Let's have subtle video games clothes thread!
Let's have subtle video games clothes thread!
How is that subtle?
>mfw an American calls the SEGA Mega Drive the SEGUN MEGA BIBLE
please tell me that's a boy
This looks like Sumipe, NiCO's voice actress
Just ordered this cute sweatshirt designed by the creator himself.
but I'm not gay
Why it's always gotta be the American?
is hentai a video game ?
>not I'M FEM BOY
i am in love with the one on the right. the shirt, i mean.
To the untrained eye this might look like some weird looking processor fan.
Furifure/Free Friends is a short trashy VN that you could try to gauge your interest
This is devious. Subtle vidya clothing is one thing but this is like being Hitler and shaving your mustache to walk through the town incognito.
Middle one is very questionable
/fa/ as af though and not cringe for once
>missing the joke
wish these yummy num nums would bully me and sit on my face and willy!! >_
Oh shit, user. He got you!
My wife Sumipe so cute