>boot out Inafune
>suddenly a good chunk of their games are great barring the state of SFV
Are they finally back on track?
Boot out Inafune
>Capcom cancelled Mike "Mike Roos" Ross show because it wasnt making money even though he paid everything out of pocket
>SF5 was so bad it killed Excellent Adventure
I will never forgive them for that.
Inafune was literally everything wrong with Capcom.
>make a couple lazy rehashes
>"WOOW capcom is the best, fuck my anus capcom-samaaaa"
No because they made Monster Hunter: Awakening.
Bring back Mahvel and make Portable 5 and maaaaaaaaaaaybe we'll talk.
DmC was a good game but the devs had shitty PR, Dead rising 4 sucked, SFxT had the gem fiasco, nobody remembers remember me, Dragons Dogma was fun but horribly rushed, umbrella chronicles, SFV and MvC:I happened. Not everything was inafune's fault. Only really good things they made recently were mhw, re2, and megaman11
>no good fighting games
t. seething FGCuck
Is Inafune the biggest conman in vidya history?
>made a company he worked for believe he was a good developer and not just an idea guy
>made the vidya community believe he was the creator of Capcom's most beloved franchise just because he drew some concept art during the beginnings of the game
>perpetuated the lie and was able to get more than 4 millions dollars for a copy of a game he didn't know how to create
>called himself "the man, the myth, the legend" and people believed him
>created a shitty Megaman ripoff with glaring design flaws clearly showing he didn't know how to create a compelling Megaman clone
>created a mediocre game with little money and ran away with the rest
>he almost made the world believe he was the man behind Megaman Legends
He was able to extract the world up to 5 millions dollars with lies and went unpunished, not even Sean Murray was this successful.
>because it wasnt making money even though he paid everything out of pocket
They literally didn't even pay for it. But they keep working with that bizarro mike guy that no one likes. God I hope they can get their fighting games in order soon actually I hope SamSho and KoF15 take off but I'm being realistic
SFV was spearheaded by capcom usa
they cut some retarded esports deal with sony, shat out SFV in dire shape (1 man for crossplay netcode, broken currency system) to capitalize. it's basically not a real game, it's just sad.
What's up with all the fucking Capcomshills the past few months? All their new games have been either trash or mediocre. On top of that they ruined the only good franchise they had left just last year. Fuck Capcom. They will never become good again and I really fucking hope Itsuno doesn't touch Dragon's Dogma.
>really fucking hope Itsuno doesn't touch Dragon's Dogma.
>I really hope the guy behind the original game doesnt touch the game he made
Doesn't Capcom flip-flop all the time?
After good times always come trash times.
Yeah, because he fucking sucks now. DMC5 is trash. I don't trust this faggot with any franchise anymore.
are we still hating sfv?..... need to know, i want to blend in
>DMC5 is trash
ok Barry
>all of these games that are coming out great took several years of development
>it just happens to look good because they all came out around the same time
>DMCV is even missing content that won't be arriving until later BECAUSE it was pushed out early to make Capcom big $$$ before the end of the fiscal year
I'm happy too user, but lets not delude ourselves by forgetting that nothing else is coming for a long long time.
RE8 will be a minimum 2 year wait, Megameme X9 is only being teased, the next Monster Hunter game is being made with the Switch hardware in mind which means they can't exactly reuse much from MHWorld.
Hopefully the alleged Dead Rising reboot isn't too far away.
>boot out Inafune
that was in fucking 2010
I played it for a while after 2 year without touching it and the entire thing is just fucking sad to see.
Come on user, you know no one plays Darkstalkers.
>fightan division still sucks
SFV is pretty decent right now after AE.
Depends, is the money you get from extra battles and weekly missions still nerfed to the point of being useless? Cause they did that like 3 times in a row.
Yep. Capcom themselves confirmed this.
i dont know never play anything thats not ranked or lobby online
Yup, he was the westacuck trying to kill the company.
I am now grateful for Mighty No.9
SFV was only bad because of Sony. Everything Capcom has made this gen is gold.
MvC4 will be announced probably at EVO. I think it really will be a true test to see if Capcom can salvage their fighting game department. SFV and MvC:I were dumpster fires and only one is somewhat salvaged and they straight up killed the other
Playing SFV is enough to understand you should hate it.
They also made MvCi. The similarity here seems to be their fighting game team
Square Enix has also been really good lately.
MvCI was only bad because Snoy sabotaged it, they think competitive games are toxic.
As many people play it as the rest of the old Capcom fighters.
No bro you can't just say those things without a source.
No one plays Megaman Legends either, but that doesn't stop people from throwing a shit fit about it.
Source? I can just tell this becomes porn.
I recently added capcom stock to my 401k plan.
Even if most of their modern games suck they own more IP's thenmost company's.
already have a couple of hundred hours more in sfv that what i have in 4. and still rising. keep riding the hate train if thats makes you happy
>Square Enix has also been really good lately.
