How come black video game characters are treated like shit by us, but Demoman is treated like one of us? Now I'm not saying we should treat Demoman as a nig, but I'm just curious why?
How come black video game characters are treated like shit by us, but Demoman is treated like one of us...
A dmc threaddied for this
he is a scotish not a nigger
Thank god. DMCdicksuckers are worst then Smashfags.
he only has one eye
I'll respond to your shit thread by saying Yea Forums was a much better place when TF2 came out and that if it came out today, there'd be endless threads filled with WE WUZ BRAVEHEART and griping about jewish conspiracies
he is scotish
Because he's from the time when people here were only ironically racist and didn't care about politics and not legitimately racist culture warriors
He's not a generic nigger like in other games
Because he's well written and well designed
because Yea Forums is like 90% scots_
cause he isn't meant to be taken seriously and is as played up as the rest of the TF2 cast
Because he isn't black to be black, he's just black because thats how he fucking is.
he's a rare example of a dark skinned person
because demoman is a genuinely good addition to the game he's in
he doesn't feel forced
he isn't a diversity hire
he has a charming character outside of having dark skin
we don't treat black vidya characters like shit, we treat shitty characters like shit
Nothing about his race is being pushed i.e. he hasnt been added just for being black. His persona is his identity not his skin colour like all other generic black characters nowadays
because he's a character first
This. If TF2 came out today then nu-Yea Forums would seethe about a scottish nigger.
2016 was a mistake.
>he's just black because thats how he fucking is.
This he is only black because the devs wanted him to be more distinguishable from the other classes.
This is from his own wiki page.
>The beta prototype of the Demoman was supposed to have a stereotypically Scottish appearance, consisting of pale skin and red hair. It was later dropped for a black Scottish character both because the former lacked originality and because the latter was easier to differentiate from the other
>we don't treat black vidya characters like shit
Oh please, you faggots see a few brown pixels in an e3 trailer and we all have to deal with your whining
That's bs and you know it. The black characters are what's changed, not the reaction to them. If demo had domination lines like 'fuck crackers!' and 'if it weren't for whitey we wouldn't even be fightin!' we'd hate him just as much.
name 1 character that has lines like that
people are mad about black characters before they even know what they're like now
Because he was originally written as a white character, but they changed his race at the last minute without changing his personality or character.
>implying black characters in modern "triple-A" videogames are written well and not forced as shit
The diversity comes before the character and personality of whoever they add in a game, resulting in poor quality characters that fulfill the brownie quota to appease certain people
Demo is an actual good character.
How can you tell from a trailer if they're well-written or not? You're just feeding off of bullshit outrage culture by chimping out as soon as you see them.You just assume they're forced and part of a quota without ever playing the games that they're in?
TF2 was what originally brought me to Yea Forums. It has a special place in my heart and also demo is my fav class.
He's not an american nigger.
Most of them, when they grow up not amoung their kind but surrounded by whites, end up being okay people.
Because demo bring black is just a part of his personality, a bunch of black characters are just black to make sure the game is Inclusiveâ„¢, and they're usually the same character copypasted with one twist.
Look at Gracian from Killer 7. He's black, but he's got a personality, good dialogue etc. He's not just here to make sure journos don't sperg.
thats a tan
fuck i really need to replay killer7