Post your gamer face

Post your gamer face

Attached: 1490113863475.jpg (361x474, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread: heartstrings_oc_oc-colon-user_Yea


My relatives always told me I looked dead on the inside when playing

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Is he actually dead?

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I'm a girl

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the legend himself
is he still going around Yea Forums?

Post pony pusy and find out.

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/qa/ is his main hunting board

Already did several times. He didn't care.

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Man what is it about pods that look so off putting

Who said he died?

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For some reason, you thought posting this would make you a better person.


Hang yourself

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

And for some reason, you thought you'd look real epic by posting this shit.

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How do you feel about GR15 being lifted since the show is ending? are you prepared for the apocalypse?

And chances are that you probably thought posting this would actually make you a better person than whoever you're railing against.

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-07-05 at 9.25.00 PM.png (649x323, 39K)

>How do you feel about GR15 being lifted since the show is ending?
Just as well. I've been here too long.

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-07-05 at 9.26.23 PM.png (690x121, 27K)

I love Princess Luna!

You're really desperate to think that you somehow have special privileges for posting this garbage and that you're free from any repercussions that may result from obvious antagonization.

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>you thought posting this would make you a better person
It does

Hang yourself

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-07-05 at 9.29.08 PM.png (454x46, 13K)

How? It's not respectufl discussion of video games, it's more or less trying to antagonize someone for not liking a show, which most of the site doesn't like anyway, including the mods, who consider it a potential bannable offense.

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 10.35.53 PM.png (392x60, 12K)

It's fun

Not to mention each time you've posted these threads on here, they always get deleted by mods.

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People often say I look pissed, even when having a genuinely great time.

No one cares about how much you want to dox people who don't like a show made for little girls, which there's 6.5 billion people who are with me in that, so go have fun with that.

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What's going on ITT?

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book horse > all other hoers

Fucking hang yourself you piece of shit

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Barneyfag having another autistic fit

This is not the real Lee posting in this thread, by the way. It's one of many imitators. The real one is long gone. You can tell just by the the things he says and the way he types. It's like someone trying to imitate Chris-chan. No one can ever perfectly duplicate that level of autism.

You seem upset

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Unironically slit your throat

Fucking hang yourself shill heartstrings_oc_oc-colon-user_Yea Forums_bench_brutal+honesty_clothes_comic_crossed+legs_dialogue_drawthread_eating_e.png

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 10.49.55 PM.png (924x91, 27K)


Fucking hang yourself shill heartstrings_oc_oc-colon-user_Yea Forums_bench_brutal+honesty_clothes_comic_crossed+legs_dialogue_drawthread_eating_e.png

plz die

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Get killed

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