>take 6+ years to put out like one game
>it's a 6.5-7/10 at best
>doing good
nah, they're shite atm. Something over there is causing massive dev time bloat.
They don't do anything with most of those IPs.
There was an interview somewhere that they confirmed there weren't any new Megaman games because of Inafune, but I can't find it at the moment.
He hasn't worked for the company for close to a decade now.
Capcom stock is at an affordable price
People should buy it while it is low or add it to their 401k or Roth 401k plan.
The share prices for capcom are low
All they have to do now is release another Zelda game and they back in track
>MvCI was only bad because Snoy sabotaged it
What source you have for this outside your anger towards a company?
I'm not a jew to buy shares.
My 401k plan is going to small midwest town when I'm in my 40's and robbing a bank
user... they only own the rights to Mario.
>Have 401k
>Had to temporarily stop it because it was taking too much money out of my paycheck
>Nier Automata
>Octopath Traveler
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Dragon Quest XI
>World of FF
>Dragon Quest Builders 1 and 2
>Dragon Quest Heroes 1 and 2
>Bravely Default and Second
>Final Fantasy XV
And the best game of all time: Left Alive.
>Left Alive
>The Quiet Man
>only Episode Ardyn
It's interesting.
Honestly the redemption arc will only be complete when they release a fighting game that isn't controversial as fuck during the release
I thought bloody palace was free.
I'm expecting something jewish like making you pay for vergil. Always have to pay for him. DMC3,4,MVC3, never in the original release
Good. I'm building a team for a job. You in?
The stocks are low and not rising any time soon but they have enough I.P.s to be the Disney or marvel of video games.
also want to know, give us the source please user
Don't shill bitcoins or Forex trading at me you fucking zoomer.
Last i heard Bloody Palace will be a free dlc
Fuck off, contrarian.
>crediting SE for nier automata when the DQ dude had to essentially threaten to leave if they didn't let him make it
>crediting SE for anything DQ related when the collective shit storm from it being a poor product would kill them in japan
KH I'm not familiar with but I'm going to assume nomura could have put out any trash can and the KH fanbase would have bought it by the load.
You're also missing out on their latest garbage stinker, Left Alive.
>removing content from game
>KH3 is fucking imcoplete game
>FXV is shit bised the characters models
>The new Front Mission Entry is wrost than evolved
>No Signal of FF7 remake
>>Bravely Default and Second
>censroed like the frist one
>square with enix
>ever good
>not on a continues downward spiral
wew lad
>it doesn't count if it's good
They've definitely been on a roll lately that's for sure but does anyone else think they need to do one or two more things before they're 'fully' back like they were like in the early 2000's?
Megaman Legends 3
New Breath of Fire - this is a series that doesn't belong on phones.
More Onimusha remasters - I don't mind these, they were good games and its something they can gauge more interest in but it makes sense they might not want to make a 'new' one with similar series Nioh out now
Feels like I'm forgetting one or two things, what about Yea Forums? What is capcom 'missing' that they could do to fully be 'back'?
It's funny though, outside of spinoffs or smaller IPs, they keep dropping the ball.
KH3's ok at best but has issues.
Still don't get why they keep fucking with Front Mission though, should've left it dead or actually tried to make another tactics game like the rest of the series
Maybe they will remaster the Oracle games after LA is done.
pretty sure Disney was the one who sabotaged it by removing the marvel characters that founded the whole fucking franchise back with Children of the Atom.
Ill never not be mad how they treated Nier on the PC. Fix your fucking games Square, especially if you're releasing another fucking version
>New Breath of Fire - this is a series that doesn't belong on phones.
>5/dragon quarter was 17 years ago
Always wondered though, what happened to the team that was behind the series and command mission? Did they leave at somepoint?
Well since Megaman X9, RE3make, and Dragon's Dogma 2 are all likely to be announced in the next 18 months, I think they're on the right track. Honestly if they announce their next fighting game at EVO and it looks good then I'll call them back, since SFV is consistently looked at as the last living game for them that is lackluster.
I perfer a more punishing Switch MH
I can enjoy Generations Ultimate given I can use a real controller instead of the gay circle pad
Okay, did actual Capcom shills blend in with all RE2 and DMC5 hype going on? I've seen people recently defending DmC and other shit Capcom pulled, by saying either "it wasn't that bad", either "it was Inafune's fault". No matter how shit he is, Inafune is one fucking man, he didn't have that much influence, otherwise he wouldn't leave.
>More Onimusha remasters
I'm pretty sure this wouldn't be an issue. I think Jean Reno would be bro enough to allow his likeness to be used again.
The only trend I've noticed in Capcom games is how fucking ugly all their girls are. The girl from RE7, Claire in REmake 2 etc.
Do something for Ace Attorney fans after that pile of trash that was the "unmissable" panel.
- New AA game (no matter mainline or spin-off)
- Translation of DGS
- No more lazy Trilogy ports, please
Imagine AA with RE Engine.
