>Dies literally 5 minutes into the game
>I'm supposed to feel sad for her character
What the fuck is this writing?
Dies literally 5 minutes into the game
You aren't. You are just supposed to understand why Joel is so pessimistic throughout the whole game.
surprise, the last of us is a terrible game.
You are suppoused to feel horny, close the game and jerk off to the SFM porn of her, fucking fag
Did you see the Nazi one where she is getting spanked well worth my Patreon this month.
youre supposed to be sad cause she is prime cunnevermind
I felt something in my pants
I wish Sarah was my daughter.
Well at least you can feel something from your dick later on.
seriously though why or how did she even end up being somewhat of the poster loli girl for SFM?
We need to cut out her brain, right this minute, inside this broken down hospital, with fuck all equipment to analyze it. That'll yield a cure for certain.
But but it's one of her saddest moments in Vidya!
she was the best 3d cunny around but now sherry is on top.
You would understand if you ever found a cute girl and had your own children, but you don't so you can't
Yeesh... no wonder developers won't do AMAs here.
Based and cunnypilled
She died
>Joel wants a new pet
Ellie appears
>Joel happy
fpbp, OP just misconstrued the point because of all the dyed hair pootubers who had to fake ball their hair eyes out when it happened for likes
which is exactly why Joel went back to get her
her sfm porn is better than the character
I jerk off with her SFM videos every time I feel lonely.
But now Sherry is the best SFM model out there.
I have seen girls cry over less. It didn't strike me as fake necessarily.
I only knew this character from a sfm porn. So that's where she came from.
>fake ball their hair eyes
shes cute and funny
I hate that she's used so much, there's much better sfm lolis.
>this entire thread
How is it that you shit heads are so dense your can't comprehend the game?
You aren't, this is supposed to be setting Joel's character
post what?
It sets up that Joel has a daughter and that's about it. Then you connect the dot that NotEllen Page is the surrogate daughter and BAM, Citizen Kane O' Games.
Do you all love cunny or just pretend to?
she's there for sfm animators
writing that non-sociopaths will never understand
Anime ist 100% fine, 3D shit like this is borderline CP since some of the girls are actual kids. shitposting is always fun tho
I cry every time I play the opening desu
OP is probably just a sad virgin
>pretend to
h-haha yeah it's just a joke lol
"his kid dies" is something that hack writers utilize to try and make you feel empathy for their characters
I prefer real lolis (which we also call cunny btw), but 2D lolis sometimes are fine as well.
She was the character to set up Ellie for Joel, when she dies (dies instantly btw) you can tell how sad he was so over time with ellie she slowly replaced his late daughter. Hense why ellie is so hesitant to mention sarah to joel because she knew he cared
>on a fictional character at that
easy on the soi bud
it's just a joke
Isn't Sherry based on an actual model?
That literally makes it illegal as far as i am aware and concerned.
Yeah and?
you're supposed to feel sad for the dad fucktard
>Michaels claimed that it was a joke
We just ironically fuck kids user, lurk moar
I don't really see anything wrong with pedos as long as they don't rape someone.
>he saw little girls and his penis got hard
Wow big fucking deal who cares
>borderline CP
hey now, they're just master animators
Low hanging fruit, easy to prosecute and distracts from the people actually enslaving, murdering and sacrificing children ie the elite.
Oh golly, the advertisers won't like this at all.......
So is Sarah. Almost every realistic character since HL2 uses dozens of reference images of real people and we've been scanning in those peoples faces since before TLoU
and its probably why assodyssey only shows your character as a child in pre-renders, so they're impossible to rip
how long do you need to feel sympathy?
Well maybe he should get pedos advertisers in that case.
lovely image
It's typical western game dev writing, where they think hyper realistic graphics is a substitute for good character writing and plot progression.
Do we want Yea Forums to turn into reddit? Those AMAs are just stupid marketing.
I want them to come to I can post cunny to them
She looks like a real kid, I fap to her SFMs as a guilty pleasure.
Now that is interesting. But lets face it I hope the police goes after child fuckers not people who fap over artificial CP. Priorities.
>Wayne Rooney as a young female
>people on Yea Forums get aroused by this
That's a yikes from me senpai
She does look really cute.
>Haha I posted it again
you knew exactly what you were doing when you made this thread, didn't you
She need to be naked right now.
just post the links already so jannies kill your shit thread
haha gotcha
Pee on my cock.
