Celica is perfection in everyway.
Celica is perfection in everyway
Other urls found in this thread:
I fapped to guro of her.
Most beautiful FE lord, hands down.
She is fucking retarded and her reason for fighting is dumb as hell
But I'd still be willing to die fighting for her cause
Except her retarded mindset of "I must carry the world hardships alone".
I agree. Though I have no idea who is she and where is she from.
Best canon couple in all of FE
Should have been Celica x Saber
That's not Eirika x Ephraim
Fuck off cuck
Is FEE any good? How does it compare to the rest of the series?
bad armor design
Guess today is opposite day.
No it's a terrible game. Gameplay is fundamentally flawed and the story and characters are shit.
She's a stupid pos that made the game unbearable
Great voice acting and soundtrack, enjoyable cast, straightforward mediocre plot but decent by Fire Emblem standards and some of the shittiest maps with some of the most annoying enemies in the franchise.
Note, this delusional waifucuck is lying out his ass
Better than Fates and Awakening. Not a high bar but it is what it is.
n i c e
Nice try shill
Too bad her game is shit
Do you have some autism based homing device or something? Literally every thread on here that mentions Echoes has you immediately pop in and start sperging out about the game.
It's not even close to being better than Awakening.
It's just the resident Fatesfag. He got laughed and bullied out of /feg/ so now he resorts to crying in every FE thread Yea Forums.
Do you need to constantly make your little shill threads you little bitch? Every single day there's a thread up about this terrible game and it's the same shit every single time.
>but muh shitty art and music
Saber got a piece of this.
The romance is one of the worst things about this dogshit game so no
Is depicted in 3 separate canon displays as having A's, B's, and C's.
How can official work be this convoluted? What is her true size?
Who the fuck cares waifucuck
>tits too small
Idunn was pretty shallow as a character, but that death line makes her such a sad being.
>“I...I... Gah... I am alone...in the dark... I am alone...in...darkness...”
>obvious waifufag thread
>who cares about waifus
nigger off yourself
Hello again angry user.
Will you tell me to kill myself again today?
It's fun during the period where Alm is your lord.
And your little waifucuck thread about your shit character should fuck off already you autistic retard.
This is a thread about a shit game, why are you talking about something good?
Act 1 and 3 are both garbage. What the fuck is wrong with you.
>the tranny is a echoescuck
Makes sense
Funnily enough, she is better than Marth if you have the final DLC with Owain's Rythm skill.
But FE6 is also pretty shit. I'd say Idunn is one of the few things good about it.
It's not, that would 7 or really half this shit series
You can like 6 if you want to. I just don't find it very good. Neither story wise nor character wise. Gameplay it is pretty much like any other GBA fire emblem.
What is it about Fire Emblem threads that pulls out shitposters
She's a sad character in general. She didn't deserve what she got. For all the shit dragons get in the series, most of them are good or are either not at fault for any evils they commit.
And no one should use a shit character like Celica
No it's just a actual good game. That's hard to find in this series
>getting this triggered by some random waifu thread
>people make the same fucking thresd everyday
>finally people get tried of it
This isn't a FE thread it's a waifucuck circlejerk
6 was also in general pretty cruel. Fae's death quote is also pretty sad.
>“I'm so...scared...”
Marth's and Celica's move set are good sweeps, but you also want to do some good single target damage, which Celica excels in in comparison.
And it is okay for you think that.
Organized shilling isn't random. You think I'm mad but I'm not at all. I'm pretty contempt
No one needs to think about objectively, you know it
Fairly sure no one is shilling. It's just someone who is baiting or just like Fire Emblem.
Is this a new meme now? I've seen people using the world more than ever know.
No it is shilling. Same exact thread, same exact time schedule, same exact praise.
>defined words are memes
So he gets paid every time? Maybe I should start shilling too.
Of course. Notice how the other waifucuck thread doesn't get replies? He's not endorsed by Nintendo to shill his shit game so mindless sheep can buy it
They usually are when people keep saying objectively all the time. Or it is just a coincidence.
Whenever I fap to Celica it almost feels like I'm tapping into some primal power hidden way down in my genes of pauper defiling a noble. Like god damn, I just want to pin her down and mercilessly defile her and make her mine, unrelenting until she's an absolute mess.
This has not happened with any other character, royalty or not.
You don't know what meme means
>spend 2 weeks together as children
Even more sad when you know all of her sisters are witches and can be killed by her.