I kind of feel the opposite. Capcom was always good, but more recently they've begun slipping with catastrophic failures such as Monster Hunter World and Resi 2.
Think about it. Only a few years ago we got Monster Hunter 4U and Resi 7, both of which are among the best in their respective franchise.
Weak my dude,not even (you) worthy
He's right that 4U and RE7 are great tho, but RE2 is fantastic and World's only faults are getting a bit more casual and having much less content.
low energy
It's a good game, but REmake and 4 are still better.
>DMC5 is trash
It's like the best game in the series though.
It has quite a few more faults than those, like the horrendous controls and endless forced tutorials. It's a misstep overall.
>>made a company he worked for believe he was a good developer and not just an idea guy
He wasn't even an "idea" guy, he was just an artist and later a producer.
>fighting trash
>mhw shit
>mm shit
No lol
You can't unjust Marvel, Disney owns them now.
He isn't all bad, he greenlit Ghost Trick.
World's gameplay has not aged well. A lot of the weapons feel completely braindead to use and some of them have been reduced to mashing X or A. I won't even begin to delve into monster AI.
Also the maps are some of the worst in the entire series barring Wildspire Wastes.Congratulations, you traded (mostly) well designed areas with very brief loading screens for cramped slope/ledge ridden hellholes and corridors that would make FFXIII blush.
>no great ace attorney localizations or hard copies of AA 5 and 6
>viewtiful joe and clover IP's still in stasis
>marvel infinite dead on arrival
They aren't as bad as things were in say, 2012
But there is still work to be done.
They need some fighting hits again, and a little more TLC given to some of their smaller series but they are slowly getting things back together
>barring the state of SFV
>Are they finally back on track?
No, because to be back on track, they shouldn't be fucking up SFV for the few people who enjoy it.
Let's be honest, they aren't going to reinvent the game, they aren't going to fix the netcode, they aren't even going to satisfy everyone in terms of balance changes, but fucking up the in-game currency can only annoy everyone. Yet they continue to do so, and have been doing so for over a year now. What kind of "on track" company does that?
>mike ross is the Admirl Aokiji of fighting games now
I'll take it
Cope Nintendies.
Inafune isn't awful, he was just WAY in over his head and had too many ideas that didn't pan the way they could/should have
>dead rising
>lost planet
>ghost trick
Him being gone if for the best since it sounds like there was too much conflict with him in leadership positions versus dev positions but he still did some good, despite the bad
Glad MN9 was a bust though, MM11 was a genuine good time
If you ignore their horrible internal management, mismanagement of the Eidos branch and tendency for decade-long AAA projects that end up being just okay, sure.
Wish they could contract Platinum for the new Viewtiful Joe. It would hammer them as the new most beloved vidya company.
As expected from World's fanbase. Fuckin subhumans.
Doubt we'll get that lucky. I don't know what the working relationship would be between Cap and Platinum at this point. I've seen kamiya post pics of him with old staffers having dinner but i assume thats just typical coworker relationships
Fuck Nintendo. Fuck Sony. But most of all, fuck you casual subhuman vermin who played World. Japan hated it and we all know their opinion matters more than some fattiest in the west.
>most popular MH ever
>They need some fighting hits again
Too bad they've painted themselves into a corner where they can only drive Street Fighter and Marvel further into the ground because they've convinced both themselves and the playerbase that no one cares about any of their other fighting game IPs.
If Japan mattered more than the west we would have gotten a new Darkstalkers long ago.
>old staffers
You mean Takumi? He's obsessed with Takumi. If you tell him how much you love Takumi, he won't even block you.
Their demon crest and Saturday night slam master I.P.'s are worth revisiting
>Japan hated it
Source for this?
>popular = good
SFV was fucked the moment it was announced as exclusive, sure, PS4 was taking off at the time but it really fucked over Capcom, theres no way they could have seen how popular the Switch was gonna be, hell even xbox has sold, ok, its still lost sales on their end if anything
SF6 needs to be multiplat, as well as less of all these half assed "games as a service" model like how DOA6 tried to, honestly, id play a F2P SF6 but you can't release a full price day one game and expect to treat it like F2P trash, it just shows you have no faith in the product
little intellect
>anime avatar
Ya'll hear summn?
Here you go, machine translated and parsed. Why did anyone think they liked it, anyway? They're really conservative.
>Con Man gives the Mighty No. 9 IP away to Inti Creates and doesn't get involved with it anymore
>suddenly a great MN9 game comes out
lmaoing @ his life
>Mega Man fans
>Happy of his return
>Resident Evil fans
>Pleased with the remake
>Devil May Cry fans
>Hyped for the new game
>Monster Hunter fans
Reaction images aren't avatars, you god damn subhuman.
>Putting the apostrophe after the a in y'all
You're a real bundle of stupid, aren't you?
