How do I git gud and not get frustrated so easily?
Same goes for Dark Souls
How do I git gud and not get frustrated so easily?
Patience and humility.
dont mash
always let enemy attack first
learn patterns
git gut
for bloodborne just R1 spam
most enemies can't out dps your health regain
dark souls 1 and 2 get a greatshield
dark souls 3 roll spam and attack when you get an opening
How to get past Orphan of Kos?
I can beat his first phase pretty consistently by just dodging and then hitting him once or twice with the Moonlight Greatsword, but in second phase he just fucking jumps super fast all over the place. And it takes a while to get to second phase from the lamp so its not easy to get much practice.
I have never used a greatshield in any dark souls and I still rek shit.
>kite is all you need if any at all
lol I had a quality strength build at the time so I just mashed his face into stunlock pulp with the whirligig saw.
try fighting out in the water, the lightning will only hit the beach which gives you some better opportunities to attack
1st phase:create space between him, with distance he has few attacks, first is red ball which you need to dodge front-sideway (it has rather large blast radius) and other two are charge attacks, one is uppercut which you need to dodge and the other one (which you need to fish for) is jump attack, when you notice he is doing the jump attack, dont move and start charging your R2, he will jump behind you and its a free visceral.
phase 2 you need to have patience and run around untill he starts doing trimple jump, at his final jump he will jump over you and its a free visceral.
When you understand Kos its one of the easiest bosses to do a nohit fight.
Trying hitting the enemies while avoiding being hit yourself.
>most enemies can't out dps your health regain
Had never play the game.
Leran to dodge into the attacks.
Everything will be hard the first time you do it. You just get better through practice. Overcoming the challenge is the reward.
Thanks anons
The game rewards you for practicing with blood echos. Whenever I am playing though a level I will go back and restart the level if I get hit. I accumulate blood echoes a lot to level up, but that is sure an incentive to practice and get good.
I find Blooborne to be really easy for the 90% of the game once you know how easy and BS cheap to exploit the parry/riposte/visceral attack mechanic is. You are so safe while abusing it it's not even funny, they needed to balance it much more.
So the 10% that makes Bloodborne hard are:
-The mudsharks of the DLC
-Ludwig from the DLC, Laurence from the DLC, the Orphan from the DLC
-The Metroid heads/singing brains
-The entire first session of the Nightmare of Mensis with the worms enemies
-The Blood-Starved Beast in the Chalice Dungeon, the Abhorrent Beast from the Chalice Dungeon (story can be somewhat cheesed)
These are the big ones that stick out because the hit detection and enemy pattern is exceedingly random. I have to draw out vanilla boss fights in NG+ to get my fun out of the fights, they're too easy IMHO.
nope beat it three times
between stagger and regain you can safely R1 spam 80% of enemies
the other 20% you just need to add circle strafing
I never killed Amelia alone.
For 4 playthroughs.
what is with paarl and amelia that they are supposed to be on the harder side of bloodborne bosses? I find them to be the easiest
paarl is a huge cunt if you do it early blind, otherwise yea nothing in the game is particularly difficult if you've done it before.
Dodge then hit don’t be greedy and swing to much.
Change your mindset. Don't look at death as a failure, but as a learning experience. Is dying really all that different from just taking damage? It makes you do a bit of running, but use that time to think and understand what went wrong and how you can work towards fixing it. If you feel like you aren't making any progress, put the game down for a little while and do something else. When you come back, you'll do better.
There is a very key moment in his long dash where you can parry him and he'll be staggered right in front of you. Like user said here
Literally impossible
stack fire resist gear