Oh, and Jedah being her father.
She's a shit character with zero personality or depth. How can you feel sad about a caricature.
It is a term used to describe cultural heritage, hence why internet memes usually are called memes. Since one person mimics or take upon spreading the meme.
The literal definition is Memory.
Because she is one of the few characters in Echoes with subtle depth.
Epic downboat, bro. Here, take my based upboat.
And using a word doesn't make something a meme.
There is no subtle depth this isn't Gaiden. Shadows of Valentia's writing is pretty much regular anime, shoving everything you need to know in your face
Kill yourself waifucuck, you are fucking pathetic
It can, like how Ironically, unironically, literally and implying implications became written memes.
It's like how you can inherit a speaking pattern from those close to you.
But like I said, it must just be a coincidence.
>Blind first run of Echoes
>Have to choose between a cute mage or random edgelord
>Obviously want the cute mage
>Pick her map because I want her
>Can't beat the map without killing her
>mfw I realized I got Deened.
>Oh, and Jedah being her father.
Well that's a new one.
Right pick the shit mage over the best class in the game. The state of waifucucks
>waifu cuck
>wants to fap to doujins of cute fire emblem girls
Pick one.
I guess. I just liked the little we got about Sonya.
And also Boey's and Mae's chemistry.
Did you skip reading? Jesse literally tells you that you have to kill one of them in order for the other to retreat.
I never said I was smart
I usually pick Sonya to not make the game too easy.
Don't they flat out say that the other side might abandon Grieth and have no reason to continue fighting for him?
None of those memes really, retards just fucking use them wrong
she is so incredibly majestic.
Jedah has some GOAT genes.
At least you're feeling it.
Or you could play a actual good game and not a poorly written VN
Pleasent surprise when I played it the first time.
Not so fighting since I did it on hard.
To be fair they didn’t have porn so that image of her kept him going
Why is est such a shit?
What surprise? The guy is a joke. Though it being a Echoescuck thread can't be shouldn't at seeing the mentally disabled
Maybe. Final map is pretty cool though. One of the funnier final boss fights in the franchise. And the soundtrack fits the mood. Even the Gaiden music for Twilight of the Gods is pretty based. The mash up is pretty cool too.
I like how you admit you're a mindless sheep. It's not even funny anymore
he didn't need porn
Retards can't be perfect. Lute is superior.
Glad they kinda fleshed out Grima more, makes their being a lot more omniscious and creepy.
You could certainly say I fell that boss
I wonder why they felt they needed to add Faye and Kliff. They don't really have any impact on the story.
It's fucking dogshit. The only good thing about endgame is not being able to one turn it like usual unless you have overclasses. And the music is shit and overrated.
Lute a cute.
This. After echoes he had a back story at least compared to Awakening were he just exist.
As someone who played Birthright and hated most of the cast Elise was probably the most complex and interesting character out of everyone in that run. Fuck Hoshido
Conquest is infinitely more intresting even characterwise
Kliff was in Gaiden already retard. They just wanted to make Alm more of a mary sue so they added Faye.
Another mindless sheep waifucuck
Lute is cute!
>Kliff was in Gaiden already retard
Fuck, yeah. My mistake.
>They just wanted to make Alm more of a mary sue so they added Faye.
That makes no sense.
It's not a FE thread
That map was some shit. I don't understand how you're supposed to stop the villagers from suicide other than bodyblocking them.
Yeah even being titled “the creation” and being an unholy human and divine dragon ambonination fits Robin as a sacrifice as well.
Also being part human kinda explains this face you see when you damage Grima but not kill it.
Hoshido has some fun niche characters, like dodge tanking Hana(except when she gets hit at 5% hit) and Nohr killer Oboro.
Would you?
>character who fawns over Alm even more than the rest of the cast
>another one in his harem
For a game with so much focus on one character per chapter, it felt like a waste to not have them interact in the actual cutscenes. Genny being the worst offender since she doesn't even have any supports unless you recruit Sonya.
I’ve only done it in Birthright. Can’t imagine trying to suffer through that without Ryoma
Fuck Mila, and fuck princess Anthiese
I'm curious how Grima would look like as a humanoid if he didn't need an avatar to control.
If you are a mentally stunted manchild you would
But that doesn't make him exactly perfect unless you like Faye a lot yourself.
Alm already is perfect. That's why he's a mary sue
>Genny being the worst offender since she doesn't even have any supports unless you recruit Sonya.
