Be honest, are you getting this game?
Be honest, are you getting this game?
Of course, just for curiosity and a quick fap
looks like shit
Everything about it screams a low effort visual novel riding on shock value and controversy to sell but of course the masses of brain dead here will for for it.
It looks like trash.
It's a zero-effort Ren'Py visual novel with screenshots of fuckugly 3D models
Why would I buy it
I'm really not a fan of these western porn games that all seem to share the same stock female models. I have no doubt in my mind that this is lazy garbage that is in no way going to be worth whatever price it'll offer.
I'll play it anyway though just out of curiosity like this user I doubt it'll last long enough though for me to actually buy it.
If NON PORN GAMES that centre around lolis get banned off Steam, what makes you think a game that focuses around rape will stick around?
Frankly I'm surprised it hasn't been removed yet.
>paying money for an f95 tier gobbo game
no thanks
It's gonna be GOTY
It's not a game
I will if it makes it to day 1.
Constant threads and people posting about it have now blown it out of proportions so it'll get deleted
Why always male rape?
How about female doing the raping?
Don't worry, operation "black ink 2" is still underway.
>paying real life money in renpy garbage
>female rape
That's just sex.
Battle Raper was better.
this cant be real
Who said anything about paying?
damn son
men can't be raped
Why would I play gabbo VNs when proper realtime 3d rape/slave training sims exist?
I hate what this game represents. And it's not rape. It's censorship. This game is literally meant to push buttons just to force Valve to react via censoring it, and creating a more blanket rule for censoring other shit. Ultimately, this game is gonna be the edgelord high school kid who pushes a teacher too far, and ends up fucking everyone else over in the process.
No because it's the equivalent of shovelware RPGmaker games but for contrarians.
isn't it just one of those shitty flash games that are just a bunch of stills with lazy broken english text bubbles plastered everywhere?
>can't kill the girl
>everything gets boring once you've seen it
>FUCK reaching
Yes and I'm PROUD of it.
This is just to show those SJWs how it feels when someone fucks you over.. when someone ruins it all for you.. when someone destroys something you so passionate about..
And this is just the beginning.
They will see that WE, Gamers, are not the people to fuck with!
Since I'm not one of Gabens incel, no I won't.
>CEO's notice incels work better than women
>start offering prostitutes for them so they don't kill themselves
I'm not buying shitty games baiting for controversy, so naive faggots will buy them to own the libtards. If you want some quality shit with rape just search for eroge vns.
well, I am waiting for it to be available on the Epic Store
>So, are you having sex on a regular basis?
>You're fired!
Yes, I plan on playing it.
This but unironically
No because it's just a VN with 3D image stills.
Incels are the most oppressed minority.
>If NON PORN GAMES that centre around lolis get banned off Steam, what makes you think a game that focuses around rape will stick around?
It's not anime style so it will get a pass.
>Render noise
>Generic models
When Summertime Saga looks better than your game, something is wrong.
I wouldn't mind a slave trainer in a post-apocalypse scenario, maybe the slave is a conscious zombie girl.
Yep. Basically just because people are throwing a bitch fit about it.
All of you gross sweaty neckbeard shits can laugh at this and try to defend yourself in the comments but this game is honestly fucked.
Don't give me the whole "Oh but other games have MURDER and GENOCIDE blahblahblah in IT! So why can't I play a game where I rape women and girls??!!11!!!?? It's not like I'm gonna DO IT!!11!!"
fuck off with that.
No you're probably not but this is literally a sex game revolved around rape and sexual abuse. So you're either playing this game because you're turned on by it (Gross) or playing this game because you want to rape someone
Hell, if this game was the other way around with a female raping men and boys, some of ya'll would fkn FREAK in this discussion screeching shit like "THIS IS TOXIC FEMINISM" or maybe some of you will be turned on (Gross again)
Either way, support this game, you're fkn trash. Play this game, you should be on a fkn watchlist.
Alright, now feel free to try and insult me, defend your fucked morals or troll me. Either way, you are trash
She retard? Is she seriously implying that companies need to fire people for being virgins?
Why would anyone get fired for not having sex? Are people actually this retarded or is this tweet just a bait?
Is she retarded?
Without those "incels" who work in successful tech companies those companies wouldn't have been successful.
Guys like that who got into computers early on were super nerdy and most of them were probably autistic to some degree and solely obsessed with building something.
So women were a secondary goal.
I think nowadays things are a bit different and the guys working in these fields were able to learn how to be more multi-faceted (i.eigetting the girl and being good at working a a craft), but you definitely see a few of the stereotypical "wizards" now and then.
