This engine looks like shit.
This engine looks like shit
Indeed, nobody asked for realistic faces that don't even look like the characters used to look
>nobody asked for realistic faces
I did. I don't want bland perfect anime dolls. I like flawed and blemished character design. It gives, dare I say it, character. But then again I'm not an incel whose sex life drops to zero when he doesn't have a video game to masturbate to.
Imagine being this terminally cucked
for you
this fuckers fingers bother the shit out of me, why is the pinky and ring finger the same length reee
>Attacks someones' sex life in an attempt to reinforce their argument
I know you're baiting, but I legitimately cannot stand when people actually think this helps their case.
The engine is alright. Pretty well optimized and the devs always give us PChomies a good amount of customization. Graphically RE2 looks pretty fucking good on PC at 4K.
Yeah this board is infested with incels who think nier automata is goty but in reality it's just a fap material disguised as game.
The engine is fucking amazing. OP is a faggot.
>but I legitimately cannot stand when people actually think this helps their case
The jump of the bridge. Sex/sexlife is the most legitimate argument.
Imagine being this terminally cucked
It looks amazing in DMC5. Not so much in RE2 due to bad TAA and clearly bugged SSR effect (and too many textures relies on it so the objects in the corners of your screen are always missing details)
seething trannycuck.
The faces are an artistic issue, not the engine's fault. The games using it have a ton of detail and run great, definitely a good follow up to MT Frameworks. Capcom are fucking miracle workers with this shit. 10000x better than Square and their Luminous Engine lol.
sorry you cant get laid loser
Its probably the best engine out there right now.
It looks fantastic and the optimization is black magic tier.
They can make it run at 60 on fucking consoles for fucks sake.
>cant get past physical appearance to appreciate a characters personality
>thinks they're somehow superior because of it
youre actually just shallow and arrogant. kill yourselves
You wish.
it does help their case when appealing to retards which happen to make up the majority on this planet
I could get past her physical appearance and see to her character (what little of it there was). 9s had more character. 2b is the generic stoic hero who has to makem hard choices.
What I couldn't get past was the boring and repetitive gameplay and backtracking.
>cant get past physical appearance to appreciate a characters personality
Oh I bet you have altar and going on a dates and shit.
Put me in the screencap.
DMC5 faces look better than 4's plastic shit. Debate me.
>smears shit on your screen
Nothing personnel
What about it looks good other than lighting? It inly does lighting well, textures look like ass.
Textures barely have anything to do with the engine itself.
>hard choices
the fuck does this even mean? you're literally too fucking retarded to make a coherent sentence. Learn fucking English you goddamned moron.
not him, but I was extremely impressed by the graphics of REmake2. I couldn't believe how good certain areas looked, especially in the police station. The basement and sewers didn't really impress me as much.
I think it looks fine for most things but face scanning needs to die.
lol you got me there, that's pretty funny
>RE7 tanker
>RE2R sewers/lab
What with Capcom and 2nd part of the game sucking so much?
I feel like the exact oppposite. It looks amazing on RE2 Remake because the engine's strengths really fit the direction they're going with RE titles but it's kind of weird with DMC5.
No, this is all on the engine and its focus on photoscanning. This is all about the technical issue that the engine tries to digitalize a photoscanned face and that doesn't really look well in a videogame-y environment. Also known as uncanny valley.
reeee some more you fucking incel dweeb faggot
The boat was great. I found it better than Lucas' fun house. The mines were the true shit location.
Yeah the lab in RE2 could have been expanded upon but i enjoyed the sewers.
Literally mad because you're stupid.
Get your anti-intellectualism the fuck out of my planet, you fucking human garbage.
I thought the sewers were great. I don't get why people hate them. The lab was too small.
Also I wanted to return to the station.
>that don't even look like the characters used to look
RE7 Chris looks like an older version of pre-RE5 Chris.
What I mean is after RE7 (baker place) RE2R (pd) everything goes super linear.
>someone else that likes the boat
We're a rare breed, you and I.
Oh I think you are mad because I struck a nerve in that post. Otherwise you would stop sperging out you looser.
Better than fox engine.
Better than whatever the fuck square used in ff15.
And western engines are all 10+ years old so they don't even get to compete.
Keep telling yourself that
I don't hate sewers. But after complexity of RPD it feels super linear.
