They zoomerfied this game. Movement feels twitchy. TTK is too low. Only mode being played is Team Deathmatch...zoomers don't care about S&D because it requires too much thinking. It's literally sprint around and get shot in the back. Spawning sucks too.
Zoomer Warfare Remastered
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they 'zoomerfied' it at MW1 you fucking tagalong tryhard
>hurr durr not like us boomers right fellas?
You're too old to be playing video games grampa
TDM was always the most popular mode while S&D was only played by autists
S&D was literally always the best game mode. Deaths actually matter in it.
It was zoomerfied in 2007 you fucking faggot
This, I enjoyed the mode but TDM was always much more popular than anything else and S&D was for people tryharding or trying to powerlevel prestiges since a good game of S&D is huge xp/hr.
The only thing that’s changed is they add loot boxes
It’s still the same Cod4 with fancy graphics
COD4 = millennial core
MW2 = protozoomer
MW3 = zoomer
>It's literally sprint around and get shot in the back. Spawning sucks too.
This has literally always been MW. Nobody on here ever liked it, you fucking newfag. Get the fuck out.
>playing bootleg CS
Why do cod fags only play tdm? The objective modes are so much better it’s the same in black ops 4
>unironically thinking original mw wasn't already zoomercore as fuck
Anyone who posts LE EPIC BEWMERS AND ZEWMERS MAYMAYS XDDDD has the mental capacity of a toddler.
Pc fags had to make a mod to make a poor mans CS but all it did was make quick scoping even easier
>muh k/d
because CoD was always a fun mindless meatgrinder
playing objective modes in CoD is like playing locker/metro 24/7 servers in battlefield, its fucking weird and out of place
Call of Duty 2 was the last good COD. Capture the Flag in Moscow
depends on the objective because 3x frag is pretty fucking awful in some gametype/map combos.
which map was it where everyone would start the match by lobbing grenades over the map and wind up killing half the players before they even met for a firefight?
you seems to be offended
wetwork, what a god-awful map. Highrise in MW2 was infinitely better just because they included a tiny underground area with basically no other major differences. There was enough unbalanced stupid shit in MW2 but that was at least one improvement.
you seems to be retarded
Goddamn Yea Forums is made up of the most uncreative little fucks of any board
Enlighten us Oh Creative One
Goddamn what a mess of a game. So many hours spent on that fucking thing.
They're all zoomer. Get out of denial.
You meant World at War, right.
Domination is best game mode fite me
>Movement feels twitchy. TTK is too low. Only mode being played is Team Deathmatch...zoomers don't care about S&D because it requires too much thinking. It's literally sprint around and get shot in the back. Spawning sucks too.
Uh welcome to CoD4 user
>first time playing in 7 years
>finish top of leaderboard easily
>not even that good
>10th prestiges on team going 6-19 hiding in a container with an lmg
Why do people play these types of game so scared now? Just run around and shoot people you zoomer cunts. The game isn't different the state of the people who play are.
I only played search and destroy normal and hc as well. tdm and hq were boring drivel.
2007 is zoomer period you dumb fuck
what are you playing it on? it feels almost the same as the original on Xbone. you must have forgotten how powerful the M16 with stopping power was. people play free for all and domination, but yeah search was pretty dead the couple times i tried and that was easily the best game mode in the original.
Because the game is shit. If I wanted to play tactically with teamwork, there's tons of other fps games that do it better.
Totally agree, I had over 20 days of ingame playtime for the fun things that it did have.
M14 alone was probably 60% of my playtime, going for one-shot headshot kills for headshot camos and spam firing hip fire with steady aim to make people think I had a rapid fire mod.
M60 with juggernaut and its 50 base damage at close range to 2-shot kids while turning off their stopping power was great too.
MW2 had some good stuff but too many fucking glitches for like the first year
What's with you fags and your nigger speak, Is it that hard to say this game has been casualized without spewing retarded shit?
zoomer boomer zoomer zoomer boomer boomer xd boomer zoomer zoomer
fuck this site
It just gets worse every year
and yet my dumbass keeps posting here, year after year.