That's the cutest fucking thing I've see in my life.
That's the cutest fucking thing I've see in my life
Other urls found in this thread:
Anyone else these games look like shit? First main entry pokemon games I have no interest in
It's cute until it stands up on its retarded noodle limbs
>First main entry pokemon games I have no interest in
That was Sun and Moon for me. Scorbunny is easily the worst of the the starters, I don't understand the hype around it.
please tell me there's a follow up image OP
Pokemon games have looked like shit since they moved to 3D
Why is she in Stephen Hawking's chair?
Female protag may be a bully and forces the male protag to be her boyfriend, but she's cute as a button and pure daughteru tier.
>not nubile male
It can hardly be said to be porn of Scorbunny, since the bast majority is so off-model that it would be utterly unrecognizable if not for the bandage and the color of the ears
yep, world looks empty and dead as fuck. Sun/Moon were awful games too, first ones I couldn't finish. I expect this one to be more of the same
I'll probably still play it though
so like literally all pokemon porn then?
>oblivious people ITT
Here you go
No, just the shitty anthropomorphized garbage your plebeian dick craves
user that’s literally 60% of Pokémon porn
(that is th' sound ah mak' whin ah rub mah coupon in his feets) :p
No one cares your shitty meme edit unless you have a follow up of the rabbit getting speared, fuckin nigger faggot.
>the majority of furry porn is shit
colour me shocked
You’re implying an awful lot and I don’t appreciate that
I never got LGPE but Leaf's thing of trying to catch you in a ball was really hot.
Opposite for me, I lost interest past gen 4 (although being the fag I am still actually played every gen).
Sword and Shield might be the first pokemon games since DPP that I'll actually follow the announcements of up until release. I don't know why but I actually feel almost optimistic about them, even though grookey is the only starter design I like.
Is there such a thing as pokemon hunting (not capturing)?
Americans aping English dialects/accents is the cringiest shit imaginable. Can always tell when it's an American doing it, too.
You fap to anime girls, that's fine I won't insult you for that. But don't call an anime girl a pokemon..
get over it you dumb bong
I feel that way too but as soon as you say anything, they will all shout "YOU CAN'T TAKE THE BANTER HAHAHAHA" so just let them keep embarrassing themselves
How would you like to have this tasty, nutritious SLOWPOKETAIL? For you right now, just P1,000,000!
i need audio porn of women with scottish accents
Ever heard americans try to do YE OLDE ENGLISh in vidya then? Or vikings with horns? The list goes on and on.
like a retarded hybrid of cockney, Australian, and Glaswegian, every time
Every new game, there's always mounds of faggots like you that say the same thing.
>Bongs relentlessly call Americans dumb and fat
>Call Americans retards for not being able to handle the bants
>Can’t take what they dish out the second they start getting shit
Just beautiful
I fucking hate that rabbit, it looks like a kid shoe mascot, not a pokemon.
We are sorry we can not comprehend all of your brong-bong-mate chav voices.
Imagine euros trying to mimic an "American" accent and making it sound like a mix of someone from Texas, Canada, Mexico and Brazil all in one. It's not bants, it's retarded and annoying. If you're gonna go for the bants then at least stick to one dialect/accent
i spent actual money on son/moon and couldn't get past the first hour. literally every 30 seconds there was some shit cutscene or tutorial for that literal mouthbreather game
That's pretty much what we French do when we try to not sound like retards, we try to mimic a somewhat "american" accent.
The thing is that for the most part, we sound even more retarded.
this is like 99% of porn. It's all off model
fair play, hey, check out my Texan accent
get in the cah, we're going to bah hahbah
pretty good, right
it's the cutest out of the three. thats about it
That’d be funny you dense fuckwit, endearing even. Quite a few Americans would laugh at that.
>Imagine euros trying to mimic an "American" accent and making it sound like a mix of someone from Texas, Canada, Mexico and Brazil all in one
i can't say i know what monkeys sound like but I've certainly heard the others
See what I mean lol
Nobody is offended we're just pointing out you're doing it wrong
Why so touchy?
Why "scorbunny"? Wouldn't "flambunny" flow much better as a word?
No, this is the cutest thing.
Or Rabburn, yeah
'Scorch' and 'bunny' just don't make a very clever portmanteau
Rabburn is going to be the final evo
The answer is simple it’s “score” “bunny”
Hell, they could have even went with something like Scorchare.
It's not like we're seriously trying to emulate you.
We're mocking you. We think you sound silly.
...You understand that, right?
Grookey is way fucking cuter than the pika-bunny.
Flambunny is the name of a faggot bunny who loves dicks in his ass
>We're mocking you.
Poorly, yes, that would be the point
You understand, that, right? Or do you need it again in ebonics
>that delay on the reaction
Why people watch failed actors ?
I dunno, for some reason "Rabburn" sounds more like a second stage name to me. I think because "burn" isn't as powerful of a fire based word? Like how previous fire starters had words like "blaze", "explosion", "infero" and "incinerate" as their fire word.
If they hadn't already used incinerate for gen 7, Incinerare might have worked.
I struggle to find a way of linking a powerful enough fire-based word with some word to mean rabbit/bunny/hare that would make a good name for the 3rd evo.
