How do the Melee players feel about it not mattering their game is the objectively best fighter game so far, they still didn't get into EVO and all the players of inferior games make fun of them?
How do the Melee players feel about it not mattering their game is the objectively best fighter game so far...
>my nostrils
My fucking sides. Based Slayer-fag.
>my nostrils
You can tell someone's new when they claim Melee players are the smelly ones.
take a shower meleefag
>My nostrils
*sniff sniff*
whoah, stinky!
ow, my nostrils!
Damn that's based.
I don't care, I'm still playing Melee, so does everyone else.
>My nostrils
Fucking golden, 10/10
Jesus Christ user your smell is actually coming out of my laptop, please just take a shower deodorant isn't some magic cure all!
It's amazing how rent free melee lives in people's minds.
>my nostrils
> get made fun of
> r-r-rent free!
Lmaoing at your smelly ass
>Every other franchise sticks with what ever the newer version of the game is for the main stage even if older entries are better
>Smash fags want it both ways
Thanks for proving my exact point there pal.
Honestly is pretty embarrassing to willingly suck corporate cock like the fgc.
>want it both ways
Most smash fags have moved on to ultimate. The only ones hanging on to melee are people who rely on it for making money because they know the game inside and out and don’t want to deal with the stronger competition in ultimate.
Why do you just spout bullshit like this? You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Like most adamantly anti-Melee retards.
If they want bigger prize pools they need to tow the line and play the new shit for the sponsors. Older better games still have stuff going on with side tourneys, but smash fags are mostly seething trannies and noggers so the out cry is expected. Even mahval fags took the L better than them.
But I do take showers! golden showers
Smashfags can never catch a break
the dandiest man
Serious question how can you complain about smash having trannies and niggers whilst trying to defend the fgc?
>host event
>people enquire about it
I don't understand what the problem is
>my nostrils
You’re telling me that melee tourneyfags don’t stick to melee for the money?
just take a shower bro....
u are autistic if you can't understand the problem
So you should never ask questions to an event organiser? What the fuck point are you making?
melee is a fisher price game in terms of skill i could beat the top two in the world after one week of practice i havent even played melee serious for a entire year.
>all melee discussions on all sites are now LE SAME EIGHT PLAYERS and SMELLS LOL
I'm not defending shit, modern fgc is a joke. But smash fags are the biggest joke, taking a party game that fucking seriously.
Sure buddy.
At least they play what they like.
It's devolved into outright copy-and-paste NPC tiers of unoriginal, especially on Yea Forums.
wouldnt be the first time i have done that the thing is fools like you think every match is recorded somehow but nope especially not melee.
Anti melee shit is just a constant moving of the goal posts and spamming the same generic responses, there's no winning move.
>PPMD gone
>Armada gone
>Plup gone
>M2K gone
>Mango washed up losing to rank 90-100 players
>Leffen focusing more on Ultimate
>Hungrybox plays Jigglypuff
>meta is becoming more defensive, top 8 at G6 was like 10 minutes faster than Ultimate despite no bracket reset.
Yeah man I totally believe you dude, should've been there the time I triple perfected Daigo in SF2 when he showed up to my local cinema.
whats there to discuss about melee? everyone plays the same character, on the same stage with no items. it is one of the most boring "competive" games out there.
I'm just glad it's done at evo. Once this evo passes and the memes stop everyone is going to forget about it.
Probably because you need to accept your game is done and move on. It's been at evo how long?
>my nostrils
the problem is that theyre just trying to have a casual fun event and these fuckers are complaining that there wont be a prize or competitive rules vs asking them innocent questions. These are the kind of people who can't go out and enjoy games unless they either get paid or everyone plays by their schoolyard rulesets so they can dominate everyone without "unfair" things like items.
Nah, it's one of the few things r/kappa posters have left. They'll keep posting it forever.
So? That's why they enquired about the event. Did you get upset in class because people asked the teacher questions?
More like in people's noses.
They smell like doo doo
What else is there to talk about?
New tech?
New top 8?
New characters?
The only thing that was worth discussing recently was banning wobble but we already talked about that.
How is it done exactly?
thanks for the image, but you know it is true.
Except none of it is?
please close your legs the pungent smell emitting is making me nauseous
New tech nowadays is some impractical low tier shenanigan that doesn’t let them say, escape from Sheiks chaingrabs or Falcons air wobbles.
