Male bunnyfags on suicide watch.
No female lion mommy snu-snu is a sad thing though.
FF XIV: Shadowbringers
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You did get your preorder items, didn't you?
Yeah, was kinda confusing to get them because you need to fill the code in for the early access and the items seperately.
>PC completely shit the bed
>Won't be able to afford new parts until way after ShB comes out
I'm so mad
SMN AF better look as good as the RDM one.
You got yours, right?
You should try discarding it to reveal a fun easter egg.
Yeah no piss off with the meme mount I'm not going to waste my time and put myself through the hell that is eureka and discord just for a mount of the month which will fall out of favor anyway. So ''rare'' is this mount you'll find 30 or more of them on screen at once.
Imagine being this much of a plebian.
Juedi is cooler
>Imagine getting this mad at a mount
I'd take Eureka over +1 dungeon every odd patch. You can put a lot more time into it than getting that dungeon as a chance in your expert roulette.
So I'm assuming you DON'T have yours. Am I right?
I hope you have a PS4 user. Sucks not being able to play the game.
>yet another flying magical colorful geometrical shape mount
Literally the most boring type of mounts in game. It was shit when ADS mount released and is still shit now.
This is going to be a typical case of concept art expectations vs model reality, right?
>Iconic FF boss from one of the best FF games
>super cool fight/water transformations
>overall nice looking mount
It went alright last time.
No it's going to be a case of the AF gear being the singular good looking set of RDM gear in literally the entire game
More like I honestly don't get what's so good about it. If it wasn't locked behind the pain in the ass that is BA no one would give as shit about it.
>I'd take Eureka over +1 dungeon every odd patch
Please for the love of god you must have brain damage because why would anyone sane enjoy eureka? There's nothing fun about grinding mobs and fates. I'd take a well crafted dungeon with over a bland open zone with mobs and fate any day.
>ur mom
Sex with Alisaie when?
I do, but do I really feel like buying the entire game again? Can 1 account be on both?
>Oh no! someone likes something that I dont like!
She's comatose and her room is probably open right now.
tfw you'll never have a FFXIV wedding
You should get a shirt that says: ''I'm a sellout that turned to discord faggotry to clear BA and all I got was this mount''
Face it if it wasn't tied to BA this mount wouldn't get the attention it does. And when they release a new mount on the mogstation(and they will) you'll see that mount everywhere instead.
1 account? Yeah. But you have to buy the whole game again.
Also keyboard and mouse work on ps4 so you're not forced to adjust to a controller.
I'm not the one making the ''you have got the mount right?'' posts though. Like you know you just wasted your time on garbage so you have to get justification elsewhere.
Imagine being this bad that you can't beat a brainless 56 man raid.
Anons can I get a TL;DR greentext of all the key events that happened in the Crystal Tower? I skipped all of that back in the days
>just watch cutscenes!
But they always skip so many important things in the cutscenes, some important things are said during dialogues outside ot cutscenes too, unending journey sucks ass
How will bunnyfags veer recover?
Imagine having principles and not wanting to stoop to discord faggotry to get something. All you fucks saying that we're mad because we can't get it conveniently leave out the fact that discord is required to clear BA.
I cleared BA by joining a random support group during week 2. I dont even have discord.
The quest log has a previous quests category. It basically sums up what happens through text.
Well do you want to keep dwelling over MUH DISCORD YOSHI WTF or do you want to work around it and try getting the mount? Don't be pathetic, sure it sucks but stop fucking crying for once
2 people made by allegans are locked in the tower. random male cat opens door because he's a descendant from allagans. Xande the king of allagans made a pact with the void but all went to shit anyway and now the void is coming to fuck things up so you spank her ass and save the day and the cat stays behind in the tower to keep it locked.
>Download .exe
>Join chat
Wow my principles user, they got shattered by these n-normies?!!!
user, just face the truth, you are just an insufferable faggot that is in too deep Yea Forums shit that can't clear easy content because my internetz principles. Holy shit
b-but the trannies
Oh damn didn't know that, thanks
>buy power up emote for $3 from my go to mogstation reseller that I've been buying from since 2015
>he throws in backflip emote for free because it was his last one he had laying around
based. I think I might raffle it here on Yea Forums once the cross world visit thing drops.
You stop
This is what I don't get Yea Forums is full of trannies and fags but they are ok with it?
Why must AST job gear always look like garbage? Like someone picked out the leftovers from the tailor's dumpster and stitched it together.
That one doesn't look bad though.
>but you have to join Discord!!!
Okay user's I'll tell you how to get Ozma mount without joining discord.
Wait in Hydatos until someone posts the macro to not take portals because they are premade.
Kill Ovni
Run to portal
Use stabilizer
Don't Die
Easy mount
The new one looks nearly the same.
Sure you did. Even if it's true that makes you an outlier because fact of the matter is if you don't have discord you're fucked and this will become more true as time passes. The upcoming data center split won't help too.
I don't want the mount and I don't want weak willed retards like try and convince me I want it. Don't you have any principles at all?
Don't forget too include the fact that you have tell what your character is and that if you are not in the inner circle you'd have to put in what amounts to basically a job application. Oh and if you make 1 mistake be prepared to be branded, shamed and blacklisted everywhere.
Yeah how bout you just fuck off back to your tranny circlejerk instead.
>Make a big deal about how you're doing male and female variations for the AF gear this time around
>Still make the healer gear look like drag on males anyway
anyone have a link to where it says Gr'aha returns for Shadow Bringers?
i neither disbelieve it nor believe it, but curious as to what this leaker said, since i hadnt seen anything like that in any of the leaks ive been linked to as of yet.
are you brain damaged? the AST AFs look amazing. Remove the silly hat if it bothers you so much, the dresses are among the best in the game
of course that's as long as you don't play a male character
Nice but don't do that again because SE recently said they'd noticed people where doing this.
You type ~lfg then your role. God you would be a fucking disatster to know irl if this is how you react to joining a chatroom and saying 1 word.
>hat covers cat ears with no indents or holes
>thinking we'll get anything that beastial
It'll be a buff hyur with a mane and facial markings
>TFW lowtest japs won't give any of the races hips thighs or ass.
What're your specs?
They all look the same
All of their creative gear designers either fled or were told to stop
I'm 100% convinced Yoshida is purposefully telling them to just do the same thing to preserve "the look" of the job, even though it makes getting the new armor that much boring
Literally all the good gear in SB was fan designs.
They've been cracking down on chinks using stolen credit cards but not people abusing the regional price difference for steam users that use mogstation.
I don't know what Discord you are talking about but I cleared with the EU one and there were no trannies, all you have to do to get verified is post a number on your character profile, and to join you just have to enter the password on the party finder fast enough.
The only people that get blacklisted are snipers that purposely troll, no one is going to blacklist you for messing up any mechanic.
They've removed all meaningful regional differences last year.
keybord is semi ok, theres roughly a 0.1s input delay on all actions (think putting all actions in a macro)
if you're in 8man+, the input delay can randomly spike to .2 or even .3s
mouse is practically unusable in combat for PS4. but its up to u.
Healing with keybord requires you have buttons set to each party member. trying to cycles through targets/party members (more so party members) has an addition amount of input delay. it can take nearly 2+ seconds to cycle from the top of a list, to the bottom of a list, during hectic 8man content. (idk about 24man, after 8man, i gave up)
PS4 pro might be different.
But on 4 different base models, 1 being brand new, it was the same input delay.
Don't forget the that your name will be called out and shamed as a ''sniper'' and that you'll likely earn a couple reports. But hey if you don't say anything in the chat and say that you just wanted to try the content when the gm calls you(if he ever does) you could get away with it. If you can keep a cool head while they are talking shit about you in shout chat I say go for it.
>Can't use the Aetheryte Earrings for extra exp on Crafters and Gatherers
It's trash.
