Why would you bother in buying a video game console now a days when you get a raspberry pi for WAY cheaper?
Because Raspberry Pis can only play phone games????
I want a portable shell for it. Something like GameHat but without the retarded stick.
The computer I'm using to post can already emulate the 15 year old games that the pi can, but can't emulate current gen console exclusives
Cause I want to play Mario Odyssey or maybe something else beyond the ps1 era on the go. Also I don't want to leave it on all week due to the lack of a power button.
NES,SNES,N64,SMS,SG,SS,PC ENGINE, PS1, PS2 AND XBOX to name a few...retard.
A used laptop can run emulators at better speeds and can run PC games as well since you can install Windows on it.
>PS2 and Xbox
Lol have you actually used a pi?
buy a steam link and stream vidya from your pc instead
pi can't play any of those well
If you can't play the games you want to play on the device, does it really matter how cheap it is?
>Raspberry Pi emulating Xbox
>any system that's not a Microsoft console emulating Xbox
Okay, now I know you're just being retarded.
Not enough computational power?
I want to buy one to play around with one day. They look pretty neat for stuff even beyond gaming.
>Can't play N64 or even PS1 unless you can stand laggy glitchy shit
t. pi 3 owner
Most of the people that buy of these to use as an emulator box or cheap gaming box will probably just load RetroPie with the default settings and frontend, load all the ROMs, play Mario for 5 minutes, and then put it away in a drawer, never to be seen again. The Pi is meant to be a cheap educational tool to teach programming with the easily accessible GPIO, not as an emulator box or anything that requires heavy computational power.
>Xbox emulation on ARM
That's what I'm saying. That WebM isn't from a Pi.
Why bother getting a pi when I can emulate a pi on my pc to emulate retro games on?
this, you can even mod certain emulated games, trying to do the same would cause that little pi to catch fire
Why not just hack your pc to play gameboy games on it?
>Using a pi for emulators
>Not getting a MiSTER FPGA for superior cores
>emulate a pi on my pc to emulate retro games on
you wut now?