Stinky Day is eternal
Haha smelly!
Fucking original dude, couldn't think of an actual comeback? The only thing that stinks is how stale your attempts are.
How did a smash 4 meme become twisted to be about melee?
So you're saying melee hasn't changed at all in a decade?
Meleefags why are you coming here when you know people are just gonna call you smelly? Are you masochists or something?
The average melee player
Ya seething smelly boy?
Because people who hate Smash in general or specifically Melee are just as autistically obsessed with their hatred as Smashfags are about rosters and competitive play.
btfo! seething! cope!
COPE my little stinky meleetardyyy
Honestly anti melee posters are super easy to farm for (you)s. They can't help but respond to every post you make.
Because logically, Smashfags as a whole are an autistic bunch without hygiene
Stinky stinky seethe wojack pepe stinky!
Fucking hell with wit like this no wonder you don't have any originality
I love Melee, but character balance is easily the biggest thing that holds the game back besides the sperg community. Introducing someone to Melee pretty much requires mentioning that about half of the roster is just plain trash. Whenever you bring up the lack of balance a good deal of meleefags will go full COPE mode and say something along the lines of
>L-Link is lame anyways!
You smell bad
Isn't that all Americans though?
As a person that dislikes Smash, Melee had a respectable amount of time on the EVO stage despite being very long in the tooth among other things. It was bound to get kicked soon. At least the TOs will have less CRTs to haul around.
And you still can't make an original post.
And you still smell bad
stinky melee boi seething
>tourneyhoust complains about stink in 2017
>smeleefags try to cope by posting 2015 turnouts
>smeleefags think smashfags aren't all the same shit
Stinky stinky! Seethe cope!
As much as I hate it I think the npc meme is real. You have no independent thoughts.
Melee stinky day meme's are funny but 70% of Yea Forums hasn't been out of their mothers basement in 10 years so they legitimately believe the meme. The reality is that every single nerd event stinks, get a 100 people into a room that wasn't ventilated properly or for that amount of people(most venue's that host nerd events) and it fucking stinks. You can have any bath schedule you want, but the only acceptable one is that you wash yourself the day of before you leave your house.
>has to damage control because reality gets in the way
Americans, third-worlders, Swedes
bull fucking shit they do. melee fags shitpost about melee more than they actually play the fucking games
ya still seething son?
Not even just nerdy events, I've been to professional conferences before and they end up smelling pretty bad. Especially when you have a few hundred people in a hall listening to a keynote that can last 2 hours.
Ya seething smelly?
I want r/kappa to leave
Nah, just find it really sad how you desperately need to respond.
literally 90% of Yea Forums browses reddit. get over it
Shouldn't you be browsing r/kappa?
>objectively best fighter game
>Literally only comp viable through glitches and exploits that were not intended
>Less then half the characters are viable
I remember talking to someone about Smash, I think it was shortly after last years Evo, and he asked if I watched any of the Melee finals. Obviously my response was "No, I watch Evo to watch fighting games" and he went full sperg mode on me. Meleefags can't take a simple joke and they continue to alienate themselves from the rest of the FGC even though they want so badly to be a part of it.
look dude lets be serious for a minute, all you need to do is shower and use a deodorant if you cant afford one just post your paypal and do some ebegging i am sure people will help out.
And it's significantly worse because of it.
Seriously, go to any Melee community and bring up the balance and there’s bound to be a good deal of responses that unironically think that a 12 character or less meta is fine in a game with 26 characters or unironic Skilled Roy memes.
Shouldn’t you be taking a shower?
>Smashies call casuals “friendlies”
>Smashies call button checks “hand warmers”
>Smashies call showers, “monthlies”
At least you switched it up from just posting smelly. I'll give you that much credit, now if you can work on a bit more creativity in your shit posts by varying the topic more. I'd appreciate it.
nobody wants those smelly retards anywhere near them
>calls smashers smashies
Still can't think of anything original?
You should go back to your home, they miss you there.
STINKY smeleefag still SEETHING!
Nah everytime there was some drama it would be all over kappa than become forgotten . Infiltration,momokun,ltg vs viscant,who bitch this is,etc. Maybe melee is in their head,but like I said before it's going to disappeared and they'll move on the next meme.
