Is granblue fantasy basically the prettiest game ever? I cant think of any game that's more aesthetically pleasing or has better/more likable character design without just being a fancified porn dump(ie destiny child)
Is granblue fantasy basically the prettiest game ever...
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Reminders me of Deneb in tactics ogre LUCT
god I'm so happy that one got ported from psp to vita
It has really nice art a cool setting. Can't wait for the action game.
Call me when there's an actual videogame to play.
Will call you when relink is out.
People seem to think the early art is shit but I think it's a really nice unique pastel style, while the new art is generic anime shit which is ok in its own right
Well its not the best but it does have really eye pleasing character design on both female and male characters
There isnt really a character whos looks i really dislike in it, just few that i like less
It seems they might be planning to update some of those old arts too
I honestly find the fanservice in DC almost disgusting desu.
Fanservice needs to be handled with care and taste, like in GBF's fucking masterpiece designs.
That looks fine to me other than how the face looks really plain and small in comparison to everything else.
It just feels like everyone in DC is only likeable if you feel like wanking that day, if you don't then they all look like dumb hambeasts
>not even posting best djeeta
truly the most beautiful woman in the game
This Djeeta is the best, closely followed by Magic Knight and Doctor.
Djeeta is really great
yeah some of it is fine but a lot of early art is shit man
just look at this shit, or like any of the original sr story characters
I can't wait for them to remove the distinction limit in the pendant shop so I can get Runeslayer and the free ultima fist this month.
I'll finally be able to use my Dark fist dream team.
No, but the art, especially in the last 2 years, is REALLY FUCKING GOOD, a great example is valentine clarisse
I'm waiting on pendant shop update so I can buy my last two lich guns for dark doctor
>v. clarisse
they really went all out for her, by far the most produced character art we've had yet
valentine corn was cute too
Granblue is one of those games where the artwork is incredibly good and everything else about it fucking blows chunks.
You can't call it the "prettiest game ever" with a UI like that, either.
Glory is aesthetic as fuck in general.
Sorry, but my heart and dick only have room for the best valentine's unit, V. Medusa.
These look like wedding dresses, tbqh
Minaba's artstyle has definetly improved over time.
Best grill
Not really tobqfhwymd.
They just look like really formal dresses, but not like wedding dresses.
Gimme your SSRs before I reap your soul, nerd
>Rosetta art not drawn by the ultimate Rosetta fag
Disgusting. Someone take this ugly JK away.
make me
4channel went full reddit.
Why can't the sky be rainbow-colored?
Yeah Djeeta finally got an updated "action" art and they updated the fighter class for both of them in 000 so they might update the rest of the older art.
You can like a game's artwork and not like all of it
the fighter class has had updated art for a while in the skin that costs 30 dollars
Kakage is a great artist thats for sure
What operation do they perform on you
What did they mean by this?
Belial a slut.
Such a shame the raids are so short cos these music pieces are fantasitic
What did he/she/it mean by this/that?
We don't take kindly to bein facetious round here.
Yeah, I really like his art, but he should draw more girls.
Don't know about prettiest, but it's got some stylish as hell designs for both males and females. I like the Drum Master ones.
I'm honestly concerned he's going to burn out if he keeps this rate up
Djeeta and gran's costumes alone are extremely good and stylish
is there a ver without text?
Its a shame his talents are wasted on gachashit, because I agree.
>Is granblue fantasy basically the prettiest game ever?
If you like anime garbage
How far away?
This is why I'm so excited for relink, GBF's world and characters in a full-on AAA game legit sounds like it could be on the level of a final fantasy game, or better.
you don't have any taste man.
Nia is really cute, but why do I get the feeling she's going to be complete trash gameplay wise?
Because of the zoitax.
I've wanted to immerse myself in Granblue's aesthetic but I loath gacha. I share your excitement, here's hoping its good.
taiko is a massive slut and I love it
just a little longer
>death awoo's skills randomly KO's party mates for some shit-tier boost
I want moontato so fucking bad but I'm still so far away from Moon because of ideans
should've just used globes god dammit
The guys are pretty cool and all the girls really fucking cute. They all display their different personalities despite being dressed in a very similar way.
This is peak character design.
