as usual Yea Forums memed a shit game
>dude you can do anything lmao
>which means doing fucking nothing, most of the world is empty and there are no quests
>muh trading, base building and mining ore fuck off I can play Rimworld instead
at least the setting is original
As usual Yea Forums memed a shit game
Ah yes, the last true bastion of brainlet casual normies.
>all those buzzwords
you're trying too hard to fit in
Says the contrarian faggot.
literally no one gives a fuck about this shit ''game''
I’m actually pretty happy with it so far. No one answered my question lady dead thread you made though.
Should I get a pack bull or a garru for a pack animal? Also are there any mods that make farming goats worthwhile? They are so damn cute and it would be great to be a nomadic goat herder
>muh story
>muh quests
kys brainlet
As usual, OP would like to have sex with your dad.
Still nothing
>"hurr become a farmer, a slave, a trader, a warlord, be anything you want!"
>can't conquer cities and make them submit to your rule
One fucking job
Pack Bull in case you want to use it in combat
Figure your own shit out, you pissant
>they are easy so they are easy
Real galaxyy brain take right here
Ok I was leaning towards that anyways since I really like how they look. Only thing holding me back was that garru is supposedly faster but I don’t know if by a lot or if that matters.
Now I need to see what kind of mods there are for goats and nomads
Holy Niggers or United Cucks?
There's so few games aimed towards adults the point is moot. I bet the games you play are kiddie shit.
Kenshi is a fucking masterpiece.
I miss actual PC games like this.
Can someone make an edit with BotW?
>Only thing holding me back was that garru is supposedly faster but I don’t know if by a lot or if that matters.
In the end speed is not important when traveling as a group. Garru is good when creating a new outpost because of the cargo space and Pack Bull is better to explore because he contributes more in combat.
ok good to know, I havent been playing long but so far I have two free recruits and we have just been collecting ore to save up cash. havent even fought anything yet really.
any good tips or mod recommendations?
It's okay user, I'm sure that there are simpler games out there for you. Kenshi can be a bit harrowing for newer gamers so you might want to give it another try in a few years :^)
>tfw 12-man combat squad with stats in the 70s and a 7-man crossbow squad with similar ranged stats
>75 people total including workers, craftsmen and base guards
Is anyone on my level? Seems most people prefer playing with a small group of people
Playing with that many people feels uncomfy
Where should my speed & stealth be to have a decent chance of escaping rebirth?
>>any good tips or mod recommendations?
In the beginning only Nice Map, and on tips I recommend buying a house in Squin and mine copper and wait for some bandit to appear and attack them to gain experience but always leave someone in the city to rescue if someone is in a coma
When should you make a base and how fast are those tall walls built?
Agreed. Literally fucking everywhere "You can do ANYTHING dude, ANYTHING.". This "anything" always leads to building your own base and dealing with shitloads of bugs, glitches and everyone raiding your shit 24/7
athletics should be around 40, stealth really doesn't matter as long as you can pick locks. Have your followers fight the guards while you sprint away into the mountains, eventually skeletons will take aggro.
You don't need to make a base and the walls are built slightly fast. I usually settle in gut or greenbeach after two to three weeks and have a stealthy character build the walls before my mining peasants come out to start the production line.
>game is a sandbox that lets you do anything
>creator even states that the game isn't for most people, and that he made it purely so he could play it
>people with no imagination or role-playing ability complain about it being too sandboxy
Go back to sony moviegames you stupid fucking 80 IQ intellectually handicapped mutts.
This is true.
>do anything you want XDDD
>as long as it is one of the 5 things the game allows.
>too sandboxy
>cant even do anything other than mine fight or build
Nice fucking sandbox you got there minecraft alpha had more mechanics than this
dude life is not even a sandbox all you do is see, breathe and walk, its not my fault I can't fathom things that aren't obvious optionos
Tell me what are the things you can do in this game thats not revolving around building a base and surviving or exploring and surviving that will end up in building a base anyways
>he hasn't joined a gang
>he hasn't ran drugs
>he hasn't ran catun weapons to the far reaches of the land, raking in profits
>he hasn't delved deep into the ruins of the past, uncovering the skeletal menace
>he hasn't subtly influenced the world with silent assassinations
>he hasn't explored the land, learning from the locals and environmental storytelling the lore of the world
>he probably hasn't even claimed a bounty
This game, like 99% of all early access games, sounds great as an idea, but in reality is executed horribly. There is nowhere near any ability to "DO ANYTHING" in this game, years after the start of development. There is shitty basebuilding with some minor management, as well as companions and some shit ass combat.
