How come Japan has yet to create delinquent video games based on the 80's? Imagine a japanese version of Bully.
How come Japan has yet to create delinquent video games based on the 80's? Imagine a japanese version of Bully
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Closest equivalent I can think of would be River City Ransom.
Made me think of this when I saw this thread
But I guess it's just not on the radar of Japanese developers for the most part.
now post the girl gangs
Beat me to it but yes, Kunio-kun series is literally nothing but a bunch of high school delinquents doing some delinquent stuff like hitting each other and playing dodge ball really hard.
Hands off Anek
Pic is from Be-Bop High School live action movie. It is not translated as far as I know.
Check out the anime OVAs or the manga if you are interested, it's very entertaining.
To answer the question to the OP: Uppers and Crows: Burning Edge, but both of them focus on the gameplay more than story.
pretty cool guy best guy
They look like trouble.
Make it double
Yakuza and Double Dragon are the closest I can think of.
How did the japs fix the 'troubled youth' issue?
lots of anime
>School trip
>Beat every bancho to be the best
>Beaten banchos becomes lackeys you can call anytime
>equip special moves and finishers
>initiate fight by giving a mean bancho stare down
>Then shit talk your opponent for first hit.
>Impress your girl for extra manliness
Kenka Bancho for the PSP is great.
Probably grew out of it just like the emo phase the west experienced.
tfw no sukeban gf
There is no real judicial system in Japan.
If you're in court you're probably guilty.
Sets a whole generation straight pretty fast. Crime in Japan is either Yakuza or Nigerians.
The entire Kunio-Kun series you dumb motherucker
so japan is a police state?
they grow up to become housewife?
By the Western definition, no.
more or less, but violent crime is mostly done by gaikokujins, so it's not like you have anything to really worry about.
Korea however is China tier. There's some rape law where a mere accusation gets you thrown in the shitter IIRC, as the whole country is run by occultist feminists. I'm not even kidding.
Some daredevils went and conquered the hearts of those banchous and sukebans like in Tomo wa Onanoko
when i watch anime, the police always seem to be a pretty scary existence.
but i feel it's a good thing for the most part.
yeah, i watched the video of the sunk ship incident and looked up all the conspiracy about sunk ship that there were 2 other similar incident 20 and 40 years ago. while the cultist lady's dad was the prisident and both incident involved 290 to 300 young ppl
The same way any other country did? Those seem just normal teenagers to me.
Especially since those pics are of Japanese boomers, it was probably pretty easy for them to start a normal adult life even if they were no-goods as teenagers.
yakuza 0 has similar elements
what do you mean no judicial system? there are many game like "Ace Attorney.:"
or do you mean they don't get to get out of jail for parole?
Japan's courts are famously biased against the accused. Innocent until proven guilty is an American concept. Japanese police have a strong bias toward going hard against the first suspect they find rather than going over evidence with a fine tooth comb. They also misreport the nature of crimes frequently, which skews their crime data in Japan's favor. You can hear more about it in the Freakonomics movie on Netflix during the segment on corruption and match-fixing amongst sumo wrestlers
>why is there no looting in a high trust homogeneous society?
are westerners all retarded enough to not get why?
Sentences to minors are joke though
Kenka Bancho series (not that otome spinoff)
>He didn't play Kenka Bancho
hahahna. i bet many of them joining "imagine" they could get to fight the yakuza
there is of course but delinquents don't really get any mercy like in the west.
We're talking about the same people who spend 15 hours a day on schoolwork and aspire to be yes-men, they don't take kindly to destructive morons as a culture.
They ignore why or make up excuses for why everything they believed in is a lie.
> (not that otome spinoff)
>Growing up as an orphan, Hinako is shocked to learn that she has an older twin brother called Hikaru. Born as a yakuza, Hikaru requests Hinako to switch places with him at Shishiku Academy, an all-boys school overrun with Japan's toughest delinquents, and become the new yakuza boss.
Sounds fun desu but I guess it's just a shitty VN with no gameplay?
we know (((why))), it's just a crime to think about it
>japanese boomers
Yeah, post-nuclear maybe
Most games like that don't get translated but picture related is a really good series albiet this one is the only one translated and it's the weakest story wise. You play as a delinquent on a school trip to Osaka at the same time as a bunch of other schools so it's end up being a banchou battle royale where you hunt down the other school heads and challenge them whilse also trying to manage to attended the school field trip schedule.
yeah, there was a case in my country Chile where a 13 year old kid stole a truck and went to a commercial zone running from the cops, he ended up killing a person.
What an awful, backwards society.
From left to right, girl number 2 is the best.
There was a guy in my country, a college kid, who plowed through a couple of schoolgirls with a BMW M5 drunk as shit.
He got off with a DUI charge because his dad is rich.
Its the lament of many Japanese reporters and dissilusioned recruits. the yakuza have been such a strong presence throughout modern Japanese history that they must have their hands deeeep in the polices pockets. I bet even the police see them as "necessary" in some way. Even Sega borrowed money from the yakuza back in the day in order to expand their company
Sent them to space
no wonder young ppl don't want to breed.
immigrant to the west or die celibate
Japanese police are very integrated into their local communities and people actively go too them for help and advice. It's not unheard of for parents who have a troubled teenager kid to go to the police and ask for help with them.
Kami bless, I hope they beat up the ayy lmao delinquents in their foreign shitholes.
nah, they're based. The West is bizarro world.
yakuza beat them up or scare them
sounds good. sounds like the good old days of american peace officer
>Traitorous 2nd in command
He's obviously the guy that loves getting into fights and punching people.
You mean in Japan, you can generally trust the people you meet and you dont have to treat every stranger as an adversary or a predator who is going to send you to prison, rob you, or shoot you for sharing a street with them? Fuck that
it's always good to have both police and "mafia" to work for the government. when the ruler want something to be done off the paper, the mafia is always your best helper.
Anime. Sadly it made their birthrates tank hard too.