>you must pretend to like a game even if it's trash
How to spot a snoynigger.
all I see is seething bingbingwahoos
>list of criticism with absolute no source or any indication on where was taken and how many people were involved
Wow, so fucking helpful. Now I can't do anything but agree.
What is this from? Is this one guy's opninion or it's a topic from multiple people?
There is a difference between "Hey, this has flaws but also a lot of potential, it could be good with expansions and sequels"and "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THE SERIES IS DEAD"
I still love how people bitched that XX was a shitty asset flip game. MHW comes out and becomes a smash success. XX gets localized and suddenly it's the best entry in the franchise.
It's like a game wiki for ultra-elitists that systematically break down and discuss the pros and cons of games for months before making a page.
Easily THE best source for determining the quality of any game short of playing through it yourself. If you're not using it already you def. should.
>Switchlets still seething about MUH SNOY even though MHW is multiplat
Oh, so autists. I see.
Conman only managed megaman I think, he had nothing to do with the other IPs.
Megaman is still shit.
Honestly, MHW sold so much that it's never going to happen again, and for Capcom with their inflated expectations it'll be deadly.
Capcom has been making the move to the west by dumbing down their games. It's pretty sad to see.
You're the autist.
face model would be Brendan Fraser
But... this is not actually that bad?
I mean, it's a lot stuff, but it's also a lot of stuff that can be easily fixed in the future.
For me the potential of this new MH is much greater than these flaws (which I still don't deny).
Pretty much they pretend their exclusive trash is gold and everything else is trash. Look how they bad mouth Sekiro just because is multiplat
The best source of determining whether or not a game is for you is knowing your own preferences and watching official trailers, anything beyond that just means you're a brainless sheeple who is too easily influenced by the opinions of others, there's nothing wrong with looking at and seeing what others think about something but you should never actually use that as a means of influencing your own interests and tastes
By "autist" do you mean "people who actually care about the games"?
Inafune convinced Capcom of western superiority. It was his direction which lead to Capcom Vancouver (who did Dead Rising after the original and the mobile Puzzle Fighter), Bionic Commando '09, DmC, Lost Planet 3, and probably Strider 2014 even if it was a few years removed.
>Conman only managed megaman I think
He served as producer for Legends, X4 and Mega Man 8 and then fucked off. Outside of that, he's only mainly been an illustrator for the series. Somewhere in the 2000s he got a promotion to Senior Corporate Officer in the R&D department and then in 2010, he received another promotion to Global Head of Production
Besides their fighting game division Capcom is doing pretty fucking. It is good to see they actually putting some fucking effort on games again. I wish sf5 and mvc had the same treatment, especially because sf is probably the only fighting game series I actually give a fuck.
Just ignore the shit posters, they are just coping because no one liked their shitty old niche game that's way more popular now and still pretty decent, it even got the Switch port localized, MH is the one series where each game that tries to improve, no matter how small and weird gets criticized by fans
Don't talk shit about Strider 2014.
>>suddenly a good chunk of their games are DECENT
capcom is still trash
-remake2 rides on the coattails of the past while bringing nothing new
-resident evil 7 sucked dick too and both games are comically inferior to evil within 2 especially in the gameplay department
-megaman was fucking ass, don't pretend otherwise
-still no dragon's dogma 2 but ports ports ports ports
stop shilling this fucking corporation just because they are doing mildly better now than the past 5 years, you look like a faggot zoomer that was never there when they release street fighter 2 turbo
>Japanese didn't like the game
>Because these guys who probably made up 0.05% of the playerbase says so
they're Jekyll and Hyde. right now they're Jekyll so we'll enjoy them not being greedy fuck ups
There's still hope for Street Fighter now that the Monster Hunter guy is on board.
I'm not saying every game there is bad, just that Inafune literally lead to Capcom outsourcing heavily for 5 years or so. Dark Void was also part of that era.
Dead Rising 2 & Strider 2014 were good.
Nonsense. What gameplay information could you possibly get out of official trailers? Vertical combat and Najarala looked awesome in the 4U trailer but were both complete ass in the final product.
And if you only stick with your preferences you'll never get to play anything new that you might enjoy. God, Worldfags are such morons.
>shit pc port
>lazy pixel shit no effort garbage
>baby's first action game
>hope you saved up for a nintendo switch FAGGOT
>lmao trash
>lmao minecraft
>lmao minecraft
Dead Rising 2 and Strider 2014 were exceptions because both of those games had the outsourced teams on a short leash.
For 2014, all the design work and gameplay was done by Capcom Osaka. Double Helix were just doing the grunt work of putting the game together.
>"people who actually care about the games"?
But I care about the game too and I played every game since Freedom for thousands of hours total, and even after understanding the various flaws of MHW through my 600+ hours, I still like it and I'm excited on how they'll improve and fix stuff in Iceborne.
Does my opinion as a veteran count less than that pic?
