oh no
Oh no
Shit isn't coming out until 2022. Makes no sense for Kojima to dump all this time and effort into a game releasing at the ass end of a console generation. He will make an announcement by the end of the year that development is, or already has been, shifted for the next gen
I hope this game completely bombs so everyone can realize what a gigantic moneysink Kojima is
Konami did good by dropping his dumb ass
I stopped paying attention to it after I showed up to E3 3 times and I'm glad I did.
The absolute state of Kojima, what the fuck was he thinking?
> Dropping literally the only person that makes games that produce revenue
It has a schedule?
Nah, its a fucking cinematic walking simulator exclusive to ps4. Automatic 11/10 from all the liberal "journalists".
Cope harder. Looks like Konami was right after all
It's common for studios with bad management and direction.
He only had trouble in one entry out of a fuckload, and even then the game sold a shitload and got great reviews.
Really doubt Konami values Yea Forums's circlejerk more than money.
They simply gave up on Triple As because smartphone games make much more money for much less.
Why does Yea Forums literally only care about budgets when it comes to Kojima?
Hell, Bioshock Infinite was developed in an existing engine and cost almost twice what MGSV did.
Is it just autism from people who are just angry over MGSV and try to be as angry as possible by nitpicking even shit they don't care about?
They got bomberman and yugioh to shill.
Good, hope it gets atleast a 90 in Metacritic.
Because neo-Yea Forums zoomers haven't played any of the other MGS games.
MGSV is the only one they played because "DUDE NUCLEAR LMAO" cringeworthy hypefest.
The game was a turd, so of course, Kojima has always been a hack, always goes overbudget and his games have bankrupted Earth multiple times.
>game costs $10 millions to make
>$9 millions were for food and cult classic media
>game only makes $2 million back
>g-guys! that's profitable!
Soon enough it will be little over budget.
KONAMI was always right.
MGSV made more than twice it's budget on launch day.
>$9 millions were for food and cult classic media
Yeah, that's why they are sitting on a mountain of dead franchises.
Even PES, a normie soccer game, is dead in the water.
the only correct reply
MGS fanboys are so desperate to shit on MGSV after they got their fat assholes fucked by getting stupidly hyped for a game for absolutely no reason that now they straight up lie in order to try to have an argument.
Trust me, there's nothing that makes these people more angry than to post the amount of money MGSV made, or how it has high scores absolutely everywhere.
They formed a bubble where every single MGS game was a financial failure and where MGSV almost made Konami bankrupt, despite being a company worth about 250 billion US dollars for whom videogames, at their best, were only 9% of their yearly revenue.
He flies everywhere, eats in expansive restaurants and post pictures on Twitter.
No wonder development is going slowly when the director is flying all over the world to "find the best tech and inspiration".
The gameplay was fine. Or at least I had a lot of fun fucking around with it.
The story on the other hand...
And this is where we get to the double-think part of the daily Kojima related thread.
>Kojima wasn't an important part of MGS, his team was
>wtf, why isn't Kojima making Death Stranding single handedly
Even though a director's job is just telling workers what to do.
>He flies everywhere
Not really, that was back when he was visiting studios to choose an engine for the game.
>eats in expansive restaurants and post pictures on Twitter.
Besides, you are a neo-Yea Forumsedditor, isn't showing you Twitter screencaps like moving a bunch of keys in front of a baby?
Story is completely pointless.
MGS always had a garbage story that satirized B-movies.
It was stupid, it was boring, and MGS has never even been based on good media.
That's something i'll never understand about videogames, the fascination everyone has with mediocrity.
Based on B-movies.
Based on Escape from New York, a movie that was literally bad on purpose.
Why would anyone seek inspiration in trash? You are just going to create more trash.
Yeah, no shit. This always happens with video game auteurs.
In the end, it doesn't matter because Pack Mule Simulator is going to be a success regardless of how it plays. Kojima-lads and the media will just tell naysayers it's 2deep4U.