Yeah a friend on mine while in japan was back packing and it was late at night. The police pulled over and asked if he was okay and needed a lift. They never asked for id or nothing where just genuinely checking if he was okay traveling on road late at night and where very polite and friendly with him.
user we're talking about people h ere, not just females
low birthrates in developed nations is called 'homeostasis' and it's completely normal, since we're not niggers that need to shit out 8 kids and hope 1 makes it to adulthood
You say that but can you use the ATM without worrying about being stabbed?
>not asking for ID to see if he can send you in jail for a warrent.
what a comfy land
Yakuza generally help their communities except for all the racketeering and drug dealing
there's not much to do with in those type of cases, its sometimes the parents fault or the social environment
>Freakonomics movie
I remember seeing this in high school
There's like 50 op the fuck you talking about? Kunio Kun series
You probably don't like them cus they are 2D pixel games and you're a zoomer fag
The reason for low crime rate in Japan is no one can afford missing the next anime episode next week.
>Japan's courts are famously biased against the accused
So what about people who get wrongly accused? That's not really a good sign.
Truly is. You can drink a beer in the park and take a nap on bench if you so desired it's that safe.
>an American concept
mate please
Spain and Bosnia confirmed more developed than Japan.
Its pretty basic but the sumo part is so fucking good.
those are very much a minority. You don't get into a courtroom on accident.
Im sure that checking your ID is a USA thing, what does the average policeman even do with that information?
It's 2019, it's time we got a Yakuza tier game featuring Banchous. Kunio Kun while fun is still not even remotely close to what we actually could get.
Bosnia is a puppet state whose main export is labourers.
They all go to Germany and send money back home but breed up there.
Japan is fine. In fact, most western nations are perfectly fine even after you ignore all the subhuman immigrants. It just doesn't benefit the economic elites since less people = higher salaries.
Not one post in this thread with the word "Burry".
You suck now, Yea Forums.
Despite that the crime rate in japan is still ridiculously low compared to any other country in the west. They just have a superior culture.
They can check on radio if you have any arrest warrants against you.
You mean like Kenka Banchou?
And sex trafficking and forcing girls into porn fucking niggers to pay off their debts.
You get it here in UK, it's so the can check if you've committed a crime. Pretty shit likes cause it means they assume your guilty of the bat.
They go to fucking jail. I bet Japanese jails have a higher rate of innocent prisoners. That number however is kept down by a people who shame and shun the shit out of criminals, or who go far out of their way to avoid looking like one
Not even remotely close. Yeah they share similar gameplay aspects but the story is nearly non-existent.
By not having kids
toll paid. Weeds out the dumb ones from the real work force.
Skewed statistics still contribute to that number. Still, it must be nice for crime not to be a major societal issue. Not that they don't have plenty of other, distinct Japanese issues instead
They have a few more that are japan only. They are pretty story heavy, only reason we got badass rumble was cause like you said it had none. Though now you got me thinking about a delinquent yakuza just running around a town map with a few schools over the place and all the mini games, outfits and random encounters you could have. Maybe the option to go to classes and do a learning mini game like in Bully.
Or just play any Ace Attorney/Phoenix wright game.
In the game everyone is amazed over Phoenix first case because in Japan, something like the best attorney here only completly cleaned his clients 4 times in his whole career.
Police/Prosecutors won't go to court unless they are 100% sure to screw you even if you cross exminate the parrot.
Fairly old image but it gives people some options outside of video games.
My fucking ass. Wake up
Ah ok. I guess it's just not necessary here (Finland), so far at least. Police have sometimes told me to tone it down and fuck off if I've been a loud drunken idiot in public or something but if you're not actually violent or dangerous nothing more will happen.
I've never played the other games, due to not understanding nip, but how are the other games? I enjoyed Badass Rumble, but I didn't really like the locations being just random parts of town. Seeing the screenshots of the other games, it looks like they're set in a school setting, which looks a lot better, to be desu.
You guys are biased as shit and see nothing clearly
criminals deserve no sympathy.
I wish corporal punishment and death penalty were the norm.
We don't need to feed these animals with our taxes for 20 years.
You stole? Cut his fingers off.
>They just have a superior culture
Fuck off Ken-Sama.
Japan has a fuck ton of crime that never go reported or are recorded in order to protect their image. Sexual assaults happen constantly as woman are told to "not make a scene". Why do you think assaults on trains is such a common troupe in Japanese media?
and what about people wrongly accused?
Protip: the Japanese are Collectivists
It still is a lot of random town parts from what i know but it's your own town and school. I'm not too sure on the plot but it i believe carries between the different games. Badass Rumble was the first on psp and is number 3 in series so the it's the ones that come after that really have story. I think there is 4-6 with 4 and 5 on psp and 6 on 3DS.
Kenka Bancho, dumdum
Ive always wanted to go to Finland, sounds like a pretty comfy place.
Wait until you get on the chair for voicing wrong opinions retard, or false rape accusation.
there should always be due process. I'm not advocating for mob justice exactly,
but seeing sinners burnt at the stake was an effective method to keep people from sinning if you know what I mean
What movie?
>I wish corporal punishment and death penalty were the norm.
You'd fit well in the Middle East
I never said our laws aren't Draconian as fuck, I just meant to imply that sandniggers have the best form of punishment.
> Innocent until proven guilty is an American concept.
all these ancient philosophers pondering on ideas from the future...
>I wish corporal punishment and death penalty were the norm.
It is in many redpilled countries. You're free to move to any of them right now, my white friend
You say this as if the only thing that matters in the universe is crime. Can you think of any one other factor that might come into play?
if there was every a way to 100% be certain someone did commit a crime i agree but it's too risky
Shit happens obviously. Just at a way lower rate. Anyone who has been to japan can attest to how safe and clean it is.
that's one of the be-bop highschool movies i'm pretty sure
we'll have AI lawyers with biometric analysis software soon enough.