What's the betting this happens
>I gets removed from Steam
>Retards celebrate as if they slayed some mighty offensive game when all that's really "offensive" about it is how shit it looks and is blatantly trying to (and successfully) creating a controversy for the sake of controversy
>Other retards pretend it'll be good
>It comes out elsewhere
>It really IS shit and gets mocked
>A week or so later everybody has forgotten about it
It's the same fucking song and dance every time some garbage game comes out and creates a stink like this and nobody every fucking learns.
If the art was at least good, you can easily find rape 3D renders on the internet, I don't see why waste money on that game.
Heh, her hat accessory almost looks like a maple leaf which is accurate
When I click the link it just takes me to the Steam home page, can't find it in the steam app itself either.
Probably banned in Germany
I never understood this sentence. Why would you post ironically if you're not trying to shitpost?
Nothing to see anyway besides some laughably bad 3D models.
What game?
First penis inspection day and now this?
If Steam removes it: They're hypocrites, their adult game policy is worthless and valve fanboys get BTFO
Either way, I win.
Well the OP did start off by linking the Steam page.
No. The art is unfappable.
Can women not rape other women though?
Only 4% od people are dumb edgelords like you OP.
Normal people do not like rape.
no, yuri is pure and only consists of intensive handholding
yaoi on the other hand...
Nah, doesn't seem to have any actual gameplay but neither do the walking simulators that game journos jizz their pants over so live and let live, eh
>nobody every fucking learns.
Why would anyone want to learn? ""Outrage"" articles about this shit generate so many clicks that it's fucking payday when something like this happens. To the extent that I wouldnt be surprised if games like this are basically just false flag controversy bait made for no reason but to generate this sort of ""outrage"".
Games like these just belong on F95 and should stay there to get circlejerked to death.
Looks fucking awful.
I don't mind fap games, but at least give me some good visuals to fap to, not these poorly rendered Daz3D abominations.
i would just to trigger journalists
looks like a gamecolon game, search for it on dlsite
>Visual Novel
That's like calling a digital version of a Goosebumps choose your own path book a video game.
why bother with this shit if there are countless better VNs (both realistic and hentai) (in ren'py as well as others) that are entirely free to download online
willing to bet the creator of this tumor of a game doesn't even give a shit about rape as a fetish but just wants to stir up controversy to maximize profit
I feel like this comes under steam's rules about "trolling games" or whatever it was. I don't have any particular feelings toward whether it should stay on steam or be removed, but it definitely looks like low-effort garbage made to farm outrage.
Even as porn goes it looks atrocious.
I don't give a shit about this game but I like the fact that its existence triggers the sjw's.
No, and I'm convinced you're the edgy dev shilling his shit here
Kill yourself
Conspiracy theory time: This game doesn't actually exist, the screenshots were made by tencent/epic paid shills who would then tip it off to tabloids to slander steam for them.
"Hell, if this game was the other way around with a female raping men and boys"
Umm people are into this though
Now you guys are legit going crazy - Epic Store derangement syndrome?
This is no longer the 90's where obtaining any form of porn was one of shame.
Why buy this when I can just go to pornhub and watch some rape fetish video for free?
>if this game was the other way around with a female raping men and boys, some of ya'll would fkn FREAK
Actually we'd jack off.
Go back to resetera, nigger.
Type properly instead of constantly abbreviating "fucking".
This reads like a goddamn sheboon's twitter rant about her absent father figure.
I am now that Scottish politician is trying to ban it. I hope it has some way to mod the game so she can be added in, just for extra fun.
So is it actually being released? I thought steam was actually censoring a bunch not too long ago? What's happened since?
Reminds me of when 8cucks report raided steam, trying to get any game featuring nudity or sex references removed
look at that fucking bioware tier face
>nobody even bothers to verify
>most of you take a random image at face value
Humanity was a mistake. Everyone deserves to perish.
I don't get this mentality.
You're going to trigger journalist making click bait articles by buying a shitty game and they wont know you've bought it? Really showed them.
It's clearly not about triggering people though it's about making a controversy probably to try and make some easy cash with some extreme no effort VN from morons who think they're "sticking it to the SJWs" or something stupid.
People who buy it aren't showing the SJWs what for they're just parting with their money to some faggot dev looking for easy money.
Honestly, I think it is a practical demonstration about how gullible or dumb the average Yea Forumsirgin is. And boy, it doesn't look good.
think about it, epic store is pulling more bullshit so they need a steam controversy to divert attention, so either: they make a bunch of screenshots in some 3d modelling thing and photoshop them to look like a game, or, an epic shill contracts some 3dcg game "dev" to push his shit onto steam
timing is too perfect
Pretty much this, I do support it being on Steam but it's just there for sock value.
It's not even showing an error message for me, just the the frontpage.
Is it because I'm from the EUSSR
F95 and /weg/, they love shit renders.
prove me wrong, chang
If by get you mean pirate
I can't, that is the problem.