>eats in expansive restaurants and post pictures on Twitter.
How dare he.
>goes on vacation with celebrities for 2 weeks
>works for 3 days
>shitposts on twitter about how much he hates work
>thirstposts about mads while he's at it
>goes on another vacation
I give until 2025 or until Sony puts their foot down and forces him to release a product
Source on all of that?
People who enjoy Japanese video games have extremely low standards when it comes to stories
That's good, stories in videogames need to fuck off.
Plots have no place in videogames, and videogames are a terrible storytelling medium anyway.
>oh wow, you were having fun? Well, that's too bad, here you have a cutscene
If a game has a single cutscene that can't be skipped, that game is a failure.
At the very least, the execution of what we know of the story seems phenomenal so far. Is it a video game at all, no, but I'd watch an LP of it eventually.
MGS has one of the best stories in vidya period. MGS2 is one of the most profound games ever made. Eat shit, all bad taste.
Let's conveniently forget how the writing went to shit the moment Fukushima left, or how Kojima was partly responsible for the horrible Castlevania reboot.
How does anyone still believe in him after MGS V?
yeah god forbid we actually have a director who wants to make interesting games
no, need more God of War and Spiderman soiboi shit.
What stories?
MGS1, which has one of the most stupid plots ever, where the entire sequence of events happens entirely because Liquid has absolutely no idea how genes work?
MGS2, a hackjob that sacrifices absolutely everything, from gameplay to actual plot, to push some kind of message about how humans behave in bubbles?
MGS3, which was a shallow and empty story worthy of a COD game, but with Japanese influence?
Just because the story is stupidly convoluted and has a stupid amount of cutscenes doesn't make it good.
>It's going to be at it's 4th consecutive E3
Fuck any studio that announces their shit more than maybe 8 months ahead of initial planned release
Because the only people who hated MGSV are Yea Forums, and Yea Forums's opinions are irrelevant?
I didn't say it was good, I said that Kojima made it even worse somehow.
>MGS1, 2 and 3 have shit stories
And 4 is somehow worse, thanks for supporting my argument.
No, you said the writing went to shit, which implies it was good to begin with.
It wasn't.
The only people who think MGS story is good are pretentious neckbeards and 10 year olds who have never read a single book in their lives.
Yes, and 4 is worse. Are you going to acknowledge this or are you going to repeat yourself again?
>Kojima was partly responsible for the horrible Castlevania reboot
I think it had more to do with the fact that the ones who made those games were a studio who only had experience making phone games.
Kojima had as much influence in those as he did on ZoE, which was pretty much none.
How stupid are you exactly? If anything, its going to be to the PS4 what TLOU was to the PS3
assuming that the rumors about backwards comp is true for PS5, they have literally no fear in releasing something big on the PS4 and maybe even bundling it with a PS5 half a year later if its going to work on the machine
It is, but currently you are trying to avoid admitting that you actually, unironically ate the plot of the first three MGS games because you are one of those pretentious neckbeards.
After all, you said the writing went to shit, implying you thought it was good in the first place, something that only a low IQ monkey would do.
Then again, MGS appeals to such people.
Steam reviews are a horrible source, they eat up most things. I think Tales of Zesteria has a decent score on Steam too. And I know that Yea Forums is contrarian as all hell, but it's not exactly hard to find a lot of complaints about MGS V elsewhere. Though I didn't even bring the quality of the game into the discussion, I was referring to it being unfinished as hell because Kojima blew the budget.
Shocker. Can't wait for this hack to drain Snoy drying not making a video game
>Being this desperate to feed your superiority complex on an anonymous imageboard
The only thing unfinished was Episode 51, which was going to be DLC, and didn't get to be completed because Konami froze all game development.
The writing is good, the series is fantastic, maybe you should play them instead of spewing garbage and parroting vague ass statements you read on Yea Forums a few times.
The irony in this post too, the only pretentious one here is you clearly. Also what do books have to do with it? Great argument, anytime I have something to say about vidya I don't like I'll just mumble something about books like a fucking moron.
