Kill la Kill IF


Are you buying her game?

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lmao it looks like shit

Maybe, but only because I'm fucking weeb trash

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seething unsexed tranny and women alraedy lmao.

ye because i want to play as ragyo she makes my dick tingle

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Whenever they show off Kaneo, Mako, or COVER I'll buy it.
Good taste. Shame she's got relatively little art.

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looks fun but isn't the arena a bit empty? a 2D fighter would have been better

Always down for some weeb jank and yank

It looks pretty good but I was hoping for more fan service

They released this 5 years too late. KLK is still popular, but its not at its peak

Maybe, I need to know about the campaign, the Naruto ones were great.

if dubs I'm selling mine this week

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>in 2019

I don't have a ps4

Or switch or PC?

Xbonigger here

Hell yeah, you fucks got me excited for this for no reason and got me to re-watch it, fuck yeah I'm down for dumb anime bullshit: vidya edition.

Absolutely, day one, limited edition if PQube does one over here.

I actually really enjoyed the Hero Academia game recently, pic related. Give me that but with one of my favourite series and even more visual flare and I'll LOVE it.

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Based 5yearslaterposter

Alright Yea Forums, Satsuki or Ryuko?

kek le kek

I'm really wary of arena fighters. They're all pretty much the same and getting worse. The Naruto AF was novel when it first came out because it looked really smooth and similar to the anime. It even had different combos based on directional input despite there only being one attack button. Everything since then has been supremely dumbed down though


Dear god it looks bad and I loved the anime.

It's less of a fighter than both tag fighters AND smash. Fuck tournament fighters, no.

>liking 3 attack combos
You're the reason we get shit games

Satsuki. But really Ragyo

Nah I'll wait for the sfm ports

Ryuko looks cooler and that's all that matters in this world.

Ryuko without a second thought. Satsuki is amazing, and I'm actually super into femdom. But Ryuko is just the loveliest god damn sweetest thing ever.

Not sure what you're saying. You could do more than 3 attack combos, couldn't you? Though the damage proration usually made it pointless I guess?

I like the characters, looks and the basic mechanics. Had fun with my time with it, including in the online.

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IS THIS 2013???
>inb4 kill la kill came 5 YEARS AGO


If these 2 make it in? Day 1 buy.

If not? Maybe on sale.

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You had one attack button, 2 quirk buttons, and no directional input changes. Move list is insanely limited. Not to mention the movement was like fighting on an ice rink. The game was shit

Why would P&S be in a KLK game

Is grabbing her daughters by the pussy gonna be an in-game mechanic?


>gainax characters

What if crotch grab is just one of her moves and she can do it on everyone

Did these two genuinely care for each other?

What if it's a female only move

Attached: Crotch.webm (1280x720, 1.01M)

Will the nudist bros be playable

Also, did the bullet ever come into play?

Weren't there basic directional inputs? Also universal unblockable, and then specific shit like Ochaco having a projectile on her spinning move if you pull rocks out first.

Regardless, I certainly won't argue it's a complex game, cause it isn't. I had fun with it though.

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someone got that webm of Satsuki performing what I can assume to be a finisher?

They're asking for $60 for this

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>Buying cashgrab arena brawler used to fund other projects.

thats a big yikers.

buy real fighting games, not this trash.

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I'm not here to play a fighting game, I'm here to play a Kill La Kill game

It looks like shit, the good thing that will come from it is the model ripping cause people wouldnt bother to model the cast

I thoroughly enjoy ASW fighters and buy all of them. But I'm also sure as fuck gonna buy a KLK game, especially one that looks as good as this does.


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I thought Trigger was just an offshoot if Gainax, or am I genuinely retarded?


But I think they did.

Her in game outfit is the clown suit just so you know.

I just want to play as her while this is playing

Hah, maybe in burgerland. Here in the Great White North, it's 80 fucking dollars, please release me from this hell

that's the one. Never watched KLK but Satsuki has great facial expressions

nah gainax split and the more talented people created trigger ie imaishi
dont see why you're mad at the cliffhanger, the series was just a one off

Is Sony even going to let this game pass?

I'll buy it but only if there's cute yuri especially between these two.

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Why is Satsuki so perfect

Eyebrows and confidence

>I thoroughly enjoy ASW fighters and buy all of them

You do know they aren't the devs for this right?

It's not as big a deal now desu, but back then it felt like straight sequel bait and was annoying, but not exactly surprising.

You are genuinely retarded.

Some staff from Gainax left the studio in 2010/2011 and have since been involved in Trigger, specifically folks you'd associate with 00s era Gainax like Sushio, Yoshinari, Imaishi etc. but they aren't tied to Gainax legally at all. Gainax and their partners still own any properties created under Gainax. Trigger, or their direct partners, do not own Panty and Stocking or Gurren Lagann.

Also it's a fucking Kill la Kill game. Stop trying to make it a Trigger/Gainax crossover game. Luluco already did crossovers and it was fun. We don't need everything related to Trigger to be a crossover because of it though.

>straight sequel bait
blame kadokawa, theyre really bad at forcing comedy anime to get serious at the end

Nudist beach alts would make this game a day one purchase.

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I know, they're the pub though, and the user was most likely referring to their games, if not fighters in general, and not the developers games.

I also bought the LWA game from the same dev and as jank as it was, I appreciated the love they had for the show.

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Best girl

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>Luluco already did crossovers and it was fun
Literally never heard of that before. Hell P&Sw/G was damn near the last time I paid attention to anime. I just thought they were under the same studio, which I was wrong about. And it's not that I 'need' to crossover, but I always thought Panty & Stocking could be made into fun game characters, with this type of game being their best shot as it were. It's just a pipedream bro, that's all.

Are alts confirmed at all?

Cute wholesome yuri incest!

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>A gorillion years late
>This is what we get
I'm not even mad, just disappointed.
I mean it doesn't look terrible, but the hype for both klk and arena fighters just isn't there anymore.

>bad anime
>bad game
Serves it right.

I really wish they should have went with this design for Jakuzure.

Also the game looks intersting but i dont like that rock/paper/scissors feature that appears in mid battle

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I'll wait until steam puts it on sale.

So, who you will be maining?

Woof this looks bad

Post more!

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i will never buy a game I'd feel ashamed playing in public sorry. If only all the girls in it didn't dress like hookers from hell then why not.

Another naruro ninja storm anime fighter

Satsuki ruined 3D women for me

Fight Club Mako, all day, every day. She better have access to all that weird golden shit she uses in the show. Rocket launchers, gold knuckles, gold bat, all of it.

Ryuko or Sanagayama for me.

Will it have an Xbox port? and has the Snyggerstation port and all future Snoy releases cancelled?

If no, then FUCK OFF CALIFORNIA, and fuck this game.

i like klk but i dont care for arena fighting games like naruto,they wear out their welcome way too quick not to mention the people that play these games online tend to be massive bitches

Looks boring

Nope, Xbros don't get to play this.
Or any other games, really.

Only for the Ragyo endings.

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Those designs are pretty hot desu ngl.

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I never knew I wanted a gyaru Satsuki before this game, so good on it for that.

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Oh, I totally forgot this was going to come out. But honestly, yeah, I'm probably gonna get it. It looks fun.

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You didn't watch the OVA?

Like four years ago, I don't really remember it anymore. I thought she just cut her hair.