That was my biggest issue with sun/moon as well. The insane amount of unskippable cutscenes/tutorials. Once you got past that shit (like 3 or 4 hours worth) it was good, but holy fuck I shouldn't have to play half a day to get to play the fucking game
Oi mate a li'l senshitive are we?
No one is going to put for the effort to capture the nuances of your accents and dialects. The point is simply to laugh at the fact that you sound like prancing lala homomen.
they reuse them frequently, e.g. monferno and infernape
they could just reuse scorch for the final evo
>the bast majority
I thought scorbunny already did that
How about Bunferno?
'ika 'ika
It sounding stupid adds to the effect because you sound stupid.
clowns in training learning from other clowns to become professional clowns themselves.
I've seen way too many englishmen cranking it over southern american accents or american girls' vocal fry to be bothered by this comment
it's actually half scorpion.
Grookey is going to end up being the fetish magnet. I can already see nezumi drawing gape ape.
>Ornery Scottish lass
I love this meme.
Maybe, but so far with just the starters it's all on scorbunny
Battle or Gormotti!
>buttblasted americlaps seething because somebody points out their waifu's mangled accent
I'll be derailing future pokemon threads with this knowledge
Can someone draw me scorbunny heating an oven with his feet while a grookey is inside
I'm a pussy vegetarian and even I don't give a shit about that clip
>Americans confusing Wales with Scotland
I think scorbunny is going to end up losing the porn title to another poke as soon as the game comes out
people would rather make him into max from sam and max than make porn of scorbunny
It's a fackin Doduo!
Iz name's Warraz n ez an arse'ole
Most Americans can't even name all of their own states
yeah it's like confusing sheep fuckers and drug addicts
i'm gonna have a laugh riot if there's a sheep pokemon in the new game
I am not even American in first place, all I want is more Nia's art.
It's cute on a chinese cartoon because it's silly as fuck. If they made all of the houses into little underground hobbit holes with 3-foot doors like you guys have in your back country then it would be perfect.
I think it's nice that this keeps getting posted since one of my friends made it.
I don't get it.
Keep seething mustafa
It's going to be Scorchstriker
It's an absolute masterpiece. I've been having a field day everyday since the announcement of Pokebong. I love dumb british humor.
Just because he's not good material for dumb waifufags who need an anime girl shape, doesn't mean he isn't good enough for people like me
Exactly the same situation for me.
I think setting Sword and Shield in a fictional UK was a pretty smart move.
British internet meme culture is pretty widespread and easy to recognise on the emglish-speaking internet. Jokes and memes will pretty much write themselves and give game freak so much free marketing.
Plus it'll likely male others want to buy the games just to be "in" on the jokes.
Oy that looks cute, how much do you lads think the skin's worht?
Pokemon NORF or SOUF lads?
norf here
fuck those souf fairies
Shield reminds me of my high school crush. Sad days :(
it's going to be a trainwreck of bad tea jokes and silly accents
there's a game theory as to why
it makes at least a small lick of sense
She has plenty. You don't have to go posting shit.
Norf ere lad.
Scouse pride an all tha. Up the fuckin reds.
Unless it involves Leaf's yandere nature to want to have cute little girls and/or boys as pets I'm not particularly interested.
Begone thot!
Wasn't acting. It's literally a moment after The Fall where you're left on a cliffhanger and unsure if Joel died. And that's after going through some pretty intense shootouts where you're vulnerable, with disorienting effects everywhere. So for many people the transition from Fall to Winter with a bunny rabbit slightly calms your nerves. Snow/cold often signifies death, so the intended effect seems to have been to trick the player into believing Joel died without stating it, show a cute rabbit for some sense of security, then kill it to remind you that survival is the overarching theme of the game.
"They better not have killed Joel" is the reaction to this drawn out scene/transition usually, since the game was so nonchalant about offing many characters. I personally laughed at the rabbit getting killed, since it felt like ND was trying to fuck with players more than most games.
Had I had a different disposition I might've reacted like the chick in the video.
Why is Deku's girlfriend a Pokemon trainer? Wouldn't it make sense for her to have a flying-type team?
>draw an american garupan
>call it a brit
they could at least have copied orange pekoe or something
oh man i hope the lady npc trainer turns out to be just darjeeling
Legs for weeks
>Da iz deh kiutes thin I've see in me fookin laif
I'm not good at this
I'm Australian
Scot here.
We do talk like this you fucking slag
Go on, then
You first.
Thought not lol
Thought so, coward.
As I said, you can ALWAYS tell.
i've seen more crossover fanart with summer wars than sam & max, actually.
Never seen bongs seethe this hard
SEEEEETHING LMAO, get ready for the replies, watch them prove me right, they're gonna be like "a-americlap!" too when im not one lol
>when you literally just pick a word at random because you are boiling that much
fuck fake twitch whores
>he just shuts down and is repeating "cope" over and over
Do it again, dance monkey dance
The nose bandaid thing really annoys me. It just stands out way too much and doesn't look like it's part of them.
Its comin home lads
Haha he did it again. Dance!
Flambunny sounds a lot like Flambino, the French version of its name, so maybe it would have been a good choice.