I won't forgive them until
A)Dragon's Dogma Online is localized
B)Lost Planet is restored to its former glory
You misunderstood that, there were no new Megaman games because they were afraid to be compared to the classics. If they fuck up Capcom as a publisher will just remember the heat they got for Megaman X7.
It often happens with big studios like that, for example in Marvel Comics a lot of people didn't want to work with Elektra because most people thought of her as Frank Miller's character first and a Marvel character second especially back in 00's. Now that perception shifted for the worse, I wish they didn't start using her more.
It sold as much as XX did in Japan, and XX is a lazy cashgrab rerelease and a spin-off on top of that.
Source please
And the 6th fucking MH game on the 3DS alone. If the games weren't so fucking good I swear we'd be rioting in the streets.
World is bad ,but I enjoyed catching bugs and putting them on display in my room so even a bad MH is a good game.
>World's gameplay has not aged well
Not aged well as opposed to what? The handheld games are crippled by their control limitations, and have always been suffered from clunkiness as a result.
Pretty much every aspect of the game was improved with World; it's hard to list them all.
The biggest is probably the map design, with huge open regions that have all sorts of secrets, verticality, and special interactions. Compared to the flat segmented maps with loading screens every 50 feet, it's like a different (better) game.
Combat is a lot more fluid all around. This is the sum of a lot of changes to each weapon, but stuff like ranged weapons being able to move and shoot, and refinements on the melee weapon playstyles makes combat a lot more fun than it was in previous titles.
Graphics and spectacle, obviously.
Gathering is fast and painless, and can all be done during hunts. No more tediously grinding for whetstones or basic ammo, no more going out for a mission just to get 10 things and come back. The focus is always on what the game does best - hunting monsters.
Scoutflies and tracking are so much nicer than paintballs.
The armor trait system is more streamlined, in a good way. Building sets and theorycrafting with armor skills and decorations in World is a lot more interesting than how previous entries handled it. The only thing holding this back from being an objectively superior system is how the older games had so many more armor sets that they offered more options sometimes.
Quests just make more sense. The main quest / side quest / expedition system is intuitive and convenient.
Also, to all the people complaining about how they dumbed it down to appeal to casuals, let me remind you of how previous MH games were designed:
>Dude let me just take 4 steps to the left and warp zones where I can disengage combat and heal and sharpen at my own pace lmao
World is ten times more clunky than MHFU ever was. With the camera snapping in random directions and the hunter automatically sliding on declines. It's a pretty serious issue.
hello slope-kun
>Inajewne makes his own company
>It all goes to shit and he leaves in shame
That man is a curse.
MHW is flawed at a basic level user.
>gunning is extremely fucked beyond repair, not even Iceborne will fix this
>far too much advantage for the player
>far too small monster selection, shit's tri over again, understandable for the new engine but still shitty
>the few monster there are use the fucking Rathalos skeleton, the shittiest skeleton there is
>weapons designs are fucking bland and lazy, this is unforgivable
>AT and such is just "lmao more stats and HP" no other gimmick, is literally just that
>Online is a disgusting clusterfuck, the online of all the previous entries were far better than in this game
>You can restock and change on the camp, so preparation is out of the fucking window
Sure, it made the game far more accessible to people new to the franchise but at what cost user, at what cost, Iceborne might fix some things but it will remain flawed, only MH6 will truly fix all or most of the flaws, after all this game follows the tradition, 1st gen bad, 2nd gen good, 3rd gen bad, 4th gen good, 5th gen bad, so naturally the 6th generation will be good.
Now you can go into blind autism mode and call me whatever you want.
Come to think of it, every new addition has only served to detract from teh MH experience.
I guess Generations didn't add anything so it gets a pass.
They should've just kept it simple.
>1 year later nincels are still seething about MHW
>analyzying a game and describe its flaws means THEY HATED IT
This prooves shit about the fact they hated, liked it or loved it.
Any good piece of media and art (games, movies, music, novels, ecc), even masterpieces, have a lot of critiques, analyzing every inch of it, to find flaws and ways to improve it.
Many times, the biggest fans are the also the biggest critics. You can see videos of soulsfags talking about the game's flaws for hours, doesn't mean they HATE the series. A game being flawed doesn't mean it can't be enjoyed.
It actually sold a bit more than XX. Considering the whole context, it's an excellent result.
XX is on both 3DS and Switch, which are the main consoles in Japan
MHW is not portable (a huge let down for the Japanese life style) and only on Playstation 4, which has always struggled in Japan. I mean, fuck, MHW alone pushed PS4 sales for a couple a months, and it was the 2nd best selling game in Japan in 2018, only beat by Smash.
Uh, yeah? People actually liked MH. Sonyshitters saw the death of GodOfSoy and just accepted it. That's pretty pathetic.
2 year later literally nobody still actually plays MHWorld
Funny that isn't it.
Don't forget mounting in MH4
MHX didn't get nearly as much critique though, and most of the XX analysis comes down to "why does this exist when MHX was basically perfect?"