>Epic pays some shit poo to render a crap VN porn with some edgy writing
>Release on Steam under a edgy name
>Make sure everyone hears about it
Maybe not Epic, but, Tim Sweeny.
This is a false flag created to double down on censorship. There are literally dozens of "hentai puzzle" tier games coming out on Steam every week and nobody cares yet this shit is pushed everywhere. Fuck off
>Western attempts at eroge
Absolutely kuso.
>he never played FEAR 2
>muh epic
This game is most likely made by some journo's dev friend. Wait and see which journo will use this story to push for censorship the hardest, see what indie devs you can connect that journo to, you'll see you rapist there.
>rape during zombie apoc
Is this dev me?
Does she want companies to start having end-of-week mixers, or is she offering to give succ?
>el goblino 3dcg weg
Considering I'd probably have to pay for this, fuck no. Why buy shitty western cg porn when I can go to /weg/ and get it for free?
I could just get Rapelay instead of dealing with low quality trash.
>it's already been taken off the store
Well that was quick. It was up for what, a day?
Is this made by a /weg/ dev? I remember some guy posting there with basically this exact plot but much more complex in his description. He even posted screenshots at the time though it was actual 3d in unreal engine. Just seems way too similar to be a coincidence.
The easiest solution would be to have mandatory mating days. Only bigots would reject such progressive policies.
can you rape the zombies?
>shilling vaporware for FREE
>shilling literal asset flip trash to trigger the libs
I'm not in any way surprised, but slippery slope is a real thing. When your bar for censorship is "unknown risks and costs" you can literally ban anything for any reason.
where can i still play this game
fuck you gaben
>Look at the blog post on steam about it being removed
>Some mas as fuck retard comparing GTA and Honey Pop to this
Good god man.
I have almost non-existent standards and love porn games and the exploitation of fictional women and I still won't touch this garbage with a 50 foot cock.
I'm pirating it lmao
Oh so it's renpy shit? Pass though, there are plenty of free ones anyway.
Search "their happiest hour" on sukebei
I mean its just some renpy game right? Using its title as advertising? Pretty smart desu.
fuck western women slay them all
Retards like that are the target audience. I wonder how many will buy something atrocious just to TRIGGER the libs.
Actively fuckin yourself over just to spite someone does not upset anyone. To the contrary in fact, it's usually amusing.
I can't find it in me to shed a tear for another visual novel I'll never play.
>we respect developer's rights to express themselves
no they fucking don't, Gabe is a liberal.
based gaben DABBING on incels
Rape can be pretty hot.
And people would give them a huge amount of shit if they ban something actually worthwhile. Free markets and all of that. So far every single case was some bottom of the barell trash. Slippery slope is retarded, Steam is not state controlled only platform.
Nop, because its an game for lonely incels who beat there dog
christ, it's made with python? that's just going too far.
>not anime girls
I'm glad this was shitcanned
>low effort trash made purely to sell on controversy
you're all fucking retarded
kara no shoujo 2 is an excellent VN and it was banned
>hur durp VN hurr i hate japan durr weebs herp incels derp
If Steam removes it: They're hypocrites, their adult game policy is worthless and valve fanboys get BTFO
Either way, I won.
what's strange is that the first kara no shoujo is still up on steam. I wouldn't be surprised if that gets reversed and it was accidentally caught in the crossfire
Nice bait fag have a (you)
>tfw Rape Day gets taken down but this is still on sale on Steam
Get fucked normie hetfags.
Tragic indeed
How shameless does someone have to be to make and sell something like this?
Surely this person has cut off all ties with any family members at least. I can't imagine how it would feel to make this kind of shit and then have my mom find out
>So you're either playing this game because you're turned on by it (Gross) or playing this game because you want to rape someone
so you play violent games because it turns you on and you want to kill people irl
you are fucking sick
kill yourself before you hurt someone else
>living with your mom
what? you can't be serious
Why did you make it? Couldn't you at least change the fucking renpy menus, you lazy piece of shit?
The game looked like a shitty asset flip and I couldn't give a shit about it, but removing it it's a pretty bad decision. Why even bother adding adult only games if you are going to remove them for arbitrary reasons?
Rape is one of the things they don't allow. Other games have been removed that has had it too.
I just know they've removed some stuff with rape in it in the past.
he's smart, not shameless
>make incredibly controversial game with absolutely no budget
>one in a million shot, it gets put on steam
>every sjw is up in arms
>every anti-sjw sees sjws taking arms, so they take arms against the sjws and start discussing about buying the game
and at this point it doesn't matter if steam takes it off their webpage or not, since the dude is selling it on his own webpage, and countless anti-sjws will buy a VN that took him like 2 days to make for whatever price he asks for just to spite the sjws
it's honestly surprising nobody thought of this before
honestly you arent wrong about toxic feminism screeches if it was the other way around but i still think women should be allowed to create a game where they rape little boys and men
It's not censorship. As long as there is legitimate interest behind a game, someone else will publish it. There is gog, there is mangamer, even if those cave in someone else will always appear if there is a customerbase.
