Why is Bayonetta such a better game when DMC4 came out 4 years later? I just can't wrap my head around it.
Why is Bayonetta such a better game when DMC4 came out 4 years later? I just can't wrap my head around it
probably because you prefer cinematics and qtes over gameplay
DMC4 came out years before Bayonetta, what the fuck are you talking about?
Also, the “cinematics” argument makes no sense, DMC4 had better cinematics than Bayo
God Balder is such a cool villain, I wish he was Bayo's Vergil instead of Jeanne.
I don't recall hearing Bayonetta getting a whole year shaved off the development time like DMC4 did. Gameplay-wise, DMC4 is still solid all things considered.
I think he's talking about the SE?
Still doesn't make sense
I shouldn't be in a DMC thread this close to release
They are different types of games, it's like trying to compare GoW to ninja gaiden, their entire focus is different.
The question is nonsense because the premise is false. DMC4 was like two years before Bayonetta.
To be fair 4 came out unfinished and stayed unfinished.
I guess he makes a point though. Bayonetta was a better game by almost every metric (on xbox)
Are you retarded?
DMC has objectively better and more intricate characters.
Why should any metric other than the gameplay itself matter?
Muh levels, muh bosses.
Fuck you, DMC4 with it's intricate Dante and bloodpalace alone is a better game than 90% of action games out there.
All you want is padding and bonus shit.
Yeah but bayonetta was more fun, longer and had very good gameplay
no, both games are: smash that single button to win
>gives up on making KH fans and DMC fans fight each other because they're bros
>moves onto bayonetta
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok
Are you ok, Barry
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok
Are you ok, Barry
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok, are you ok Barry?
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
You've been hit by
You've been hit by
A smooth DMCfag
Barry, are you okay?
>14 posters
>18 posts
I can guess which ones are yours, XV-kun
kek enjoy your qte movie
Now you're not even trying to pretend you are not baiting.
Do you seriusly think DMC has OBJECTIVELY intricate characters? There is no cure for retardness. I'm sure you also think vidya are an art form.
Also who is this Barry and why does he live in your head rent free? Actually nvm, i don't care about your mental issues.
Pretty much what I was thinking, why is it so easy to spot barry?
>look at all these combos I can chose from!
>literally 99% of them are suboptimal
>end up using the copied DMC moves every playthough instead
DMC4 may be unfinished as fuck, but the half played as Nero is on it's own a better game than Bayo
t. seething barry
Bros I just want a Bayonetta thread. I'm happy DMCbros get a new game, but I love Bayo and want to discuss it with some other lads who like it. Besides, people have preferences but the crossover of DMCbros and Bayobros is immensely high, stop this fucking "war" that doesn't exist
>Bros I just want a Bayonetta thread.
bayo2 was shit
short haird bayo in 2 is hot and I want to sit on her lap and feed her food.
I haven't played Bayo 2, my computer is too shit to run Cemu for it.
Why is it shit? I heard the torture attacks require less button smashing and the rankings were a bit more lenient, but the gameplay was meant to be excellent
>bayo2 was shit
NSIC Ardors absolutely ruin me, any advice?