So japan liked X and hated world. I have posted several sources backing up my claim while seeing not one of you do the same. This is why World will always be hated on Yea Forums.
>- No more lazy Trilogy ports, please
This so much. They are clearly treating Ace Attorney as autists who are content with same shit over and over again, when in fact they aren't. Ace Attorney Investigations did not tank in the West (it did even better than JFA and Apollo Justice in NA and has some of the best Europe sales) and fans didn't screech over transition to 3D models. New Ace Attorney games NEEDS a real shake up in formula, a turnabout if you will. I probably won't even be able to sit through another round of same sound record.
dead rising x god hand double reboot when
No. They will be when their switch games are fully on a cart.
Are slopes like this fucking gigantic issue for the game?
I mean, when it happens it's annoying, but I have this issue in like 2 areas in the whole game (mainly the central area in Coral Highlands and the sand part in Wildspire Waste). And even that you get used to it after a few hours.
Calling it more clunky than MHFU is just insane.
>So japan liked X and hated world.
>source: still my ass
Japan liked both MHXX and MHW.
Yea Forums hates MHW because of retarded console warfaggots invaded our fucking threads and turned then into console war, the game itself is ok.
AA never pulled the numbers to warrant retooling. It has always been teetering on the edge of cancellation with its meager sales making up for its low production costs.
MHFU once mastered controls perfectly. I can walk between the punches of Rajang with a drawn Greatsword. But I will never, ever be able to run down a slope and not slide into a retarded jump attack. Which means I have to bait the monster away from slopes to have a proper fight. Which sucks.
Verticality is cancer and the worst part of Mon Hun past the 4th gen. Are you honestly gonna tell me you enjoy mashing X to climb a cliff.
Spectacle can only retain it's luster for so long. It's tiring seeing monsters clip into each other for every other quest all for the sake of some dumb cutscene that they might engage in some point.
I like how you didn't mention how the lobby system is like 5 steps back from how the fucking 3DS games handled them.
>Dude let me just take 4 steps to the left and warp zones where I can disengage combat and heal and sharpen at my own pace lmao
Only shitters did this and I'm glad you admitted it.
The game being OK isn't reason enough to hate it?
Go back to shitting up your containment general
>compilation game which is a asset flips with some new gimmicks on top creates less discussion than the reboot that remakes half the game
No MH game is bad arguably only the original because of how fucked up everything was, is a good game, but it is an "ok" MH game.
>Square Enix has also been really good lately.
No they haven't.
DQXI is the best game they've developed (Automata was by Platinum) in a very very long time.
What? MHX had like ten times more new shit than MHW.
>But I will never, ever be able to run down a slope and not slide into a retarded jump attack.
Which still fucking happens in like 2 areas of the whole fucking game, meanwhile everything else controls perfectly fine
And yet Capcom can't stop shoving Darkstalkers into pretty much every crossover game as major listers.
>It has always been teetering on the edge of cancellation with its meager sales making up for its low production costs.
Wut, Capcom considers it one of its strongest IP as a consistent money maker. As you said, low cost => higher returns. Especially with a loyal fanbase.
It's not clear to Westerners but since Investigations 2 it became a nigh yearly franchise like AssCreed to them, they skipped only 2014 and 2018 so far, they might skip 2019 too and use ports as an excuse while making a new one, but I doubt there is an end in sight for it with second season of anime, pachinkos and stage shows and orchestra music shows.
That's fair. But why play an "ok" MH when you have so many good ones? Hunting Diablos or Rathian feels exactly the same as every other game except now you randomly slide around. People complain about too many changes but I feel World didn't change enough to warrant being a sequel.
If only. It's just one of many issues though.
Because Morrigan is Darkstalkers. She would rather check new places out rather than being in her own series. Why do you think she's always in most crossovers.
>why play an "ok" MH when you have so many good ones?
Because MH is my favorite franchise and I played all the other ones already.
Don't forget Felicia, who might as well have been a secondary mascot for Capcom.
Mounting was optional. I can't complain about that.
Honestly my biggest issue with 4 is what the japanese refer to as "garage parking" where the monsters backpedal too frequently. All it does is waste my fucking time.
Agreed, but why keep playing World for 500 hours instead of playing one of the other ones?
Correction; Dead Rising 2 Off the Record is great.
>completly changed platforms
>passed from mobile focused to stationary
>totally changed how event quests work
>totally changed online
>changed the type of post-launch support and crossovers
>changed style from more anime to more realistic
>changed healing
>changed gathering system
>introduced mantles
>made changes to every weapon moveset
>introduced open maps and made them vastly bigger
>changed skill system
>greatly enchanced the ecosystem in maps
>introduced endemic life
And note, I'm not talking about good or bad changes, but just changes in generals.
Are you fucking telling me MHX changed more stuff from 4U than MHW does from 4U/X?
I haven't played MHW ever since I finished it, the content of the game don't justify doing it either, so I will wait for Iceborne.
