R8 my skyrim m8s

R8 my skyrim m8s

Also I cant seem to make my skyrim look as good as those youtube showcase vids, using NVT ENB and vivid weathers.

Attached: ScreenShot1.jpg (2560x1080, 1.05M)

Your first mistake was playing skyrim, your second mistake was trying to copy those Youtube showcases where they have no idea what looks good

name 1 vidya where i can just mindlessly play for hours and hours thats not minecraft and it's like

Stardew Valley

AC Odyssey

Pretty much any other game other than Skyrim

never played asscreed game because i dont like the settings


Every game. Once your brain automatically knows when to do every solution thats possible the improvise is not needed. Literaly every game is like this when you play long enough.

played but i never liked it much, i also prefer starbound over it

Any Farcry game(If you like them)
Dark Souls series
Any FF game
WoW(If you like shit hole games)

>never played asscreed
no time like the present my man. I'm not a huge fan of the Greek period in Odyssey but that's a small hurdle to jump if you just want something with mindless hours of play, upgrading, and exploration all in a fucking gigantic map

NuCreed are Witcher ripoffs with Monsters and all

what does that have to do with anything I just said

i never liked farcry and the last one i played was farcry primal (dropped after like 30 mins)
i played all finished dark souls multiple times already
im waiting for the last FF15 dlc to even begin playing it, looks comfy though

the thing is that i like exploration just not in a game where i dont like the settings (i basically only like high/dark fantasy and scifi)
i also played witcher2 and didnt like it. never played 3

>never played 3
jesus christ dude get on it. Not liking 2 has nothing to do with 3

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>there is people in this thread that prefer Ubishit garbage than modded Skyrim
Skyrim might not be the best thing in the world but is miles ahead of anything that Ubisoft can put together

>OP asks for a game in which he can deposit mindless hours
>I recc one
>somehow I am now advocating for one over the other

really? the world looks great but considering i never liked 2 i thought i would never like 3 so i never played it. are there dungeon crawling in 3 even? every vids ive ever watched never shows a single dungeon

Try monster hunter world.
It's pretty dope.

played, just gets boring after a while (have 87 hours in it)

yeah there's some dungeons, not a lot if I remember correctly but they exist. Lot's of people here shit all over the game's combat but if you can play skyrim without complaining you should have no issue

Attached: dungeon.png (1920x1080, 1.56M)

>87 hours
Dude have you done some of the limited events like Kulv or Behemoth(Extreme)
Augment your weapons n'shit
What did you use as a primary?

It looks like Skyrim. No amount of graphical and gameplay overhaul will make it a pleasant experience. Admit to yourself that you have wasted time and never bring the elder scrolls again if you can understand what's good for you.

Was good at the time , now its like GTA 5 , boring same shit i played years ago.

i use gunlance as a main. did some of the events like kulv, never behemoth.
the thing is it gets repetitive after a while because the entire game is just endless fighting and chasing.