Why is she crying before the bunny gets killed?
*inhales through teeth*
old cats running the world
Think that's right after the scene where Joel gets impaled by rebar and collapses.
Just fucking kill yourself.
It's almost like even a foreigner can tell the difference in accents. Nobody in the US is going to get assblasted if you mix up Massachusetts and New York, but for some reason Brits keep flipping their lid even when their entire country could fit in a single state. Grow up a little, maybe.
American btw
Why would any of us recognize this shit?
Scorbunny's feet have no accent, so why are we discussing accents?
>Bongs being upset at bongs writing the way bongs talk
Muhammads the lot of you.
>an entire generation of pokemon hentai ruined by british accent
>you will never be leaf's "pokemon"
>you will never be left at the daycare with another of her "pokemon" who is the female trainer
>you will never be watched by her waiting for you two to produce eggs
lil monkey fella
You're thinking way too hard about it. Nips were just thinking "where haven't we been that isn't a shithole?" while mistakenly thinking that the UK isn't a shithole.
>Americans upset at Americans pretending to be British pretending to be offended by Americans who are offended by everyone
literally me Thanks for the (You)s
See you next thread
I can't wait for all you Europeans to be 50% brown in 20 years. Then you'll see why everyone thinks we're stupid. White Americans have roughly the same IQ as white Europeans, in some states it's actually higher. I can't wait for ungrateful Eurocunts to be half brown.
I really like the Tepig line’s names because it describes what happens to an object when it gets set on fire
>Tepig, Pignite, Emboar
>It’s tepid, then it ignites, then after it’s done burning, it’s just embers
The usual shit was getting old.
God fucking damn I just wanna grope her all over, I fucking love pantyhoses
maybe I do need to find a gf after all
We'll be just like you then. Diversity is our strength.
Have another
You’ve got terminal bad taste my friend
>maybe I do need to find a gf after all
No, you need Pokémon S&S.
That's not a battle you wanna fight, my fellow americlap.
I lost interest when X and Y came out. Like, I still like the potential of the franchise, but I know it’ll never live up to it. I’m honestly way more interested in what fans can do with the franchise in mods and fan games. Prism was dope.
Because Pewdiepie frequently shows it and modern Pewdiepie is actually pretty good
you sound spiteful, did someone banter you to death or something?
Apparently his name is actually "Wodders"
They look exactly like what SM look like in citra, so the trailer gives no sense of excitement. It's the same thing we already saw.
>Pewdiepie is actually pretty good
t. nine year old who needs his favorite E-celeb to show him old memes.
Fuck off.
Nigga you stuck in 2012
Pewdiepie is solid 15yo material now.
Pretty sure it's Wallace. Or maybe Warrace, which would be fitting for an emu.
obssesed. seriously though every country acts as if americans are the only people who use the internet and speak english
>modern Pewdiepie is actually pretty good
XD fuck t-series subscribe to pewds!
That shit was retarded. Fuck you
Man I can't type dialects for shit.
Even dialects in my own tongue.
Someone needs to make a sequence of this!
This is the channel of the owner. Wodders is his name.
anons got more pics of scorbunny? i need pics of him being cute or goofy for a lewd folder
Me neither. And I'm usually pretty good at articulating myself through text and chat services.
What a cute puppy. Too bad he'll grow up into an asshole.
why are non-Americans so shit at doing an American accent? All they ever do is say “cawfee”
>grookey is way fucking cuter
this man speaks the truth
This explains a lot
I also have a similar folder that I also would like to get bigger
imagine having a superiority complex over what Pokemon porn people fap to.
gween tea
gween tea
Because the 'scor' part of scorbunny is not 'scorch' but SCORE SOM FACKIN GOALS
What do you mean by 'goofy'
If you get this buttannoyed i'd say the mockery is working perfectly
>actual matfag and pewdieshit subhumans in this thread
I hope you fags get bullied into suicide at school
Some of us don't live under rocks
Gween tea mind.
Complex? No, my tastes ARE superior
I don't expect low-born small brains like you to understand
>If you don't watch shitty streamers overreact to movies then you live under a rock
Do you want to put our penis into a bunny a 10th of your size?
I haven't been interested since X and Y.
I use to love this series but now it's just there. It's like CoD where they just shit out the same game each and every time and it's so fucking stale.
Growing up sucks.
That would hurt the bunny
I like the bunny as he is and have no desire to hurt him
Im going to need an anime girl for this one
ah dornt get et.
should've never left the sprites
That's Boston/North East you fucking idiot. Texan is like a more subtle southern accent. Slur your words slightly near the end of the word.
We are sorry we can not comprehend all of your hyuk-hyuk-bruh hick voices.
North-East Coast wouldn't be considered hick outside of very specific cases. Theres also about 2400km between the two.
Would you suckle its micropenis?
referencing a meme where a female streamer was streaming and saw a bunny rabbit get shot with an arrow moments after gushing about how cute it was.
seeth more britfag
What are you talking about? He got a massive penis! Its a monster always raping pokegirls
This guy is from straya tho
Australia doesn't exist and all british convicts that get "sent there" are dropped into the middle of the ocean.
