>humans BAD
>elves and dwarves GOOD
How do you go backwards in story telling from witcher 1 what a bunch of hacks
Humans BAD
sounds right to me
You've never played either of those games.
elves in the Witcher are fucking terrorists
yet humanity still manages to be worse
You've never even played the games and it's obvious.
The elves genocided an entire race of lizard people and were war with the dwarves and gnomes long before men showed up and are actually interdimensional conquers.
>elves in witcher good
>dwarves good
Dwarves make Jews look honest in comparison
Basically Albanians
Inbred cunts from Yorkshire
>lizard people
wait what?
>church BAD NAZIS
>sorcerers hiding under the floorboard GOOD JEWS
the writing in witcher 3 is absolute lowest common denominator
How did you miss the entire point?
>There are good humans and bad humans
>There are good dwarves and bad dwarves
>There are good elves and bad elves
>There are good monsters and bad monsters
This series is literally MORALLY GREY all around.
Every race does terrible things, and being the player or should i say Geralt, you can't do anything about it. Not that anyone else could, wars and crimes will always exist. Elves are just better at doing terrible things because they're smarter and more knowledgeable in the manipulation of magic forces. Plus Geralt has friends in almost every ethnic group, he can't just go genociding, let's say dwarves for example, when Zoltan is such a bro to him. So he's just doing what he can.
Elves are fucking niggers
Roche > Iorveth
in fact Gerald is not fond of the elves in the books
There was actually an entire race of lizard people. The elves had them all wiped out before humans even arrived.
Elves are legitimately the shittiest race in the Witcher series. All they ever do is complain about being oppressed while actively being terrorists and refusing to coexist with anyone else.
Based and Rochepilled
>correctly calls sorcerers jews
>forgets sorcerers are just as bad as the eternal fire cucks
Something something lesser evil and not choosing at all.
so jews?
The Elf cries in pain as he strikes you.
But is a better assessment.
OP never played any witcher game, if you couldn't tell from his post
The game was written by fanfic writers and wikifags.
What did you expect?
Got a problem with it, umgi?
lmao, imagine having to shamelessly shill for third party companies to fund a game that was trash
I'll let the geniuses of the internet explain why elves are good
That was the case in Witcher 1 not so mutch in Witcher 2 or 3
But you naturally "get it" unlike them and know everything
Sounds like someone who's never played Witcher 1, 2, and most of 3.
You know that CDProjekt owns GOG right?
>ScoiaŹ¼tael is a terrorist faction that wants to wipe out all humans, witchers included
>Games do their best to make them appear sympathetic and even lets you help them
What did CDPR mean by this?
I like it.
Aen Seidhe are virgins all they do is whine and complain meanwhile the real chads of the universe are the Aen Elle besides the manlet in the corner. If only Eredin could bring his whole army with him the witcher world wouldn't stand a chance.
I don't what game you played but the squirrels are shown to be backwards, racist and unwilling to evolve.
>Games do their best to make them appear sympathetic and even lets you help them
>he didn't play thronebreaker
>Some Nordlings believe that vrans or at least a caste of them have an ability of polymorphism and imposter highly positioned human individuals like Emhyr var Emreis, but it isn't known for sure
Even worse then. They're literally shilling their own shit. Imagine is HL2 were full of steam shilling
I really enjoyed the game & still think Heart Of Stone is objectively one of the best stories I've played through. However their are still a shiton of glitches I had to deal with on the complete edition of PSN. It's a bit of a shame their isn't at least 1 positive presentation of the Eternal Fire, as even the worst of religions in the world (Islam for example) still have a few good faithful people in them (This at the very least is fixed in NotItaly though)I still want a alternate optional big boss ending for Geralt, deciding to restore Kaer Morhen/restart the creation of Witchers. Would be cool to see his merging of knowledge from the other schools, & deal with his existing witchers either joining him or trying to kill him (Think a more worth wile neutral evil ending/gold sink for players then the swamp & RuneSmith ).