Top tier:
Niggaroth, Barret Jensen
Okay Tier:
You are right, and joining Discord is a lot easier, but if they are so against it that will work and there's no repercusion to it as long as they don't troll or say anything.
They changed it for sub fees but not for mogstation items.
>Iconic FF boss
user, most of IX (not to mention XIV) players don't even know what the fuck Ozma is.
>overall nice looking mount
You're literally floating in the air with a tip of a glowy cube up your ass.
>You will be shamed as sniper
Who cares? If they do call you out in public chat you can report them for harassment.
>you'll likely earn a couple reports
It's been confirmed that as long as you play by the rules you're fine, sniping is not against the rules, what would be against the rules is trolling inside the dungeon aka going AFK or not participating in boss fights. As long as you go in with the intent of clearing properly you're good.
>when the gm calls you
Shouldn't the faggots get in trouble not you?
The leak mentioned Crystal Tower. And if Crystal Tower is relevant so is G'raha Tia.
Yeah sorry but I'm not going to join a THIRD PARTY application and reveal my character info to people who can and will shame and harass me if I even make a tiny mistake. You can say that that almost never happens but the fact that it has happened is already more of a reason not to bother. The cons far outweigh the pros and I don't want bother for what is just another vanity mount that in my opinion doesn't even look good.
Imagine being this scared of people
yikes the amount of insecurities
Stay retarded
Dude I've seen more than 20 frenchies die at AOEs from trash mobs inside the Arsenal making healers waste logos to revive them and no one told them anything.
If you don't want to do it or just don't like the mount enough to do it that's okay but don't make up stuff.
so guys
is there quality roleplay in this game or is it all tavern circlejerking shit / e-fuk with futa catgirls?
Sure whatever I'm scared big boy. Yeah fuck off with your lame shaming why don't you jump off a building? What's the matter you aren't scared right?
I laugh whenever tries the ''You aren't X'' card, like I'd give a shit about what some random thinks of me.
there's decent roleplaying if you can find it but stay clear away from erotic roleplaying since it's all people with limited vocabulary and degenerate fetishes.
No. Hard to do when your character is literally the chosen one.
tl;dr stop being so fucking insecure jesus christ my dude
>Male bunnyfags on suicide watch
What got leaked this time?
To this day I'm still surprised people can play this game for more than a week. Out of all the MMOs I've ever played since RO in 2002, FFXIV has to be the MMO with the least amount of content.
What the fuck do you people even do in the game? Paying a fee to login and stand around in the towns?
G'Raha minion, which confirms that he will be relevant again, which also confirms that the leak saying hat male bunnies don't exist and that Crystal Tower will be relevant is real.
I play on ps4 what the fuck are parses and how do I use it?
There are cool roleplaying events sometimes.
G'raha Tia minion in the community stream, confirming the Discord leaker.
When was this? Remember that as time passes situations like these will become less and less frequent. But if so lucky for you I guess.
Also I wish I was making this up I really do but unfortunately I'm not. These ''horror'' stories don't appear out of thin air.
Every "Role Player" I've met does plenty of ERP. Not sure why trying to hide that fact on an anonymous Taiwanese Knitting board makes you any less degenerate.
Nah stop being retarded. If you were to start the game now you have a truckload of content that built up over the years. Most of us here have been playing since ARR or at least early HW so we did all the little content as it came out which makes it feel like there isn't much.
what's your /playtime
Why do replies to these always end up being assblasted as fuck.
Holy shit.
It does have a lot of content, it just has 0 replayability value
Eureka beats dungeons.
Because they probably won't ever get it themselves.
are you retarded there's more to do in XIV than in any competitor currently alive
did you just come from WoW and got confused that not everything is unlocked in your group finder the second you hit level cap?
>He hasn't cleared Savage or Ultimate either
Like 2 weeks ago, healers didn't have a single remembered left before AV, we killed it just before enrage and called it a day, we didn't have enough people left to try Ozma
>y-you're insecure
>You do have the mount already right?
If you can't see the hypocrisy in this you are beyond hope. But whatever I'm insecure right? I'm done with this so make you witty reply so you can have the last word because I need a break.
>Anonymous imageboard
I wasn't the one who asked about the mounts, I was this But yeah keep thinking everybody is a boogeyman you massive pussy
allows you to analyze fights in great detail as a great learning tool, but sadly people use it more for shit talking others than giving constructive criticism on how to improve.
Fact: even if you're not ERPing, don't expect much action if you don't play a female character. Like for real, 90% of role-players are playing female characters and mostly roleplay with other female characters, you'll hardly see any male character that's not a fujo from the circlejerk, if they were strangers they would get outright ignored.
anybody else can't wait for shadowbringers just to be fucking done with the SHIT that was the stormblood expansion?
>boring japanese aesthetic for the ENTIRE expansion
>ala mhigo was a joke
>doman was a joke
>ugly ass fox mounts with the final one being some naruto shit
It was honestly a chore to slog through stormblood, HW was great, hopefully shadowbringers will be a breath of fresh air
ps4 cannot use third party addons. but you don't need it anyways, japan mostly plays on ps4 and they clear everything better than pc people on north america/europe.
Last time I checked you didn't need discord for that though? And it means jackshit honestly because your average savage/ultimate clearer can't play any other content to save his life if he had too.
I want to start playing ff so what jobs are fun and why every male race looks like shit?
You're not beating Ultimate without some sort of third-party communication tool, period. Savage is doable but honestly, getting over your shyness and searching for a static beats banging your head against PF for months.
the fact that the most gated content in the games existence only rewards a single seater mount and NOTHING else is pretty lame. Ozma is neat, don't get me wrong, but its definitely not my favorite mount. Implying anybody is going to use anything other than the regalia once that shit comes out
I'd have been happier if the expansion was a long haul to liberate Doma, and Ala Mhigo got black rose'd early. It'd give the early foreshadowing of the chemical weapon some bearing, flesh out the Doman plotline, and give Fedora some character relevance beyond being your sharingan using rival for five minutes.
Sounds ridiculous. Content in this game isnt that difficult.
Play female, Casters and Healers gear looks silly as male, gear is obviously designed with females in mind.
Go Thaumaturge -> Black Mage and switch to Red Mage at 50.
>Liberate a city
>Not even allowed to visit it like the others
And I thought Ishgard wasn’t thankful for letting me in right away after I killed a giant dragon on their doorstep for them. Ala Mhiggers can go fuck themselves after I went through freeing them and killing Hitler Jr. and still refuse to let me come in.
It's useful for blind early savage/ultimate progression when there's no video guides and people aren't overgeared for the content.
>switch to Red Mage
>You're not beating Ultimate without some sort of third-party communication tool, period
Explain please because I can't fathom why you'd need anything else other then ingame chat. Is it because of the meme call outs for mechanics things that voice chat enables? Because what's the point of that since most of these raider babies use ACT to babysit them anyway.
Stormblood did give the Magitek Predator though which is tight as hell.
I don't understand all this butthurt surrounding discord. Communication is and has always been a big part of MMOs, it was ok when people used Ventrilo or Team Speak for WoW raids, why is it such a big deal when people want you to use it on FFXIV? And no trannydiscord is no a valid explanation
thing is
a new patch last literally a couple of days
I would never pay a fee for that trash content they put out in patches
...but you can visit it? The part in the Lochs zone is literally the city. The rest is the palace.
Go do the fight.
black mage and samurai and just play male Roegadyn
He’s just an idiot user; I can’t fathom why anybody would pay monthly to play a multiplayer game and refuse to socialize.?
