It's gonna suck isn't it

it's gonna suck isn't it

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even dark souls 2 was goty, almost every game they have made starting from demons souls was goty.

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probably not desu senpai

Preview embargos lift in about an hour and a half. I want to view them so bad but at the same time I want to be as unspoiled for the game on release as possible.
Not to mention it's EpicDudeBro, Vaatistealya and Lobotomy Jr doing the coverage. Excited nonetheless.

Thing is those cunts, well, definitely Vaati will guzzle cum about it even if it's fucking trash because he knows he'll get a billion neetbux off of making SAD VIDEOS about autistic gooks in the game

On the table, if activision had any influence whatsoever it will be shit

i can only hope that it will be alright
none of the souls games really deserve the constant attention they get, so I assume this will get overhyped to shit while being a pretty fun game at best

I'm confident From wouldn't have signed with anyone if they weren't allowed complete creative control. Otherwise they would have stayed with Bamco since I know those fucks meddled with how 2 and 3 were handled.
Despite what credits say, I also still believe Miyazaki's focus has been on this game since BB ended. I don't really see how 3 released much with his influence. It feels more like he just looked at his subordinates and said, "make it like 1" and they took it a bit too literally. If Sekiro does end up being trash though then maybe Miyazaki just got lucky with Demon's and Dark 1 and he's lost the magic. Everything we've seen so far from Sekiro though brings me to believe it will be back to From glory. We'll find out the 22nd.

It's over.

Inb4 waaaaa no mp waaaaa 90% of weapons cut waaaaa

AAA gaming in 2019 has been filled with disappointments. That Activision logo sure isn't going to help their chances.

Activision are only handling the western release, so I doubt they're gonna have a big influence on the game. From are self publishing in Japan.

Not for me, I don’t like online multiplayer, I always played with swordsman in Souls and Bloodborne and never used magic, so this game is literally for me :3

I just hope it’s not 20 hours long.

Got myself an early copy since I live in a 3rd world shithole. It's not great desu. It's not DaS2 level of shit but it feels extremely mediocre and generic. And level design is super simplified compared to previous games. It's kind of a shame, guess that's what happens when you have Activision breathing down your neck.

the goyim will most likely hate it

but that is because the goyim are weak

Cope harder nigger

>No proof

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everyone point and laugh at this fag

Damn... I guess I’m gonna cancel my pre-order, I believe you....

Was Dark Souls 2 or 3 good? No. So yes, this will suck.

Agreed. Even if DS2 is the worst Souls game, it's still better than 99% of shit today. This is a studio that knows how to make a high quality action game. It's not like they're going to just suddenly turn retarded overnight.


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