Absolutely everyone should feel superior to the retards who unironically think MGS is good or smart.
MGS is the embodiment of everything wrong with videogames.
The lack of focus on the gameplay, the obnoxious focus on the plot, the stupid fanbase, the stupid, unjustified hype culture around it, the trailers of it's games that show absolutely nothing about it but, because the fanbase is retarded, they get hyped anyway.
He spent millions on 2 different games that didn't even enter production user
And the second half of the game since it was just Act 1 on hard mode. And either the two, absolutely barren hubs were unfinished or they didn't have the slightest idea of how to do open world games, which is a real possibility.
How much exactly did he spend?
stay mad
>hey didn't have the slightest idea of how to do open world games
That's exactly it because Kojima Productions was a terrible studio composed of people who clearly never touched a videogame themselves.
Which is why the gameplay of MGS has been consistently terrible throughout the entire franchise, and why, the moment the franchise tried focusing on the gameplay, it failed even more miserably.
MGS is an anti-videogame franchise.
i know capitalist retards dont understand art, but it can't be reduced to a brute numbers game. kojima is a genius artist and auteur, his works should not be judged by how economical they are. imagine if michael angelo wasn't allowed to paint the sistene chapel the way he wanted to because the vatican wanted to save money. that's what capitalism does - it destroys art.
Nice numbers given by bloggers.
Shame that won't make the gameplay good or stop the stories from being laughable, or stop it's fanbase from thinking these games are smart in any way.
What game did you play? MGS gameplay is extremely fun, the first is a little dated and clunky but 2 - V are fun to play still with great gameplay. Tons of detail in it too.
>A little
Phantom Pain all over again, prepare for another unfinished Kojima game
People act like this game is taking forever to come out, but this game didn't even start development until 2016. 3-5 years is the industry norm.
Wow stop the presses a kojima game behind schedule
>Which is why the gameplay of MGS has been consistently terrible throughout the entire franchise
The gameplay is the one thing that has been consistently good throughout the whole franchise you fucking retard.
gaijin no understand, me working hard to make butifel movi- i mean gamu, prease understand
All of them, although I dropped Peace Walker half way through, that one was absolutely horrible, a legitimate 1/10.
The controls are terrible, the gameplay is constantly interrupted by story dumps, and when it tried focusing on gameplay, this once stealth military franchise became a grindfest.
It's obvious absolutely no one, not even this Fukushima knew what they were doing.
Youre actually fucking retarded just like the vast majority of anyone who opens their mouth about MGSV
The game is shit because its a desperate asset flip borne out of time running out and with a million of evolving limitations being placed on the game mid development like suddenly having to (and there is complete evidence of this) remove the presence of killable child soldier enemies
Forcing the game to be playable on last gen hurt it to a retarded degree
They are smart you're just too much of an assmad dullard with a vendetta to appreciate any of it. Not my problem really, pretty much every entry in the series tops every top 100 Yea Forums has ever done. Same with many other sites, you are in the extreme minority and you have bad taste. Not sure why you have such a massive hateboner for the series but it is misplaced.
>implying this fever dream had a schedule to begin with
In what way?
They were such talentless hacks that it took FOUR entries and more than 10 years to let us walk crouched.
Or lets look at the elephant in the room, the fact that MGS1, 2 and 3 have, probably, the worst shooting mechanics ever implemented into a videogame ever.
On top of that, we have to mention things like MGS3's terrible menu crawling which, in an attempt to offer some variety, turned the game into a slog.
>there are actually shills that defend konami just to shit on kojima
is this the nu Yea Forums I keep hearing about?
I like metal gear and i bet i could kick your ass nigger, what u gonna do about it bitchboi?
On top of being a terrible franchise, it's fanbase is among the most insufferable of them all.
Not to mention that we have had constant threads whining about MGSV for 4 years now even though it was obvious it was going to be terrible the moment they announced a paid demo would be released, which, of course, you retards ate it up.