Fear the day the Australians return to take their rightful place north of France.
what's that invisible thing in front of the pokemon?
scorbunny's footprints
‘Scor’ is for ‘scorch’ and ‘score’(it has a soccer theme going on, I promise you that)
was it autism?
no really, was it a mental thing?
A footprint.
The band-aids are the looks of a stereotypical "sports kid" anime character, so of course there's a the score angle as well. What's the japanese name and what does it mean?
weird little monkey fella
soft english slag
I work with my high school crush shits great but I still can’t talk to her properly after 14 years thankfully she comes around when I buy pizza but never takes more then a slice
Thank you my dude
Cute cunny bunny
The theory is that she's a clone of Fuji's dead daughter that was featured in the original pokemon movie's cut intro.
In it, There were 5 clones made, Mewtwo, squirtle, bulbasaur, charmander and Fuji's daughter. They all interacted with each other in a kinda dream space and Mewtwo was the only one that lived and it's part of the reason he's such an asshole cause he had to leave his friends behind.
In LGPE, in the lab where Mewtwo was made, you find 5 tubes. The Mewtwo one in a main room, and 4 more in another. Those extra tubes didn't exist in RBY. They were added specifically to LGPE. So the theory was that Leaf is actually the human clone, but successful. That's why she's obsessed with finding Mewtwo and why she's not quite right in the head.
It's pretty weak, but it's interesting to think about.
Lmfao at Mohammad seething over here
Pokemon peaked with Emerald
And here I thought I stumbled into /vp/
Hibani. Double pun for "Fire bunny" and "Sparks".
Bruh that's because she wants you to slice her pussy in two with your sausage.
and every new game there are faggots who defend a pile of shit even if they are aware of it really being a pile of shit.
in in the case of Pokemon the majority of fans are shit-eating defenders.
I played ORAS and got all the entertainment i needed. It was the one pokemon game I wanted to see remade and I got it.
this one actually makes me a little excited. I think it's time for me to jump back in if only for a little bit.
Be honest, Yea Forums.
when you first saw "Potion" did you pronounce it 'Po-ti-on' instead of 'Po-shun'?
It's bullshit acting and your game is trash
very cute single headed doduo
Po-shin because I wasn't an illiterate child.
potion of course
based retard user
I've known the word "po-shun" since before I learned english.
If you don't know that, you're not strong enough for my potions, traveler.
I pronounced it "Trank" until later when it didn't matter to me which language the game was on.
then I pronounced it "Po-ti-on" and when I got better in English I pronounced it "Pou-shan".
really, Germans are fucking terrible at English and makes me despise them and every other immigrant or outsider who was born here like me.
>Scorbunny - Scorch + Bunny
>Flambino - Flame + Bambino (child)
>Hibani - Hi (fire) + Hibana (fire crackle) + Bunny
>Hopplo - Hoppeln (to hope) + Lohe (flame)
>Grookey - Groovy + Monkey
>Ouistempo - Ouistiti (marmoset) + Tempo
>Sarunori - Saru (monkey) + Nori (rhythm)
>Chimpep - Chimpanzee + Pep
>Sobble - Sob + Bubble
>Larméléon - Larme (tear) + Caméléon (chameleon)
>Messon - Mesomeso (sound of sobbing) + Chameleon
>Memmeon - Memme (sissy) + Chamäleon (chameleon)
>Oh, you cried? I laughed.
Something about her being a surly Scot bastard just hits me in all the right places.
Everyone in Diablo 2's shorthanded them to "pots" so I pronounced it like that.
Hmmm no. Cute things have cute penises. Big dicks aren't cute.
Some people think it's silly, but this naming business is often very well done, and has to be done in multiple languages as well.
Scorbunny scorches the grass with his feet
Sobble douses the flames
Grookey regrwos the grass
You're seeing the wet spot from Sobble.
>>an entire generation of pokemon hentai enhanced by british accent
The English names are the weakest though.
Grookey is decent, and all the names clearly are capturing that the monkey has some kind of music/rhythm influence.
Sobble is kind of bad since all the other names are at least capturing that it's supposed to be a chameleon and I think the English name should have tried to do that as well.
Makes me hope the game's rival will be some posh british cunt that thinks they're better than you because they're from a high family or some shit.
Please just bring back asshole rivals.
>tfw no posh british waifu to dirty talk you while you're mating pressing the fuck out of her
imagine having a posh slag rival.
>tfw German
>parents moved to America when i was 3
>no accent and i dont even speak German (though idk how this happened when everyone in my family speaks it)
I get to live in the best country without being subjected to the overweight mutt stereotype, best of both worlds
>The rival is the first one that's female no matter which gender you pick
>Complete asshole that eventually is forced to admit your dominance over her
I mean, the memes so far have been pretty accurate to what I see daily in Scotland. Then again, they're also in text form and don't have anyone butchering the pronunciation but your own inner voice. Perhaps you're just a little too ((obsessed))?
How are the German, French, Russian and Spanish names? Or are they not revealed at all?
>Game Freak
>doing asshole rivals ever again
They outright said they won't.
>Implying the game will address British classicism
As defining as it is in british society, I don't think it's something they'll have in the game.
exactly, pewdiepie grew up with his fanbase. It's very easy to tell who was 10 in 2012 just by seeing who thinks "Pewds" is based.