All you do is trade, slave, farm and fight. Your ability to do "anything" is, in reality, an ability to do any of these 4 things. There's barely any dialogue written for the NPCs, so the towns are empty and boring because everyone is just standing around frozen. This game is a steaming pile of unpolished shit and the virgins here that seriously think this game is genuinely "open-ended" are naive clowns that have never played a good RPG
Never is it forced upon you to build a base. Infact, Guarru and pack beasts actively support a nomad lifestyle, and the best weapons are found on bosses, while mid-tier and high-tier weapons are easily found on enemies of certain factions.
Just because you have brain problems and can't imagine something besides satisfying your minecraft autism by citybuilding
roleplaying as fucking who? Miner or fighter?
It's another episode of Yea Forums is too retarded to enjoy a game if not spoon fed objectives
>its never forced on you to build a base
>yet without a base 90% of the already low amount of features are useless
The problem with your argument is that you actually haven't provided anything to do outside of base building and surviving, because Kenshi is ass.
OK user, what do you think is missing in kenshi?
What does anyone do in life besides build and survive? You are a fucking retard.
90% of zoomer Yea Forums are all dps tier brainlets
"duh I cant roleplay something interesting due to my stunted imagination and this is the games fault!"
what are you roleplaying as?
How the actual fuck do I train combat skills? Every bandit gang runs around with like 15 people and the lone guys are so strong they slap my guys shit in seconds.
pls help.
It's actually an amazing game. Stay jaded faggot.
Have businesses to run besides uninspired generic farm/survival shit. If they really want an open world game they should give a broader spectrum of careers/paths to choose from that don't just adhere to some boring typical combat/warlord playstyle. There should be political jobs, passive trades your character can learn, and more in-depth interaction with everyone around you, instead of a shitty, unfinished sandbox.
This. OP is a braindead faggot who needs his hand held.
Play Dwarf Fortress Adventure mode, a free game made by 1 guy to realize how lacking in features Kenshi is.
fog people
Is this another RUST with hefty dose of autism?
Recent run? Started out as a hive ronin, and decided to take some small-time bounties, before getting my leg taken from me by a shek warrior I found in the desert with a pretty good bounty I thought I could take. Now I'm building a army of hive drones and warriors funded by taking in high profile bounties, with a fairly detailed system in place, roleplaying hierarchies based on how much money one has pulled in for the new hive.
>Dwarf fortress adventure mode
Wide as a ocean, deep as a puddle, like most roguelikes.
Literally what this guy said.
In fact, if you're too much of a fucking brainlet to handle ASCII, play The Guild 2. A 13 year old game that, while it isn't as much of an open world as Kenshi, still manages to take a shit on it in terms of player choice.
>Wide as a ocean, deep as a puddle, like most roguelikes.
youre talking about kenshi right?
Good to know you never played it user.
Especialy compared to fucking Kenshi saying that its shallow is fucking crazy
Nice. Good to see you chose to be a Warlord instead of a Trader or a Farmer, in the vast, expansive universe of Kenshi™!
so basically you're just fighting
woah so the roleplaying possibilities in k*nshi are
>fight as a faggot samurai
>fight as a faggot ninja
>fight as a cannibal faggot
>I'm roleplaying
>so ur just play da game dat stupid me no like game
>roleplaying a warrior
truly amazing what Kenshi has to offer
It's only singleplayer with a gigantic persistant world filled with towns and npcs that do their own thing while you play.
Have you even played the game? You can be a baker, a bartender, a weaponsmith, a robotics crafter, a doctor, and many other professions.
Random Generation doesn't = Deep. Get off the memes surrounding DF and you realize that its meat comes from the scope of the RNG and not its actual merits as a sandbox, and suffers from less options than kenshi, because last I checked you can't become a shopkeep, farmer, or really anything non-combat, and even combat are options are limited to "Ranged, Melee, or Necromancer"
in that the NPCs will continue to sit static around a campfire because there's barely any real interaction with them, let alone any decent AI
Straight up fucking lies LOL
>do their own thing while you play
such as standing around or walking aimlessly
user, are you diagnosed yet?
Go back reddit.