It goes more linear, but not "super linear." It's still got trapsing and backtracking. Imo all the classic REs suffer from this problem. They need two big metroidvania areas. So like two areas the size of the mansion or pd with the same gameplay loop. Maybe funnel into linear action at the very end. As 1 and 2 stand now, you get the one "definitive" area and then a couple of smaller-scale areas leading to the fully linear outro. Feels like the game shrinks over time. Would be better with twice the "definitive" content and a small outro with maybe one small area preceding it.
>He's a secondary that didn't understand YoRHa
Bet you also didn't even play DoD 1 or read Fires of Prometheus
And an sjw to boot.
Just like original RE2
Are you retarded? It was pretty much the best part of the game right with the intro.
>flashback sequence
>get to play another character
>mixes up gameplay
Running around with the MG was fun as fuck.
There is nothing funnier than weebs pretending very hard to be weeb-haters.
The characters look better than the hideous malformed wax statues in the original. Seriously the CGI characters in the original are nightmarish. Leon looks like his face is a trash bag filled with glue and meatballs and then painted and lacquered. Same with Sherry. The only character who isn't horribly ugly is Annette. Ironic since in the remake it's the other way around. Everyone looks decent but Annette constantly makes a stupid face except that one time she's smugly watching Ada get trapped in the incinerator.
It runs like heaven. Give them a few more games and they'll fix the problems
RE7 looks better visually in my opinion, but RE2 is made of magic. It is able to load a save game in 5 seconds on my hdd. That is some witchcraft right there.
Honestly... I kind of agree.
In terms of texture quality and polish it's very good but the way it focuses on photoscanning is just so specific. It works for RE7 and RE2 but for DMC5 it's very hit or miss, depending on the shot.
Also for whatever reason it's very monochromatic. Which again may make sense for RE titles but not as much for Devil May Cry.
Overall I prefer MT Framework much better, it's a better all-rounder while the RE Engine is just good for cinematic photorealistic games and that's it.
I mean, yeah, the mixing up was good, but a mediocre corridor shooter isn't my idea of peak RE. The intro/house was my ideal and the game (like seemingly all RE games) truncates as it goes on.
>RE2 Remake because the engine's strengths
For a game in such narrow, simple environments I'm surprised by how bad the SSR and the texture quality is, with some very low res shadows even on PC Ultra settings, even the hairs looks terrible with bad dithering to save on bandwith, as if the game has much to even display at any given time. Yet it still doesn't hit a flat 60FPS on consoles
And then you get DMC5
>super sharp textures
>super sharp rendering because the AA technique is better
>actually better better faces rendering and expressions than RE2, not to mention far better hairs without dithering (leaving aside the ultra realism's poor taste)
>relatively open and complex environments with lots of enemies and with sometimes complex physic simulation (completely absent in RE2Make)
>Still hit 60fps more often on consoles
>oh and the SSR isn't COMPLETELY FUCKED like in RE2
It's not even a contest. DMC5 might be the most impressive game graphically
was it not the director or something that said that the game was off putting because of the graphics?
Also if I remember correctly he did say that they did hold back on too much realism on the character action game.
based and redpilled
Based. Weebs btfo
cringe and bluepilled
No one asked for perfect anime dolls. It possible to have some balance. As it stand, the actual actors the characters are based of looks better than in the videogame.
Be a cuck all you want but part of the appeal of videogames as a medium used to be the unreal, fictional characters. A lot of magic is lost by using real peoples
I want Mass Effect 1 and Dead Space remakes with that engine. Looked awesome on the boneX, beside the weirdly frequent artifacts in reflective/shiny surfaces
Only for the animation. They wanted the realism meme for everything else regardless of what the fans want to impress kids.
>that obvious shadow cascade
Meh, it runs at 1660p60 on boneX, can't really complain
Not that user but while it's possibly because I thought the machine gun was garbage and I hated using it I thought the ship was arguably the most classic RE-esque moment in the game. I spent more time dealing with four legged molded via bombs so for me I opted to frequently avoid combat in this multi-floored area while looking for requisite McGuffins to proceed and wait, this sounds like classic RE. That's how I played the ship aside from the bottom floor and that actionfest lasts all of 2 rooms, plus you can just run past some of it.
I personally think Leon looks great. Claire looks fucking retarded at times, though.
TV model?
This but unironically
We could be friends based user
>say the truth
>incels get suoer triggered
You sir, are based
It looks great and makes waifufags incredibly angry so it's pretty much perfect in my opinion.