I really do not feel anywhere near as bad for wind after seeing this
their chars are cool
Are Katzerilla and Haazerilla supposed to be brothers and Estariolla their father or something?
Why do all of their names end with ra?
is yoshida the best artist in the industry? his designs are so ornate without being overdesigned
>the same thing but blurrier
Nips think that at least Katzerilla and Haazerilla are supposed to be siblings
Moontato and Tootato might be siblings.
No clue about Estariolla but he was mentioned in Marquiares' fate.
>tfw not 2017 anymore
Good for her that she got past her spaghetti this year.
Now as long as she doesn't botch Christmas she's good.
Gladiator when?
I'm expecting a showcase during the stream. Maybe mid March along with the store overhaul.
My question is what the hell is the Class 4 gonna look like.
what the fuck made them want to release another class 3 job anyways?
Some variaty from just releasing EX2 classes
Its also a new class that is more accessable for the casual/new players, there are lots of players that just cant be arsed to farm a new CCW just for ex2 class
they had a busted idea and didnt want to make another EX for it since they moved to EX2
Who is the best doraf and why is it (you)
>two ougi effects
its katana+sword, the big dick question is how busted the C4 version of the class weapon will be, but we can already keep things like xeno katana in consideration
Marquise references the Old man potato in his fate
>tfw using 2 Atmas as MH
dont Atma have a 1-per-grid limit?
I think you're right, nvm.
I'll just MH XenoIfritKatana/XenoMamaSword+Atma.
I wish we could change races too.
>Just finished mastering all of the level 3 classes
>Only to find out you have to do Coop quests to get class dinstinctions
>Only cleared them onnormal difficulty then stopped
How long is it gonna take to get them if I start at Hard now?
Please play Dragalia Lost.
>haven't played in months
>check box
>absolutely flooded with items
What the fuck.
do you have a crew? ask them to one shot the raids for you
or you can do the same for nips, just enter something like (current difficulty/stage)-(destination difficulty/stage)
Class IV is way easier to unlock now that the distinction gate is gone and you don't need 750 something weapon stones for the first craft
they started sending freebies to no-limit tab instead of the timed one
you rike?
Well that's nice.
Considering I'm seeing SSR magna weapons and like 6k crystals along with a ton of scrolls, scales and anima, sure. Certainly have seen worse welcome back gifts.
Place your bets on Anniversary stream freebies
>3k crystals
>1 chev sword restock
>sunlight stone (in honor of oracles)
>ssr ticket
300 berries.
It's part of some new player initiative thing they started doing shortly after the year started.
chev sword restock
In your dreams lightboi. You better whale for those gambas and edens.
I'm not a light player, I just don't want to farm chev swords
Hope you enjoy 100k rupies, lad.
Holy shit this song is amazing
No NKMR means we're not getting shit.
I just started playing recently (just got the healer girl in the main quest) but I already have 3 ssr, is this normal
You get one out of six specific SSRs for free when you start.
If you pulled at least 30 times and got 2 SSRs during double SSR rates then it's completely normal.
Well one of the SSRs you get from the tutorial 10 draw is fixed, but that's alright. Depends on who you got though I guess.
How the fuck do I farm M2s?
Every fucking raid. Every raid I join I manage to load in, press 2 buttons, and the boss gets shittershattered instantly. I've resorted to full leeching with Bandit Tycoon and double Kaguya, but I have yet to recieve a single M2 wep.
This is actually depressing. I feel like I've hit a progression stop where the only grind I can feasibly achieve is farming Chev swords and spending pendants to buy a single M2 weapon once a blue moon.
Maybe I'm just a brainlet but it feels like this game has so much going on with mechanics that its putting me off.
M2 weapons only drop in red and blue chests. Red you need a whale grid and Japanese ping to have any chance of getting outside of the host chest. Blue ones CAN drop from being 100% leech but they more than likely won't.
There's a certain threshold of points you have to hit in order to guarantee a blue chest drop which is why most M2 trains you find don't do the full 30 players because with that many people chasing after the mvp red chest it's almost guaranteed nobody is getting a blue chest
Stop playing while you can. One day you will look back at all the money you blew on gacha to get your cute waifu and realize it was not worth it.
Make a Mechanic team and do as much damage as you can in your wanpan and hope you get a blue chest drop.