You actually paid $40 for a demo, that shows the kind of trash that composes the MGS fanbase.
MGS has done way too much harm to videogames, and it has people actually praising it.
Absolutely disgusting.
And on top of that, we have the retards flooding Yea Forums with threads about this game just so they can spam more about MGS.
Mods should start banning any mention of Kojima, or Metal Gear, or Death Stranding.
>the fact that MGS1, 2 and 3 have, probably, the worst shooting mechanics ever implemented into a videogame ever.
Oh so you're a massive pleb who couldn't git gud. I understand now, you're one of those faggots that everything has to be first person or some shit. You don't understand the design philosophy of the games at all. Go play fallout46 cunt, or more derivative garbage a la doom eternal. Nobody cares that you're too much of a brainlet to learn controls, or understand the themes of the game. Now seethe because I told you the truth.
MGS takes the piss a lot but beneath that there's a genuine layer of a good story in MGS1, 2, and 3. Obviously 4 took a huge mondo shit over all of that and 5 was outright unfinished but I don't think many people try to claim otherwise.
>if a game doesnt let you crouch it has bad gameplay
lol okay retard
>games that focus primary on stealth dont have the best shooting mechanics
You are actually retarded
>On top of that, we have to mention things like MGS3's terrible menu crawling which, in an attempt to offer some variety, turned the game into a slog.
It barely takes any time at all to press pause and do what you need to do. It certainly can be annoying sometimes and could be better but to say it turns the game into a slog is ludicrous.
>I understand now, you're one of those faggots that everything has to be first person or some shit.
No, they actually got shooting right in MGS4 and V, sadly, one of the few things they got right.
Which makes me wonder what happened with the first MGS games.
Or who the hell thought the top down camera was good, when it was so inconvenient they had to come up with the Soliton radar to make up for the fact that you couldn't see anything 10 feet in front of you.
>You don't understand the design philosophy of the games at all.
I understand perfectly well, which is why MGS is in the low tier of the stealth genre.
Just because a mechanic is not meant to be used widely doesn't give you permission to half ass it.
>understand the themes of the game
I couldn't care less about the themes of a videogame, videogame plots are not written well enough to be worth paying attention to them.
>lol okay retard
It is when it's a stealth game.
Who would make a stealth game where the only ways to move are either standing right up or prone?
>You are actually retarded
Doesn't mean you should go out of your way to make them as horrible as possible.
Hell, MGS4 and V themselves understood this.
>It certainly can be annoying sometimes and could be better but to say it turns the game into a slog is ludicrous.
It is when you have to be changing camos constantly.
It shouldn't even let me instantly change camos, just put wardrobes in points of the map and let us change clothes in them.
So this is why Yea Forums is a shitfest.
We have anons trying to show of they are better then everyone else.
We have anons that are claiming games are going to be completely shit dispite never playing them or even having game play.
We have shitposts instead of discussion and assholes who do nothing but ruin discussion.
Fuck it. This site is bloody useless.
Even reddit is better most of the time. At least I'll be able to have actual discussion. Bye Yea Forums
Bye 4channal.
I'm only sticking around for /sci/ and /x/ and maybe /k/
Dumbass you're the one with the hateboner for a good series here causing all the "discussion." Keep crying moron, DS will have 10x the buzz than any modern day shit western game you hype up for absolutely any news whatsoever. And that's because Kojima is based and is responsible for some of the best games in the medium.
>reee I couldn't git gud and I don't care about the stinky words and meanings
nice to know faggot kys
No, i'm in a Kojima/Death Stranding thread, which means it's a thread about MGS redditors coming up with lies to shit on this Death Stranding game, although it's mostly because of MGSV.
Which means they are full of people who think MGS games are good, which means they are cancer.
There's no "getting good", it's just a legitimately boring franchise that fails at everything it tries to do. There's better stealth games out there like Thief or Splinter Cell.
Which are dead franchises, but I find solace knowing that MGS is dead too, and that it got its corpsed pissed and shat on with Survive.
