Why are they trying to take away sex appeal from gaming?
Why are they trying to take away sex appeal from gaming?
they're not, they're just taking away female sex appeal
tranny, furry and men are all okay
why does anyone take fgc seriously when its so infested with chimps? i seriously hope no one here is involved in it
he's unironically right
this should say 'esports legend'. he is no mere player
>armor slightly changes
this why no one respects manbabies
I'm sure they changed her look for story reasons, (a zombie?) but come on! Who designed that attire?
In the last few years, they have managed to make it wrong for a man to find a woman attractive.
2018 was the best year on record for real, soulful sex appeal.
Fucking sexist homophobic pig
Who kept making these articles
didn't this nig get his shit spanked live on stream by a cripple and a ghoul looking bowlhaired kid?
dsp is right
>Yea Forumseddit hates LTG
worthless beta cücks
This is a fucking video to some fat fuck on YouTube, named Boogie2988. Now, I'm tired of this fat fuck popping up on all my fucking search engines when I'm looking for a fucking workout video. I don't give a fuck about the aftermath from any of you Boogie fans that feel sorry for this greasy fuck. You fat fucking disgusting ass smelling. Blob. Cheese drinking. Crisco bathing. Lard gargling. Calorie thieving. 'Cabbage-Patch' face having. Dr.Robotnik looking. WingStop eating. McDonalds gorging. T-Rex arm having. Non-vegetable eating. Cook on a George Foreman grill just to drink out the drip tray. Wide Load. Hungry Hungry Hippo. Planet. Pretending to have a fucking thyroid problem. Whale/ Free Willy. Part Bus. Yokozuna. Flubber. Kirby. Salad Dodger. Chair Crusher. Butterball. Go to Subway but put everything on it. Michelin Man. Happy because Hostess is back in business motherfucker. I know there is gonna be alot of people out there calling me a bully. Well guess what, I'm not. I just don't feel sorry for fat fucking people especially fat fucks who sit there all day, gorge and eat, and make money for doing absolutely nothing, while a bunch of sorry fucks like yourself play into it. You don't like what the fuck I'm saying, then fuck you!
that one angry gamer dumbass he is trying to shill here
god that was the best
>white social justice warriors, feminists and activists posing as game journalists
that sounds like one terrible website you got this crap off of OP.
that said, he's right. why would I buy this game if it ain't aimed at me and my peepee? better luck next time NRS
>liking a nigger
user you were the cuck all along!
Sex appeal isn't gonna help his garbage performance.
Gotta bunch of people that got animosity towards black guys cause their dicks are bigger than them. These are guys that are jealous, cause they don't carry, they don't possess, BBC. They don't possess that GOD GENE that's involved in these black men out here.
Keep getting jealous while your wife asks for KEK-HOLDS. While your girlfriends ask for KEK-HOLDS and WISH that they could get FUCKED by these African warriors with these huge BBCs that could pipe them down to the point where they could FEEL each and every last spectacle of their pussies getting VIBRATED and THRUSTED until the orgasm just SPEWS out. Keep saying NIGGER, keep saying BLACK.
Come on you KEK-HOLDS! You love it! You love this shit! I’ll be that monkey. I’ll be that monkey. Yup, with a BBC. Enjoy it. Have your woman take this dick. She’s imagining a HUGE Black Cock. Why do you think your bitches get huge dildos!?
You guys don’t possess the BBC gene. That’s why you’re upset. No BBC equals anger. You’re upset, you’re mad at these African Cocks. These Rhino Dicks. That’s why you guys like saying nigger so much. I get it.
LTG is literally and unironically /ourmonkey/
Because the industry boom of the last three decades is starting to plateau. Game publishers in their greed to continue to grow the market are trying to pander to women to get them to buy games they normally wouldn’t be interested in. To do this they are trying to tone down the sexual appeal of characters because basic bitches get upset when they’re reminded how ugly they are. Give it another decade, the market will swing back because this isn’t going to grow the audience like they think it will.
What you don’t find this sexy?
Are you sexist user?
Nice. Can't wait for a new influx of games with cute shotas (because lewding little boys is ok according to them).
Modern SJWs are like the Christian Right on steroids
Jade's a nigger and thus never had sex appeal to begin with
when did anyone say anything about sexism?
shut up faggot
Not sure why black men parade their dicks around and think they're the ultimate woman pleaser. That basically reduces them to plastic sex toys. Outside of the bedroom, women obviously want nothing to do with blacks. These white women cucking their white husbands with big black dicks happily go back to their husbands every time.