I'm still mad. She seemed like she could have some fun supports with Mae and Boey.
She's a shallow character. It wouldn't add anything
I wanted to like Hana going in and got good usage but at the end of the day she’s a Swordmaster in the same game as fucking Ryoma
>NTR's a queen out of Camus.
If someone's a mary sue, it's Celica. I don't think anyone blame her for anything throughout the game, while at least some says Alm fucked up if he does shit wrong.
I mean Clive gets pretty pissed if you fail to save Mathilda.
>dodge tanking Hana
>Swordmaster in the same game as fucking Ryoma
That's the issue. Ryoma is just a better unit overall. He does pretty much everything better than Hana AND he has defensive stats.
I mean is she really a Mary Sue if the game makes her look like a retard and gets punished for it?
Sure she’s not a good character but she’s not a Mary Sue
He will hit AND he will crit just to fuck with you. Shit happened to me with 10% hit chance from the enemy with 1% crit chance.
I was mad as fuck.
Didn’t Fates tweak accuracy overall to hurt dodgertanking in general?
Didn’t stop Ryoma but hurt many others
No it's Alm. Alm never fucks up and if the player does he gets no consequence for his actions. Alm is pretty much nothing but a success, which on top of everyone looking up to Alm. things got smoothed over rather too quickly there with how he managed to calm him down in one fell swoop. You have to consider that this is still someone who's inexperienced not only as a leader but with people in general with him spending most of his life tucked away in Ram. It shows that he doesn't suffer any lasting and visible effect or consequence from this either way.
I stand corrected.
It uses 5 rng
Everyone can make mistakes.
>You have to consider that this is still someone who's inexperienced not only as a leader
I don't think Clive gives a shit about experience when the love of his life is dead. But true enough, he does forgive him awfully quickly, but I blame the developers and writers being too lazy to make it impact the dialogues over a longer period.
Dunno about that, but she's worthy of dick beatings.
>38% crit with 1-2 range
>35% crit with 1-2 range
Jesus fuck
She's not a mary sue at all, the woman is a legit idiot and as bad as Jedah, but I guess being a huge Mila fanatic was supposed to be her character considering where she grew. Alm is not a mary sue either, but things just go a bit too good on his side, other than the obligatory death of a parent, and his faction is obviously in the right during the whole game compared to Celica's.
Now imagine if this was Hana.
They use hybrid roll.
Alm is inexperienced as a leader, nothing with Clive
Then it would be a doujin.
Alm is the definition of a mary sue
No they don't you retard. Fates doesn't use 2 rng
>No Doujin about Hana learning her place
2 rng is double roll. Hybrid is kind of like double roll, but at the same time it is not. Just watch the video.
Are there any doujins with her at all?
Quick, post Delthea.
little feisty samurai cumdump
So you can keep bumping your shit thread?
Got her!
I don't think we need to. We're keeping it bumped by just discussing Fire Emblem.
>using not one, but two generics
I appreciate your commitment.
>using Silver Weapons
She basically asking for it
I love Clair.
More like you need to discuss actual games and not poorly written VN so it doesn't get shit on
Nigger, that was my first post in the thread.
>no art with Ryoma establishing his dominance
Why live
Literally what is her personality? Oh wait waifucucks don't care for that.
Could have just posted this fire-emblem-strategy.tumblr.com
We're talking about more than just Echoes though.
She was a simple sky knight when I captured her but she was amazing all the way through.
High spritited ADHD girl who likes chocolate.
>Can't boil down a personality to one or two words
>This is a bad thing
Yeah, actual games because you don't wait a poorly written VN to shit on.
Had no idea that one existed. Thanks.
>hey guy I got an idea, how about we reintroduce people’s favorite gen 1 Awakening characters but completely strip them of their personalities
The joke is that you can you fucking retard
All Fire Emblem games are VNs by that logic, you dumb ass.
More, please.
Echoes threads are destined to be shitposted anyway, so sure, why not.
Well, most Fire Emblem are VN.
No they aren't, is this another desperation attempt
>capture a sky knight
>now have easier access to either flying bow or flying staff promotion
>make her a great lord
Maybe because it's a bad game
maledom is a godtier fetish, to bad we rarely see it
Kill yourself
so normal sex?
I kept her as a maid if that pleases you!
>not degenerate enough for fetish artists
>not normal enough for the average one
A gentleman and a scholar.
