Fellow Yea Forums girls(m), what games are we playing tonight?

Fellow Yea Forums girls(m), what games are we playing tonight?

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pokemon fire red

where we dropping girls (boys)?


Post more gochiusa


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back to discord with you, trannies

>playing video games


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i don't know!
but whatever I do play, it'll be drunk

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We're to cute for such unwholesome habits

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>le discord boogieman

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You will NEVER pass as a girl.
You will NEVER be normal.
You will NEVER be accepted in society.
You WILL kill yourself before you're thirty.

nuh uh

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yeah i know
it's pretty sad isn't it

me too user. Want to drink with me?

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sure qt

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How to get cute gf(male)?

doesn't exist in 3D

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Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition

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But neither do cute girls(F)

Yes they do, you're just a bitter virgin.


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>he thinks 3D has merit

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that's a crossdresser, not a trap/tranny

Males can NEVER achieve this kind of soft body. They just end up looking like bony freaks from Auschwitz or some shit.

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Trannies and traps live in Yea Forums heads rent-free, and that's based

I'm playing FFXIV and some Hollow Knight!
What do you girls like to drink?

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what's the difference between a trap and a crossdresser?

The only reason you like boys wearing girl's clothes is because you're too beta to get a girlfriend, but can't deal with being alone like a true wizard.

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Okay which one of you sluts is gonna make me cum.

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i've never understood this image
like do you think they don't know their lives are shit

orrrrr sexuality is a spectrum, like everything freaking else in nature. just because humans find putting shit into neat little boxes comforting doesn't mean reality works that way

pls answer

Everyone's lives are shit but for reasons other than having a dick.


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>sexuality is a spectrum
Fuck off tumblr

You're not straight if you want to fuck another boy.

One is passable without photoshop, the other is not.

>reading comprehension

Being on top = straight. Being on bottom = faggot lmao.


Isn't a girl (male) a tomboy? Tomboys are as hetero as it gets


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What server are you on? I like to drink alcohol!

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Me too! I've mainly been drinking jack and coke lately because I'm a NEET and too poor to afford good alcohol ;_;
I'm on Brynhildr!

No, if you want to fuck a boy then you are gay. Whether you're on top or bottom.

Just because you're a homo doesn't mean everyone else is.

>tfw straight trans girl


I'm not. I don't want to fuck traps because I'm straight.
You're gay, that's why you want to fuck a dude wearing a dress.

aw me too. I just drink what I can find in the house and im on another server sadly ;-;

Then what are you doing in this thread?

>I don't want to fuck traps
That's because you're a fag.

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>tfw boy(girl)
>tfw have a super best friend that I love with all my heart
>tfw we play games and lewd regularly
>tfw happy

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To laugh at ugly faggots and remind them they'll never be cute like girls.
>you don't want to fuck a dude? lol gay
Epic mental gymnastics


I love trannies and cross dressers. They work extra hard to be cute and likeable and arent as stupid as real women

>boy(girl) starts clinging to me
>humor them cause was pretty bored at the time
>underestimated how much they were desperate for attention
>have to constantly play games and lewd with them cause I feel bad
>plan to just delete my account and disappear

cringe samefag

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>a rare boy(girl) appears!

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You're getting real paranoid, faggot.

No one thinks you look like a girl.

Oh oops! I meant girl(boy). I'm not very smart. eheh

>off-topic tranny thread still not deleted after 2 hours

the absolute state of Yea Forums

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This is clearly about video games though.

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>t. homo