Can modern fighting game be successful without any sex appeal?
Can modern fighting game be successful without any sex appeal?
Else people would be playing stickmen fightan.
No gender, no eye candy, only a set of move
Functional but not very appealing.
Maybe for dedicated players/pro scenes; but other wise the wider casual audience is rabid for sex appeal.
Makoto’s design still pisses me off. I like her character but her attire in battle is absolutely asinine.
Of course, that's just one little boost but not really the main thing for most fighting games.
Depends on how you define sex appeal. Lewd costumes? Cute characters? If it's lewd costumes sure probably. Absolutely no cute or good looking characters? Probably not.
I don't know why you would try to devalue sex appeal in a lot of fighting games. It can be exploitative I'm sure but there's plenty of examples of it being empowering as well.
No, because it is already established that fighting games are all about mechanics and how autistic someone needs to be to actually be motivated enough to learn those, instead of actually using the medium to its fullest potential.
Fighting games were always arcade cash grabs. If you aren't hypnotized by boobs, there's literally no reason not to play anything else with mechanics as deep while also having everything else a regular game has.
idk senpai, i usually pick characters for the meme potential
Name one
>Can ('ANYTHING') be successful without any sex appeal?
>It´s possible to stop thinking altogether about girls tits and asses so i don´t make a fool of myself in front of my mother and the church goers?
>Can i castrate myself, become holy, never think again in sex and go to paradise right at Jesus side?
I posted one, retard.
Where the fuck in KOF do you see sex appeal as empowering?
No. Just look at how niche Super Smash Brothers is.
>Can [insert videogame genre] modern game be successful without any sex appeal?
In almost every character you mong. Look at Elizabeth, Vice, Mature, Athena, Yuri, King, Shermie, the list goes on. Vice and Mature are super easy examples of empowered women stepping all over men, while simultaneously using their sex appeal as a source of strength as opposed to weakness.
Vice literally crushes you between her thighs and her sexuality is made to be more threatening than alluring.
1 6 K I D S
ARMS sold well enough. Just apply it's designs to a conventional fighter and it would be a hit.
>woman is into femdom = empowering
>women fight = empowering
Yeah, i knew i was dealing with a retard. Of all the characters you cited, only King is written decently, specifically because she dresses to hide her gender.
MK 11 is very popular with normalfags and has literally 0 sex appeal.
>disguising femininity = empowerment
But Mika is sexy
This is not what i am saying.
You can write a good character that revolves around sex and that also happens to be a beautiful woman as well. Most of the time, well written characters have a justification for the woman being a woman and also skimpy/alluring/etc.. regardless of whether she's hot or not. Especially in a fighting setting.
Now let me spell it for you, retard. King is well written because there are actually various reasons that justify her attire, the way she hides her gender, the fact that she's a woman in a fighting environment.
Shermie is a fucking slut from a music band in a fighting game because "muh rival music band".
See the difference?
MKX was the fastest and best selling entry in the Mortal Kombat series, and both the Injustice games sold like hotcakes.
All three of these games were universally panned by Yea Forums for making the female characters less attractive.
True, but both still respectively pander to "gore and blood" kiddies and superhero nerds.
Good thing OP asked if fighting games can find success without sex appeal, then
>with mechanics as deep
>specifically because she dresses to hide her gender
Except she doesn't. Ever since Ryo beat her (already happened in both timelines) she's not really trying to hide it anymore. That part of her character has only been present for one game out of all the games she's been in.
It sure can, But you really gotta to nail the presentation, DBFZ kind of proves that.
yes but sex appeal is a good thing
>retconning the entire story and identity of a character to show more skin is empowering
And she reverted back to being a shit show of a character with no real coherency anymore. Because muh panderings.
I main Hilda in UNIST
She's classy af
She's a dumb bitch
Can they? Yes. Should they? No.
Fighting games don't need sex to sell but sex sells anyways and deliberately avoiding anything that might be construed as sex appeal is more work than putting sexually appealing content for no profit.
DBFZ for example, did sell without (much) sex appeal but that was just a natural result of its focus. It wasn't ENTIRELY devoid of sex appeal even as 21 was still added and a big part of the prerelease marketing.
Rude. She's a blonde.
How in the hell is it retconning if it only happened in the game she was introduced in. You know well why she was doing it and after she was beaten she stopped because the person who did take her seriously said it didn't matter what she was, after that she didn't care about hiding who she was anymore. That plot point was only a thing for one game and the events that took place progressed as the story did. KoF is presumed to be taking place after all that happens since Yuri already knows how to fight and King gets along with the Sakazakis by the events of 94. Also ever since she stopped hiding who she was she's been getting more comfortable with her feminine side, but it's not like she's super sexualized like Mai or Angel. She just doesn't care about pretending to be male anymore. A retcon would've been them going back and having her never hide it in the first place.
Sex appeal of characters has little to no impact on sales. It's all about interesting designs and character concepts rather than how hard or wet the character makes you.
Turns out that the majority of people who purchase and play videogames do not really care if a character is sexy or not, only if they are well designed. Note that well designed is not synonymous with pleasing to the eye. One could argue that Pudge from Dota is a well designed character, even if he is a fat abomination, because his design echoes his concept so well.
dota designs are literally shit tier chinese bootlegs of superior warcraft designs.
dota2 is a clear case of gameplay having a bigger pull than looks.
>Superior anything
>Else people would be playing stickmen fightan.
Will we see a resurgence in stick games again?
Will we see another golden age of stickmen?
ARMS was fucking LOADED with sex appeal tho. the game itself just wasn't that popular so we didn't get nearly enough art made.
>Can modern fighting game be successful
Nope. The genre is on life support (and that's a good thing).
The only thing Warcraft is superior in in relation to Dota 2 is being a ripoff of Warhammer