Otherwise host or join co-op trains with low player counts.
I really like the artstyle and setting. Really wish it was a proper JRPG instead of gatcha shit though.
Is this game worth playing if I just want to level my favorite porn girls? Am I forced to grind "grids" with optimal elemental teams like you autistic faggots?
Free to play, not planning on paying
Pretty normal
I started with 3 element matched (dark) ssrs and a 4th in dirt by rerolling a million times during free rolls. This game in general is a lot more generous with (but also demands a lot more) ssr units than other games
> I've resorted to full leeching with Bandit Tycoon and double Kaguya
this is, by far, the absolute worst way to farm magna 2. You will NEVER in a million years get an ssr weapon doing this. Magna 2 weapons don't drop from gold chests, only reds and blues. Blue chest drop rate is based on contribution, 130k is about a 30% chance and 300k is supposed to be almost 100%. Drop rates from blue chests are still total ass.
Best way to farm magna 2 is just join your crews raids (which they should be sharing to crew only) and host your own daily M2s. Best way by far is to just join daily coop trains of 6-10 people. This guarantees you a chance to get some honors for a blue chest since they'll die much slower and also place you higher in the rankings for better chances at reds.
The magna 2 grind is the worst the game has ever seen, made 100x worse by how annoying the host mats are to farm from daily magna hosts. Just make sure you do your best to earn and save as many prestige pendants as you can to purchase them in the shop.
>Am I forced to grind "grids" with optimal elemental teams like you autistic faggots?
Yes. Even if you just want to enjoy the story, you will eventually hit a brick wall where you need to do autistic grinding to progress.
The one on the right is one of the free SSRs. How many times have you drawn the gacha so far?
That's how it always starts out user. Then you find that one character you really want, either because she's top cute or because she completes the team you are building for your element. Go crazy if you have the self restraint to not spend any money though.
>have to join a crew
>or have to trust pubs with not dipping on trains
This is beyond maddening. I've never needed anyone to play this game and now I'm being forced to or else I won't progress. Honestly killing my desire to play the game.
>made 100x worse by how annoying the host mats are to farm from daily magna hosts
ST mechanic hl magnas for quartz, pluses and fodder. You will never run out of host mats.
Trains are pretty reliable. No one's gonna be dipping on trains when it's completely beneficial to stay for the full run.
I mean you really should be in a crew even just for the buffs and gw prizes
But if nips drop in trains you can just post them to twitter and they'll still die, people aren't going to want to leave anyways because it's in their best interest to stay
A strong crew is mandatory because of gw rewards in the late game. You're missing a fucking sunstone, a fucking SSR TICKET, 3k crystals, 1000 quartz EVERY GW by not being in one.
About magna 2. You could just host every m2, do 10%, pub and and call it a day. The host red chest has a lot better odds at having a weapon than mvp or blue, so hosting is always the best, even if you just pub it right away. You won't progress in your desired element very fast, but you do progress in all 6 elements that way. Which you'll have to do eventually anyway.
imagine the smell
Since Versus is a Boomer only game which of these will get in?
If only so that we get a 3d model of those glorious tits.
sex tato or
Well Box and Homoknight 1 are in, and if the logo thing is legit then Metera will also be in.
I'd like Yuel in though.
did the 10 roll twice, and i got clarisse from the free role of the day
Then your SSR rate is about right.
mfw Sword Gandalf gets in and he's completely mute
RIP old man
the thing about Granblue Fnatasy is that I started playing it with 1. almost no knowledge of the Granblue universe, and 2. with no interest in gacha games.
let's judge Granblue go by what it is. it is certainly a mobile game. and for that matter, not a bad one at that. everything about it is perfect for the mobile platform. the controls are optimized for it, likewise are its mechanics. there isnt anything so complex that youd need a controller or mouse/keyboard, but it's still complex and sometimes challenging enough that it's insulting. quite on the contrary, a lot about the gameplay has some depth to it, and this is by design.
the story being in visual novel form for a mobile game is perfect, albeit not a new innovation. so on a surface-level, it works. but do the actual contents of the story hold up? I would say that it does, and not only because it managed to rope me - not a granblue-fan - into the game, and i am now invested in the characters, the main story and even the side stories of, say, the major events
Leak the GBV info already!