She thicc
You're not German, burger.
Source? I'd be interested to hear the reasoning.
A shame, I really liked Silver and his character development. Tsundere, but in a cool way.
british slang is a porn enhancer spongebob, ya just sprinkle it over any porn and whamo!
I feel more or less the exact same with Pokemon, except I checked out at around the time Diamond came out. Played Yellow/Crystal/Ruby pretty religiously as a kid, but Diamond is around the time I started to lose interest. Never finished it, never finished HG/SS, never finished Black, and haven't bought a Pokeman game since then.
They're just all so formulaic.
I have been trying to get back into it though recently. I got my copy of HG/SS back from the dusty shoebox I left it in and am trying to finish my save from a decade ago, then I'll do Black and Diamond.
For whatever reason I have two boxes of Diamond. I have only one game, but two boxes. Beats me.
Basically Masuda said the only reasons rivals were jerks in the early days were because of the limitations at the time. It's a fucking retarded reason and just further cements why people hate this man.
>Literal nigger pokemon
>not the part where you turn around to pay the tab and her corpse is getting fucked by pakistanis
Poor show
I knew the word potion before I could read, I loved fantasy stuff with magic potions and such
You're a nigger
I honestly get soft as a slug from it, but I find it hilariously entertaining.
Don't come back mutt
Isn't Masuda not working on Gen 8? We might get a decent rival.
Way to have shit taste in cute animals. That monkey fuck is an abomination
I hate retarded theories like this one, and how retarded do you have to be to come up with/believe these theories. The mental gymnastics pleople play is astounding.
>fans ignore the water-starter again
Holding out for Primarina 2.0
Oof, so angry, please stay angry you monocultured, needlessly allegiant sheep
I listened to this while looking at shield r34 thanks
Hey but it is just a theory
where were you when xy got released
what was the last good water starter?
I remember running Mudkip just because of the memes and thinking that it was cute with its pac-man mouth
Shame on you all.
yes round shapes make things seem cute because they remind you of your kind in a baby stage which you are programmed to create to preserve your genes, welcome to basic psychology
no mario
>I'm so smart!
Oshawott was so close to being kino
>I'm so stupid!
>The mental gymnastics pleople play is astounding.
I mean, normally yeah, but in this case the path is pretty straightforward.
>Pokemon Movie had a cut scene that had 5 clones rather than just mewtwo
>Let's Go added 4 extra clone tubes to the area Mewtwo came from
>Green shows up in Let's Go only and has some tie to Mewtwo
>Maybe Green is the human clone from the movie and that facility
they're right, though.
egal wo du bist, du bist ein Auslaender.
in Deutschland bin ich der Kanake.
ich werde in der Tuerkei auch sofort als Auslaender erkannt.
>tfw you have nowhere to go
t. Turk born in Germany
First off, shut the fuck up you absolute pseud retard
Second, humans arent fucking round during development, not as a zygote and certainly not as a fetus
>tfw ywn be chased by a cute autist.
>not as a zygote and certainly not as a fetus
Good thing he said as a baby.
If i showed the authorities my birth cerificate they would give me citizenship on the spot, or at least asap, it wouldnt be hard for me to enter the country and live there on a whim if i wanted, is basically what im saying
Even if a seething 4channer doesnt consider me German, people who actually matter certainly do. But it's not like i feel a particular affinity for it so even if that were not the case, i wouldnt care that much
if they actually continued this design instead of making the final evo some fucking quad conch-headed retard it would have been amazing
Fuck off incel
Will they mention Haggis made from Mareep or something?
>Babies are round
Lmao holy fuck this amalgamation of cylindrical-esque limbs and fine manipulators isnt round you fucktard. The only thing round here is your brain by virtue of how smooth it is
skipped RBE (later played on emulator, back in 2003)
skipped FRLG (later played on emulator)
skipped SM and USUM
skipped LGPE
I'll probably get these games. It's been awhile
So what content will be cut from this? Why can't they make content filled games like bw2, hgss and plat anymore?
It might just be the official artwork, but sobble's design is kind of bad in my opinion. The head and tail don't look very connected to the body, the head itself is kind of a weird shape and the mouth is just an oval drawn on the head.
Also while I get that the legs and feet are like a chameleon's, the way theyvwere drawn just makes them look like weird noodles, I think knee joints would have really helped.
Is this the Pokemon shitposting thread?
>First main entry pokemon games I have no interest in
if it's really the first, you need to neck yourself because Sun and Moon and even XY didnt look that hot either. If this is the first one you have no interest in but you did have interest in the 3DS ones, you know you're going to fucking buy this.
As for me? I havent played the 3DS ones or LGPE so I'll wait to see if S&S will have interesting story or features. Fuck me all I want is HGSS or BW2 quality once in a while. DS was a fucking golden age for Pokemon, not just the mainline titles
Yo wtf is that Huckleberry Finn?
small imperfections like that unironically make them cuter.
>tooth gap
>big ears and glasses
>thick accents
yes god
That's the mark of unoriginallity.
Honestly, if you put the starters side by side in grayscale I might not be able to tell them apart.