How is she on cavalier and mage? I've already done runs as cleric and pegknight.
yeah the bad ones
>actually replying a game with no reply value
Kek. She's shit, just make her a cleric so you can get the game over faster.
Say something nice about her.
Cleric makes her easy mode. She is okay as a cav.
What? How do we never see it. It's literally the default in most doujins. Honestly, femdom is more rare because anything tagged "femdom" is just a girl riding for a few panels or some shit.
Isn’t it tiring to hate something so much?
Not great. Really cleric is what she should usually use regardless. I generally only bring Genny and Tatiana to the endgame.
Mage is nice to have a seraphim user early on Alm route and she is probably the only girl to get Sagittae.
She also gets the Freeze spell as a priestess.
Cav she basically becomes a tank.
No because you shills make the same fucking thread every day and post in it like mad for instant replies.
>shilling for a 2 year old game
Made for facefucking!
You can shill for a 30 year old game. Doesn't matter as long as OP gets paid everyday
I don’t think you know what shill means user.
Yes I do, its happening right now
No one is trying to get people to buy the game user
>talking about a game is shilling it now
Holy fuck
Why are you responding to an obvious shitposter, retard?
Yes you are, that's why these threads get instant replies and filled with nothing but praise. You being the mindless sheep you are it attracts ironic weebs like nothing and you know it
Thanks guys.
Making the same thread every game about a game is shilling with examples yeah. You know Echoes OP's are the only way to get replies so you use them since mindless sheep love this game, you can influence others to buy it and now get paid by Nintendo for doing so.
This triggers the autist.
It is when you constantly make the same thing every day with desperation
>tfw can't dislike SoV or like CQ without being affiliated with this dumbass.
It's liking Camilla while cumillaposters were rampant all over again.
Shut the fuck up tranny you pathetic waste of life
It’s by people who already bought the game though talking about what they thought. Good or bad.
Might as well think every thread on the site is a Shulk thread
It's the same fucking shit every FE thread with you autistic cunts. Just make your own god damn dedicated thread if you don't want to discuss Echoes, it's not that hard.
>b-but fuck shill threads
Shitposting about it is still shilling games you like.
Both games are good for different reasons gaang
I'm happy I like a character who's only mid-level popular as far as nu FE goes.
Sure, people call her a whore and stuff, but at least annoying shitposters don't post about her.
Conquest is awful though, so no worries there bud.
No, if that was true the same exact things and the same exact praise wouldn't be happening every day
They can't, they know it won't get close as many as replies or as quickly
Echoes isn't close to the word good
I did have a ton of fun with the one I owned back in the day.
She has two alts in Heroes already.
She's more popular than most characters in Fire Emblem.
I know. I said as far as nu-FE goes. She's definitely more popular than most pre-Awakening characters but as far as Awakening goes she's usually about the middle point in polls.
It's a actual good game in a shit series so no
she was my indestructible cavelier
Isn’t that the entirety of Yea Forums?
Polls mean shit.
Shigure has an alt.
Imagine wasting your time making a shit game slower on yourself
No not close
Your opinion is wrong.
yeah FE is pretty shit it's really funny
I come here to discuss fire emblem.
No, it's not opinion it's objective fact. Not that you can challenge me on this so it's pointless endeavor for you.
You must be in a lot of threads.
Its actually weird how noticeable he is
Not an argument, sweetie.
Are you guys ready to roll for Idunn?
no you didn't, you wanted to shill. Why not make your own thread if you wanted to discuss the series? Why not use the other thread then?
Then this is not the thread for it. Echoes threads are always shitposted to death by one single turboautist. I'll just imagedump until the thread is deleted.
I didn't even make the thread.
>he thinks FE discussion on Yea Forums is relevant anymore post-Awakening
TF2 has had the same threads for 10 years
>Though it being a Echoescuck thread can't be shouldn't at seeing the mentally disabled
There are some decent discussions in between the spam.
Yeah it is
I think it is even more fun BECAUSE of awakening since it introduced more people to the franchise.
So? How does that changed what was stated?
Ever thought about playing some vidya instead and take a break?
Morning threads are pretty comfy most of the time.
Not really, but you blame hats for that.
You keep saying I came to shill, while I've been talking about several fire emblem games in this very thread without being paid.