All of the Primadonnas are leaving the company, so there might be a chance that they're future projects will be good.
I haven't played KH3, but its apparently missing content or something like that.
Final Fantasy XIVs big road trip adventure was basically just driving down the road for 30 minutes and then taking a boat.
XIVs combat was also gimped because it made the director "feel tired"
We had to endure Toriyama's fucking OC waifu fanfic for three fucking games.
Dragon Quest was fucking good, though. I loved Dragon Quest.
>Thunder attributes are only tobacco and giraffe
So you're a less opinionated autist. got it.
>That's fair. But why play an "ok" MH when you have so many good ones?
Because those games are old, I played them when they were released for 1000+ hours, experienced every inch of what they offered and I have no reason to return to them?
At that point, if I'm just sick of MHW, I will play different games I haven't played before and wait for the next MH.
Feels fucking great, man. The outsourcing era of Capcom was fucking horrible.
Yes. Styles alone added in tons of new ways to fight monsters. The things you posted are mostly irrelevant. What does the skill system and crossovers matter when I'm spamming the demon dance against a totally-not-Uragaan?
I did find a mantle that lets you hover in midair though, which is actually super-fun. That's what I would classify as a game-changer and not that invinicibility mantle because no one in their right mind would use that, even though it's technically more of a monumental change.
>understandable for the new engine
is it not a new engine no matter how much you guys lie about it
What do I even say to someone like you, with such shitty, low quality taste? Hmm... Stick to EA and Bioware games, I guess. You'd probably REALLY like Mass Effect Androgynous and No Woman needs her No Man's Sky
Shit that’s pretty accurate too. Who’s Blackbeard though?
>That's fair. But why play an "ok" MH when you have so many good ones?
>"Why are you playing the last entry in the franchise which is still receiving updates and a new expansion, instead of the old ones you already played to death years ago?"
Yeah, no clue, man.
Lmao seethe
New isn't always better. The best Tigrex is still stuck in MHFU. If I want to hunt Tigrex I pop in MHFU.
It is tho, if it wasn't they would just copy and paste shit from XX/4U and made some fancy ass textures but instead of that we got Lagi glitching like a fuck and being unable to work in the new engine because the maps are clustered I guess.
>That's what I would classify as a game-changer and not that invinicibility mantle because no one in their right mind would use that
>it's optional, so I won't count
Arts are 100% optional too, I can play and beat the entirety of X/XX with the Guild Style and no Arts, which is identical to old games
How can one person be wrong about so much?
No, they still need to make a great SF and a great hyper fighter game, doesn't matter if it's MvC or TvC or even a capcom only fighter
> The best Tigrex is still stuck in MHFU
You mean the retarded one which can be abused to death by any decent GS user?
You don't like the molten tigrex?
Same. People who complain about optional shit are just looking to stir up shit.
>user you're the one who brought them
>Because Morrigan is Darkstalkers.
>Every Capcom crossover game with Morrigan was actually a Darkstalkers game.
Now that's some 4D Chess thinking there man.
And puts of one hell of a fight to every other weapon.
No. Pretty sure I hate Slime/Blast in general.
I think their sacrifice of fighters for more good games that aren't fighting shit seems worth it.
LMAO @ ur life
>suddenly a good chunk of their games are great
No their shit has been garbage save for DMC and megaman. Monster hunter world and re2 were not good. At all.
You have to fight him at 4U Tower, which is a deathtrap.
>get hit by his XBOXHUEG body
>stagger over a ledge and lose all your I-frames
>get hit again and die because blastblight
You're not fighting Big Red in this quest. You're fighting the atrocious map.
This is why Silver Rath was such a cunt too. But at least you don't have to scale the entire tower for 9 minutes like in Dos.
>start slow as shit
>it keeps getting more enraged and faster as the hunt goes
>eventually it goes completely apeshit and start chaining 3 super roars and shit
Best Tigrex.
>ad populum fallacy
Bad taste man.
Since this turned into a classic MH thread, I have to ask if anyone else really like King Shakalaka. I always loved this fight and the music especially.
>the next Monster Hunter game is being made with the Switch hardware in mind
Source? I like the older style games, but i feel its kind of a wasted opportunity. World had its flaws but now that they have a good base to build off of the next game in that style could be stupidly good
I really hate shakalakas, Khezu on the other hand, now that's a good monster, it's theme is cool too.
>a retarded westaboo that ran the company into the ground when got promoted
>Outsourced Devil May Cry to a crappy literal who Unreal 3 engine focused developer Ninja Theory
>handed over Bionic Commando to a Swedish Grin developer that made a horrible game and shoved a guy's wife in his hand.
>killed Lost Planet by not localizing Ex Troopers for being too "Japanesy" while outsourcing Lost Planet 3 to a westacuck California studio that made a shitty, slow paced TPS unlike LP 1 and LP2.
