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honestly a great game. Possibly the quintessential Final Fantasy.
Contrarians will give you HAHAHAHA crap but it truly feels like an adventure.
I really really hope you're emulating the PS2 release, though, the HD remaster gutted the animation engine and realistic models in favor of a kingdom heartsy saturated quasi anime look
Imagine FFXIII with a combat system that doesn't stink.
but also a good game
Yeah, I'm gonna be playing the PS2 version
Is the remaster really that bad?
and good characters. And a decent antagonist.
And a somewhat coherent plot. And the best skill tree in the series.
It's not mechanically bad, it works great.
They ruined the soundtrack and cutscenes completely, though, which was the game's fucking main selling point back then.
Great game even though the twist halfway through is kinda dumb.
Boring linear road trip and cutscenes.
I used to read word up magazine
i'll give you a coherent plot but everything else you said is wrong
I remember every single character from this game.
Seynour was a total bastard, and Sin's fate being interwoven with Tidus' was also pretty great.
Better than Ultimecia or Kuja at least.
I don't even remember XIII except for Sazh and Vanille
Ok game. The cutcenes are sometimes annoying and slow. The last good FF game.
A spoiled brat that just can't shut up with extreme mommy and daddy issues.
And gets hes shit bullied straight by chad Auron.
>The last good FF game.
The first bad FF game.
that would be 2
X was certainly the harbinger of the end of great FF games, don't think it's all bad though.
Great fighting system, real good characters and story, FF level OST and HAHAHAHAHA
It's a good game and a good FF but calling it the quintessential FF is complete bullshit. If it wasn't for FF8 it would be the black sheep.
The remaster was fine.
the remaster is not fine for the sole reason that the facial animations are completely fucked. if you can get over that then it's solid.
You mean, IV (aka II in US)? I agree.
>Better than Kuja
I'll give you Ultimecia, but definitely not Kuja. Seymour is great, but Kuja is one of the best.
>Yeah, I'm gonna be playing the PS2 version
You're my dude.
>Is the remaster really that bad?
Anime. Straight, unfiltered anime
Yes, you are kind of right. It is just ok, feels like a beta version sometimes. The ingame cut scenes are sometimes so fucking slow and weird due to the loading times between the dialogue.
The problem in remaster is that they (SquareEnix) ''upgraded'' faces of all important chaaracters, while NPCs look the same. It really looks ugly.
Soundtrack is 50/50, meaning half of tracks sound way better (Summoned Beasts battle, for example), and the other half is worse.
You have trophies/achievements in remastrer, if that means anything.
Oh yes, and it's not shitty PAL 50 Hz version.
All of the FF games are for faggots. The clothes and the hair are proof. It was only cool for a time in 1997 because Cloud had a big masculine sword. Now all the FF games attract fags.
t. Neptunia player
I always wanted to play this. The aesthetic of it looks so fucking cool. It looks like a magical adventure in a tropical paradise. Is this game comfy? Should I play it?
I played undub version and i don't understand why everybody hated it. I think Tidus japanese voice make him lot more natural and likeable character
Even that AH HA HA HA scene don't feel so awkward compared to original english voice
A good ass turn based rpg with unskippale cutscenes even if you play the remaster, what the fuck Square
A shit experience.
Has some good music and a few characters are good, but the plot is trash, the gameplay is trash, and the "final boss" is an offence to video games.
Not to mention the sheer bullshit of grind you need to do for post-game.
if you want to play a game where main character is a whiny little bitch who has daddy issues and is surrounded by stupid characters (such as Wakka, Yuna and Rikku) then go for it! Not sure if I would call it ''comfy''. This game is also some kind of a beta test for FF 13 as many things are similar in those 2 games, but don't tell that to FF 10 fans. They will absolutely go insane.
auron is the only redeeming factor of this game
Its bad but it has 2 good characters.
story and combat system is gay.
Sphere grid was done better by path of exile.