Cousin Chaim will be as obsolete as Chevrolet Joe
thats pretty much anywhere. any drunked retard that hates cops is because they cant handle their drink and get all in the cops face and acting the dick. of course hes gonna fucking arrest/beat you up. you're a threat. like you said, just fucking be calm for a minute and say 'sorry ill get outta here'. hell, not only when people are drunk. ive seen retards here in potatoistan chimp out while sober just because a cop wanted to check them for being loud. calm the fuuuck down tough guy and you might not have to kiss the pavement. listening to a cop for a second doesnt make me a pussy, and even if it does, atleast im not a brainlet that will have to spend a night in the drunk tank when ive had twice as much drink than the next guy
What a fucking skewed take, honestly. So do we gas jaywalkers or is that too draconian?
light offenses only warrant a beating or a fine
The combat looks slow but aside from that this looks fantastic, I wish this was on the Nintendo New 3DS instead of the PSP. I always wanted Yakuza Kurohyo too.
>transhumanist futurist sharia advocate
You are baseless and your smartass statement is built on contradictions
How discretionary
>nips were doing the GANG shout-out before the chicago nigs in hiphop
what in the god damn
>Delinquents dont get any mercy
Read up on Junko Furuta, why dont you?
You dumb piece of shit. I used these examples because I could feel you're right leaning rash retard who wants his liberty delivered with authoritarianism. Lax crime system is precisely there so we can lower the actual effects when someone uses it for nefarious aims. In liberal countries the actual wrong think and the like offences are still comparably a joke compared to China or worse totalitarian systems because of that.
That's why they have gender segregated train cars.
I don't label myself as any of those.
You can obviously tell from someone who was at the right place at the wrong time from someone who is very obviously bullshitting. Criminals tend to shit themselves after a large fuckup since violent crime is often passionate, based on a whim. Someone who defended himself is very obviously a different case from some sicko who gets off on hurting people.
Conniving manipulative light yagami types are reserved for anime. Women get away with everything though.
I dunno man, when you decide to invade my home, you've given up every human right and privilege in existence.
There are poor people who don't steal, and sexually repressive types who don't rape.
Degens woth zero impulse control need to be dealt with.
Any films or documentals about female school gangs?
>Kongo Bancho
>lower tier
>but seeing sinners burnt at the stake was an effective method to keep people from sinning if you know what I mean
Oh absolutely, crime wasn't a problem back in the middle ages. Not at all.
You are dumb
Japanese cops operate on guilty until "proven" guilty
There is no innocent in Japan, and they'll accuse and jail some random person rather than let a case go cold
It's a shithole country you weeb nazi queer
>Sukeban Deka translated 12/132
feels bad
>whataboutism about a microscopic minority
This is why the west is dying,they played all of you like a damn fiddle.
gang gang
I didn't know it had this many chapters
there was less sinning though
I was reading about medieval highwaymen once and noticed pretty fast that the only known ones were the dumbasses that got caught
It was piss easy to be a criminal back then, that's why cruel and unusual punishment as a deterrent was a big thing back then
Nazi isn't an insult, tranny bitch.
shame the game was such a disaster
i genuinely enjoyed it for what it was but damn it's flawed
yeah I know and the little shits deserve to be skinned alive, children or not.
tfw no sukeban gf to bully you
>sega borrowed money from yakuza
>yakuza games are from sega
yakuza forced sega to make games glorifying them as a stipulation for lending the money confirmed, open your eyes and see the truth sheeple
they probably take the lions share of the profits from yakuza games too which is why sega is still so small
tfw no yankee bf to hug and protect you
>mah freedomz
Enjoy them until they last i guess
Prove it.
It doesn't work because the people that actually commit fucked up crimes don't have the capability of thinking "hey, maybe I'll regret this next week when I'm hanging from a noose". They're either too dumb or don't care.
That said I'm all for beating up thieves and the like, but I'll pass on torture. Capital punishment is alright to save costs as long as there's undeniable proof that the accused is guilty.
> the yakuza control the Yakuza game series
t. brain-dead Jewish retard
look at America
I really don't understand the western living standard myth.
All my expat friends are miserable, and visiting metropolitan areas feels like fucking Pakistan wherever you go.
I own 2 houses and 4 2010+ vehicles at age 25. Dad was a working class guy like everyone else.
Yeah money is sorta shit but I'm content and don't pay rent to anybody. It builds up.
venezuela was pretty free when oil price waas about 90$
now it's like 40?
Oh yeah, japan, why didn't you think of making a game about school delinquent, right? It's not like there's a huge series that has like 6 game made about it, right?
>they'll accuse and jail some random person rather than let a case go cold
>some random person
why are mutts so stupid?
I enjoyed it but that's just cause I'm die hard fan so unless you really like crows then id give this game a miss, it's wasted potential.
there was less sexual deviancy and occultism in public.
Usually reserved for beyond palace walls, as per course
Big Bang Age is pretty cool and long delinquent srpg VN but it lacks the aesthetic you might hope for It's really anime but it worth the look if you don't mind VNs. It's also got a rockin Fightan called "Big Bang Beat"
>It's a shithole country you weeb nazi queer
it is by far the safest and most prosperous nation on earth at this point
Sweden HAD that title until you know what happened
There is infrastructure,services and jobs that you cannot find in rural areas.
I'll agree that big cities ruin people's souls though.
You would be surprised how many cases are there of eye witnesses who wrongly identify people as the perpetrator. There are a lot of similar looking people around especially in Japan. What about if some crazy bitch accuses you of raping her to try and ruin your life?
yeah but rural living is pretty good on the soul.
I'd rather not rack up stress being miserable in some cubicle. I opened a landscaping firm and enjoy my job.
Tending plants soothes me.
don't choose a vocation based on location, settle where you feel at ease and see what sells.
Diplomas are useless unless you plan on engineering, law, or med school.
Japanese here. It really feels like people are talking about an imaginary country.
ore wa manko ga daisuki nandayo OwO
It's all fine and dandy until you are on the other end of a fake child rape accusation because your ex wife wants to screw you over or similar stuff. You have to be awfully naive to think courts biased against the accused won't lead to shitty people abusing this bias.
they can do a smear test and prove I never touched the kid.
your life can be ruined, there are men who literally offed themselves after flimsy sexual harassment charges in burgerland
Hiro let /pol/ups take over Yea Forums, since he's the Japanese equivalent of one anyway
The guy fraternizes with far right politicians
amerimutt here, I'm trying so hard to shit talk Japan and It's not working, why do you guys prefer such a country instead of my based and redpilled Burgerland?