I figure it's a pecking order. I would go to lots of tourneys ages ago. Was a super fag for SFIV and BB. They all definitely have their stench, but when I'd tag along with my buddy to Smash it was a few levels higher and close to 'did some people just shit their pants and give up?'. I've been to and held midnight releases for games in the past, and when I more recently tagged along again for a GS release of Ultimate it straight up smelled like a few guys defecated in the store. I really don't think the smacktalk should be deciphered as 'we don't smell', but 'you smell worse than us'.
Ya seething smelly?
Now you reverted, I had hope for a minute there too. If you want the real fun with shitposting just keep making more and more absurd claims as an argument to see what breaks them and they stop responding.
Is that even a real question? 1,351 people entered Melee at Evo last year, only around 20 of those are good enough to be playing "for the money." And even among those people, all but the top like 3 know they'd make more money doing anything else.
People play and enter Melee because it's fun. Ultimate is laggy, slow, restrictive trash.
Wasn't infiltration proven innocent in the end? I don't really follow SF anymore.
if someone comes into a public setting reeking of shit and balls sweat they need to be made fun and melee players need to be harped on about this until it isn’t a problem, this is coming from someone who enjoys competitive melee
Come on man, you can do better than this. If you aren't gonna put effort into shitposting, you'll never put effort into anywhere in life.
>My nostrils
Come on man, just take a shower.
I'm honestly convinced a lot of this is an American thing. As outside incredibly rare examples I don't think I've seen any particularly unhygienic examples of people at nerdy events.
You see, you keep going back to the same point. It only gets a (you) from one person. But if you make it more absurd and reactionary you can get more people drawn in.
>my nostrils
Attoram confirmed best youtube commenter, plus he must be based having a Slayer pic.
And about 1100 entered Genesis. Ultimate clearly did hit Melee fairly hard. Hell, between EVO and now Plup/Armada/M2K jumped ship. Wobbling debate threatens ICs mains which could drop another 50-100 people because Spaciefags want an easier bracket. Top 8 G6 Melee only went about 10-15 minutes faster.
The main question is how much staying power does ultimate have? We're still somewhat in the hype stage for it. I am guessing it will have highest entrants at evo but after that the numbers will start to settle down to a more stable amount.
>My nostrils
yea,but even so the damage was done because they kept accusing him without proof. Hopefully he can turn it around
Ya seething smelly?
Come on man, I'm trying my best to help and you aren't doing anything for me.
Take a shower ya smelly
you’ll do something for everyone by showering.
Just like every Smash discussion was taken over whining about how melee was better before
Yeah, but they likely won’t be crawling back to Melee. Face it, Melee is becoming slower and slower and there’s nothing you can do unless Hbox retires which would make Melee look bad or a dozen or so people consistently body Hbox which will never happen. Hungrybox has developed a style that makes classic Melee aggression no longer viable and forces a Smash4/Brawl esque defense. Meleefags are lucky that EVO 2018 wasn’t Hungrybox stuffing everyone’s shit in.
That's good to know, I only really heard information from people probably 3 steps from the original information so dunno how true it all was. Hopefully he can get back into it, even if it's SFV.
uww my nostrils pungent stinky smelee boi
See this is what I was talking about, variation in your posts can gain more (you)s.
>melee players are smelly
>one of the best fighting game players is a furfag running around in a suit
youre both just as bad. all of you are degenerates
this is objectively correct though
Anti is not a Melee player
Why do melee players smell so bad. Not hard to take a shower
HBox will have a stroke after he pops off too hard when he beats some kid in his round 1 pool. Either way he hasn't completely solved the game and can still be beaten, people towards the top just need to put in effort.
>meleefags are lucky that EVO 2018 wasnt hbox stuffing everyones shit
hbox played shit and leffen turned on big brain mode though. armada wouldve won otherwise because he woke the fuck up in losers
I wish the melee players would get over it
You're not at evo this year
Stop making shitty diss songs and endlessly crying about it
Good taste, best smelling deodourant.
>melee players are stinky
They did already. The anti melee people are the ones still going as it's part of their brain at this point.
professional melee players are autisticsavants
ok cuck. ignore science
he is though. consistantly taking showers every day deprives your body of natural oils. unless you do a lot of sweaty manual labor every 2-3 days is ideal
u mad?
Still not melee.
You know what else is bad for you? Junk food,soda and playing video games all day. I'm sure they do those things often. If they really care for their health they should stop those things. It's just an excuse for being lazy and a disgusting human being.Take a shower.