LOL is internet culture and is older than you newfriend
you can't open your own bakery you can just craft bread by that logic you can be a baker in Arx Fatalis
oh yeah because you can craft weapons, just like in Skyrim and many, many other games
>robotics crafter
not a proffesion, another instance of you trying to make basic crafting look like a viable roleplaying opportunity
>a doctor
To be fair, Adventure mode gets pretty stale after awhile. I mean, what is there to really do? There's no quests, towns and villages all feel the same. If you max STR, AGI, and TGH, you're basically overpowered. A good deal of skills are basically useless, talking essentially does nothing but give you information. Bard shit is barebones as fuck. If you get hit the wrong way (Motor Nerve damage) then you can just kiss your character goodbye. It's just... boring after awhile. Sure, I had fun role playing as John Cena defiling a temple to found the John Cena cult, but I can only do that so many times.
Retards who haven't played the game.
Drifters and Tech-hunters both undertake expeditions and can gain bounties, fight bounties and have their own relations with certain factions.
>you can't open your own bakery you can just craft bread by that logic you can be a baker in Arx Fatalis
You literally can open your own bakery you dumb nigger.
Also something you can do but you are a retard smoothbrain that can't recognize opportunities beyond "me mine me fight wow where options"
>oh yeah because you can craft weapons, just like in Skyrim and many, many other games
"dude you can't do anything but farm and scrounge around surviving? But SHIT WAIT NO YOU CAN'T POINT OUT THAT YOU CAN DO OTHER THINGS BECAUSE ITS IN THIS GAME I HEARD \V\ DISLIKES!
>robotics crafter
>not a profession, another instance of you trying to make basic crafting look like a viable roleplaying opportunity
>a doctor
play the game next time retard
>this entire thread
You fixing up teammates doesnt make you a doctor.
It doesnt make it a playstyle
nice to see you choose to be a useless sack of shit in the expansive universe of Reality™
try playing the game you fucking retard nobrain nigger.
idk why this game is getting so much hate, it never once sold itself as anything other than a sandbox game with cool atmosphere. not anyones fault if you didnt pirate it first or try out the demo on the steam page because you are retarded.
what made me buy the game is the fact that there are pack animals pure and simple. anything else is just extra.
You can literally do all those things? And even if you couldn't, nothing about what you suggested sounds out of the realm of a basic mod.
>Have businesses to run besides uninspired generic farm/survival shit.
I have a hash smuggling operation where I smuggle it to the provinces it's illegal in for massive profits
In the post apocalypse you wouldn't want to roam alone unless you are really strong. Be a bottom feeder for now until you can get your own band of fellow bottom feeders, and then go and brawl with those starving bandits, and make sure to have some back-up to patch your boys up if you lose.
Also, building training dummies can help get you on par in terms of weapon skill as starving bandits
Why are so many people talking about the game now? Did I miss something?
Some faggot youtuber made a video on it and because Yea Forums doesn't play videogames, its now being shitposted here daily, even though when it finally hit 1.0 there were like 2-3 threads that couldn't even hit bumplimit. Really shows you the type of people who visit Yea Forums
1.0 was released a few weeks ago.
How nice of you to announce your retardation.
Back to Smash threads with you, vile beggar.
We had a few Kenshi threads where people who enjoy the game enthusiastically shared stories about how fun it is, then a lot of outsiders like op thought it looked cool and even though every single thread was absolutely PLASTERED with giant neon warnings of "BEWARE THE GAME IS UNFORGIVING AND SEEMS STRANGE AT THE START" OP bought it, got owned, and is now sperging out his buyers remorse because he couldn't figure out how the game works
Ok OP, you convinced me. I'm buying the game now. Any tips for a noob?
or the op found out that the only point is to kill loot scavange in the simplest forms then build an outpost and play pretend a story around it
there is absolutely nothing anywhere that implies this game has a story. you are just flat out baiting now.
>or the op found out that the only point is to kill loot scavange
The ~point~ of a sandbox is that there is no point, you do whatever you want. Think about the term "sandbox" it's a fucking walled off pit of sand you put children into and their imagination gives them hours of enjoyment they don't sperging out that "wtf is the point to all this sand all I can do is move it around with a little shovel and bucket what's the goal"
So is making a solo death machine actually viable or do I pretty much have to make a squad?
It's possible to solo anything once high level but I don't know if it's possible to get to that stage solo so you might have to go squad route then late game split your main character off into his own squad. You can also universally scale the size of all npc squads down so they'll be smaller in the options menu which is a good idea if you want to run solo, or you can straight up cheat and edit your stats if you want to get straight into op legendary warrior mode right from the start.
>skin bandits capture you