No it's not sweetie, not an argument. :)
>newfags still reply to CQfag
Reminder to not only not give him any (You)s, but also say "conquest is a shit game" just to make him seeth harder
imagine not looking up the optimal classes because you don't care at all, some people play just for fun. Don't know why you wasted your time finding out the optimal combo's for a game you don't like
But CQ was fun. I can't just lie to him.
Maybe because it's a bad game and doesn't deserve discussion
It's literally in the sources listed in the video
What discussion?
You'd think it'd be the standard but it really isn't. God damn am I sick of smug anime chicks in porn
Awakening killed the series.
Hana and Ryoma, origin of Grima, Idunn and FE6 etc.
Eugenics were hilarious in Awakening. People were experimenting with different pairings and see how hard they could break the game with said pairings. Shame Lunatic(+) discouraged this mindset, especially if you don't have DLC
Yeah, but I ain't digging through posts when half of the thread is Fatesfaggot screeching. I rather make a FEH thread because at least those are actually decent to talk about.
>Fuck Valve
>Nerf ___
>Buff _____
>When ______?
Not really
Because you did. Notice how you didn't address the statements? Not only are you a shill you are a mindless sheep
I'd argue 12 almost killed the game off more than FE13.
Yeah it is
Doesn't matter, I won
You don't need to look anything up to make her a cleric
It was the Tellius games
The emblemfu thread? I didn't see it until you mentioned it.
So the same exact shit being repeated ten over that wouldn't have changed being a regular FE thread. Okay.
I'd argue at least FE9 couldn't because there was only 5 people who owned a GC. Wii on the other hand with FE10 could have.
Eugenics are shit in Awakening because it's all pointless especially with Morgan
I agree.
No 12 was actually good. 13 is yet anothrr insult to trpgd
Well, DoA threads are about tits and ass. There are usually some defining things for a thread.
Get fucked bitch
Yeah because you are a mindless sheep. And you still didn't address the other point
12 was the game that introduced the biggest complain about 13 though. The casual mode.
I want to FUCK and BREED this wolf.
I have made my own threads though. This one just happened to be up when I got back home.
If you had some sublime message, I'm sorry, but I can't see it.
Back to fire emblem.
true. I had the other healer at that point so I didn't think it necessary to make faye one. Tatiana was stupidly op, so I'm glad I made faye a tank
9/10 sold like shit due to bad marketing like usual
Is this guy just like SMfag on /vp/ and he actually likes the games but deliberately acts as obnoxious as possible screeching that they're shit to try and shift the attitudes towards hating it less?
I.e. tier 3 tactical promotion techniques?
I luckshitted her on my free roll.
So? It's still a selector of difficulty.
No Echoes is just a bad game. What is that so hard to accept?
Bad marketing on the wii I agree, but Gamecube had like no console sales compared to other mediums the fire emblem games were on.
Kind of sad considering the great games Gamecube had.
There's nothing to go back to. Just make a FE thread and watch it die.
I agree. But people still bitched about it in awakening like it was the first one to have it.
you can't fool me shill, I'm not going to buy it despite your efforts
3DS is for pirating
Isn't that a fox?
If I was a shill I would be constantly bumping the thread like everyone else. Also you shouldn't play the game at all.
>you will never marry doot
why live
And people are fucking retards what do you expect? Especially FEfags
Pretty much, except he isn't shitposting and is genuinely bipolar about Fire Emblem overall. I'm starting to think this fool emigrated from Serenes Forest thinking he can easily assimilate here no problem.
There's a doot out there waiting for you, don't give up.
You shouldn't live, that's why you need to kill yourself already
You seem to know a lot about shilling techniques. Makes sense for a shill though. Enjoy the other retards falling for your lies, cretin. Maybe if you're going to this much effort to try and get people to sympathize with an out of date game, try shilling for an actually good one.
>going to Serenes Forest forums
>try shilling for an actually good one.
Like what?
You only notice because I don't try.
the art is great on this one
>Especially FEfags
I started with Heroes, got me into the series, played Awakening, Shadow Dragon and Echoes, want to play more games but man if you're right, I think only the Smash fanbase compares in how retarded people can be.
I just play the games.
If I said "uh, shill for X game" then I'd be cooperating with a shill, and also being complicit in it. You aren't going to bait me that easily, go back to trying to get people to care about your braindead remake. Or don't, the board doesn't need even more of it on top of all the gacha shilling and streamerbait shilling.
she's great yeah. Second fav behind Lyn
You are still bumping like the autistic Deltheafag
>implying I am
Lyn is not for lewd.