>it was ok when people used Ventrilo or Team Speak for WoW raids
found the flaw in your logic
>implying RDM is not the most fun class in the entire game
I bet you're, like, a MCH main lmfao
Why nobody ever talks about summoner? I used to play affliction in wow and it sounds kinda interesting
The Ala Mhigan quarter is not the city proper though; the city proper is the areas you ran through in the dungeon before mr. Mad scientist. You can’t set up a retainer or markets or any of the other city state stuff.
>get personally invited to join a clear group for BA
>in the raid leader's group and everything
>our party in particular is very good and keeping the pace of the raid going strong
>yet somehow people manage to die to the first boss, and during trash pulls
>more die to second boss
>this was a CLEAR group
>half the support party get sniped by randoms, one of them immediately leaves the raid and the 3 others are fresh to the entire raid
>people in our original parties are also saying "i've never fought AV before, and I haven't watched a video"
>this was a CLEAR group
>have to spend 15 minutes explaining mechanics
>raid leader does sublime callouts, everything is correct, in a timely manner, and gets straight to the point "STAND AWAY FROM DARK CIRCLES" etc
>people still manage to bring tethers in to the middle of the room, hitting the entire raid
>we manage to kill AV without any casualties regardless
>once again, have to spend 15-20 minutes explaining Ozma
>this was a CLEAR group
>boils down to, "just listen to callouts, if you get meteors place them correctly, if you have acceleration bomb DON'T MOVE"
>particularly stress the meteors and acceleration bombs
>once again, callouts are spot on - always telling us the correct movements "Stand in MIDDLE, get pushed to BACK, run to FRONT afterwards."
>people still fail acceleration bombs, even with the leader calling it out
>people still fuck up dropping meteors, placing them in the wrong places or just not moving at all, even with the leader calling it out
>wipe at 5% enrage
Anyways, after that I stopped trying to beat BA. Made 20 million gil off getting Conditional Virtue so it wasn't all a waste of time.
My disappointment with Stormblood was how bland the zones are. They weren't really fantasy-like zones just chink fields (Yanxia), large bodies of water (Ruby Sea), and canyons (The Peaks). Compare that to Heavensward or Shadowbringers where we got Sea of Clouds, Churning Mists, Azyz Lla, Kholusia, etc
Again why is ingame chat not enough? I'm honestly not baiting here I'm genuinely trying to understand why it's necessary.
>Casters and Healers gear looks silly as male, gear is obviously designed with females in mind.
Nah lad, a lot of caster/healer gear looks fair decent on a male roe. Most of it is gender-neutral robes anyways or even has a male-specific variant like WHM's AF3 if the design is in and of itself effeminate.
How do I have fun in an MMO?
whats the worst/most time consuming part of the zodiac questline? I'm in the middle of the book phase atm and its fucking mindnumbing. Does it get better or worse after this?
the game itself should be a sufficient channel for communication in order to clear, third-party addons or extensions shouldn't be required
Because Summoner will be a convoluted and broken job as long as they don't entirely seperate it and Scholar's connection through Arcanist, and remove the retarded pet egis.
Does it shit out damage? Sure. But it's just not fun to play.
yeah thats my main issue with SB, the chink aesthetic. Asian themed stuff can be cool, but they didn't put a ton of effort into this one. So far shadowbringers areas look great, I'm fairly excited.
By not playing them.
By killing yourself, frogposter
The problem with summoner is that with each expansion it gots MASSIVE playstyle changes and stupid mechanics piling on top of each others.
It used to be a DOT caster like a warlock in ARR, but it since has to take care of mechanics from HW and SB that added other the time, and it is now extremely tedious to play because it feels like a class that doesn't know what it wants to be.
>play BLM
do 10k DPS with perfect play.
mess up enough, do 6k DPS.
>play RDM
do 6k DPS with perfect play.
mess up enough, do 5k DPS.
Honestly, just go BLM, even with mistakes, BLM still does dmg on par with a RDM.
Only if you're not even attempting the rotation can you go down to 4k DPS.
RDM not attempting the rotation can go as low as 3k DPS.
Its easier to mess up on BLM, and mess ups on RDM are hardly noticeable.
You have to be pretty bad to get to some of those worst case numbers.
(But imo RDM does feel a bit more enjoyable, due to being more relaxing, and BLM is only fun when wanting a bit more of a challenge)
because lazy people want to just be able to shout directions instead of type them
does the standalone CE digital content go up the same day the expansion comes out? or do they wait a little while until they release that stuff standalone
Ala Mhigo is probably getting hit by Black Rose gas attack in 3 weeks anyway.
so come back to a later patch then when there's more content. you don't have to keep subbing every patch, that's the opposite of what he wants you to do. you'll be more happier and your wallet will be too.
But it's not as big of a deal as most people on here make it out to be. There's no voice chat in game, who cares? There's countless softwares that let you not only voice chat but also keep in touch outside of the game. People weren't complaining back in 2006 about WoW because HURR NO VOICE CHAT?? SEEMS LIKE YOU DON'T WANT MY MONEY
>do 6k DPS with perfect play
nice tranny meme
Day-of, I believe
You're right, with perfect play it's a fair deal higher than that. Especially if your AST isn't huffing paint, sees the BLM is doing good and decides you deserve extended The Arrow or The Balance.
Because the fights are difficult and improvisation is often needed. Callouts are a massive help since above all the fights require consistency if you want to eventually clear and there's bound to be a couple of weak links in the group that will benefit from someone that can do callouts, and in turn benefit everyone else in the group.
One of our healers never speaks in VC and surprise surprise, she's the weakest fucking party member.
If you have IRL friends to play it with you can have fun. If you don't don't try to ''go and make friends'' ingame as they will almost always feel fake and forced if you're anything like me and you are not a social butterfly IRL
if your AST gives you arrow or balance over the BLM then your AST is retarded and you should find a better one
thanks, i was a retard and preordered standard day one (digital edition wasn't available then) and debited it. A little while later they released the digital CE but was too late for me to cancel my original preordered
Lots of people seem to think the zones aren't Garlemald/Ilsabard, but the WoD's world.
But I'm seeing a Garlean railroad in Ahm Araeng:
i think those zones are fine, BUT they should have showed up before HW.
all of stormblood feels like a final conclusion to most of ARR. (or what ARR should have been), but it shouldnt have been after HW.
HW was the next stage upward, and SB was a step backward in story progression.
>"Hey YoshiP, I love FFXIV, but it's hard to keep playing your game (because of the lack of content) and now I'm taking a break here. Sorry for asking this but is there a way or a reason to keep playing? or anything that can you teach me how to keep my motivation for playing your game?" - A player asking Yoshida during Gamescom
>Yoshida (Director of FFXIV): "It's alright not to play it everyday. Since it's just a game, you can stop forcing yourself if it's hard on you to keep that up. Rather, it'll just pile up unnecessary stress if you limit yourself into playing just that one game since there are so many other games out there. So, do come back and play it to your heart's content when the major patch kicks in, then stop it to play other games before you got burnt out, and then come back for another major patch. This will actually make me happier, and in the end, I think this is the best solution I can answer for keeping your motivation up for the game."
Yeah. worth it in the long run and they look good enough too, the earrings. xiv has a good pre-order model too. Quitting the game though (for now at least) sick of main scenario crap and a lack of community due to free companies staying in di*cord.
This is shit is super common what did you expect. I cleared x6 already twice back to back. Just speak up in your raids.
>and a lack of community due to free companies staying in di*cord.
I immediately left a majority-sprouts FC because of this, fucking sick of FC chat being completely dead because they're all in Discord.
Would love literally any proof whatsoever on that but i know there is none
I don't think talking is necessary, if you're a dps at least
sorry if i didnt put 6.8k or 6.9k, or what ever the current number is.
just summarizing at the 6k mark.