>handed over Dead Rising to the west that eventually festered into bulging tumor called Capcom Vancouver
>lied everyone about his involvement in the Mega Man franchise and rode on parroted cult of personality
>when got kicked out he wormed his way into KT and was responsible for making Ninja Gaiden Z Yaiba, spitting on the corpse of Ninja Gaiden
>scammed people on Kickstarter
Just a complete mess of a guy.
Thankfully the westacuck ways are done and Capcom is going back to its Japanese roots.
I always thought it would be neat if the Khezu fights just used the extended version of the "spotted" music that you almost never get to hear beyond the first few seconds of.
Yeah but we won't see anything new that is sf related for years since Capcom is still pushing for sf5.
Maybe in 2020 or 2021 if we are lucky.
Only if they improve the gameplay and move the story past 3 already
But you don't get spotted by Khezu. That's the whole point.
handlers an exception for world, The rest of the girls are cute
Not gonna lie it goes really well with Khezu
Nobody is as bad as handler but most of the characters still look weird and sickly
Fix their fighting game department. I don’t care if it’s Marvel or something else I would like a good Capcom fighter again.
We can fix them. We have the PC dweebs.
He just needs a cowboy hat and his transformation will be complete.
1st mod I installed after the "remove Scoutflies" thing. Too bad it doesn't work during cutscenes.
>tfw lp2 was the greatest game ever made
Inafune a shit.
After watching Hi-Score Girl (fight me) I realize that the video game industry is largely fueled by rabid nostalgia and fanaticism
I feel like the industry would better benefit by exploring new IP's, rather than banking on the same, tired formulas that may not even be relevant today.
Imagine a 'Street Righter' that didn't suck Ryu's cock
Imagine a Mario game that open-world
Imagine a Warcraft game that played like Dragon's Dogma
>Now imagine a Dragon's Dogma-esque game that revolved around Kara
>Made you cream, didn't I?
Conman is more fucking guilty than the Legendsfags that backed him up.
Fuck inafune for undermining X and making zero the protaginst of the X series
Zero >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> X > that other faggot from X7 axel? axl? something gay like that.
>Imagine all these ripoffs of pre-existing games
You moron.
They’re doing a pretty half assed attempt at pushing it currently. They haven’t announced anything since Kage. And just when they had a good thing going with season 3.
A yeah, his name was nigger, thanks for reminding me.
Look chief, Zero is a cool guy. But it doesn't mean it was a good idea to make him the main focus for the X Series.
They're announcing shit in a week or so. I don't think they'd let the ball drop when things were already going so well and the company is making literal boatloads of money from other divisions.
I'd say it's more like how when Kirby left nobody knew what the hell to do with Thor and Fantastic Four, so those books sucked for a while. Capcom handled Legends 3 very poorly from a PR perspective, but I understand why the series was on ice for so long.
Idk it took a while before releasing characters for the other seasons as well. I at least hope the new characters are interesting. I haven't bought a single character ever since abgail. I think I only have 4 dlc characters unlocked
I knew it, it does become porn! Source!!
Source though
>Once you distill them to their core gameplay, most games are intrinsically the same
Can't forget Twitch fucking over Mike when he worked there too. The man just tried to open the FGC to more people. Now all it's known for is a piece of shit furry faggot. Mike didn't die for this.
Who was in the wrong here?
Not even a question
Pat was completely in the right and Liam acted like Yea Forums except nobody gave him the (You)s he wanted
Based Pat taking hyperbole to the extreme and still coming out on top.
That was episode 152? Damn. I remember on the recent CSB he mentioned that they were hyping up MN9 on SBFC Episode 1, but I didn't realize there were nearly three years between that and this exchange. Over two years have passed since then, if I recall (they at Episode 250+ before the breakup and it's been 3 months since then).
Pat is right. Matt probably never played Umbrella Corps, because it plays fine and probably shouldn't have been related to RE at all.
Mighty Number 9 is awful, especially when you have to go up against the flying boss and one of the end bosses that ends up in the air. If you DON'T dash at them to reduce their health, they regen their health. You can't jump up high enough sometimes so they just regen their health or go off screen and regen their health. God, I hate Mighty Blunder 9
Inafune was literally the one pushing for western dmc
Inafune wanted a western everything, He was the reason Dead Rising went to Canada, for better or for worse. Inafune was also the reason Lost Planet 3 exists.
left is cuter
Well he got his wish with DmC and now DmC2.
No it's not.
>make waves with unexpected hit Nier:Automata
>immediately put the director on mobile gacha games
Who cares what they did? Fuck Mike Ross, fuck fightingfags, fuck MMLfags, fuck Battlenetworkfags, fuck Darkstalkersfags and especially fuck BoFfags. They made DMCV, they're the fucking best, now be a good boy and suck capcom cock.
>Capcom is absolved of its sins because of DMC5
I am excited as hell for that game and am almost certain it will be my GOTY, and I realize this is a falseflag, but I don't think anybody actually has this mentality.
Cringe, but red pilled