Its all fine and dandy if you are a normal person that doesn't go in jail ever,you know 98% of the population of a civilized country.
>because your ex wife wants to screw you over or similar stuff
You can thank liberals like you for that!
They are incapable. They'd make it full of stupid over the top combos with glowing auras and giant hitsparks or they'd anime the shit out of it and make every supposedly Japanese character look like Spaniard/Italian hybrids, just like always. Pic is case in point.
multiracial society is a failed experiment and it just leads to crime and misery
I'm not a westerner. Our women are still a notch above property.
Because Japan is white and based,America is....
Can Kenka Bancho be succesfully emulated yet, or does it still crash and burn?
Is that why 不良 is one of the biggest seinen genres in the country, you Jewish faggot?
You should watch more documentaries on crime investigation, the amount of times they jail innocent people, and later it's proven someone else did it can be eye opening. There are cases where even the family of a dude turned against him, lost jobs and everyone around him considered him the killer of some girl, the guy's life was pretty much destroyed by a single accusation. His comment on the real perpetrator being caught was "He should be glad the police got him before I did".
>>It's a shithole country you weeb nazi queer
>it is by far the safest and most prosperous nation on earth at this point
>Sweden HAD that title until you know what happened
Norway found oil?
How many pinkies do you have?
but then who wants to live in saudi arabia anyway
The double dragon series are not based on delinquent guys, user.
until they imported Africans you 60 IQ tranny
>but women
I'm not a sandnigger but Saudi Arabia is fucking heaven if you're rich.
No culture outside of hedonism though.
"Imported"? They still have slavery there?
Nice falseflag weeb. America is still a place where you can be who you want to be and have a chance to build the life you dream of. Japan is a society of drones who can't think for themselves and whack off to cartoons.
>top tier
>no GTO which is more delinquent in nature than half the shit on that list
And you know how many times criminals actually get arrested for right causes? Stop with the whataboutism and get some common sense retard.
Every place is fucking awesome if you're rich. That's the whole point of being rich.
wage slavery yes
they are importing cheap labor from the Middle East and Africa
it has an added bonus to the elite as it is removing their biggest rival (indigenous Europeans)
exactly, obsessed
My point is that courts should not be biased against the accused, and anyone who thinks that's a good thing is a complete moron.
Yes, the shitskin migrants are import workers nobody likes or wants, thanks to mummy Angela and our suicidal feminist government, we get to live in a dystopian shithole where even schoolchildren aren't safe.
In less than 5 years.
I suppose Kenka Banchou isn't set in the 80s but it's pretty close I'd say.
I just got finished re-reading Angel Densetsu. I always enjoy that one.
In Japan you are guilty until proven innocent. Presumption of innocence? They don't give two shits.
This unironically scares me because I live in Japan. It's safe and all, that's great, but I wouldn't like to be in the shoes of someone being falsely accused of a crime he didn't commit.
oh no....
>Do they still have slavery there?
Yep. Emasculated men who watch their women get raped and murdered by mudslimes and niggers and saying anything about it is an invitation to a dick stomping and forced HRT transitioning. Sweden is feminist heaven and needs to die in hellfire
doesn't japan have some pretty high suicide rates? so much for being an amazing place to live
I've had a boner for this happening to Japan for a long time. i feel like because the west is getting fucked the east should too.
Why, you want one, bitch? HIHIHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAA!
Nice post
America is a nanny state where you get fired for thinking trannies shouldn't be near schools because it's offensive.
Also that whole world police and warmongering too, the entire planet would be better off without your shitty tumor of Israel
>Shonan Junai Gumi!
>Prequel to GTO
>low tier
>GTO not even on list
Shit list
somewhere has to carry the torch of civlization
it passed from the Romans to the Germanics and now from Europe to the far East
if the negroid animal takes over the world then humanity is doomed
>I live in Japan
sure you do amerimutt
>innocent until guilty only really implemented for real in America first
>some other countries attempt to emulate it
>other countries still have courts that don't care and convict people despite evidence proving innocence (dankula)
>somehow not an American concept
Sure thing, britbong.
>soul vs soulless
>shitskin migrants
I really wish someone just shot you people. Asocial fucking parasites. I'd take a hundred of your "shitskin migrants" over a single one of you nationalist pieces of shit.
Shut the fuck up Jew nobody's falling for your bullshit you pathetic tranny miscreant.
No blacks
go live in Africa then, why are you still here?
You can just go to the UK if that's what you want, it's working great over there.
gee, sorry that I prefer my own neighbours and townsfolk over violent criminals who don't belong
>if the negroid animal takes over the world then humanity is doomed
You realize that they are just tools of the elites? They can't take over anything when they are still slaves to their masters.
Ohh what's the fuckin' matter pussy, tranny gonna fuckin' cry, faggot?
wait, are you the japbro?
>Hot Road
>That High
Wait really? I mean, it was alright, but it's in no way better than Rookies or most of the stuff below it.
It is. That was when the USA were still great.
You can hate current USA all you want but denying what it made so good in the first place is just stupid. Just look at founding fathers
How can he tell they're all middle fingers specifically?
the dumb weeb who thinks he would thrive on nipoland
I wonder why the whole world didnt organize yet to completly genocide americans. Fucking subhumans without any honor and dignity. Literally destroy everything they touch and turn it to shit. I dont mind Asians,African Blacks, Muslims but americans are truly fucking subhumans and whole world would be a lot better if this whole country and people in it would cease to exist thats a fact.
It's actually just about the only country in the EU that has something resembling antifascist law enforcement but even they have the Murdoch Press spreading their propaganda without repercussion.
In the first place, about half of suspects who were arrested in Japan become free without getting judged in court. Most of the suspects getting judged in court are habitual criminals. So almost all of them end up guilty.