(and based on when i last looked a while back)
>Do ARR 21-80 sightseeing log entries
Holy shit Yea Forums was actually right. Now that I've been in ARR zones after spending so much time in HW and SB zones I finally realized that flying is fucking awful and the new zones are empty wastelands. There is so many beautiful locations in the ARR zones and the sighseeing log entires are actually fun to find because you have to do small jumping puzzles. In HW and SB zones you just fly to the big glowy orb and /lookout but they don't even take you to cool looking locations, it's literally just the top of a cliff where you loog at the foggy ground or some stupid shit
Speak up to do what?
Call out the shitters who joined a clear party despite having no experience with the final two fights?
Not gonna change the fact they've doomed an entire run by being worthless sacks of shit.
>Can't enter Ala Mhiggo since its a dungeon
>Nothing to see or do in the Ala Mhggan Quarter
>Rhalgr's reach remains in ruins and dirty
>Gyr Abania is yet another arid region when Thanalan exists
>Liberate 2 cities when it was said Garlemald is this big scary threat
I just hope the Dalmascan resistance liberate themselves, but I get the feeling we'll be helping them out in ShB since Dalmasca minor exists
>still in pyros with no desire to go any further
on a related note, texture mod for Tupac trapped inside Ozma when?
BLM being fed makes sense and reasonable.
RDM being fed is extremely unreasonable, no matter what.
Who else is planing to level it?
There's one for Ricardo Milos
So no real reason then other then people are retards I take it?
You know what's funny is that with the whole callouts and VC thing you are actively poisoning the community since as long as there's a loud fuck screaming instructions they can just turn of their brain instead of actually paying attention. This kind of setup just puts loads of unnecessary pressure and responsibility on 1 person so the rest can have it easy and be lazy.
>implying I'll ever abandon my beloved chocobro
piss off
>60-70 queues are going to be literally awful because no one is going to be playing DPS at those levels
>if you're a dps
you played yourself
proof is everywhere online and you can even parse the data yourself with
I also enjoy FF8-related content
I want to see if they unfuck DRK first
I aleady bought and upgraded and melded i270 STR accessories
>join the Yea Forums FC on Ultros
>expect things to be different since everyone in these threads always complains about discord trannies and how they're killing MMOs
>nope, it's another inbred Discord circlejerk where FC chat is just people responding to what their friends are saying on vocal, with extra edginess added on top
getting really tired of this meme
>an actual RDMfag
Enjoying your first 30 days of XIV?
Not him but you are literally braindead if RDM is fun to you
LuckyBancho surveys are typically the source for the high JP clear-rates, here's a translated spreadsheet of O8S clear-rates in May of last year
In general JP has an extreme Savage clear-rate compared to the western data-centers because their pugs are much better on average and their culture focuses more on group-performance than personal-performance. They also have widespread use of things like fight-strategy macros being posted in chat so everyone is clear on the strategy well ahead of time, and I recall something about not using ABCD waymarks a lot of the time.
have fun with your dying class lmfao
WARchads ww@
I'm ready for Rak'tika and the fairy zone. Shit looks amazing.
>Just have to be in the zone, dont even have to be in the fight
Lmao welfare mount
Convince your raid to let them die like I did lol.
ok, just checked again, seems RDM is up to 8k numbers now.
So the 6k mark is definitely low.
Day1 EA to 70, then it'll be my first 80. I enjoy tanking in this game and I've been waiting for gunblades for a long time. Personally hoping they have some form of renzokuken.
>Literally all the good gear in SB was fan designs.
Wish runners up got their gear in game via seasonal events or pvp rewards. I hate staff designs. They're all legitimately eye sores.
But that's not true. If you're not in the arena and alive the moment Ozma dies, you won't get the achievement and thus the mount.
Not even just sprouts or random FCs. Joined a Yea Forums FC, figured it'd be different. Dead chat, discord only.. twitch streams and not even keeping up the xp buff. I hate discord and I feel like this isn't just a xiv problem with dead FC/guild chats.. and obviously this was the case with random FCs too. Game feels so fucking dead.
>Personally hoping they have some form of renzokuken.
We both know that's never gonna happen.
Ah yes, the great vistas of ARR.
Like leatherworkers guild or Corrupted Crystal formation #532.
The only worthwhile sightseeing log spots are in Limsa/La Noscea, nothing in Gridania or Uldah holds up to HW zones.
>No female lion mommy snu-snu
But that's a good thing. We already have enough degenerates in this game.
>large bodies of water (Ruby Sea)
I'm surprised nothing came out of that wide arena like area that's off by the giant enemy crabs. Looks like an easy NPC boss zone like Mistbeard at the end of Hullbreaker Hard.
People aren't robots. The fights have a script, ideally NOBODY needs to talk if everyone follows their script properly, but that's not the case and honestly will never be even if you gather the most autistic Korean MMO players in the world and get them together in a party.
If you're doing Ultimate and you need callouts, you're doing it wrong. They help occasionally, and that's the point: not wiping because someone was cracking their knuckles and forgot to turn the camera to watch where to go for Titan's sumo slam (which I'm very guilty of) is a fucking Godsend. Callouts are there for consistency, not to clear.
I guarantee you'd be thankful to have callouts if you actually bothered to do the fights yourself. Not to mention the other benefits of VC (taking blame, pointing out mistakes, damage controlling when something goes wrong or just having a cheeky laugh if your teammates are also your friends, we're here to have fun first and foremost)
>only high stakes poker can be fun.
not everyone likes knowing the slightest mistake leads to massive DPS losses.
which in turn, can hinder "fun.
stop being obtuse.
Same problem on Odin and obviously Balmung. Random shitty dead normie FCs feel the same. Only difference is that I was allowed to say nigger... on discord because no one talks in-game anymore. Mmos feel dead as fuck without FC/guildchat. I want the Discord meme to die to be honest.
t. didn't finish 1-20
but are those 8k numbers based on being fed, which is far less likely to happen to a RDM in a real composition?
more like 7k numbers.
>The "best raiding server" on NA is still much lower than random JP servers
Lmao western people suck at video games.
Pending server there's plenty, I guess the challenging part is finding it. Most FCs work with itself or sister FCs and 'random encounters' will most likely be some horny neckbeard looking for some self esteem with their OC. Laze about the city-states when your doing other things irl or just watching something and look for people advertising events. People will advertise cafes, stage shows, and etc. Go to those and meet people. Mingle as a "normal" person would at a social event.
Where do you roleplay? I don't actively RP too much anymore but I help often with recording events (plays, stage shows, charity events, what have you) or mediating other things.
There's a fairly balanced amount of Male and Females among the crowd from 2-3 FCs I work with. Though, and i dont know if it's unique to the group I'm with, there's a surprising amount of female players with both male and female characters. I believe the discord is a weird 2 (maybe 3 pending the truth of the silent ones) to 1 ratio.
I feel like it probably will, but it'll be something really underwhelming like the 3rd hit of the dps combo with a much more toned-down animation or something. We'll see.
Still waiting for instant gaming or g2a or kinguin or the like to sell the expac. Can't get the game from the SE store because reasons.
>so you see, I like this black powder musket, it's so big and heavy, also that muzzle-loading system is so funny and engaging to use in the middle of a battlefield, that's a REAL weapon, unlike your magazine-fed rifle, that's casual shit, I bet you don't even choke in the smoke after you've fired it lmfao fucking soiboi
Alright thanks i actually just wanted to see but didnt want to look for it myself, you just got pretended on, hehehehe
desu there's nothing interesting about it aside from the gunblade, but yea, I'll probably put it on my list of things I'll level first.
I want a buff furry lion wife
I'm waiting on GMG to get the game since they always have lower prices for their expansions. Though this time I'm wondering why it is taking so long for Shadowbringers to show up on GMG?
