>get the bit where Rex hallucinates >die because I wasn't maining Rex before this so he's weak as fuck >have to run from the real world back to your fucking hallucination
I can't play this anymore. This is single-handedly the dumbest thing I have EVER come across in a video game. It's one thing to be able to break the story via fast travel, but this is fucking stupid. Really fucking stupid. Like holy shit I'm blown away..
yeah the ending is fucking trash too the game really falls flat on it's face damn shame really, as I enjoyed it
Jace Reyes
>This is single-handedly the dumbest thing I have EVER come across in a video game Which says a lot in a game with BLUSHY CRUSHY scenes, one eyed bastard jokes, overdone "mc gets hit by female mc for touching her involuntarily" memes, and literal gacha mechanics in a single player rpg. not to mention how dumbed down the game was from its predecessor.
Logan James
>not to mention how dumbed down the game was from its predecessor
I thought the combat was more complex?
Cooper Howard
It's so you can go back and level up if you need to, you dunce.
Gavin Lewis
>completely missing the point >calling anyone else a dunce
Nathaniel Rivera
As best I could tell, XC2's combat was more complex in that it required you to set up synergies between your character and your team for the big damage combos that are required.
The earlier games had this same system but it didn't seem as important to me. I was able to play 1 and X without worrying too much about the team makeup. In 2, if your team comp is wrong, you'll take forever to kill even basic enemies. Get fucked on bosses.
Eli Ortiz
Are you an idiot?
Michael Price
So would you have preferred to be locked out from leaving and levelling up, resulting in an unwinnable save, like in FFT? All because you were a dumbass who didn't level the fucking main character in a JRPG? You would be crying even harder if you were locked in permanently because of your idiotic decision.
Please do explain how any of this is the game's fault?