The problem of Japanese justice system is basically the public prosecutors that are too powerful but it has been widely misunderstood.
I'm always here.
no, I hate weebs, I'm just saying nuke the west until it's all glass
Also unlike america you don't end in court every other week just because you looked at someone when they had a bad day
Oh hello, Japan hating tranny tourist. Good job exposing yourself, I wonder why you love to use anime avatars and yet hate Japan for being how it is.
>Dont mind muslims
Say hello to the truck of peace when you see it again for me!
Underrated kek
There is literally no powerful country in this world that isn't warmongering. also
>whole world police
I really hope you don't live in the UN.
stay based my guy.
yeah the problem being you do all that in name of Israel.
American troops literally have no place being in Iran.
Here is some real soul!
notice how every Japan related thread turns out into an argument fueled by trannies with a massive hate boner for Japan?
Did you know that Japan forces trannies to castrate?
>say you don't like immigration
>get fined or face jail time
epic antifascist LE bro, bash the fash
created by the cia and the israel goverment :^)
Hows that GTO sequel? Does Urumi appear and finally get Onizuka dick?
>ctrl+f "incel"
>0 results
This thread hasn't even begun
Me on the right
don't they do that willingly already?
When i see threads like these i like too look at there avatars because you can often tell who is faking it and probably jacks of to anime tiddies non stop.
idk,but that would be really neat,i think the most close thing to that is yakuza
btw fuck usa,fuck american people,and fuck donald trump,literally every other country is better than america
All of this is just literally one group claiming 4+Yea Forums is nothing but pedophile nazi gamergaters, and then another group that thinks the exact same thing citing the first group as proof of this. It's like 10 years ago when news channels were saying Yea Forums was full of racist terrorists. I think this is called poisoning the well, I'm not sure.
>antifascist law enforcement
they're simply anti-native
Pakistanis rape little native girls with utter impunity but a native man goes to jail over a tweet
Harsh, but considering the state of Europe probably necessary. Once the far right has been eradicated, a more liberal approach to these issues can be taken again but as of now a zero tolerance policy is probably for the best.
Do you any of you even live here?
fuck off urameshi
Jap criminals arent real criminals. Ever see a documentary on their gangs? Its a joke.
>Come into this thread ready to talk about Sukeban girls, YuYu Hakosho, and other Delinquent media
>/pol/ and /leftypol/Faggotry
GOD DAMN IT. Maybe next time.
yeah no, I'd rather not have Europe full of mud people. Even normies think the left is full retard
I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not, or if you're just incredibly naive.
Daily reminder that pretending to be retarded makes you an actual retard and makes other retards feel at home.
I'm sure that a decent number of trannies keep their package
Kill yourself tranny/faggot
wow it looks just my cambodian finger paintings!
delinquent japanese girls makes my fucking cock harder then metal harder then brick
Oni and wearing glasses
This is some incredibly bad bait but have an (you) anyways
>go into any thread expecting to talk about the thread topic
>/pol/ and /leftypol/ faggotry
Welcome to Yea Forums, enjoy your stay
>"I don't like immigration" is far right
you're a loon.
Actually I'm using my fingers to hide the address and the car's plate.
>HIV pride
Rainbow is shit though
>I dont know about video games about topic therefore they dont exist
you know they were transformed into gyarus
you really think someone on here is gonna use a jap plate to track you way in another country?
>Yea Forums
I think you mean 2019
>Welcome to Yea Forums, enjoy your stay
Pretty sure this is /pol/
Yes, after all you are Anonymous.
Because videogames are made by fucking nerds who got bullied by these guys growing up. Too much trauma.
>i want to die,so everyone has to die to
literally an dumb baby
Wasn't Kamiya bancho as fuck or something?
maybe he just wants everyone to move to the east and live under their culture and wipe the west clean as if it doesn't exist anymore.
yu keep looking for this images pretending to be funny on a nigerian tapestry board
Yeah. He was big into Kamen Rider and it absolutely shows in his work.
Is that Hiroaki's art?
Man, this is either one of the best games ever made or one of the worst. It all depends on how you look at the story and ending especially.
But where's the guy who's dad owns a ramen shop? There ALWAYS is one whose dad owns a ramen shop.
You bet it is.
im so tired of teenagers
Look at that guy's face.
It's pure bliss.
They still exist, but japanese 'troubled youths' were always really softcore with a fixation on style over substance and mostly being annoyances rather than straight up crime.
Search youtube for bosozoku, gyaru, kogal, yankee, gothic lolita, yamamba, touge racing, ganguro, visual kei, etc hell you can even add otaku to this list.
It's interesting stuff really.
>literally shaming someone for not wanting to have sex with you when you have a life altering and deadly STD
>my political view matters in the age of merchants and corporations that are literally richer and stronger than the world "super" powers
>Jap criminals arent real criminals
shut up retard, most crimes in Japan either get swept under the rug, dont get reported because japanese are very unconfrontational or simply don't pay attention.
This is why crime in Japan is so "low" among OCD countries
Just because you don't hear about crimes on the other side of the world in your american television doesnt mean they dont exist.
Japan doesn't suffer from poverty or economic unbalance so you'll never hear about people mugging or stealing cars, killing each other on broad daylight etc. typical shit you see in your american TV.
Japanese crimes are among the worst including abduction, rape, torture, prostitution and other subtle offenses.
This also happens in schools like kids being prostituted to salarymen.
Next thing you're going to tell me is that Japanese schools are like your dumb colorful animes and everyone is happy. Dumb fucking weeb, remove rose tinted googles.
what did he mean by this
one guy on fking buzzfeed of all places proves the incel rigth,you worst than trannies
Do you have autism?
Wait where is GTO?!
Rokudenashi Blues is a fantastic manga, def worth a read.
politicians are tools, here's a hint, the "CIA" of Exon Mobil is better than the actual CIA
where do you think we are
Post delicuent girls mangas or docs
yes and you?
