place. It's better this way.

A culture isn't a culture unless it's enforced by violence

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>all he had so far was just his opinion
no. fucking. shit. all you've had too is your opinion, isn't that why we're arguing? post another laughing gif to show how totally not mad you are >Yeah, you did.
show me
>And your refusal to answer me makes it just all the more clear.
answer what? I don't understand

No, on the mainstream shit. They have tags.

Go back to Metafilter, cuck.

>Steam is only obligated to follow US law

>violence and rape in video games doesn’t lead to real violence and rape
>LGBT characters are pushing people to be LGBT!!!!!!!!

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It's still fascism, luckily enough people aren't dumb enough to vote for it

>You are fucking stupid if you don't understand why this low effort shit got axed

they didn't a give reason

the whole thing is just to soothe the outrage SJW's that picked up on the game steam showed they will bend to pressure and abandon their own principals(if they have any)

>I don't understand
Reread the last three replies, maybe you'll get it, tough by now I seriously doubt it.

Because LGBT has the violence of the state to back it

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so you refuse to prove what you're saying, got it

Reminder that right now on Steam you can buy a game where a loli rapes her father, then eats his head. And ResetEra will never know about it because they don't play games.

Attached: goth loli eating jam.png (565x363, 389K)

Lol wut?

>we don't want to sell this game that is clearly meant to be offensive because it will damage our image
wow what a bunch of fascists
>I Ran Out of Arguments: The Post
>Wahhh I'm such a victim

how are they breaking their own rules?? They never said they would just sit back and let people do whatever they want, they just implied they would be doing less to moderate shit like this.

What rule of theirs are they breaking, in your mind?

>The Alex Jones Audience



>says something stupid
>call it out
>provide exact post
>he refuses to acknowledge it becasue it would show him as being wrong

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the game isn't illegal, and it's not trolling. it may be super garbage, but those two things were the only rules steam made

Only if you’re promoting the rape of a specific person and you know it is actually likely that someone will attempt it after listening to you. Otherwise, no, it’s not illegal.

t. Law student

look at this dude with his strawman

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Yea Forums is full of dip shits who love to go against the grain even for shitty zero effort shit like this that is blatantly all about creating a controversy.
Yea Forums is quite easily full of some of the dumbest fucking morons on the planet.

If it were a higher profile movie it would be at the end to go, since removing movies no one would miss is safer to do at first.
It's hard to prove it was even a higher profile movie in the first place, since it was a joke movie that was quickly forgotten about.
You then posit this imaginary argument that Steam even needs "another platform" without even considering them simply stating "we tried something, it failed, we're closing it."
Most importantly of all you don't actually believe any of this; you are arguing for the sake of it, and it's pathetic.

Evenicle is an actual RPG with combat and everything.
If Evenicle isn't a game, then neither is Dragon Quest.

another non-argument, thanks

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this, without a hint of irony

Nigga, i did it already in Learn to fucking read for once. You startred to move the goalpost afterwards, you goddamn fucking retard.

You're basically trying to make Valve bake you a gay wedding cake against their will and you have the audacity to cite freedom of expression as your cause?
wtf dude

I have already answered everything you've asked, you're just not happy with what you got. cope with it

>Fictional violence is just as bad as real violence
should we ban everyting?


Based gaben made them cry like kids because they enjoy sub human trash shit i mean we can't kill them but this is second best.

>8ch's operation black ink

You make it sound like they're stealthily trying to remove movies, which doesn't make sense at all. If they wanted to stop having movies then of course they'd take them down quickly, starting with the most known.
>Steam choosing to just not host movies and series anymore
For what reason? It's free money.

Marx had the right idea with "dialectical materialism", Hegel understood that we accept the protection of various entities that hold a monopoly on that violence as we continually developed civilization in return for newfound freedoms. Marx's idiocy was telling the working class they could ever attempt to free themselves without casting off or being affronted to that violence they depended on for protection. The LGBT community was simply a vehicle for neoliberal policies to appear progressive, but also widen the contradiction of cultural development and economic development absent of violence, ergo, the state sees better terms in backing the LGBT community with violent actions without addressing the resulting cuturally reactionary backlash.

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You are either being obtuse on purpose or lack reading comprehension. But i bite. translated from pr talk reason was that faggot dev made the "game" only to spark controversy and acted as a fucking faggot about it too. It is straight up and deliberate trolling that is bad for both valve and consumers.

>cope with it
Yeah, I should stop to expect an actual answer, let alone an argument from you. You're clearly not able to provide either one. Seeth some more in your little cornoer, sooner or later even someone like you will have to face that reality isn't what you make it out to be.

>Look up what its supposed to be.
>its a shitty VN game.
yeah it sucks that it got taken down but there is very little reason that this is a huge loss here. At best that happens is that fakku gets their hands on it.

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>You're basically trying to make Valve bake you a gay wedding cake against their will

nope we are holding them to their own rules

that faggot dev made the "game" only to spark controversy


You sound jaded and blinded by cuckoldry, perhaps if you pulled the pole from you anus and didnt speak like a teenage girl on her period people would lean to actually read the garbage you write.


Nice analogy smoothbrain.
I'm for the exact opposite of "making" a company do things.
Like not have fascist leftists leverage media pressure to censor fiction

Is anybody here actually stupid enough to think the message of this game is that rape is okay? Is there anybody out there who's not sure if rape is okay or not, and this game will be the deciding factor for them on whether it is or not?

According to the dev site he wants to distribute it himself now.