Beautiful engine, you're just pathetic.
Weebs on suicide watch
>somehow runs at 60fps on consoles
How many virgins did capcom offer for this?
Or is this why Street Fighter V is shit?
>like flawed and blemished character design.
Damn right. I don't even mind if they have a dick or a hole when they shouldn't, and I'm sure you also don't.
>RE8 continues the first-person mechanic from 7
>Takes the city setting of 2 and actually uses it
>RE8 is a first person survival horror set in the streets of a major city during an outbreak
>Multiple smaller buildings
>Streets filled with zombies
>Have to navigate around the city between buildings through zombie-infested streets and alleys
>Key item usage across different buildings
>Dynamic rain
>Commando patrols to avoid or fight
>Tyrant chases
I have a 55" Sony X900F
I enjoyed the boat more than the RE2 sewers, well more for the fact that is a pain to go over the sewers again, although I enjoyed RE2 more afterwards because while RE7 was great, somehow it does not hold up to replay.
Best engine currently. Just like RDR2
7 relies too much on jump scares
>I'm surprised by how bad the texture quality is
The game has a glitch that frequently causes the renderer to fail to load the maximum resolution mipmaps. It seems to happen with the bulletin board wall objects most of the time.
Imagine being so invested in a fake narrative that you would think this is a sick burn.
You're a literally fat cuck if you think objectively ugly flaws add "character" to someone
Real faces are more immersive than fake faces. You cannot duplicate nature perfectly. Look at Re6 Leon and new Leon. Maybe 6 is more aesthetic. That's arguable. But it's less believable, so it's less immersive.
I have a question, why do the reflections on objects swim around with the movement of the camera to such a degree that it seems like the outlines of objects are physically shifting around? Look at a glossy object in RE2 and slightly shift the camera left and right, it's really weird.
Nigger you went from "imperfections add character and believability" to "I want to fuck trannies" with the added bonus of calling yourself a tranny fucker to, uh, sound more clever when making the same claim about someone else?
There is an actual cavern where your brain should be.
This is the most based post on Yea Forums
dropping some truth bombs
It's literally MT Framework 2. It's voodoo black magic amazing.
>Overall I prefer MT framework to this rebranded extension of MT framework
Oops you're retarded
unironically based. Sick of weeb shit where you can't tell the characters apart.
More like salvaged, toned down, reworked version of Panta Rhei Engine.
But faggots like you don't give a shit, that's why they're faggots.
Well I think it has to do with drawing the reflection based on what the screen sees. That's why your character will cause them to block out, because the model is obscuring visual data from the SSR renderer. Just turn it off. It still looks pretty good without.
soooo, re3 in fps
Virgins BTFO and seething
Based. It's about time Yea Forums has woken up from this weeb menace.
All me
all me btw
Dangerously redpilled
they made everything that they don't want you to pay attention to about the same res as a texture from quake 2
do you think is that it? That makes it poor for replayability?
>This engine looks like shit
Do you know how uninformed saying that is?
Yea Forums
where people contend to see who can make the most people angry by being faggoty contrarians all day every day
i'm beginning to fucking hate this place because of how unoriginal and boring it's become
Thank you.
I like the RE engine. Its biggest issue is that the face capture isn't perfect, but its still very good.
I really doubt they Will made RE in First person again after the sucess of REmake2.
I really want a direct sequel of RE7 in a city.Since It looks like they cant Control the mold spreading in the swarmp,catching a Louisiana town would be Creepy as fuck.
D e P T H
Well the only thing I can lament of the RE engine is that the transition from alt tabbing back takes too long, unless is tied to my screen and that I wish it did not have those light transition for room we had since the Unreal Engine 3 but I guess it makes things lighter maybe.
I keep telling myself one day the shitposters will get bored.
>RE8 set in a big southern town
wew lad
me me me
funny that I have fapped to RE2 way more than I have Nier
>these replies
Yea Forums was saved for a day
incels seething
If you played the game, you know what happens when coming back here, 3 fucking zombies, but thing is, this time as soon as I got some wood I ran back here and only met 1 that I had left earlier, is it time based then?
Absolutely based post, user. Keep up the good work.
no, UE and Unity does.
Based levels off the charts.
Absolutely based, one of the best BTFO posts I've seen in a while
>I did.
Your mother should've not fucked horses and expecting a good looking kid afterwards.
If only the character models weren't hyper-realistically ugly.