How do we fix WRPG's?

How do we fix WRPG's?

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Go back to the classics, obviously. With less meme culture and more devoted writers who have passion in a set story.

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maybe not play games that are old as fuck and maybe not make the same thread every day

>With less meme culture
>posted Fallout

looking back at it now, ultima IX was so fucking ahead of its time...

Looking back at games like Daggerfall

Hire japanese devs to do the gameplay while the western california trash keeps focusing on their deeply touching cinematic endless cutscenes with a writing and plot from some D tier indie movie everyone has seen better executed at least 50 times before.

inb4 that one guy comes in here piston his stupid infographics
you know the guy
what a fag

My point exactly, newfriend. That's why I said it.

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imitate what makes JRPGs successful


screeching anime characters with textbook personalities?

Yeah and don't forget cat girls or whatever.

More games that explore character builds, and less games that constantly branch storypaths like 9,000 page choose your own adventure book.
Treat the main quest as much as possible like a tool to keep the character moving and nothing more.

Which ones?

The ones where he tries to prove that WRPGs are completely superior to JRPGs.
I’m surprised you don’t know what I’m talking about, he posts this shit 24/7.

>fallout and baldurs gate are packed full of references and jokes but Yea Forums are just too young to get most of them
>they rage whenever a new release has any jokes in it

Yea Forums truly was an mistake.

what game is that?


Make Gothic clones.

stop focusing on having huge open worlds easy

It's one thing to have references to popular culture. It's another thing to say shit like, "Chris Avellone loves you!" every other time Marcus opens fire on a floater, "Good thing I played a lot of DnD before the war" from Vic before every encounter, or have a half-assed monty python joke that is only kind of funny the first time around. Like, it gets to a point where it's immersion breaking, and it's why many people drop or overall forego Fallout 2 in favor of Fallout 1.

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This. Daggerfall was already taught us that open world and procedural generation are terrible in RPGs. Developers should not be making the same mistakes Bethesda did 2 decades ago.

Send a Ciri cosplayer to fuck me and drain me dry. I sacrifice so much of my life to these games, can I at least get laid? You know what I mean? I've been robbed of most of my money, can I at least get a blowjob?

Stop hiring women to write the games. That’s literally it.

Ultima 9, you fucking zoomer.

What do you feel is wrong with them?

>procedural generation are terrible in RPGs

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the tortanic before tortanic

ea still holds the ultima ip?

Very probably. Those guys keep a death grip on properties.

stop making them
break free from the past
invent a new genre