If I were black I'd find this pretty insulting.
>lens flare not horizontal
the lens could be put on sideways
>Salad Dodger
0/10 no Boogie eating mayo pic.
Wow you're hilarious
Cuck pussy
I want to caress his belly.
Feminists are against femininity.
This is fact and the root of the issue that create all this bullshit.
>black DSP is less succesful than white DSP
Who would have thought?
>One Angry /pol/tard
/pol/fags and libtards are 2 sides of the same coin.
this. they can fuck with niggers all they want, but I'll be the one who kiss them passionately and build a life together
>muh /pol/ bogayman
seems based to me
/pol/ doesn't give two shits about vidya.
>why is a game called Mortal Kombat more focused on violence than 3d rendered titties???
for real?
/pol/ uses Yea Forums as recruitment grounds
white privilege strikes again
>Rorschach avatar
He was one steep from becoming a living gang weed meme.
someone will post that pic with an sjw with a mask, but that only proves how right you are
Not just any cripple, dude literally plays with his face.
Of course they don't care about their enemies indoctrinating their kids
Have you seen Cassie in the new IGN videos?
She's hot as fuck
IGN also showed Kano, Jaqui and Erron.
To piss off you incels so y’all stop sitting at home, leave it and start meeting real women
he gets his ass beat by literal children every time he streams. He has to be one of the worst, most fragile individuals i have ever seen.
make sure you kids check under your beds before you sleep tonight,
I heard the /pol/ boogieman hides under there to whisper Mein Kamph to you while you sleep.
>LowTierBitch being a SJW
People who whine about SJW in any occasion is the new SJW
how long until trannies in mortal kombat and FINISH XER
sometimes it's time to turn off the computer and step outside, jesus christ.
He did, then he fully doubled down on calling the cripple a "slobbering retarded half man" and other such stuff, aswell as saying "this does not make you better than me"
It was one of the cringiest displays of ego fragility i've ever seen
>whisper Mein Kamph to you
That was old /pol/. Nu-/pol/ would scream about how great is Trump and call you a discord tranny of you dared to tell it to fuck off.
yeah, I mean, the guys throwing infographics about american crime statistics in all Mafia 3 threads were all fellow Yea Forums users who never left this board
LTG can't win to a 14 year old why the fuck is he gaining traction other than epic angry black dsp
be quiet /pol/cucks
Who says zombies can't be sexy?
wait I thought this was about the past and the future meeting each other or some gay shit like that
Won't she just see her old self in the slutty uniform?
do you actually know mortal kombat lore?
> REEEEEE where's muh big tits with deep cleavage and thongs??? REEEEE this female character didn't look this way back in the day, preorder canceled
I'm drowning in your tears and mine hahahahahahha
I don't disagree with you but "Krang ass lookin motherfucker" is a decent burn
If you redesign a character that barely even resembles what it originally looked like, why not just make a new character?
Let me guess, you didn't play the story of MK9, did you honey? The moment I saw that character, I immediacy remembered what happened in MK9...
The debate as always is "where's the cleavage?" That's it
>If you redesign a character that barely even resembles what it originally looked like
It clearly looks like Jade. I can tell just from the thumbnail who it is
>loud angry nigger that bans you if you beat him
Ook ook ook monkey, stay bad
Nobody cared about Mortal Kombat before and nobody will now
Chillax user.
Cassie is here to save the day.
Why does he hate his own people? Ironic because he acts like a nigger most of the time
t. got bodied by ltg
*teleports behind you*
nice try, tranny
Low SexAppeal God more like
t. wants to get blacked by ltg
DEX vs ???
>Ridiculously large breasts
They are big, but it's actually a pretty common size in Brazil.
what was he waiting on the ground like that, open legs, open arms ?
>Caring about penis this much
I know it's [CURRENT YEAR], but nobody cares. Sod off
Seething white boi who can’t play fighting games
My nigga was not having that gay today
You guys got your height from colonizers so your welcome
Why are they also targeting cute now?
lmao, how shitty is your site that you bother to report anything that LTG says
>If you redesign a character that barely even resembles what it originally looked like
shut the fuck up
I'm more shocked they call this useles third rate faggot an e-sports player.
>I heard the /pol/ boogieman hides under there to whisper Mein Kamph to you while you sleep
>Mein Kamph
If he would I would slap that bitch for fucking with my language
this article is objectively bad.
More like No Tier Legday