You're the one who started the shit show, you're absolutely full of shit. I know it's hard to believe but a lot of us actually liked V and most of us are also excited for DS. Anti kojima posters are just that, you're trying to connect lines where there are none like a dweeb. Fuck off trying to cause infighting. And yes MGS is good sorry that makes you upset.
Although i'd be glad if anything related to MGS or Kojima disappeared off the face of the Earth, i'm not interested in infighting, just in calling out the posers.
And no, MGS will be remembered as a franchise that made the mistake of trying to make the plot a primary part of a videogame, but without the talent to make that plot good, which has given birth to even more garbage in the form of Uncharted, The Last of Us, Quantum Break, Until Dawn, Detroit, The Order and a myriad of "cinematic" games.
Not all games need to let you perform the same actions. You can stealth perfectly fine without having to crouch walk. The games weren't designed with it in mind. Not having it doesn't take away from the game in any way and adding it wouldnt make it better.
What is it about the shooting mechanics that are so bad exactly? You act as if they are truly abhorrent, what makes them so?
>It is when you have to be changing camos constantly.
You don't. Most areas only require you to wear one camo type through the whole area. Grassy camo for the jungle areas, mountain camo for the mountain areas, metal-looking camo for grozny grad, etc. I agree that camo and menu-management in general is one of MGS3's weakest aspects and is rather pointless, but you are greatly exaggerating how bad it is.
>You can stealth perfectly fine without having to crouch walk.
Or just let me crouch walk and design the game around that.
There are objects behind which you cover crouched anyway, no reason to not let me move rouched.
>What is it about the shooting mechanics that are so bad exactly? You act as if they are truly abhorrent, what makes them so?
The way they work?
Forcing a first person camera in a third person game, the awkward way to activate such camera, and the fact that most weapons are unusable due to stupid amounts of recoil.
Not like there's many situations where you are going to use them, but if you introduce a feature, work on it, don't completely half ass it.
>you are greatly exaggerating how bad it is.
I do because the entire game was sold on the survival aspect and how it changed the game, yet it only resulted in a lazy game design choice.
>is this the nu Yea Forums I keep hearing about?
Shitposting is a time honored Yea Forums tradition.
God forbid there is more than one type of game, not that I care for anything you listed. This month two great action games are out, so yeah the medium is just fine and you're an overreacting faggot who thinks his contrarian opinion is a replacement for intelligence.
Those games were made by developers who specialized in actual videogames, like Naughty Dog.
Now all they make is terrible cinematic trash with stories at the level of Marvel superhero movies and with no replayability whatsoever.
>waaaaahh design the game how I want it to be designed or its bad wwaaaahhh
You are a child
Stop being so attached to your toys Yea Forums.
You're not entitled to anything.
I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a finished game. MGSV was in development for nearly 4 years and 90% of the game is filler missions. They couldn't even be bothered to make more filler missions to pad out the game to 50 missions so they just force you to repeat past ones.
Yes, please, make a decent videogame without stupid design choices that nobody who actually plays games would ever make.
Wait, weren't there like daily threads about how this was surely coming out this year with TLOU2 and that other Zombie Game? What is Sony even releasing for the entire Fall season without this? Just TLOU2?
I have read multiple (read: every single MGS thread since sept. 1st, 2015) posts shitting on the MGS games of old, from 1 through PW, apparently every single one of them is absolute shit and have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Yea Forums is like a mindbroken girl from a doujin at this point.
>If you shit on Kojima you like Konami
Seething drone.
Naughty Dog is garbage. DMCV and Sekiro are out this month, that's what I was talking about. Anyways you have shit taste.
They are pushing back all their late stage PS4 games more to release them along with the PS5.
Now imagine if there were more like that, instead of shit like TLOU.
The only reason cinematic games exist is because of MGS.
This franchise has done a lot of harm to this industry.
Kojima is trash. There, I said it. He's a fucking hack who hasn't made anything good in ages and who wastes way more money than he should on hiring stupid ass hollywood actors.