Thing is that Hbox has a super winning record on everyone bar Armada. 2019 might be a year where Hungrybox just completely dumpsters everyone else and wins EVERYTHING.
Nah, mostly drunk.
ya still seethin smelee boi?
It really is, user. Showering, in its essence, is the process of removing dead skin from your body that clogs up your pores and in turn makes you produce more sweat, while accumulating bacteria. If you shower every day, there is no dead skin to scrub off, so you are actively stressing your skin tissue for no reason and it doesn't have this thin layer of dead cells to protect it, so you're damaging it and washing away any natural oils that your pores produce. You should take showers every other day, aside from hot seasons or/if you work in an environment that will result in you accumulating some sort of residue on your skin/hair (for example metal processing), because then you just need to wash it all off.
The hazards are in using soap everyday, as well as shampoo and/or hair conditioner.
If you're going to talk about science at least man the fuck up and get your facts straight.
And on a personal level: If you want to be taken seriously don't say shit like "cuck". You sound like a fucking faggot kid.
I'm out of this thread of manchildren. It reeks of sweat and cheap beer.
What are the odds Meleefags are autistic enough to skip shower so they have an edge over their heaving and gagging opponent during the match?
they are talking about a melee tournament pic is smash 4 cause "jurnalism" is hard.
use deo dont fight it.
Give it a till after evo and no one will be thinking about it anymore.
You should look up some synonyms for seethe, it's getting kinda sad at this point.
My theory is as people get older they learn to take care of their hygiene better. Average FGC age is like 4-5 years older than Melee players, so they notice the difference. Ultimate players are a few years younger than Melee players on average, and plenty of people say there are more smelly people in that community.
Also, remember that it's only ever 1 or 2% the room. Blaming a whole community for the actions of a few people is the stupidest fucking thing
we are talking about taking a shower before a con and tournament, not taking a shower everday while having a desk job.
Smelee faggys cant tell the difference it seems.
If Axe kept up what he was doing at Genesis and refined it, I could see him having a winning match up this year.
HBox also can't really deal with a lot of stuff like pivot smashes with Marth which only really Zain exploited on him.
>objectively best fighter game so far
Pick one and only one.
No you aren't you fucking retard
Where in this post does it say "before an event"
>Blaming a whole community for the actions of a few people is the stupidest fucking thing
Welcome to Earth, alien lifeform. Things have been this way for the past 2 centuries here on our planet and they don't look like changing soon.
No, we were talking about some retard responding to a valid comment on overall personal hygine with a meme picture that was supposed to make the original post look dismissive, while in reality it is perfectly valid.
I don't care about melee or FGC, but get the fuck out of here with this level of hygiene disrespect, you fucking mongoloid
ok cuck
What the fuck is with this shit new pepe edit anyway?
Have every contestant hosed down in the parking lot before they enter the building. Problem solved.
>other things are bad so i am right
actual autism
u mad fag
get some lotion for the burn in your anus
Hbox told me some professional smelee players deliberately dont shower for days before a tournament they see it as secret weapon among the high tier players because you are throwing off your opponents game with the stench.
That was the moment i got out of high level smelee play, lucky for hbox.
correct for some. one size does not fit all.
my skin is naturally quite oily whether I shower daily or not, so I need to take extra care in cleaning myself frequently or my skin will suffer.
>moving the goalposts
imagine hating people for playing a video game
ok cuck
yes its definitely not set in stone.
Actually Ultimate is better.
Looking back at history, we're absolutely changing. So we should keep talking about it. Even if it's just one person at a time. Why not try? Where's the downside
True USA citizen speaking, God bless
Also make them bend over just to check if they are hiding illegal controllers in their ass
We can't risk the lives of our children
God bless
Melee is a solved game, there is nothing to talk about beyond eceleb faggotry
Take a shower ya smelly
How can it be when melee has a better, more consistent online multiplayer?
pungent boi seething again
>smellybois making up shit to justify smelling like shit.
Any smelly melee girls here? Looking for a nice musky pair of panties to get high off of uwu
>We can't risk the lives of our children
>Smash players smell so horrible that children near them get poisoned by the foul air.