The only thing being hurt in this situation are edgy twitter outrage baits, who are terrible without exception and noone really cares about.
Only a fool would actually believe that Steam would allow something called "Rape Day" on their storefront. Even Rapelay sounded more subtle. It's extremely bad PR.
This is just a game testing to see if valve isn't lying about censoring adult games cause some who haas got upset at some hentia games. Looks like valve lied to us if they remove it.
What, you think valve is above the moral outrage?
>Hurr durr can't bring up murder that's in the majority of video games because I said so
Suck my dick faggot. You're completely desensitized to violence so you'll beat someone to death in GTA V without batting an eye but rape isn't okay? Murder is worse than rape. Period.
>Hell, if this game was the other way around with a female raping men and boys, some of ya'll would fkn FREAK in this discussion screeching shit like "THIS IS TOXIC FEMINISM" or maybe some of you will be turned on (Gross again)
Clearly you're new if you believe this. Lots of Yea Forumsirgins would be turned on by it. Personally not my thing unless the women are female androids because then it makes sense. Almost no one would complain except for limp wristed faggots like you. Pic related, it's you.
They won.
Forgot pic.
it still means steam backpedaled and now they're just going to ban any game they dont like
It's almost like private companies can do just whatever they want on their platform. God bless the free market.
Oh don't start with this bullshit again cause you know, third party's censor for the government or bend for a small group for political purposes. I am more pissed that valve is picking and choosing and also flat out lied.
Isn't she the one who owns or at one point owned reddit?
Almost certainly there are some incels that work at reddit.
>oh don't bring reality of private businesses into this
Only a closet commie bash a business for doing what they feel is right. Do you also think a restaurant is obligated to host a band singing about rape and murder?
It's fine as long as there isn't a double standard. For example when businesses have been bullied and sued into bankruptcy for refusing to make a gay wedding cake. That's not okay obviously, but many liberals would be okay with that but turn around and defend a muslim run cake shop not making the same cake.
No, there was a clear precedent for them removing games with front-and-center Rape content. Adult stuff is still on the store, and quite common. As long as this stays consistent I don't see any issue.
Steam is not a goverment. If there is interest, someone else will publish it. Hosting rape porn on your platform it's bad for business and you have no obligation to take that PR and fuck yourself over.
Meritocracy is still there, I just did a rape scene, and so is President Yukino.
It's just because this game wears it in the tittle.
>5-0 on the discussion forums
wew lad
Those are completely different situations.One is against the law.
Gay couple thing is that you can't refuse to sell something to someone on that basis. You can't refuse to sell bread from your bakery to a person just because that person is black.
Stores are absolutely able to refuse to sell product from a manufacturer if it doesn't fit their quality standards or for whatever reason really.
imagine the smell
I want to because rape is my mainly kink (second only to anal) but this really looks like shit, so I dont know yet.
It's more about how extensive the rape content is. A game that's literally about rape doesn't stand a chance of staying up, but one that might have a rape scene or two/mention it in passing is almost definitely fine.
women are for breeding and nothing else (maybe non-consensual anal play).
>You can't refuse to sell bread from your bakery to a person just because that person is black.
False equivalence, when you're custom making stuff (Like making wedding cakes) there's nothing wrong with the business refusing to make something specific. The example you mentioned - they were fine with selling to the couple, just not with making a cake specifically for a gay wedding.
Fuck off back to /weg/
Well, judge ruled that it counts. You may not agree with the verdict, but the ruling was specifically on that basis. Still a completely different situation.
based caveman poster
>Sorry Abhed. We have strict policy toward our copulation quotas and uh..EE-ARE-PEE doesn't satisfy your requirements for the month. We're gonna have to let you go, effective immediately.
I'm pretty certain she believes incels are some sort of coordinated women-hating group, and not just people that can't get bussy
Incel is used for a mentality at this point. Guys who aren't getting sex are not necessarily all /r9k/ types. Same with ones who technically get pussy because of prostitutes or something might still be very similar.
redpill me on this one
It's an anti-rape game
Gotta support devs with such social awareness
every fucking time
>or dumb the average Yea Forumsirgin is
So you too?
Because this how the whole world bahaves in modern society
Why do you think most journalists make shitty click baity articles
This cunt is obviously Asian
I'm not even gay but I wanna hold you down and forcefully fuck you in the ass until you disagree.