>Comparing RDM of all fucking classes to a magazine-fed rifle
>Gun analogy
It's not that
You get bad dps for doing well and ever so slightly worse dps doing poorly, the skill floor and ceiling are so close they could sandwich a fucking grape and pop it
Maybe, maybe not, I remember Yoshida harping on about how they wanted to try and translate the "pull the trigger at the right moment" mechanic or "feel" from FF8 for Gunbreaker and we already see Thancred using something that looks like Fated Circle in the trailer
Azim Steppe was amazing besides that giant ramen bowl Magnai lives in, but yes, the SB zones sucked.
How many zones of Fantasy Arizona do we really need in this game?
..with an asian gf
Hey fuck you buddy, I like the noodle bowl.
>Male bunnyfags on suicide watch
I got bad news for you ERP tranny
Dancer confirmed
I have been rused and my butt is blasted
I've been on Ultros before knowing it had ZR and that was a Yea Forums thing. Decided just to stay out of it but had a couple of their members join our static. Most annoying retards
>That pull was a meme
>That wipe was a meme
>That clear was a meme
>meme meme meme meme
Holy shit shut the fuck up.
You say that but that server is heads and fucking tails above all the other NA and EU ones, you're just reaching at that point
>This could have been a stealth chemist reveal
Anyway, I'm quitting (for now anyway) due to the dead depressing community and all that but hope the game gets good in Shadowbringers and you all have a good time. To be fair I main DRK so maybe uninstalling is the best move.
Is the offer done now?
I was gonna get it but been busy until now
What a fucking retarded attempt at an analogy
Imagine actually, seriously, genuinely, unironically, without jest, trying to defend how braindead RDM is
It's up for as long as preorders are available
I play on a normal server, joined a random FC and we never had any drama or discord trannies.
I think when Yea Forums complains about it they are mostly projecting, and a quick look at /vg/ just confirms my suspicions.
>dancer and beastmaster mentioned at all
Beastmaster being a thing would be great to be honest.
Beastmaster was namedropped at fanfest alongside Puppetmaster, if they go through with it they will be limited jobs like Blue Mage though
Items are available since the 1th. Offer when the expansion is out far as I know. Payment starts 5days or so before that.
>Dancer AF is Jester gear
please make it happen just to piss off trannies and girls
Does this game run well on Ryzen or do I need to pick up an Intel cpu, because I know that Nvidia is better for FFXIV due to all the gimmickks, but I wanted to make sure for cpu as well.
Is there a reason redm mage has to have a stupid fucking bauble with their rapiers? Just make them cast spells with their offhand god fucking damn
Because they literally combine it with their sword to form a staff, you fucking smoothbrain, it's the coolest and most aesthetic part of their entire design.
download the free trial and find out
it runs on toasters so idk you should be fine
Does anyone still need a XIV code or know somebody who wants it? Been sitting on it since they were handed out and I don't know anybody, much less anybody who would want to play.
7-3 2+4 3+5 7-4
Runs fine on AMD CPUs/GPUs for me, Radeon RX580 8GB and FX-8320E CPU. I average 60FPS, if you're not sure about your own specs run the benchmark tool or try the free trial.
RDM joins the rapier and the floating thingy to create a staff when casting you utter brainlet, it's a great aesthetic touch that reflects RDM's proficiency with both melee/magic, shame the actual class doesn't lol.
I'm fine with that unlike "muh generic blu mage" retards. My problem was how weak BLU was for being a solo class. Limited class I am fine with if that's what it takes to not have the same mess as Summoner (except the bahamut summon)
The jewel they let float around is to allow them to use their swords as a staff, brainlet. Magic in FFXIV needs a focusing device and you won't be casting anything with your bare hands.
Isn't Nvidia suppose to be better for FFXIV?
I meant in dx11.
Yes it runs well on Ryzen. FFXIV is actually one of the few MMOs out there that has great multi-threading support so if you have a 8 core CPU it will happily balance the load on 6 cores.
Gameworks is shit and makes the benchmark numbers lower on AMD gpus, but the game itself is just fine. I've been playing the game on max settings on my Fury and Vega 64 just fine for years.
It looks retarded and has never ever been a thing until XIV, it never needed to be a thing, and it never should have. Wow! A staff! You dont say!? Well in that case i could just play the other two classes who ALSO use fucking staves instead but be actually useful, good idea
This is your brain on HRT, people
Nvidia probably is better but I'm not gonna buy a whole new video card just to min-max FFXIV, I can run just about anything I please 60FPS.
>My problem was how weak BLU was for being a solo class.
Even with how weak it is in terms of sheer damage-potential I think it has enough utility to make up for it, Ram's Voice keeps anything short of bosses pinned down and even ggez's a lot of primal mechanics like bomb boulders in Titan
No need to download the trial, there's a PC benchmark/character creator that rates your PCs performance.
Nvidia handles HBAO+ better than AMD but it's not that much of a big deal. What's more important is your CPU since that will be the primary bottleneck in populated content/areas.
I know it's supposed to be a staff you idiots, way to miss the point
And no, the whole "magic focus" shit isnt necessary otherwise spells like Blizzard II wouldnt work the way they do and fly out around your waste
This isn't DQ. FF is anything but consistent.
>We can't let BLU queue to normal sutff because we didn't want it to be balaced and lose their identity
>most gimmick BLU spells don't work on real bosses anyway
fuck you Yoshida
>otherwise spells like Blizzard II wouldnt work the way they do and fly out around your waste
Pay attention to the BLM/THM's swing of the staff or wand when they do that. Focusing aether with the body alone is extremely difficult and not worth it, literally every caster class has a focusing device.
Who was in the wrong?
Do Leap of Faith they say.
It is relaxing they say.
Loss of identity for BLU would be not allowing you to learn skills at your own pace and not having stuff that's totally broken like Peculiar Light or the bevy of situationally useless skills like the suicide skills or Moon Flute desu
this game runs well on everything
not only is it pretty well optimised, but it also isn't actually that technically advanced in the graphics department
most of the best looking aspects of the game are just backgrounds and lighting
you for reposting it
Both, one for being a delusional retard and the other guy for not telling him to deal with it.
looks like a colorful dravanian hinterlands to me. still much better than SB zones though
>anything Gold saucer
I never rage as much as I do to anything related to the gold saucer.
the lodestone clone actually looks better than the in-game original.
>Dancer is actually a knife-throwing jester.
I would be OK with it.
I find Air Force kinda relaxing
Angry tranny vs someone that is peak beta. Fuck em both. Fuck cucks and fuck trannies. Wanting to be unique is understandable and copying a character is retarded and brainlet-tier. The melties annoy me though. Fucking tranny.
Apparently there was another leak on reddit. The guy was saying that dancer weapon will be a tambourine. I didn't see the post myself, a friend told me about it the other day. I'll look for source now
The only Nvidia gimmick FFXIV has is their gameworks implementation of HBAO. Aside from that there's nothing better about Nvidia over AMD in the game.
Why are they so afraid of adding more life into the zones? This map desperately needs more trees to hide the emptiness.
>right-click name
Whoaaa who knew it was so hard
based clownposters
PS4 rimitations and potato PCs
What is this exactly? Does it just make the game look shiny?
The focusing devices are just enhancers though
Hey, remember in Heavensward when Hilda shoots at that spellcasting member of the heavens ward and he just force-field blocks it without even moving? Yeah, staves are just stat sticks but practical
>and he just force-field blocks it without even moving?
Wasn't he already a primal at that point?
Unless dancer is a melee healer (which it wont be), I'll be leveling GUN along with DRK
That class is called Juggler and exists thougj, calling the class Dancer at that point would be redundant
>tank GUN
>DNC revealed
>surprise reveal of healer GEO, DNC icon is shown as DPS
>What is ambient occlusion?
>There's been a leak involving weapon for DNC
>on reddit
>which I heard from a friend "the other day"
>and I couldn't confirm personally
>so I decided to post about it here
I was asking seriously since I don't much about computers.
just a fancier version of ambient occlusion. it adds more depth to environment textures. best example of it in action is to stand outside in limsa and look at the floor, hbao will make the floor look better than ssao.
