Tetris 99
>999 My Nintendo Gold Points
Wowzers! thats a lot of Discounts! God, MyNintendo sucks so goddamn much compared to ol' Club Nintendo.
Congrata to Wumbo for first place, I guess.
>Tfw broke my Switch recently with a headbutt
I need to repair it quickly
Do we know if it's a white boy neet and and experienced jap
>(excluding Quebec)
We didn’t want to participate in your lame gay event anyway
>open in the USA age 13+
>open in mexico but only age 18+
Wait is the finale round allowing fire arms or something?
At least I can watch wumbo play with the chat turned off
>(excluding quebec)
I wish this became the norm, fuck Quebec and everyone who lives there
spic detected
So they win 10 whole dollars?
What can you even do with these points?
You can use em on the eshop as currency
I think 999 is about 10 bucks
10 dollars to use in the eShop
>With a headbutt.
What the fuck?
Anything good on the eShop worth 999 points?
from a free game that literally has 0 cash shop. they are losing money on the event, even if the reward is worth 10 cents
>free game
The game is part of the paid online service, similar to the NES games on Switch. It is not free. You're paying for a service that includes it.
But they're not the developers.
How many wins does everyone have currently? I dont play too often, I have 20 out of my 85ish games.
why do they always exclude Quebec in these promotions? am I missing something?
no it's not. they make 0 money from the online. Stop making up fantasy garbage like that, nigger, this isn't resettera.
Quebec is nigger haven and mario is a nigger user.
Shit I didn’t notice that. That’s fucking hilarious
I think I have 2.
It's published by Nintendo, obviously they paid the developers to make the game for the purpose of getting people to pay for Nintendo Switch Online.
999 Gold points? That's like 10 dollars off the eshop holy shit, I wish I wasn't such a fucking brainlet when it came to tetris I want those points.
Is there even anything worthwhile on the e-shop for $10?
What's the current player base for 99?
They're giving prizes in every continent, there's a really good chance to win this.
Only the flat publishing fee. What, you're gonna tell me that they take a percentage off of every 20 bucks Nintendo receives from their subscription?
Treat it as a sale. Buy a 25 dollar game, get 10 off
>obviously they paid the developers
stop using fucking FAITH to defend your stupid shit holy shit. You believe stupid shit, it doesn't make it OBVIOUS and even less REAL, you self important subhuman sack of shit. Get down that pedestal, or die.
We always knew they weren't really part of Canada, that was just a formality.
I still haven't won a single match and the last time I went on I'd frequently get fucking bodied almost instantly by T-Spinning autists so I'm not even gonna bother
Who's honestly going to win this except wumbo
>Be me
>Grow up at ranch in Alberta
>Life is hard, especially in the winter
>But we all get along and I love my family
>Dad taught me French growing up
>Want to move to a big city, because for whatever reason I believed I needed to and it would be good for me
>Move to Montreal, because why not, I know both important languages
>Have shitty job, shitty apartment, and shitty big city taxes
>Have to listen to protestors and liberals complain about how bad they had it growing up and how the previous generation ruined their life
>Fucking gay freaks everywhere
>Want to go back, but saving up money for a house to buy in Alberta is taking forever, I'm also not terribly amazing with money
>Don't want to be a burden on my old parents. I definitely wouldn't have the money to do my part
>All these liberal college kids would probably gladly bum off their parents if they had a free place to live.
I hate it here guys. If you're considering the big city life. Don't. It's the life of a slave.
Because by law every single lottery or prizepool needs a license and must be controlled by a state organisation. Every casino and lottery is operated by the state
There are grays areas like 50/50, video poker and things with low prize pools, but for most promotion like these it's much less hassle to just exclude us.
That person is a anglo and absolutely anally annihilated at Quebec ability to not cuck out to muslims, poos and other subhumans
I'm not from the US but i made my account saying i'm from there, do i still participate?