I was referring more to the dozens of facebook psychos who nodded their heads in agreement and the however many thousands of people who read the article and also agreed with it.
the yakuza diddu nuffin, they be gud boyz!
You know homeless people exist in Japan, right? Lots of poors too.
cram schools
So the stuff that happens everywhere because of nutcases happens in Japan but they lack the day to day violence and crime that makes up 99% of crime in the rest of developped countries ?
Kenka Bancho games
is that a wall mimic
They do, it's called Ringo Ishikawa
Unfortunately I think only 1 guy is working on it, but it's fucking great
>kenka bancho english translations never ever
I want to cry
this. weebs and japan balllickers think anime is real,the epitome o retardation
yes and?
Japan has 3rd world criminal problems
Name one country superior to Japan you pathetic Jew.
>when the condom breaks
Do you live there? why haven't you moved already.
"superior" in what terms you underage imbecile
South Korea.
>inb4 reddit anectodal argument that japan only has such a low crime rate because they close cases automatically and dont take many reports seriously
what fetish is this, and how do I get in?
>they like a religion
big whoop, its not like they're importing rabi.
Iceland,Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Luxenbourg, Liechtenstein (probably the best)
Move to Japan and go die for them dumb weeb
Soon they will
>Muh Jews
You fags are so predictable it's not even funny.
Jew shut that shit up before I fuck that shit up, fuckin' kike. Fuck you.
Ohh like you've ever even fuckin' been to Switzerland, like I have, you pathetic heeb. Literally nothing there but fuckin' fields, faggot.
>Iceland,Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Luxenbourg, Liechtenstein (probably the best)
>rocks and grass, cold as fuck. literally shit tier except for hermits
Sweden 2.0
literally me and literally no
drive through country
drive through country
dumb polnigger
Stealing in general is nearly unheard of among native Japanese people. If shit goes missing a foreigner probably took it.
even this idea that a country is an uniform mass where everything is good or bad in the same way everywhere is 100% bullshit
Just read Kiku, thanks user.
kenka bancho, yakuza games, downtown nekketsu monogatari?
I think you are mistaking psychos and pedophiles with your average lumpen criminals
> he's actually defending the Jews
>Japan is superior beause anime
dumb Yea Forums nigger
>thread about japanese delinquents derails into jews
How the fuck does that even happen?
obsession of course
>Japan has 3rd world criminal problems
You mean like this?
Are you the nigger who moved in a boat to Europe from the other thread? China is better than Japan
Fuck off. Where you can even get those? Specially, the older ones.
Choose your character
Now choose your rival & gf
Yea Forumsv/pol/ crossboards trying to be how big of a cancer they can produce
How does a turk even end up in Japan as a refugee?
Oh I see what was done there.
whether did commited a crime a not isirrelevant
Japan only accepted them to look good and meet the quota for UN.
Police already had plans to arrest those shitskins and deport them before they arrived in Japan
The same way millions of migrants arrived in Europe from countries that have no conflicts whatsoever,economic migration.
>Police already had plans to arrest those shitskins and deport them before they arrived in Japan
Sure,that wouldn't be suspicious at all.
>meet the quota for UN.
Solid proof the UN is filled with kikes wishing for the destruction of nationalism.
Thats not really what I mean. Japan seems like a really absurd place to choose from as a Turk.
>Japan only accepted them to look good and meet the quota for UN
They shouldn't have had to take them in at all.
Japan seems to have a pretty fucking small quota then. you could probably count the number of refugees they accepted during the crisis on one hand. why isn't their quota much higher? they got the room for it.
They get picked at random,its garbage mass migration forced by the UN and their cronies.
uhun solid proof, we gamers shoud do something about hu?
Because they're nationalistic as fuck and even a Gook or Chink gets bullied to the point of leaving. And they're east Asian to begin with, whites and niggers get it worse.
why would an overpopulated ISLAND on the other side of the world take in refugees?
Refuge is someone who seeks shelter in closets country
Hit me up with the Viper
Economic crash meant they could no longer act tough while living off their parents.
I'm so fucking hard
The delicious please
1)They are not retarded liberals/socialists
2)They are the first world country that is more distant from Africa and the Middle East,the places where most future welfare junkies come from
3)Japan already gives tons of money in Economic Aid to poor shitholes
>in b4 npcs claiming japan loves white people
> the dead mum
>walking through streets of japanese city at night
>this shows up
what do, Yea Forums?
The jews and their puppets fear the samurai
ask if the ladies are interested in intercourse
According to some articles I've read, you go to jail for 30 years and then when you get out for new evidence, you apologize for wasting the justice system's time.
i'll fucking kill you
Imagine getting bullied by a 5'5 90 lb kid.
a true hero
a real human being
Pls don't bring Nioh into this thank you
But we still need to decide who the strongest person on Yea Forums is
It's a shame that girl became a cultist.
so cool
>Sexual assaults happen constantly as woman are told to "not make a scene"
This shit is what feminists actually believe,not even in the worst South American ghettos women get raped costantly.
>Why do you think assaults on trains is such a common troupe in Japanese media?
Its a meme you dip,overcrowding in trains makes it easy as fuck for men to touch women inadvertently,if it happened in the west they would scream rape and murder.
EZ Jevilanon is the strongest.
Let's be completely honest here, you don't get a 95% conviction rate without the system being a bit shady. It means the system is biased towards getting convictions over actually executing justice.
I loved this game. Still can quote some of the insults said during stare-downs.
>dogs piss on your pride
who is the guy in superman cap?
>they got the room for it
They literally don't.
Date the Sukeban
>anime is real when i want,but bullshit when goes against my point
what he means by this
Jojo already exists and thats the best slice of life anime ever made
Anime is not real and you are a faggot,can we agree on this?
the "goon" covered up his face, kinda a disappointment
THen cram them in anyway.
What do you think Japan would be like if they had the 2nd Amendment? You think after the 3rd shooting of a bossman managers would stop trying to coerce their workers into drinking parties with them?
in maint?
get a load of this shabazo
imagine being a cool badass in the 80s and havibg your kids be worthless moeblobs nowadays
They do have the 2nd amendment but it only applies to swords.