No, but it wouldnt matter if he was, he used Manaward, not some primal BS
That is a point to mention though, primals use the same aether as anyone else, just more than average, and they use magic just fine without focuses
The whole plot of AST 61-70 is that Geomancy is just weeb Astrology and shares the same root.
>Giving food for thought and something to talk about is bad
Wowie okay there user, I guess I forgot rule number one of the internet: No fun allowed
Geomancy is weeb astrology, conjury and arcanima all in one.
Shut up, geomancy is cool.
Who else is looking forward to bathing in the gender-lock-fag tears in 2 weeks?
We /lionmommy/ now!
>price: $35,000
Yeah no fuck off
I'm gonna screenshot this and laugh at you when you inevitably get blown the fuck out
>tfw no Garuda gf
>not being able to afford a wedding
Good, stay single and don't breed. You're a waste to society as it is.
are they going to fuck up BRD in ShB?
also look at the ceiling of the building
I'd bet they're not touching anything they feel is in a safe spot, I recall their priority-list for ShB reworks was DRK, MCH and WHM on top.
You could go to vegas and fuck literally world class hookers with that money, many times
Let's hear a round of sound for autism in action!
Or you could fuck one woman that actually loves you and wants to bear your children
>spending $35,000 on a fucking wedding
Only idiots do this. How does it feel to be a massive fucking idiot saving up all your life just to waste it on one fucking day.
Cheap wedding in the town hall with a small private function and then use your savings for the down payment on a house
I had to look up what ambient occlusion and from the looks of it. It's just lighting and shadows.
Not enough for me to give care. Now I know I can just grab a 580 instead of a 1660 ti and I'll stick with Zen cpu.
Their first one was a lot better imo.
Not sure why you're posting lion roasties. You're getting btfo by bara lion dads.
>MFW I had a person try to do this to me with my Glamour.
>Completely ignore them because I dont really care/ was busy fixing my UI.
imagine being so cad as to try and make people upset over something so trivial.
>Fuck one woman
It's funny that you think that. When you get married, you'll be fucking zero women for the rest of your life once the passion dies out
>Dancer is a Jester
Slut dancers btfo
Of course a Yea Forumsirgin would lecture me on how married life is
There's no way that every job is going to come through fixed/unscathed. They are guaranteed to fuck up at least a couple of jobs, the question is which ones.
Personally I think the jobs that are in good spots now are most at risk of being ruined, since they'll have to make changes/additions just out of the obligation to give every job new stuff on a new expansion. I have no idea what they could add or change about RDM or SAM without fucking up the way those jobs play.
You know that meme every married man says that the passion stops and the sex too.
Well its not a meme buddy.
I'm new and the only classes I am interested in are BLM, RDM, SAM, MNK and DRK. How fucked am I?
if you can wait a bit the 7nm zen chips should be out soon which means bettter performance or a pricedrop on older zen chips.
Guarantee ive fucked more women than you, gayboi
It's just statistics, friend, 75% of marriages today fail, you'd be lucky if she even stayed around for you to not-fuck her lmao
Fuck pessimistic expectations and "SE is lazy" crap, I want them to go all out.
>Viera males
>"Young Elezen" Viera clan
>Hrothgar with both genders, with full fur and tail/skin and no fur as options.
>Dancer AND the original job Yoshi was talking about on SB release.
Bury WoW for good.
Do you get to change your name when you fantasia? Turning into a bunny girl but keeping my elezen male name is gonna tickle my autism bone
Remove RDM and you have good taste. BLM, MNK and SAM are fun as fuck, DRK will be too come ShB trust me. RDM is just fucking braindead and you'll realize after playing for a while
>3 out of 4 roles
You should be good. Maybe consider picking up either PLD, WAR, or GUN just to be more rounded out.
>Bury WoW for good
Don't worry, user. Blizzard will do it on its own.
Don't I have to pick up a new mobo for the new zen chips?
Well you are pretty fucked since all of those are out of meta classes that all the casual edgelords like to play except maybe MNK
SE IS lazy and the pessimism is definitely justified. You'll all fucking learn one way or another.
Nope. You have to buy a name change for additional 10 burger bucks.
Gunbreaker is the original to ffxiv job m8.
Not at all really, unless you're trying to play with meta-obsessed speedrunners that care about very minute differences.
>75% of marriages today fail
Cite your claims
no one knows for sure yet, they might allow you to reuse older mobos via firmware update like how you could fit AM3 chips in AM2+ socket motherboards. or they can pull an intel and require a new socket.
Oh, so you're just a Yea Forums parrot.
Do yourself a favor and interact with other websites, staying here 24/7 will literally damage your brain
I don't think a SeeD with another name is what Yoshi had in mind when saying "class that people will associate FFXIV with"
Even the gunblade as a concept is FFVIII as fuck
Last time I read up on this it was around 40% of marriages and most of them are nasty fucking boomers. According to studies gen Z has the least amount of separations in years.
>succulent bunny boi healers
>giant lion mommy tanks
Give me all of it!
this is your brain on bottled water
Well, you can clear most content with any job really.
When it comes to savage encounters, you'll either want to do it with randoms (low chance of clearing but doable), or find a static (high chance of clearing but too much drama).
well gunbreaker is a tank and all the other FF representations of a gunblade user don't portray them as a high mitigation role. so you can call gunbreaker an original job in ffxiv.
this but without the furshit race
the playerbase is already bad enough
Hoping for some good gunblades.
Okay it's worse for boomers but it's still 40% chance you seperate and 60% chance you just get stuck with an inevitably sexless marriage for the current generation
Seems crap either way
After you rescue her from the Pixies when they turn her into Titiana.
>saving up all your life just to waste it on one fucking day.
>being a poorfag
This is 100% getting added as a gold saucer weapon.
Man, that looks so much better than in viii
>When they turn her into Titania
Can't happen without her ending up dead, same goes for any other character without Echo.
>few years ago
>create a super cute character
>had drama with people and ended up deleting it because I'm a tranny-tier unstable fuck
>kinda want to start the game anew on a fresh server
>want to do the same character because of how cute it was
>become paranoid and afraid someone will remember me
wat do
This game needs some variety in races or it'll end up looking like an IMVU dating simulator.
If you're gonna try and brag about money, post monthly paycheck with a timestamp with this post ID.
Unless you're a shitposting retard.
the MCH rework is going to kill BRDs spot
Kill yourself. Or fuck off back to
that model is pure shit, from where the fuck would the bullet actually exit?
jesus christ this makes ff8 designs actually good what the fuck
I hope this is true. I want to see the BRD casuals seethe.
Did you know that Soken was born in Mexico and he's 44 years old
>implying anyone is stupid enough to do this
You're not getting any of my info jackass.
>he thinks viii gunblades are actual guns
it already looks like that
I have a hard time playing a MMO if there is no exotic / monster race
Currently playing MRoe in full plate because of how ridiculously bulky it looks, but I fucking wish more games made actual monster races like Amans from Tera, tauren and assimilates are way too tame
If you don't use the same name no one will notice, if it's a different server even the same name is okay
>defending RDM, the least engaging and lowest IQ to play job using a shitty gun analogy
Gunblades only fire blanks for the recoil, there's no actual bullet. It's still a stupid weapon from top to bottom but they've got their ass covered on just how stupid it is
>The UwU weapon is modelled after Lionheart.
I just want to see less bards in general. you join an alliance raid and there's like 8 bards in total.
Female Aman were 10/10
Stone dudes were cool too.
>muh variety
>muh beast races
just admit it makes you horny and you want to force your furfaggotry on everyone else
Be quiet before you embarass yourself even more.