FFX was the transition between old FF and new FF
It's not nearly as good as some of the older games, but it's also not nearly as bad as the newer ones
The one thing I really liked about that game was the world itself, someone other than square could have made a fantastic game with it
Any nude mods?
Jecht is one of the biggest fucking chads in the entire Final Fantasy franchise. He alone brings the game a grade higher than what it would be without him.
The last good FF and pinnacle of its turn-based combat system
Pass onn X-2
Sounds perfect for you. It still gets some hate by bitter FF9/FFXII contrarians but it's highly rated for a reason and the unconventional world building is one of its strongest aspects.
>Sphere grid was done better by path of exile.
What was the purpose of making this comparison?
The absolute stretching that FFX haters resort to is almost farcical at this point.
FF XIII with worse writing but better in every regard except the MC is the most unlikable character ever and the characters outfits reek of early 2000s.
X-2 was bad and cringe, and it emboldened Square to go full retard with the series
The "improvements" to the combat weren't even that good
>X was not cringe
At least X2 was a fucking RPG.
Nothing is worse than XIII's writing, user. Except maybe Type-0, and even then Type-0 is an offshoot of XIII's writing.
Fuck off with your Charlie's Angel bullshit, at least FFX was an actual journey and not going down a bullet pointed fast travel list every "episode"
I'll take a checklist over a corridor any day.
>gee I wonder if anything has changed in Besaid this episode wouldn't want to miss anything
>nope nothing changed
>repeat x10
>repeat for every recycled location
WOW SUCH ROLEPLAYING GAME SO GOOD holy fuck kill yourself you tasteless piece of shit
It's not my personal favourite in the series but I'm quite fond of it. The characters are good but I found the plot a bit incoherent. Common enemies are fairly simple square peg in square hole stuff but the boss fights are really good. As you might expect the OST is incredible, on PS2 at least
>but I found the plot a bit incoherent
It wasn't UNGA BUNGA CRYSTALS GOOD TECHNOLOGY BAD but the plot is pretty simple, probably the most straightforward FF since 6
Reminder that the Tidus Laugh was intentionally bad
intentionally bad is still bad
Ultimate pleb filter
Rewatching the scene in a second playthrough with the added context of the pilgrimage is great
It's bad at it though. It doesn't sound like a dude trying to laugh, it sounds like an actor failing to sound like a dude trying to laugh.
The first Kingdom Hearts had a very similar scene that actually worked because it was stilted in the way an actual human being would be.
Nigger, I will fight you.
FF4 is amazing.
It is good because it did exactly what it set out to do. Be bad.
KH overall is meant for kids. FF has tried for a teen to college aged mentality. I don't think KH tries for more than a 13 year old level of thought,
Sure, but that's not the point. Point is the scene where Sora tries to smile works because that's what a person trying and failing to smile looks like, while the Tidus laughing scene fails because that isn't what a person trying and failing to laugh sounds like.
The greatest game of all time, bar none, objectively, according to Japan.
The only tolerable FF by a country fucking mile if you aren't a fan of the series.
its a turnbase.
you have played them before right?
pokemon, persona, this. its all the same.
X is the first (and last) FF to be turn-based since III. It also happens to be the greatest version of turn-based combat ever.
a 40 hour tutorial
i fucking cannot stand atb.
many of the mechanics is polished but just feels the same.
this hinder IX being my favourite.
ATB abd leveling through equipment is fucking retarded. Minmaxing or a perfect game is such a fucking nerve wracking chore.
X is just a tad grindy
>It also happens to be the greatest version of turn-based combat ever.
>simplistic menu-based systems
>greatest turn-based combat ever
it's fast and lets you switch characters on the fly without screaming PERSONA!!1 every time
So do I just need to git gud or are the Cloister Trials supposed to be this tedious?
All turn based games are simplistic menu systems.
That being said Lost Odyssey is the best turn-based game, not FFX.
cloisters are fucking babby tier puzzles.
Just look up a guide because if you miss one you're pretty much fucked until endgame
>Lost Odyssey is the best turn-based game