There is no implication unless I'm wrong due to the shit servers hiromoot has. There's no sage
Seems more like a gamefaqs poster desu
Yeesh, I just asked a question. Who spat on your mother's grave? I genuinely want to know which games in the series are good.
I like to post pics and discuss games in related threads, but right now I do it just to spite you, Fatesfaggot.
>I started with Heroes
Don't even need to read the rest or give a shit. Fuck off
Thread's too fast for you to notice. I posted that last reply less than a minute after you told me I was bumping.
You, corporate leech.
And no, you can't just make me buy into "name some games for me to latch onto" if I promote them it makes me a shill too.
Continue and play them all. They are fun.
More like just but a pedo incel and like a shit character.
Why are there only 51 unique IPs in this thread? Even the fucking drawthread has over 100 IPs. Is it just one guy camping this thread for the last three hours?
No they aren't. Why are you lying?
Nah, he's just stupid.
Yeah, I was planning to continue with New Mystery after Echoes, but Etrian Odyssey Nexus was released and Kirby Extra Epic Yarn is apparently being released this week, so I want to play those too.
Not true, only I can offer actual arguments to why Echoes is bad.
You're just trolling at this point. Why bother staying here on Yea Forums?
As long as you don't die, the fire emblem games will still be there when you're done with Etrian and Kirby.
Read the thread, you can easily identify which posts are made by Fatesfaggot, he's known for making Echoes threads unbearable to discuss. Most times he makes the threads himself just to shitpost them afterwards.
I'm not. I just have my defenses raised now that I know what you are you little moneygrubbing suit. Normally discussing games is fine.
Someone posts the Celica (FE) + Celica (car) pics please
New Mystery is actually good, don't sully it with you hands
Bad games don't deserve discussion you avatarfagging bitch.
These are some ACfag-tier delusions.
>As long as you don't die
T-Thanks user.
Only you die soon
He is in the emblemfu thread too.
>at this point
ACfag is more like the guy I was replying to.
Ever wondered why he always shows up in Echoes threads and makes the same grammatically incorrect, argument-lacking, lunatic level posts? Always there no matter what? Banal, inane shit like just throwing "shit taste" at everything, not providing a strong offensive point on his own part?
I'm just trying to expose him for what he really is. I don't like the game, but this stuff is too far to be just a guy who doesn't like it.
It's pretty obvious he is you fucking retard
Again wrong. I'm the only one who can expose Echoes for being the bad game it is for 2 years now
He literally thinks everything is objective.
I think he’s actually autistic
I like the concept but holy fuck does this guy need to work on his faces.
Nice try, but shilling for Echoes isn't going to make IS add Tatiana to FEH or whatever other pathetic shit you're trying to pull by "merely pretending" your way into making people sympathize with it. I see through your mask.
"At this point" doesn't make any sense when he's been at it for the whole thread and like dozen before
based illiterateanon
He needs to work on everything
Why is there so much bondage art of Celica on pixiv? pixiv.net
I think you're confusing the two. One is the anti-echoesfag who has been irritating for the last few months. The other guy thinks that the anti-echoes guy is actually trying to promote Echoes by acting like a retard and making critics of it look like idiots by proxy.
Corrupt the pure.
Mae, Silque, Clair, Catria, Palla, Matilda and pic related are all better.
Because Celica is a retard that deserves terrible things to be done to her
The critics of this game are already the biggest dipshits you can find since they think the game is bad due to "MUH MAPS" and not anything else.
Popularity due to recency and conventional attractiveness + idiocy so people want to take advantage of that + she's a fucking holy priestess what did you expect, vanilla? = pixiv Celica
>This isn't a FE thread it's a waifucuck circlejerk
what's the difference these days
All those are shit characters but Catria so who cares?
Your inability to make a thread that's not either waifu or echoes or feh
Because everything is objective. You really going to say Superman 64 is a good game?
I'm sure there is someone out there who thinks it is a fun game.
Lmao look at this dude
I agree OP
Make way, posting actual perfection.
And they are objectively wrong. You can like it, which is subjective, doesn't change the facts of this planet that it's a bad game
Kill yourself faggot.
Depends on the scale it's measured on, but I'd say that's a bit of an extreme example. You also have to take into account that some things are impossible to measure with true objectivity because there's no "right" metric of how they should be.