It's just setting up the premise for the rest of the game. You shouldn't be looking to enjoy a story more than playing a game when playing a game. The people who go on about The Last of Us's story are wrong about this too.
What anime is this from?
Would it arguably be considered cp when it's designed to look like a real child? At least loli anime aesthetics are heavily stylized.
Never mind found it. Cross Ange for anyone else wondering.
what anime is this game from?
it actually depends on the intended purpose. A naked child alone is not porn.
Questionable for sure. Is it CP to take a plaster cast of a child's body? If not then why would a digital reproduction of the same body be different? It's approaching the point where intent is what may matter to the law.
There is no child in the porn so it cannot be child porn. No exceptions.
This thread is very cute and funny
Holy fuck there are actually pedo sympathizers
>polygons are actual kids
Kill yourself
kill this thread
this thread is very cunny
Nah, why would I do that when theres plenty of cute and funny pics for me to share?
humans have rights to their likeness and if you abuse that to ceate porn of said human you are breaking the law bruv.
Loli law here states that if the loli is abstract enough it does not count as CP but if you cross a threshhold it is to be considered CP under law. And I think if a human model was the base for the videogame character that treshhold has been crossed.
Half of the negative effects of the real thing are STILL present in the virtual thing: the reputation, the image, the dignity of the depicted person are still thrown in the garbage.The harm is not only in the making of the material, but also in the spreading on the internet, where it will float in eternity, constantly haunting the person throughout their lifetime.
>humans have rights to their likeness and if you abuse that to ceate porn of said human you are breaking the law bruv.
maybe in your shithole.
It's victimless, nigga.
Nobody is getting hurt.
So i can create all sorts of fake content including your likeness and you would be okay with it even if you get in trouble for it since my fakes are convicing enough to get you jailed?
Also read the rest of the post retard.
Loli will be the downfall of you beta male virgins, I'm not even joking you watch enough and you'll start to crave the real thing. Hire a prostitute and get some actual human contact. Not even moralfag just get out and stop jacking it to this shit. Jesus Christ.
Man can't argue lolifags there too far gone
You could argue a defamation or something of that type. But it would not be CP.
t. Mad roastie
Why would I get in trouble for it?
It is fiction, nobody is getting hurt. Get it through your thick skull.
"Abstract enough" is also a shitty measure to go by.
Are 2D loli drawings that are anatomically correct characters with anime faces considered "abstract enough"?
>Implying im not at this level already
I love both 2D and 3D cunny
white guilt.
That crime has in its facets many kinds of offense.
It offends freedom of self-determination, it offends mental health, it offends physical well being, it offends public conscience, and yes, it offends the image of the victim.
As long as one of these values is endangered or harmed, the law enacts a punishment.
If more values are harmed, the punishment is higher, and if fewer of them are in jeopardy, the punishment is lower.
But as long as one of them is being attacked, the action constitutes a crime, and a punishment is due.
There's no arguing on "if", only "how much".
It's a crime but not CP kind of crime. It's just a few fines. With a good lawyer not even that.
>Hire a prostitute
If your goal is to put them off hags forever then good job. If there are physical or personality features to be found in a hag that would appeal to a lolicon, it won't be in a prostitute.
Simply put a disclaimer reading:
"The characters depicted are ficticious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental."
Problem solved.
Well as I understand it in the US prosecutors need to score victories to keep their job. Basically everyone hates creepy lolicons and its an easy victory to put some poor sap in jail.
Christ user you seem to think I am even sexually interested in some disgusting prostitute.
Throw in an "all characters depicted are age of majority" and call it a day.
>if you kill enough people in GTA and have fun you will eventually kill real people
moot argument.
Them lawyers can't get you now.
false equivalency, playing action games and destroying NPCs is natural and cathartic. Even Kirby does it. You might as well say that hitting a punching bag to relieve stress will make you commit assault.
Jacking off to underage girls and boys is sickening.
It is exploiting sexually the image of a child, exposing them, at an early age when they're especially vulnerable and protected by law, to shame, embarrassment, infamy.
It harms a child.
It is exploting their image for sexual reasons.
It is ABSOLUTELY a crime against a child.
It is ABSOLUTELY a crime through pornography.
So I don't really understand how it can be argued differently.
When you download or share or sell or spread on the internet the material, WITHOUT being the one who made it, you're harming the child. And the harm happens whether the material is real or fake. The damage to reputation and the shame are REAL.
Days Gone looks like TLOU done right.
found some of her yesterday, pretty good already