>all anti-melee posts are reddit screencaps
>melee is solved
i too have read the kermit screenshot
/pol/ told me that azns don't smell
Man it took you that long to think of that post?
making assumptions buddy. i dont play melee
Take a shower ya smelly
>making up shit
>biology 101 is "making up shit"
You are unsalvageable, consider suicide
That was a quicker response, but still lacked originality.
just like how you make up the state of their hygiene.
I'm pretty sure you're in some kind of minority if you feel that way. Tides are turning.
White heterosexual males with low income will be the new unheard voices in 50 years from now; we're changing, yes, but we're not improving.
Even so, I believe in talking things through, maybe you will be right. Let's hope.
this varies a lot from person to person, genetics are weird like that. personal hygiene is just that, personal, but if you end up smelling bad you clearly aren't doing it right.
reminder SFV and MvCI are shit games and DBFZ is already dying 1 year later
FGC is seething and lashing out because their entire community literally has no good games right now
>melee girls
hope you like penis
and you still lack a clean body. take a shower already buddy
Yes just post some youtube comments that's great. Yea Forums reacts. Youtube comments. Bravo.
I ended up moving to T7 and have been enjoying it. It's probably the most alive game in my scene outside ultimate.
>not intentionally smelling as bad as you can so your opponent gets distracted
Fucking casuals.
let’s be real, EVO had no good games even with Melee.
Ya still smelly?
so you are talking about shit you have no clue about like literally not showering for days before a tournament is a well established tactic among high level players in melee.
Basically shut the fuck up if you have no clue what you are talking about.
Kinda curious now this constant obsession with hygiene is it a projection of some form of OCD or germaphobia?
>posting a pepe
>says others have no clue
Even if your skin and sweat secretion are fucked up, showering every other day is still the norm, more or less. If you are a freak of nature that manages to soak himself in sweat and shed so much of of his skin that it ends up as white gunk on his skin by the end of the day, then you're either extremely obese or have health problems, and despite all that you are still in the minority.
I’m just shitposting lad, I’m at least making attempts to retort with something other than the same phrase 30 times in a row
nope its literally a tactic in high level play and the most prominent case was a player who literally crapped himself while being in a match and he just continued to play. smelee is real
I've stood next to several top Melee players and never noticed any of them smell bad, even fucking M2K
I'm shitposting too, now that the illusion is gone it kinda spoils the fun.
Smelly man, smelly man. Does whatever a smelly can!
>literally a tactic
Don't think you know what literally means bud.
Why does Yea Forums pretend they hate smelly people when they also love brap memes?
not playing melee doesnt mean i dont know that what you said is bullshit and only one person does it
lmao I was just starting that different people have different skin and needs and you jump straight into calling me obese.
settle down dude, none of my family even has body odor.
i'm lost, what happen ?
Are meleefags brap posters?
You say this but there were 3 girls at a recent local I went to (~25 people total)
You smell bad too so you didnt notice.
How about instead of money they give them soaps and deodorants as prize?
I don't get you guys. I was part of the melee community for a while and went to tournaments fairly often. It was a lot of fun. We don't force you to play with our rules, and any time there's some kind of argument it's just us responding to shit being flung at us. You can't make threads just to bash us, then take our response as confirmation that the community is bad. It sounds like you're just coping after you spent all that time trying to convince people that melee is technically a party game so it can't be played competitively, yet every year for almost two decades you have to eat your words when it keeps getting on EVO. Now you've got nothing left but to joke about farts.
>Old Spice amongst the sponsors for local Cons, handing out little bars of deodorant to passerby's
It was pretty funny to see that but actually smart too.
what are the best deodorants? asking for a friend, he can't find a good one.
>SFV is so fucking bad it makes me want to kill myself. 3S is one of the best fighting games ever!
>Plays SFV
>Xrd is a little less expansive than +R. I really like +R.
>Plays Xrd
>Ultimate is a slow mess. Melee is fast and fun. I like melee.
>Plays Melee instead
FGC losers are such corporate cocksuckers lol
Jesus christ that's hard to read. Does anyone here have the capability of translating to English? I think hes talking about getting responses but no dumbass would care about something like that so I really want to know what the hell he had to say
fuck man I miss SFIV so much but now it's basically side event stuff
Is that you wobbles?
What game are you talking about?
It sounds very shitty for your main players to only use glitches. That's why I play(ed) melee. Everything in that game was intentional and took over 4 years to perfect. Glitches and unintended moves are for speed runners. Am I right guys?
Dont worry, you can tell by the smell I dont play melee anymore.