That's not how you spell Lyn
lewd the doot.
You can measure everything with objectively
Guess the incels are back
I'm sorry, I'm running out of sfw doot.
Post lewd so your stupid ass can get banned
neat assumption
Doesn't matter if you made it or not, you bump? You are contributing to the spread of cancer.
>hating doot
shit taste
isn't that from the flash game?
how much nsfw doot you have?
No I don't have shit taste at all you delusional fucking pedo incel. Take your shit character with you to hell when you commit suicide
>Gaiden thread
>is shit
every time
>this retarded autistic lewd faggot
>the pierifag
It's like a host of cancer cells
>the sperg who flies into a rage over the pieri fag
>triest to take the high ground
hi pot
It's a bad game. What do you expect?
I posted her once and you're getting pissy over that?
Look at this seething retard. I don't think this is the right website for you.
there really seems to be an actual sperg who flies into a rage over anything being posted that's not approved by him™
You're not wrong
>tfw feeding Delthea all my mana herbs just because I like it when she says "ugh, what is wrong with you"
I wish she could take more than one hit. Used her a lot in Thabes anyway though when I was collecting the Valentian Regalia.
One time too many.
Shut the fuck up you deranged maggot. Don't even compare me to you garbage fucking cancerous abominations. You fucking pathetic waste of oxygen damn subhuman apologists. All of you worthless fucking maggots need to be round up and shot on sight bleeding to dear life than put in the oven only for you to suffer more till death. God I want you all to suffer the most pain you can experience in a lifetime. I made a massive mistake that day that led to the creation of /trash/
If you want to discuss Echoes, here's a hint:
Just ignore him
Don't reply to him
Don't mention him
Just talk about the game
Idk why I'm even posting this, you'll keep doing it
I think it's time for you to kill yourself
Too many.
Not much to be honest, just from the same artist from above your post.
Of course I'm not. I'm always right
Wait is there more than one of you?
Or did you really just samefag to say the exact same thing?
I guess
No way people can't hate a shit character right?
I just chimed in for a quick zingger, my paranoid guy.
this ain't healthy my man
I feel bad for you
Peri garners a fair bit of dislike for her murderous tendencies. I always tried to get her to do the mess hall cooking because she has a propensity for making the most popular food type (delicious I think).
Shut the fuck up you stupid ass lewd pierifaggot. Go back to your shithole on trash
>I made a massive mistake that day that led to the creation of /trash/
oh, so you are not only a sperg, but a self important martyr as well.
You know what? i'll give this pity (you's) because that's the most pathetic thing i have read today, now keep replying so the mods can ban you and get (you) out of your misery
Oh that makes more sense.
Yea I dunno why I expected something different.
Post links. I need to see her get fucked up.
I don't care about Peri. She's a violent and insane killer with average stats and nice cooking I just told him more than one person disliked her.
It's true. Posting porn of Kamui sent someone off the edge for that slutposting thread on /trash/
what? are you serious about that?
Not I guess I'm always right
Cool. Now stop replying to me
If you're gonna hate the perifag at least hate the right person, aka me.
Yes? Why the fuck would I lie about something like that.
no you'll take this reply and like it
Or hate all worthless maggots
let me guess you were the one who posted kamui
Oh look more incels
I mean sure go ahead but it's probably not a good use of time to go around hating people that post characters you don't like on chinese tapestry forums.
Angry echoes hater, can you come back to the emblemfu thread?
The own with her on her back presenting herself receiving semen.
Here's your (You).
Come back to the emblemfu thread.
Can't stop not, it's been 13 years to long
It's funny you think that
don't say it outright you idiot.
you'll just send him there.
so what happened next?
He's already been there. He stopped after some people posted echoes images replying to him.
i think it's best if you give an archive link, cause i now need to see what happened
How the fuck am I supposed to remember that
Doesn't matter, I won
Why do smelly girls even try to compete with the cutest lord?
I really hoped Idunn would be a GHB.
Man, why did she have to have negative ass in FEW? It even looks weird when she's running in her promoted outfit.
Spoiler alert I was in that thread long before
That's not M!Corrin
Olivia wasn't exactly an ass girl to begin with.
You can’t say that shit and not post links.
Yeah, but her ass just looks modeled wrong. Less attention paid to it than Tharja's despite coming out at the same time.
True. At least she plays different from others.
>he actually went back and found it
Fucking madman.
Why the fuck would I lie about something like that