His fanbase is fucking retarded too.
pick one
You're delusional to think that honestly, not every developer wants to make an action game. They're fun, but to act like that's all the medium is good for is fucking retarded. You're literally a brainlet limiting yourself, I don't care. I'll enjoy all of them.
I'm not asking specifically for action games, just actual games in general, instead of cinematic crap.
>who wastes way more money than he should on hiring stupid ass hollywood actors.
Something that you don't care about when others do, even though there's people like David Cage who waste way more on actors than Kojima ever has, since Kojima only hires B-listers, only exception being Mads.
Oh yeah sure bro because I totally said I like David Cage, eh?
Fucking clown.
I subtly shitposted DS threads to create an air of hostility around kojima threads because I literally have nothing better to do with my time. Now I don't know if I succeded, but what I can say is that every kojima related thread is a complete shitshow. Mission accomprished.
>Doom is shit because Battlefield is an FPS and lets me go prone but Doom is an FPS and doesnt let me go prone so its shit
No, but I don't see anyone shitting on him for it.
In fact, I've seen people at up his terrible movies.
These are actual games that offer something unique to their medium, just because you fail to see what that is doesn't mean it isn't there. MGS is a fantastic series that utilizes the medium well, I couldn't imagine it in any other medium at all. You vehemently hate it because it is different, and that's stupid as fuck. If you can't earnestly play a game and judge it on it's own merits then just move on. There's nothing wrong with having a preference but you're autistically judging based on some pre conceived expectation of what a game should be. While nitpicking every little detail, who cares if you can't crouch walk. That shouldn't stop you from enjoying the game, it can be played great without it. Subsistence fixes the camera issue as well. Just a couple points.
Battlefield is meant to be played more tactically, while Doom is arcade.
MGS is a stealth game like any other, except it fails at what little it tries to do.
I know, he should stick to restaurants with fixed dimensions.
>hasn't made anything good in ages
more like ever. MGS "games" are for plebs and every single one of them is absolute shit and have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Splinter Cell is meant to be played more tactically, while MGS is arcade
Doom is a FPS game like any other, except it fails at what little it tries to do.
no, max scores are reserved for games that are totally infested with sjw shit. DS will get 8.5 and 9
Because no one gives a fuck about anything he has done, ever. Many don't even know his name. He's an incompetent and irrelevant sack of shit.
MGS is not arcade in any way.
Are you fucking joking?
This game is going to be pure shit and a bunch of fakedeep nonsense so autists can go "lol what did I watch xD" while Kojima blows the budget on dinners with celebrities
What's up with people in these threads who think food is expensive and that taking pictures costs money?
The only thing these games did was focus obnoxiously on a story that wasn't good.
Then came along the copycats to deliver even worse attempts at this cancerous formula.
>he didn't like the plot which was full of fun, tech, politics, history, and feels
It must be hard being gay with bad taste, it's basically Tarantino but cooler.
I think that deep down, Kojima knows people are waiting for him to fuck up badly so they can say "See? It was HIS fault all along, not Konami's". But to be fair, all the secrecy and the fact that he refused to show proper gameplay for the sake of it being a "peaceful" trailer raises a few red flags, so people that shit on him for it aren't necessarily MGSV haters or long-time Kojima haters.
I myself don't think he's too bad, but I can completely believe he just spends money on stupid shit and gets a pass for it, and I'm sure Konami got fed up with that part of it at least. Didn't he suddenly decide to cut out lines from Venom just because he wanted him to be "cool and quiet" like Max from Mad Max Fury Road? Didn't he also cut an entire soundtrack just because, and after he paid for it?
Shit like that just makes me wonder, you know? So I'm also waiting to see if he's partly to blame-- to see if he shows his "true colors" when he's in charge of development projects.
It was about a lot of things, but it wasn't well written.
Not to mention it's tendency to sacrifice the plot itself to push a message that isn't even meaningful in any way.