Japan has a 99.9% prosecution rate. That is, 99.9% of criminal cases that make it to trial end with a guilty verdict and a conviction. Keep in mind that Japan's legal system is closer to a European civil inquisitorial system (the court is more involved in the case), than an Anglo adversarial one (it's all about the two parties, the court just makes a decision). That being said, while the prosecution rate is incredibly high, a lot of that is attributed to the public prosecutors choosing not to take a case to trial without decisive evidence. A case generally won't make it to court without an eyewitness or some irrefutable evidence that guarantees the accused's guilt anyway. Which is why all those Japanese cop shows have them doing everything to bait out a confession. In the west, the police will take just about any criminal case to court, regardless of whether they have enough evidence to prove it. This results in a lower prosecution rate, but also clogs up the court system with frivolous prosecutions.
t. Weeb lawfag
IRL, Fumika Shimizu joined the Happy Science "religion"
They didn't fix anything. The only thing that changed is that subcultures vanished from the mainstream youth culture (and everywhere else), and the bitches and delinquents now mostly look like everyone else.
>In the west, the police will take just about any criminal case to court, regardless of whether they have enough evidence to prove it.
That's not true at all in the US. Almost every case doesn't even go to trial and ends in a plea bargain.
Typically you won’t be put on trial in Japan unless the evidence is so overwhelming that prosecutors know they’re going to get an ez guilty verdict. You would have to do a really good job framing someone for them to be put on trial for a crime they didn’t commit.
the weeb is cryrcry that his arguments have less substance than the shit he watches
Homeostasis implies the population is remaining stable. Japan’s population is actually declining.
sec to chapel maint
cult trying to summon
I don't know what you're saying.
The ultimate delinquent already exists in a video game.
the clown is lubing all the floors
we have to order loyalty chips and laser weapons
there's a shitload of them on a tiny island. They're cutting fat
How is this a bad thing? Overpopulation solving itself.
He gets whipped into shape by Lt. Katina's harsh drilling since a delinquent is no match for military-level roughness.
He's talking about a game called SS13
Never said it was, just correcting the previous user. Japan isn’t in homeostasis.
It's not a meme. Jesus, get a hold of yourself. Stop thinking America is everywhere.
They do, though. Although they kind of treat white people like children, because they assume that if you can’t speak Japanese, you must be stupid.
Black people, on the other hand, they treat like some kind of mythical creature. Some act really nice so they can study them up close, while others stay away because they’re nervous.
>Stop thinking America is everywhere.
the only down side of lossing population is that the jew can make less money by selling their product for the same price.
but maybe the solution is to close down one ramen shop and open a high tech demo shop there.
the future is technology.
3D printing, nanotechnology, genetic technology and AI
>Shoujou Protag Starter Kit
>Innocent until proven guilty is an American concept
Good one
>But despite the reputation for crime, sukeban culture was centred in a belief system that above all else brought girls to the front. The long skirts can be seen as a reaction against the sexual revolution of the 60s, a means of protection by which girls could show that their existence wasn’t defined by the desires of male onlookers.
>By the 80s, the real life sukeban, now grown up and settled (as historians have noted, only very rarely did girlhood juvenile delinquency lead to a life of crime), were a fully-fledged, somewhat tired trope visible in manga, anime and live-action programmes for young girls and lustful men alike.
So my animes weren't lying when the bad girls were actually pure maidens
we share ihdi #2 with japan, only beat by our offshoot iceland. same with #2 in the world happiness index with denmark barely above us
enjoy dying from aids while your employer drops your healthcare you autistic mutt nigger
>Long skirts and non revealing cloths as a feminist movement.
Based Japan.
Hime, Lockheart, Onee and Tomboy Classic
yeah, I know I'm patrician. Lemme just rake in these (You)s
>for young girls and lustful men alike.
Aw damn they got me.
Spoiler me on this shit. Game looks interesting but by skimming through the steam forum it looks like some shitty unavoidable bad end.
This is how the anglo systems work,in most roman law countries (i.e. the rest of Europe) the prosecutor (not to be confused with the public prosecutor) is usually part of the court systems;as a public servant directly employed by the state and substituting the judge and assisting the police in many functions found in anglo law like:
>ordering the police to open investigations that may be based on evidence provided by different agencies (e.g. tax authority etc)
>taking part in the interrogation of the accused (after charges has been brought) to decide the exact accusation and or whether he is to be pre-incarcerated or not
>ordering the use of violence by riot police
>issuing warrants for the police to investigate private areas and coordinating police investigations
>special powers like 'protecting the constitution'
In general a public prosecutor under civil law has too much power and it is all usually exhausted in the courts as it is where his power is exercised from.
Crime rate in Sweden is increasing steadily every year,you are just lucky you live in a low debt state.
Bosozuko game? It could be like road rash style sections where you fight other bike gangs and street sections like streets of rage doing gang fights. Maybe some yakuza as the last level boss.
Dumb Westerners can learn a lot from Japan, the place is by far the safest cleanest best nation on the planet at the moment, next to no shitskins and Jews living there and no feminist bullshit.
That sounds cool, maybe it could be marketed to the Yakuza-liking crowd.
>no bankaran anime
>no feminist bullshit.
Oh shit nigger it turns out you know nothing of Japan. Who would've guessed
I really fucking wish there was a game like this
99% conviction rates are not unusual globally and is not unique to japan. if anything, it is the somewhat lower average of the british/US system (floating an 85% average) that is at odds with the industrialized world. but while the lower rate of conviction is similar between the US and UK, the US imprisons both more people in total and more people per capita than any other country.
Look up Friends of Ringo Ishikawa. The closest thing we have to it so far.
>for young girls and lustful men alike
Nobody takes feminism seriously in Japan, the nation is still functionally a patriarchy in the same way we used to be before we fell for the feminism meme.
If you want to save Japan from feminism you are ober 100 years too late.
You're a fucking retard my man.
Keeps fucking crashing on my psp2000
You know nothing about Japanese society other than /pol/ memes, my man.