Not him, but if you have heterochromia in real life are you just God's OC. Asking for a friend
Have to agree actually.
What's her name gonna be lads
Actually, people are hoarding around Sobble.
you'd still be shunned because you either, like you said, lost the ability to speak German or if you didn't have an accent that appears in Germany.
Turkey would take me as well but the civillians wouldn't acknowledge me as part of their folk.
maybe for sparkledog OC's sure but in actual humans its rare and almost never someones trait
You haven't seen the polls then.
I don't know, but for the time being she's just shield-chan to me.
Probably the one i've enjoyed the most meme-wise of recent generation girls.
Chicken was cute, but Shield is just pure sass.
My two german, accent-having friends speak the contrary, they say girls like americans over there, and that i would get so much sex if i visited. The accent is cute to them too apparently
well, I guess that's the difference between Germany and Turkey.
god, I hate being a Turk.
I don't know what your talking about. it's pretty bland looking desu.
Why don't you go to your own culture than? It seems like an easier route than attempting to assimilate
How would anyone even tell? Just visit.
because my culture is SHIT.
as I said, even though I am pure Turk I was born in Germany. every now and then I visit my relatives in summer and even they alienate me.
you can't honestly think I shouldn't have a problem assimilating but I do.
maybe I am just cursed.
Nah thats most immigrant kids. Not being the colour of those around you fucks people up more than most realize. As a white guy in a white majority country with lots of coloured friends, almost all of them are confused about their relation to their race versus the country.
I like Turkish culture but I only really like old Turkish culture.
Try exploring the culture on your own or find somewhere in the Arab world to fit in.
Furfags, and fire type is always furbait except maybe Typhlosion
You act as if putting ‘seething’ makes yours any more legit
Who else /unashamed of their culture/ here?
Fuck you, cowboys are super cool
>Furries aren't all over typhlosion
My sweet summer child
I agree except for heterochromia, that shit is for autists and fro some reason furfags
>Fuck you, cowboys are super cool
And Spanish/Mexican in origin.
You did invent fat people on those scooters in a supermarket. So thanks for that cultural enrichment, mates.
>When the content is still triggering bongs 3 hours later
Cowboys are an American thing I don’t care what you say
>except maybe Typhlosion
Good thing you put a maybe there.
There's also this I found.
>IP didn’t change
I see you’re still here tho
Yeah and you're still mad haha lolmao
Point in case. You'd be an exotic american, not a German.
Guess that depends on how i choose to play it, but sure, it could go either way, maybe mostly the one you mentioned since it would be hard to hide an accent
He's right though. The base concept of the cowboy as a cattle minder has Mexican origins.
The cowboy was integrated into America and evolved into a castle rustler criminal in the lawless West of the United States. Then was elevated decades later in media as heroes and wandering vigilantes then unfortunately the term was culturally reduced to basically meaning, "a guy in a special hat". Cattle farming is basically a science now and I've met many farmers who don't exactly like being called cowboys so the term doesn't even have association to it's historical roots anymore.
John Wayne was a gentleman and good guy but isn't a cowboy, yet everyone calls him a cowboy, in the movies he shot actual cowboys, but because people think HE is the cowboy they assume that being a cowboy is about the hat and being a good guy.
The sad thing about cowboys being an American thing, which it is, is that being a cowboy is more about the fashion nowadays; it doesn't even mean being associated with rodeo or being a farmer or man of the land as it should be. Most cowboys you encounter are just dumb hicks in a hat with shit taste in music. Country music is now synonymous with cowboy and if you think about it, that's actually pretty fucking sad given what actual and fictional cowboys used to be.
I'd be offended to be called a cowboy nowadays.
>welsh catgirls
>scottish elves
>scottish pokemon trainers
What a horrible timeline to have an accent fetish.
Shut up bitchboy. Go heard some dogs.
>start up new pokemon game
>get pokemon confiscated because they're dangerous
>get stabbed by scraggy
>pokemon centre replaced by job centre
>taken away by muslims in white van
Can't wait
>History lesson
GAY! Nobody cares about historical cowboys, those fags died of disantery, did lame ass jobs like herd cattle across America, and suffered through out there careers. Everyone only cares about the American romanticized version of Cowboys. Like Samurai and Knights. Samurai and Knights were lame as fuck compared to there romanticization, the latter admittedly less so, but you don't see faggot complaining about that when talking about how cool they are. Cowboys are cool as fuck even if they were lame in reality.
Don't forget needing a LOISCENCE in order to fap to your favorite pokegirl.
What's heavier a Kilogram Steelix or a Kilogram of Torchic.
Remember folks: don't post on Yea Forums under the influence of ritalin.
>will probably have to buy the licensce in April to view Yea Forums
Maybe I'll finally be free
A kilogram of Torchic. Because a Torchic is lighter than a Steelix.
will there be an angry ira pokemon
Yup. They're not even trying
Kilogram of Steelix because Steelix is heavier than Torchic
>first scene will be applying for a Pokemon Trainer licensce
>takes up to 8 weeks to process
>Me when my cat jumps on me while I'm sleeping
I honestly would give anything for IRA Team Rocket, but I really doubt it. Instead it'll be another exercise in Game Freak painting themselves into a corner with 'BAD GUY WANTS THE POKEGOD BECAUSE HURR'. As much as I like Gen 3, Magma/Aqua were really bad influences on the series. I'm so sick of Pokegods and the people that want to use them to 'change the world'. Can't we just have villains who are in it for the money again?