If they start at 60, what 60-70 gunblades would probably look nice and might be worth collecting currency/tokens for in advance?
The idea is that the blade starts vibrating or gets charged with magic or some shit when you fire it off, it's not a gun and blade
Nah, that'll be the final step ShB's Eureka relic.
I'd say it mostly depends on your glamour. I could see the seiryuu gunblade looking nice with the AF gear.
you act like people actually want SE to not go all out.
>post paycheck
Not him but lmao grandpa ever heard of direct deposit?
>just admit it makes you horny and you want to force your furfaggotry on everyone else
>says the catgirl enthusiast
Those poor bastards deserve to be in a better game.
Why can't I have both? Am I wrong for wanting this game to feel more like a fantasy adventure game rather than a dress up game for girls and trannies?
Alexander would probably look cool
Wew lad
RDM, oGCD self haste, lowering GCD to 2s.
this doesnt up punishment for doing bad.
this doesnt raise skill ceiling.
but, when you have to make decisions under less time, there will be people who will find it "slightly" more challenging, w/o making it too hard for brainlets to overcome.
Over all, should still be fun for those who already like RDM, but not really change it enough for people who dont like RDM.
The don't add relics from previous expansions to new classes.
The book phase is the worst part.
Born and raised or?
>Am I wrong
Yes you are, legitimately. A bestial race beyond superficial features like rabbit ears or a cat tail isn't happening for lore reasons and the developers' lack of interest, and historically the low amount of players for beast-races in these types of games outside of ERP
Shadowbringers user. They'll have Eureka 2.0 in ShB.
They're continuing Eureka-esque content in Shadowbringers, said by Yoshi himself
Lalala, I'm not listening, ShB won't have a place as terrible as eureka, lalala.
Don't think Alexander will be in. They have to draw a line somewhere in retroactively making glams for new jobs that start at higher level.
>SeeD member
Weapons =/= job.
Sword are used by WARs, Knights(PLDs) DRKs, RDMs, BLUs, etc.
Not all SeeD members are defaulted to gunblades, and nor are they defaulted tanks.
SeeD members are a job, just as being a blitzball player is a job. (Wakka and Tidus were different jobs/functions)
Gunbreaker is a new job, with references to Squal as a person (not as a job) and to Foebreaker (mostly in name, but maybe in mechanics, we'll find out)
Denial is only going to make it hurt more.
>didn't even try to deny it
thanks for clarifying, makes me feel better knowing I'm halfway done with the books
Dreadwyrm and Alexandrian are definites since even SAM/RDM got Dreadwyrm weapons
well memed friend, i too am looking forward to the nier raid
born and raised in mexico until his parents moved to japan while he was a kid
Don't care, shut up. It won't happen.
is there any source to this? only thing I can find is that they're looking to bring back diadem for shadowbringers and not eureka.
RDM and SAM didn't have Coil weapons until Ultimate came out. The new jobs won't have Alexander weapons until the ultimate comes out if they follow the same pattern.
>3 out of 4 roles
theres only 3 roles. and within those roles, are sub categories. And within those sub categories are additional sub categories)
Ranged (magical (support/non support))
Ranged (physical (support))
Melee (physical (support/non support))
(There is no real melee magical as of yet, and there is no non support ranged physical)
You dont apply these sub categories to tanks either, and u didnt do it for healers (Shield/support healer vs a direct healing healer.) so dont do it for DPS, unless you plan to do it for tanks/healers. (When applicable)
so lore's only important when you want to argue against male viera getting in over your precious furdaddies?
You might be right, I forgot they only got primal weapons from ARR content and not Raid stuff
There's nothing furry about giant lion mommies, you literal tranny faggot.
>ff14 is full of Wowfugees bro, Wow sucks
>ff14 has 20 000 less active players now then it did when BFA came out
>Wow in top 10 money grossing games in January 2019
>ff14 has barely over 600k active players
have you guys noticed any wow refugees on your server?
Day 1 press conference at EU fanfest:
Q16: Are there any types of content that you can talk about today that are not a dungeon or a raid that will return in Shadowbringers, like a new Deep Dungeon, Eureka, or will Blitzball be implemented?
A16: The existing content and an updated version of that, we do have plans for a Deep Dungeon and Exploration content similar to Eureka, and we do continuously think of our next ideas and plans. Especially with Eureka we designed it so that it’s “time to win” [Editor's Note: Similar to the term "pay2win" except spending time instead of money], so if you’re taking your time to play through it; it’s more meant for spending that time in the content and we continuously received feedback from around the world, and we do continue to consider that. We do want to take on the challenge for more Eureka-like content in the future, so whenever we get to a position where we can announce it, we hope that players are very surprised and look forward to that.
you're forgetting the golden rule "not all fingers are thumbs" user.
Yeah but SAM and RDM started at 50, not 60.
I have a few in my FC but could be due to the twitch promotion
not this again
>who are you quoting
Thanks user.
>no one is using this haircut or my glamour
>second most popular race
>white skin white hair, omg so unique
>most popular face
>overused hairstyle
>literal textbook slutglam to the point it became a meme
>"nooo i'm so unique there's literally no other character like me"
Are these people for real?
There is no barrel, and there is no projectile.
You're "Shooting" the sword itself.
its a modernized take on a sword enhancement job.
its a sword first and foremost, and never a gun.
Eureka is fine if you remove Pagos
Who are you quoting? I'm all for non gender locked races.
I just want more variety in races as well besides humans with accessories. Seems like lore is only important for those who don't want any beast like races instead.
>Finally form FC large enough to do content with.
>A faction of the players want to run the show on everything, setting raid times for everyone else, changing the FC name, dictating who gets what loot.
I don't have enough other people to have them leave and still be able to do content, but I'm not going to annoy everyone else with their bullshit either. What's the best way to recruit more players for raiding? I'll even take bads at this point, as long as they can show up on time.
Really real high grade autism, yes.
if you're on mateus I'll join your fc.
Nah, Primal
>It's another "Furfaggot can't get through the day without trying to ruin everything with his furfaggotry" episode
>15 July 2018 - 577,000
>15 September 2018 - 627,000
>3 November 2018 - 547,000
>1 January 2019 -608,000
Where are the Wowfugees?
doesn't count free trial members or new players. wait for census just before shb release.
WARs have swords?
Again, beat this into your literal tranny faggot mind before you kill yourself at 35:
There is nothing furry about giant lion mommies.
Well thats easy just go to a town and ask if people want to Join a growing FC looking to do content with, and please dont type out a fucking small essay like a recruitment letter just fuckin shout it and be real chill.
Also that shit going on in your FC quash it asap. the last thing you need is some high and mighty shitheads thinking that its their playground to throw their weight around and cause drama step in and set the ground rules its YOUR fucking FC.
You guys know you can have new races without them being some kind of furry pandering, right?
Why not have a race of Allagan androids or dolls? They may look similar to Hyurs, but have entirely different animations and have different facial or body markings.
Guys can I make a free trial account with a throwaway mail if I just want to fuck around in the capital cities if I already have an unsubbed registered account?
Or are they going to compare IPs and ban me?
Fishface is the most popular face?
>There's nothing furry about this furry creature
>I'm not a worthless degenerate, you are!
FF1 (Depending on which version u play, depends if its called WAR or not)
FF11 (Can use almost all weapons)
and depending on if u consider Knight to be WAR or not, also includes FF3, FF5, FFT (since Knight split into PLD and WAR, both having elements from the Knight job)
or do you assume all FFs lock a job to a singular weapon?
you can make as many free trial accounts you want and fuck around, they don't care. there's a guy on a JP server that multiboxes trial accounts just to dance in town.
I said who are you quoting? I didn't ask for a census
You'll be fine, I did exactly that.