But there is
holy shit, are they the anti-thots?
probably not
just another style
they are cute however
>get several halfway through month in Ringo
>realize im not progressing anywhere and just doing little bits of everything
>buying food and miscellaneous stupid shit, and grooving to OST
>even lost job after getting ass beat too many times
>take a peak at a guide
>realize stuff ive missed out on like asking gym guy 3 times to work out HP for cheap cost
>lose all desire to play because optimization doesnt feel genuine
Weird fucking feels, man
should i crack open a new bottle of sake tonight and give it a go?
maybe you really have to get to one extreme to know that the grass on the other side is not greener. then you will know that you didn't miss out much for settling down and be a good mom and wife.
W-was there Yuri?
What does this image make you feel.
your wording is weird
i dont understand
>becoming thot 9000
>get tired of it
>now im ready to settle down as a wife/mom
Like Okinawa is not Japan,also divorce.
oh yeah yeah
Don't they end up making homeless people clean up nuclear waste, because they're cheap and easy to manipulate?
Uppers exists and is getting remastered soon.
i dont think it was like that either
i think it was just another style you know
like old punks
different clothes different hair different music
i cant say though
What nuclear waste? Do you live in the Simpsons universe?
Nah, sukeban wanted to live out their youths violently like boys, so they didn't partake in casual sex like some dirty hippie would
When people mention that japanese never have any repeat offenders, that just tells me that they never caught any actual criminals in the first place.
>divorce in Japan
>Okinawa is somehow not Japan
Cope. Look up Yasuke btw.
or maybe it's the comradery they developed whil doing all the "organized crime" that makes them good care taker?
comparing to other highschool thots who always want to one up their "BFF"
whats with your obsession with black peoples connection to japan?
Do you cucks fap to ancient stories of niggers around the world? That ancient samurai nigger was only kept by Nobunaga for curiosity's sake.
I bet you think that blacks where in medieval Europe too.
What with you obsession with Japan's purity. It's weird that you foreigner weebs clamor to be like the east.
>become good housewife
>it fucking sucks
>become turboslut
why does this happen so often?
possibly but i dont really know anything about the subject other than it was a rise against an oppressive school and work culture
that wasnt me though
i just see some guy going "BUT WHAT ABOUT BLACK GUY LOOK LOOK"
who cares? as long as africa isnt invading theres no problem
Because children are annoying shits.
That's interesting,they found a way to give jobs to unemployable people,i mean isn't Japan's unemployment rate really low?
Shenmue? Kinda?
Kenka Bancho, in general, seems to do the trick. 2 on ps2 even had motorcycles you could drag race.
Is rokudenashi fully translated by now or is it stuck at 12 chapters per year?
They legitimately look cool.
i dont think so
Yes it is
Uuuuuuurrrrrrrr fuck the gards uuuuuuuuurrrrrrr I fucking hate living in this inbred shithole and can't wait to move.
Because these idealistic weebs seem to be under the impression that there are no blacks in Japan. They sit here and choke on Japans cock without actual understanding anything about it. They have not lived in Japan and they do not know of it's culture. Their wierdo voyeurs who would be seen as weird to the people who live there.
Isn't that Yakuza?
>mfw we live in a world where Shounan Junai Gumi is fully translated
yeah yeah but why specifically blacks?
Viper gf
Yank Mullet rival
The easiest to point out.
Personas 1 and Innocent Sin are pretty delinquent in nature. You play as a bunch of bancho.
there is a crows game on ps4
Who cares about blacks in Japan? They are a microscopic minority on a already small foreigner pop size.
One delicious delinquent wife please
Maybe Capcom will do it. In that recent documentary with Itsuno they were talking at dinner about wanting to do a GTA-like in Japan.
Shenmue and Yakuza as well. And yes, I count Shenmue because you at least have other characters who fit the Japanese delinquent stereotype.
Fucking Christ man it's not abou blacks It's about this weird obsession with Japan. Follow along with the rest of us ok.
That's because they run a tight ship and it's expensive to get there and live there. Any black dudes in Japan are basically guaranteed to be based thanks to that.
You're held in a police station and sleep deprived until you sign a confession so that the police officers can say "job well done!" and go home.
Protip: 99% conviction rate isn't a good thing.
These are great
haha, this is exactly the feminist narrative
Is the rainbow anime good?
>rokudenashi blues looks cool
>doesn't seem to be translated fully
>it's actually fully released in my country
Buying manga is expensive though.
i heard 1% of american adults are in the system. serving time in the prison or on parole.
About 7mil adults are in jail or parole or simliar. About 3% of adults in america. 40% blacks but still.
From what I've seen it's mostly traffic police that ask for ID after pulling someone over, officers on the beat mostly issue verbal warnings and only need to ID someone if they've caught them in the act or have been tipped off that someone looking like them has committed a crime and generally they'll get hauled off to the station for that anyway.
>nationalistic/traditionalist in terms of moral code
>punished members who cheated on their boyfriends
Literal wife material
c'mon bruh
you're out of touch
im out of time (time)
We call it "stable union" in Brazil: if you live as if you'd make a family with the person, that person (read l: woman) has rights "over" you.
This is the contrarian scumfuck that replies with "incel" and "have sex" in every thread that rustles is asshole.
He's a legitimably disturbed individual who sincerely believes he's trolling "epic style" the users of this website, by sincerely spouting contrarian points and going against every talk point to the point of psychotic lunacy.
If you know something about this animal, it is your duty to end his pain by killing him with extreme prejudice, and then posting proof on the internet, so that his shitstink legacy can be mocked for the rest of the eternity.
Remember, pretending to be retarded is still retarded.
I'm bored so I'm going to redo this so it isn't as hard to read by adding some strokes (and also slightly higher in resolution).
What happened to Japan? Their youth is cucked now
Cucked by only wanting to marry Nip men. Chinese, Koreans, and even Vietnamese will happily take the white cock but Japs never seem interested.
Not a swastika but a ManJi, BTW.
>old mentor figure only seen in flashbacks
okay that got me