If you could pick one for your final grass evolution, which one?

If you could pick one for your final grass evolution, which one?

Attached: settle monkey.png (780x732, 404K)


D or E, rest are shit or waifubait

give the starters more evolutions, three different final forms depending on how you evolve them

E because I like the caveman aesthetic better than the "green big ape" look or the waifufag versions. plus the monkey gets to evolve into man, which is pretty funny

D then C

>Great Tier
A, C
>Ok Tier
>Shit waifu tier probably created by furfags

Wrong, E is literally the only acceptable one.
C is kinda cool but I don't like the log.

A > D > E > C >>>>>>>>>>>>> the furry porn ocs

anything, accept b and f