>it's another "degenerate tranny that can't fathom the idea of having a unique race other than xer au ra/catgirl" episode
Well it shouldn't count free trial members, they're not actual players yet. Regardless, you can get to 35 pretty fast, if there were tens of thousands of new players, there would be an apparent growth of characters above lvl 36, not a decline.
I'm quoting half of the FF14 community every since BFA came out.
Oh not him by the way but i thought you meant in XIV
This will be your raid tranny for the day.
Enjoy that 70% suicide rate before 35, friend.
What would be the easiest/most needed role/job to get into an Ultimate group?
Why would I want to play as a non-human in a fantasy MMO? Human all the way. What, I'm not boring. What do you mean "no fun allowed"?
I honestly think androids are the best way to go, since u can technically amke a gender neutral body/animation, and then allow for some sort of add on, to go slightly more male/female looking, and it leads to less work on the devs.
(essentially a boob switch for female, and maybe a muscle bulk switch for males)
they do need to make armor fit, but they can keep all animations mechanical, and feel robotic, so you only have to do animations once, which is the actual hardest part of making character models.
I guess it just takes time to find people. Most I find don't seem to care to play in an FC, but I did pick up one guy who seems pretty good.
This trouble started because I got a package deal of five guys from WoW coming over. One of them is a humongous asshole who works up the rest, but getting rid of him would make the rest follow him out the door. I was happy at first because they bother to learn the fights for raids, but they all want to play on their own schedules and sometimes don't bother raiding if they don't feel like it.
You have to leave.
Holy shit why do you care? Who recognizes characters? What twisted world do you live in where someone would bother with that knowledge from years ago?
Jesus just play the game.
>asset flips a boss
So I just caught up on the MSQ, what the fuck determines who is targeted by the voice? Alphinaud was nowhere near you, Alphinaud and Alisaile both aren't really scions, most of the victims don't have the echo either, so what the fuck?
I'm willing to bet that you like characters like Felicia, Taokaka, and Tamamo Cat when all of them, and miqo'te/au ra, are only one step removed from anthros.
Don't talk about furries if you can't recognize your own hypocrisy.
We don't know yet user.
user have some heart.
This totally 100% female raid tranny really needs your help setting up a business where he GM's games! Won't you donate to him and Trans lifeline?
>the only good non-human MMO race ever is stuck in a shitty game
>XIV will never have charr
So far the only common factor is that they all had a relationship with Louisoix, but Lyse and Rammbroes weren't targeted so who the fuck knows
within context, we were talking about jobs that dont exist in any prior FF. (So excluding talking about FF14)
but i can see that misunderstanding.
(I also didnt mention THF, NIN, SAM, DRG, and some lesser known jobs, but besides THF, thought most people would see past implementations of those jobs, and know they are equally known for swords, as much as other weapons. DRK being an exception, due to people only seeing DRKs as scythe users form XI, and somehow that represents all of FFs, despite spinning slash was the only WS that DRK/THF could SATA on HNMs, so most DRKs used Great Swords at endgame on DRK, until the 2hand change.)
Ninja is the highest job in demand for endgame stuff.
Don't care. Leave.
>I'm now going to make a baseless assumption that you like characters like [Unrelated to FFXIV times 3]
Damn, you really showed me, user, I'm convinced, we really should have full on furry races in FFXIV and completely disregard lore and story integrity.
>They may look similar to Hyurs, but have entirely different animations and have different facial or body markings
No fuck that
I want ACTUAL android-looking characters
the problem is "non human" is overshadowed by the vocal furries, that they feel the need to own anything "non human"
as another person posted, what about "Robots"? and you never see furries defend robots.
but nonhuman has become synonymous with furry due to how much they try to take control over non human options.
>that video
Doesn't surprise me that someone with a clear learning disability thinks he's a girl looking like that.
If you want an "android" race, it should be the Yukes from FFCC.
>may look like
must mean
>looks identical
he might even mean what u said, but there's nothing inherently wrong with his statement.
>Monster Hunter
>Crystal Tower
>Yokai Watch
>Dragon Quest
>Allagan Smartphone
Are you fucking serious? Of all the reasons to not add more unique races, your reason is "lore and integrity"? Get the fuck outta here retard
Go and stay go.
You don't fit in yet user, try a bit harder. Try some smug anime girl reaction pics maybe?
I've been wanting Yukes since forever.
But it won't ever happen because nips are faggots only interested in selling fantasias to the tranny animal-eared crowd.
Also how come lalafells look so shit while lilties look so badass? What went fucking wrong with XIV?
>Crystal Tower
I hate all the collab events but none of these things clash with the setting and you know it, because they were reworked exactly to fit into the setting and grow it.
>t. Unironical cutscene skipper
Wew, lad. Now I'm absolutely certain we need those gosh darn furry races in our MMOs.
Allagans are based and Garleans are cucks
More than a tank or healer? Or Bard?
What job should I main if I am a bit of a control freak?
I just assume whatever targeting them was doing so by their aetheric signature, probably because it's easy to single out echo users. As for why it's choosing who it is, we'd have to look at who the scions had interactions with in the past. Could be warriors of darkness who have an ally doing it for them, or it could be someone unrelated like an Ascian who doesn't share the same desires as the others. No one knows.
I just play the lottery, sorry, the Cacpot. Got some nice amount of tokens from them.
As a WoWfag myself I'm gonna be real with you you dont need that kinda problem in the guild. Step in and talk to these guys and work out a solution its what a group of people/ Adults do also if they're the type of people who only log on to fucking raid get rid of them regardless because honestly you can find other people.
Now the other thing is, look for scrubs and treat them as future investments. willing to take people who are new at the game and teaching them the ropes/ assisting them with the challenges they face in the game will not only show your leadership skills but it will also build respect and attachment to the FC/Guild. People underestimate that a little patience and time can go a long way.
races look nice in CC, but none of them, even more so lilties, even remotely look "bad ass".
ultimate ultima weapons obviously
It's ok when they "rewrite" stuff from other FF games even if it sucks dick, why can't they rewrite the lore so that you can play as a beast race?
>Allagan illusion magic or something lmao?? people think you're a hyur but you're actually an Ixal
Nah can't have that, lore and story integrity too important! *gets his allagan smartphone out* *drives away on his regalia*
>I just assume whatever targeting them was doing so by their aetheric signature, probably because it's easy to single out echo users
None of them were Echo users. Krile and Arenvald are the only core Scions left with the Echo.
*blocks your path*
>why can't they rewrite the lore so that you can play as a beast race?
>Why can't they rewrite the entire setting and basis of the first part of the story so I can yiff?!?!?!?
This is why everyone hates you furniggers.
>Bara-bait furry race
>the only good non-human MMO race ever
Lol look at this furfag
if someone knows nothing about FF, nor the cross over events source, in most cases, u cant actually tell they dont belong.
Pretty much only yokaiwatch was noticeably out of place, but people who knew neither, couldnt quite put their finger on it, other than art style being so drastic.
people who know nothing on MH, didnt notice anything off with its collab for example, just seems like a trial with different quest text.
Bard/Red Mage are the most overcrowded roles, then it's healers, then it's tanks, then it's melee dps like NIN and MNK.
Is the game really that big in Japan than they can do that?
you cant even see the race under the armor.
the ARMOR is what you're thinking looks bad ass.
>Playable beast races are more out of place than Dragon Quest and Garo
Are you fucking listening yourself? in the name of DEFEATING THOSE FURFAGS you're castrating the game you're trying to defend
i wasnt talking about furfags, i was talking about "CROSS OVER EVENTS"
>race so bad it literally ruined gw2g forever
lmfao enjoy your gay eye-raping sparklecats
Why Scholar?
>the only good non-human MMO race ever is stuck in a shitty game
Wait, I thought all the scions were echo users, which is why they never got tempered by primals?
Femcharr > Mancharr