>Randomly introduced towards the end of the game
>Looks identical to John
>His wife, Agatha literally looks just like Abigail, Lancelot looks like a slightly younger version of Jack from the first Red Dead Redemption
>The entire gang knows him, he knows what happened to the gang
>Has Arthurs journal and starts fucking scribbling in it
>Gunslinger on-par with Arthur and John
>Buys the same land that John lives on in the previous game
Why the fuck was Jim Miltons story even added to the game? Is this supposed to be sequel/expansion bait? That whole 'epilogue' was some self-insert shit.
Randomly introduced towards the end of the game
Your thread is going to die anyway, but here's a pity post
If you go back to the first camp as Milton, you find Marston there who kills him and his family and says "Hell is your Red Dead Problem now, friend".
A harsh comment on the life of violence endured by many of our ancestors.
Getting this ending deletes your save.
Dude, "Jim Milton" was John Marston's fake name. He went by that because he was probably well known by the Pinkertons and he needed to hide from the law while he tried to live an Ernest legal life that provided for his wife. Agatha and Lancelot are also fake names. I thought this was explained during a cutscene? Maybe don't hit skip instantly next time, retard.
Imagine being this smooth-brained
Imagine falling for this low quality bait
Jim Milton really just needs to treat his wife better and stop murdering people all the time. I get that he's just doing his job, but I don't think being a murderer really pays in the long run. IDK maybe the next game is going to be about how Jim gets his Read Dead Redemption
I finished chapter 6 5 days ago and cant bring myself to play the epilogue. When does the pain stop bros?
I can't tell if this is more bait or not
Nice try, retard, but John never grew a beard as thick as Jim's
The epilogue is 2 whole chapters. Its not gonna stop for a long time, fren.
i'm not done yet, either
maybe saddie didn't want the black lung
power through it so you can finally set aside the game and mourn
I thought that was before he got tb
Play the epilogue, build a little house together
he was infected way back near Valentine when he beat that guy to death whose wife later became a diseased hooker and whose son works in the mine
>"Jim Milton" was John Marston's fake name
you retards come up with more retarded theories every thread
>Is there a problem?
>No... I'm Dunhier
A strange tale of hubris right at the beginning. Here we see a guy who's so full of himself he (perhaps constantly) boasts that he can work around any problem, because '[he's] Dunnhier', the legendary thief. However, almost immediately after his first appearance, he is nonchalantly shot in the back. It really delivers Nolan's message about escalation perfectly; the low-life criminals in Gotham have no respect, even for other criminals and their previous merits. Even Dunnhier, with all his skills, is expendable.
>criminals in this town used to believe in things.. honor.. respect!
and you can ressurect aeris/aerith and theres a code to see law crafts teeteez.
I think he said done here mate
Oh yeah, well then why did Jim Milton buy land as John Marston? It would make no sense if Jim Milton was really John Martson, using the name as cover to evade the law....but it makes perfect sense if JOHN MARSTON was actually JIM MILTON, using John's name to throw people off his scent.
Just who is this Jim Milton?
Sounds like a dumb fanfiction to me
What about the legendary crime boss they were stealing from, Yuan Yirfrenzaded?
Isnt that john spartan from the first 2nd red dead redeemed
Ewan Yafrenzaded was actually the joker baby
If Jim was John, why the fuck can’t I have John’s hair he had the entire game?
because it takes a shitload of effort and it's easier just copy paste Arthur's scalp proportions and texture the hair models black since you'll be wearing a hat 90% of the time.
Are you seriously this retarded? WATCH THE CUTSCENES. How the fuck would Sadie know "Jim" if he wasn't John? How come John, Abigail and Jack LITERALLY look identical to "Jim", "Agatha" and "Lancelot"? There is a fucking cutscene where Jack chooses his own nickname. PAY ATTENTION. You fucking brainlet.
How can you tell, sadie is acting in a pre scripted scene, does sadie actually know john, i doubt it .
That doesn’t answer my question why I don’t have John’s hair.
It’s not John.
why did you save it?
So is Jim John's nobody the who is his heartless
Red dead 2 is doo doo
>Jim Milton
>John Marston
>Jimmy John's
>Mars Milton
holy fuck bros rockstat did it thw names camb believe reference except several
>The same bait as earlier in the thread except this time it is a shitty frogpost instead of a shitty Wojak edit
stealing from himself? the madman
>cries that people aren't watching cutscenes
>"durr hurr how the fuck would Sadie know "Jim" if he wasn't John?"
fucking retard
all those replies are the same retard. For what purpose.....
But John Marston died on that tanker two years ago.