The GOTYAY is getting a re-release complete bundle.
>Great gameplay
>Great setting
>Great story
>Great characters
>Great music
Need I say more?
The GOTYAY is getting a re-release complete bundle.
>Great gameplay
>Great setting
>Great story
>Great characters
>Great music
Need I say more?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll give you great setting.
Gameplay, is terrible. Story characters, and music are just bad.
Gameplay is great, what's wrong with it?
>Great gameplay
>worst out of any big platinum game
kys autistic weeaboo
It's got great gameplay.
I'm willing to accept some people might not like the story and characters even though they're wrong but saying Automata has bad music?
Nothing you say can be taken seriously after that.
This game SUCKS! >:(
Did they fix the PC version?
wasn't there only one DLC that was fairly minor?
ugh why are automata secondaries so cringey
>I'll give you great setting.
writing-wise sure, the actual ingame map sucks cock.
>gameplay is terrible
The fact that this sort of shilling/counter-shilling works kind of tells you how easily impressionable and stupid the people that come here are.
It really doesn't. playing it on hard brings all the flaws to the forefront. (Granted, I'm only ok at videogames).
Enemies don't reliably flinch, making combos not bearly as viable as just shooting. Healing is instant and way too plentiful. Charge attacks are completely useless. Finish moves are broken and don't work properly. Counters only sometimes launch enemies, with no discernable reason why it isn't consistent. Default weapon is easily the best weapon, as upgrading doesnt happen for way too long. And so on and so forth, thats only the obvious ones from an idiot like myself.
That said, it is a fucking great game, but calling the combat "great" is just unacceptable for me.
>The fact that this sort of shilling/counter-shilling works kind of tells you how easily impressionable and stupid the people are.
Cool. What incentive do I get for learning how to do something like that? More money, like in Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, or Bayonetta? Higher score?
What? None?
Then I'll stick to mashing quick attack, and dodging when necessary.
is the rerelease coming out on any new systems? If not then they're literally just selling the exact same game again lol
Gameplay is just generic dumbed down hack and slash, pretty much any game in the genre has better gameplay mechanics
>Gameplay, is terrible
What do you think would make it better?
Gameplay is okay, setting doesn't have that much complexity unless you start playing the other Drakenier games and reading the novels and shit. Characters, story and music are fucking stellar.