Did he ruin racing games for everybody else?
His colorful collection of cars and carnage has been copied continuously since 1992 by Crash, Sonic and the like, seeking to follow the plumber's lead. And as so many mascot mash-up's have done before, they all stop well short of catching Nintendo's mustachioed man!
Did he ruin racing games for everybody else?
CTR actually overshadowed his shitty games.
CTR battle mode sucked
I mean he didn't ruin racing games, he made them fun for people that aren't car buffs, if anything you should be thanking him
Mario Kart has several good games, Crash has 1 good racing game
CTR? Isn't that the boomer game nobody plays anymore?
He's kept cartoon racers alive
Why did you write this like it's from a news article?
Arcade racing games killed themselves by adopting the nigger cult of ricing civics and focus with nfsu series and generated abortions like juiced, srs and midnight club. luckily simcades and full blown sims are still around and doing fine
Nice alliteration bro
I remember playing this recent sega racing game which was pretty fun and could probably co-exist with mario kart
SASRT is by far the best karting game there is.
Is this the contrarian's racing game?
Lego Racers, CTR, Diddy Kong, and Wipeout are all better than Mario Kart.
Hell even Sonic All Stars is
This, I love Transformed and I'm so glad a new one that plays like it is coming out
Makes sense.
No racing game has ever surpassed Outrun 2.
Absolutely this
>Lego Racers, CTR, Diddy Kong, and Wipeout are all better than Mario Kart.
>Hell even Sonic All Stars is
None of them are as good as 8 Deluxe. Not one.
>Lego Racers
Nostalgia Goggles, I promise you. Loved it as a kid, played it again a year ago, it wasn't near as good as CTR, DIddy Kong Racing, or even MK64. Wipeout isn't even the right genre, and F-Zero X and GX are both better than any game in the series.
Mario Kart is a tried and true formula with endless replayability
I wouldn't say it "ruined" racing games, it's just that other devs wanna capitalize off it's success with their less popular IPs, hence always falling short of MK
>Mario Kart
sonic and all stars racing transformed is the best party racing game i've played in the last decade. It's skewed and a bit dodgy in some ways, and the online is dead as balls, but it's otherwise fun playing with a group of friends since you can voice chat shit talk eachother.
>8 Deluxe
if you're gonna make that argument then at least go with a good MK game like wii