How long do you think it will be before they announce the box legendaries?
Does anyone have the one voiced by a girl?
I saw it on Twitter but haven’t been able to find it
But it's not. Sobble is the cutest. Grookey is the most adorable.
Scorbunny is the coolest.
They look like another “meh, guess I’ll pass this gen again” which has been my reaction since Gen 3.
I was really looking forward to what they can do on a more powerful device. Guess not much.
This nigga understands
>yfw it's just two variant forms of Aegislash
Pantyhose are a true marvel of human engineering and a miracle of the universe. And those british styled uniforms are stylish as fuck.
I hope that the player character will be able to acquire said costume, though since the lass has it I doubt it.
amazing picture
also, maybe in 3 months?
>tfw there's inevitably going to be Monty Python jokes in the game
>Are you suggesting Exeggcutor’s heads migrate?
Imagine if each version involved the player character going to a different academy, and thus each version would have alternate school uniforms for the PC and your rival. It won't happen, but it'd be cool if GF actually gave a shit about version differences again.
I was thinking since it is UK a Unicorn and lion would work but there was just a lion for sun so there goes that, maybe one will be based on Y Ddraig Goch?
Would be sick if it did kind of the USUM thing
Box pokemon would be Aegislash but with the Sword Stone or Shield stone it would get a dedicated sword form or shield form, highest singular attack stat or defense stat in the game
I feel like such a complete sucker for wasting all my time on regular Sun. But it wasn't really as if I wanted to abandon all that Sun progress to start over with Ultra Sun.
Am I going to be standing there like an ass hat with my Pokemon Shield after they announce an objectively superior version later down the road again?
>Are you suggesting Exeggcutor’s heads migrate?
>They could walk!
>Across the Mediterranean?!
>They could have Egg Bomb'd across! Or Mega Drained the water!
>I think you're hurting yourself in confusion, mate, cause your argument just selfdestructed.
How many waifumons will there be?
Who knows if it will be a USUM style or a third game Scepter or something.
Hope not. Again, fuck pokegods. That's probably not a widely held opinion, but I think what Pokemon needs is to go back to basics. Legendaries aren't the problem in and of themselves, it's the over-focus on them.
So even more then
Source is use fucking iqdb. All you have to do is click a fucking button, jesus christ.
I have no real issue with legendaries. But I don't see why they have to be so super as to control facets of reality itself or some such thing.
Why can't they just be unique and or extraordinary Pokemon?
Like Loch Ness or Big Foot could be legendary Pokemon if it was if Pokemon was real life. But that doesn't mean that Loch Ness should be some Leviathan esque supernatural being that signifies the start of the end while having the power to flush the world blank as to renew the world in a never ending cycle of destruction and rebirth.
Like what the fuck? If Loch Ness was real it'd just be a dinosaur.
Who the fuck is Moira?
>I have no real issue with legendaries. But I don't see why they have to be so super as to control facets of reality itself or some such thing. Why can't they just be unique and or extraordinary Pokemon?
100% agree. The comparison with Bigfoot and Nessie is apt, that's exactly what we need to get back to. Super rare and elusive pokemon, not 'has been around since the creation of time and space and is super involved in the region's history, but nobody used an ultra ball until now becaues huuuuuurrr'. That's what killed all interest in the series for me.
You guys just have bad taste, it's called world building, in a world where there's monsters everywhere, the gods of that world should be monsters too.
what's with those two deviantart tier pics on the page
That's what side Legendaries are for. Box Legendaries though will forever be the main focus of the plot.
>in a world where there's monsters everywhere, the gods of that world should be monsters too.
Not him. But sure.
But I don't see why we need to fight or catch them. This is Pokemon, not SMT. And I don't mean that in a bad way. Love SMT, but Pokemon does need to be it. Let Pokemon be Pokemon.
I'd be perfectly content with catching regular Legendary Pokemon, and have the antagonists throw the region into chaos. Without literal gods being part of the story.
And that's what's wrong with Pokemon today. Imagine if Mew and Mewtwo were the focus of RBY? Or the entire plot of GSC revolved around two giant birds instead of Team Rocket trying to contact Giovanni?
I didn't mind piplup
Ho-oh and Lugia felt spectacular precisely because their stories/acquiring them felt largely detached from the overall plot of the game and current region.
It felt more like you were uncovering lost secrets on your own, while the world itself was moving at its own pace and had long since moved past them.
Mudkip and Piplup are the only good water starters.
Yes. Not even Squirtle and I love turtles.
>still seething 6 years later
Part II soon
Oh, for sure. Just saying that if you want Legendaries that are treated as cryptids, they do exist. They're just not in the form of cover Legendaries, is all.
>nine year old
Nice dog-whistling
Yeah but if that's how cover legendaries are to be treated, then Pokemon would be better off without them.