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I can say the exact same about you, because that's how I feel. so let's end it here, this is pointless and none of us a budging
thanks for the non-argument

I literately just opened OP pic and fapped and blew a load at the thought of all the tears of rape cunts losing LMFAO.
I'm gonna blow another load excuse me this is the best NNNNNNNGHHHHH!!!

>Why haven't I become an NBA all star yet?

Because you're a fat pathetic nerd

>Is there anybody out there who's not sure if rape is okay or not

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Some source free picture on a website known for alt right trump trolls told me this is real, so I will now spread this lie, because I have no education and a small penis.

>It's a game about rape
Gee i wonder.

Wow, what a dumb incel. I hope he gets arrested for trying to distribute this literally illegal trash.

Read his comments on the website and steam forums. He didn't even try to make his "game" you know, a game. Which is a second point about it being nothing more than bait. Look up other porn games on steam, they all are actually games with porn in it, even fucking porn vns are not as egregious as this shit.

libtards ruin vidya again on a daily basis
wow so all those trash SJW tumblr wannabe VNs/josei games with rape get a free pass but Rape Day doesn't?
Double standards much?

see it all worked out anyways, Niggas will still be able to play the game.

The Dev is probably cackling at how much attention his game is getting its like free advertisements.

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liberals never argue in good faith, why should we?

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>I can say the exact same about you, because that's how I feel. so let's end it here, this is pointless and none of us a budging
Not my fault that you're literally unable to understand your own posts.

Attached: kekd.gif (281x484, 173K)

Have you ever thought about who you're killing in most games vs who you are raping in this game.

Rockstar really complicated the debate in the early 2000s by making games like GTA3 and Manhunt that were so fucking good (revolutionary even) in addition to having subversive content. If those games had sucked, the vidya would be way more censored today IMO

Ah, one of those right wing tabloid lies that misinformed white trash Brits into destructing with Brexit.
Keep fishing for idiots, but history will not label you anything else.

>what is fucking google

Nothing is done in sincerity anymore, even AAA publishers have resigned themselves to making flashy trailer bait

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>One has the focus entirely on rape, also shows rape in a positive light
>Other is a fantasy war show that portraits rape but it isn't the only focus of the show, also shows rape in a negative light perpetrated by twisted individuals

gee, wonder what's the difference

see it all worked out anyways, Niggas will still be able to play the game.

The Dev is probably cackling at how much attention his game is getting its like free advertisements.

Attached: 1514054264_TakeYourTime.gif (800x450, 1.42M)

>THIS unable to let go
you have autism, don't you? I understood my own posts, and I didn't contradict myself. I've already explained it and nothing I say will change your mind
you can go to bed telling yourself you "won" if that makes you feel better

>Is anybody here actually stupid enough
So yes. Got it.

>He didn't even try to make his "game" you know, a game.

there a number of "games" like that on steam right now many with stolen assets why aren't those banned

While my freedom artery doesn't appreciate this, it's kinda hard to defend a game that's completely garbage. If it was a well made rape game instead of shitty low code asset flip it would probably gather more supporters.

Oh well, dev got what he wanted. He got free press and can now sell it by himself and get 100% of the profits.

Do you know anything that happened in Roterham? The fucking DM was the only one reporting on it initally since everyone else was too bloody chicken for it. Only after internationall msm started doing it, the rest of the UK news got in on it.

Right, the child exploitation was all made up. There was nothing to see. In fact, cities in the UK isn't overrun by pakis at all, it just seems that way if you're a racist.

>Rape is ok
Gee i wonder

This desu. If the dev had actually put effort the history would have been different.

>I understood my own posts
Nah, you didn't. You were very claer on that part. But keep telling yourself otherwise if it makes you feel better.

>THIS unable to let go
This is some advanced autism you're displaing right now,. But thanks for the laugh I guess.

No it wouldn't kara no shoujo 2 was was full fledged VN and it was banned as well

what an argument! keep sperging

lmao rip

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Rapefags don't need rights or threads you NEED to be put down like wild dogs for the safety of our children and perma banned from life.

Time to move to GOG and only play traditional videogames.

parried lmao

>what an argument! keep sperging
Seeth harder retard. Won't change that you're, in fact, a retard.

New thread

eat my dick leftist nu-boomer

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no, you

YOu're not a fucking general. Kill yourself.

You really don't understand the law, huh?

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>THIS unable to let go

Because devs of those didn't act like faggots and didn't try to purposefully spark controversy.


>akshually, it's not outright trolling, because trolling is about intent and i do not intend to trole
Imagine getting salty over this cash grab/false flag/troll getting banned. This game and the rest of the game shaped objects should be kicked off the store for having absolutely no quality.

VNs are effortless imo. Any animal can code a VN.

you sir have raped me, owned

time to delet your twitter you are cancelled now bitch

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>THIS unable to let go


New thread

>pornography is the same as normal pornography
Well, yeah, don't enjoy it, but if there are people that want it (and the production doesn't hurt anyone), why ban it?
Why is sexually exploiting a virtual, fictional character apparently worse than murdering it?

>n-no, it's just a minority that don't want my game on the same platform kids uses, the majority supports rape!


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I would love to man, have my eye set on my best friends sister but i would like to get in better shape and stuff ask her out you know

Check out the GG thread on 8ch Yea Forums. Welcome along brother

I'm the last person to endorse censorship, but steam is doing this because dealing with the sjw shitstorm including possible lawsuits, which cost money even if they win, isn't worth the tiny amount of money the game would make. As long as the game isn't outlawed it's not really a big deal.

Rape is literally illegal you moron. Can't wait til the creator is thrown in jail and raped by black bucks.