Tropico 6

Open beta started today and so far it's great. They mixed all of the good stuff from 3, 4 and 5, and added shit that people wanted for years like multi-island building.

What do you think about it Yea Forums?

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Want to like tropico but the music is unlistenable. Hate that mexican shit.

You can just mute the music and listen to your own songs, there's a slider for that.

>that agent 47 icon at the bottom

does it have cool new shit? 5 was such a letdown

i always mute sim music

Yes, you can now build on an entire archipelago instead of just a single island, move and customize your palace, there's a lot of new buildings, and you can launch pirate raids, commandos, spies and hackers and steal monuments and money from other countries.
Also the electoral speeches from 3 make a return.

Then there's some other minor shits and improvements. The only thing that's missing right now it's the radio, i don't know if they'll add it or not but right now it's the only thing that's missing.

Not interested in buying Tropical.
Its going to be chopped into pieces and comes in like 20 little dlcs.

Typical ameriburger

Last one I enjoyed was 3 iirc. Pirated 5 but was bored very quickly. Might check it out, thanks for headsup user.