Cover legendaries used to be cool. Now they just drag the entire plot, game, and pacing down.
head like a fuckin oran berry
SM is the only gen i never finished or cared.This one isnt really picking my interest.I feel like maybe Im no longer into pokemon and idk it kinda makes me sad.Oh well more time to waste on DMC.
yew gat a loisens for that autism
>when you first saw "Potion" did you pronounce it 'Po-ti-on' instead of 'Po-shun'?
I pronounced suicune as soo sigh in but potion is just a normal english word how the fuck do you get "po ti on"
Those top 3 comments though
>oblivious people ITT
Literally nobody asked.
Yeah. And they were an expansion on the previous legendary bird trio. It was like the original Kanto trio were Bigfoot/Loch Ness type stuff - literally things from legends - and Ho-oh and Lugia were just the same kind of legendary bird but in a different region.
Now the legendaries all feel so fucking unconnected and almost contradictory. Hoenn has two pokegods that created the land and ocean (and I guess Rayquazza created the atmosphere, or maybe just lives there and is the boss of it, idk); Sinnoh has the literal embodiment of all of space and time, plus fucking Deergodmon; Unova has Yin and Yang; and Kalos have the gods of life and death... etc etc etc. They're unconnected. It's understandable why, each were created for the gen they were introduced in and in that regard GF's planning skills aren't any different than most other vidya companies; but still. It's a problem that is compounded every time it happens.
And when you think about it, the solution isn't really that difficult or controversial. Take Xerneas and Yveltal for example, the Pokemon of life and destruction. You could connect them with Mew - who is based on both a fetus as well as the notion of a 'last common ancestor'; so maybe Mew and Xerneas have a close-ish connection. And life and death are opposites, which means they could be connected to Yin and Yang - probably in a very indirect way. And all this talk of opposites, creation and destruction, and the origin of life on Earth naturally leads to Groudon and Kyogre; who are both creative and destructive, common contradictory natures in beings that are inherently in opposition to one another. And you could wax on about Pokemon philosophy and theology from there. But GF just doesn't do it. They don't put in the effort to make connections that would give a great deal of worldbuilding value to newer gens. That's why RBYGSC are so fondly remember, they had this very tight connection to one another. It isn't just nostalgia, not completely.
>how the fuck do you get "po ti on"
What's your excuse?
They look cute together, user.
Suicune is a made up fantasy word and i was like 6 or some shit
>not connecting vowels together
What are you, a fucking Jap? Do you think that 'fought' is pronounced 'fo-ugh-tee'?
>not being already top clown
Shiggty diggty
Poshun it’s not pronounced like lotion u based retard
a steelix is 400kg so I would be wondering how and why you carved off an amount of that
I hate toad so fucking much
Mudkip is literally the cutest pukymon
Magma and Aqua, funnily enough, were the only ones who didn't want the pokegod to destroy the world.
That's what ended up happening, but only because Archie and Maxie are retarded as fuck.
But lotion is pronounced Lo-shun.
>well they made SM a little harder and more interesting than XY, maybe the updated version will fix the other flaws
>USUM fixed nothing but maybe they'll take a lesson from that for their next game
>LGPE is an upscaled 3DS game but maybe gen 9 won't be
>SS is an upscaled 3DS game, I'm done
I heard you liek mudkipz
Formely white Chneed.
Now that's fucking retarded.
>Poshun it’s not pronounced like lotion u based retard
makes you wonder how many ESLs are actually on Yea Forums
>>LGPE is an upscaled 3DS game but maybe gen 9 won't be
We know nothing about gen 9 mate this is gen 8.
Wouldn't it also be false flagging?
Archie and Maxie are the dumbest team leaders around.
>Why didn't this RED orb control the BLUE Pokemon?
>Why didn't this BLUE orb control the RED Pokemon?
You're right, SS being an upscaled 3DS game is starting to confuse me
not if I don't have your botnet addon installed, user
SS was a DS game. You're thinking of S&S.
To be fair the red orb actually empowered the red pokémon and vice versa.
Their reasoning was probably that the opposing orb suppresses them and they can be controlled that way.
I fucking wish we had girls that looked like that.
>I-it's n-not that I like you, b-baka!
The british would love it even more.
Literally same as me.
Man, imagine if there was a Pokemon H-game where you could lose and get game over scene where Green puts a collar on you and "trains you".
Other series get knockoff H-games (there's like a new h-game using DQ characters every week), why doesn't pokemon seem to get any good ones?
Porn games with slave mechanics are rarely good.
THe one in the coc mod was obnoxious and the stockholme one in dol was only ok.
I think it's possible though.
Have you never worked with A/V setups in your entire life, how is this possible user
It pains my heart to see Gondola misused like this.
This can't be what the Finnish memesmiths wanted.
I mean more just plain RPGMaker GoR h-games even.
Like, imagine they made an h-rpg where you play as a female trainer. They don't even have to put actual Pokemon mechanics in, just have the trainer start with a pokemon that is treated as a reglar RPGMaker character and if you lose fights with wild pokemon or trainers, the female trainer has to "pay for it".
Seems like it'd be pretty simple, but I don't think I've ever seen an H-game blatantly using the designs like that, even though I've seen plenty do stuff like Dragonball and DQ.